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In this article, I argue that arguments from the history of science against scientific realism, like the arguments advanced by P. Kyle Stanford and Peter Vickers, are fallacious. The so-called Old Induction, like Vickers's, and New Induction, like Stanford's, are both guilty of confirmation bias—specifically, of cherry-picking evidence that allegedly challenges scientific realism while ignoring evidence to the contrary. I also show that the historical episodes that Stanford adduces in support of his New Induction are indeterminate between a pessimistic and an optimistic interpretation. For these reasons, these arguments are fallacious, and thus do not pose a serious challenge to scientific realism.  相似文献   

“法轮功事件”之前,那些“知名”气功流派沸沸扬扬,各有“高招”,自成“体系”。近来读了一些“知名”功法、功派的“高论”。细捉摸,它们之间小异大同,殊途同归,归根结底一路货色——特异功能理论。下面,对它们作了一番粗浅的比较分析。  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which male characters outnumber female characters on cereal boxes, and the extent to which male and female characters are portrayed in gender stereotypical ways. Cereal boxes (N?=?217) from a large grocery store in the northeastern United States were examined. Characters on the front and back of the boxes were coded for gender, species (person, animal, object), age (child/adolescent, adult), and activity level (passive/sedentary, active). Male characters outnumbered female characters by more than 2 to 1. Female characters were more likely than male characters to be depicted as people and as children/adolescents, whereas male characters were more likely than female characters to be portrayed as animals and as adults. Suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

尽管康德和舍勒的伦理学形态存在着很大的差异,但是二者在根本上都属于自律伦理学.康德在人的意愿中探讨道德自律,而舍勒则在人的爱的秩序中探讨道德自律.但是与康德的理性自律不同,舍勒强调的是人格自律.对于舍勒来说,人格是道德的善的载体,人格的本质在于一种绝对时间化,而绝对时间化又是在其通过行为并在行为中持续的生成中进行的,因此道德的善必须具有绝对时间的特征.无论康德和舍勒伦理学之间的差异有多大,他们最终关注的都是道德的善的问题.  相似文献   

In three experiments, hungry rats received appetitive training with four stimuli, A, B, X, and Y. In each Experiment, A and B were paired with one unconditioned stimulus (US; e.g. food pellets) whereas X and Y were paired with a second US (e.g. sucrose). Subsequently, rats responded more vigorously to combinations of stimuli associated with different USs (A-Y & X-B) than to combinations of stimuli associated with the same US (A-B &X-Y; Experiments 1, 2, & 3). This effect was observed when the stimuli were presented simultaneously and during the second elements of serial compounds (Experiments 2 & 3). Moreover, combining CSs associated with different USs resulted in a more marked CR than combining CSs that had each been paired with both US1 and US2 (Experiment 3). These results suggest that the sensory properties of appetitive reinforcers have an important influence on performance.  相似文献   

Previous research on brainstorming and related idea-generating techniques has generally found interacting groups to produce fewer ideas than equivalent numbers of individuals working alone whose ideas are later pooled (i.e., nominal groups). In this paper we report four experiments. The first three contrast groups of various sizes using a computer-based idea generation system to equivalently sized nominal groups. The results of these experiments were consistent; large groups using a computer-based idea generation system outperformed equivalent nominal groups in idea-generating tasks. A fourth experiment is then reported which tests the primary hypothesis as to why groups using the computer-based idea generation system outperformed nominal groups. This study concluded that the elimination of production blocking in the computer-based groups (a problem common in groups that communicate verbally where only one member of the group can speak at a time) accounts for a significant portion of the enhanced productivity for the computer-based groups.  相似文献   

Judges and jurors often rely on consistency for assessing veracity. The present study examined the diagnostic value of within‐pair consistency to predict truth‐telling in pairs of children aged 8 to 10 years. Twenty‐three pairs were questioned about one experienced event and one imagined event (which they had discussed before questioning). Within‐pair consistency was significantly higher for experienced events than for imagined events. The diagnostic value of within‐pair consistency to predict truth‐telling was, however, modest: approximately one out of three judgments based on this cue would have been mistaken. Analyses of children's discussions of the imagined events revealed that interview questions about topics that had been discussed before questioning did not effectively discriminate experienced and imagined events, providing support for theoretical assumptions underlying the unanticipated‐question approach. Practical recommendations for police interviewers are provided. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we review literature on the use of the HOME Inventory across cultures. We address issues pertaining to measurement equivalence and validity. Specifically, we focus on: (a) changes in the content of HOME made by researchers, (b) distributional properties of HOME scores, (c) the factor structure of HOME, and (d) correlations between HOME, family characteristics, child characteristics and environmental conditions. In most affluent, western countries, with their individualist orientations, HOME was used essentially as it was originally constructed. Researchers in less industrialized, more collectivist countries tended to express greater scepticism about the appropriateness of some HOME items, and several teams of researchers made modifications in the instrument. The HOME total score showed theoretically meaningful (and similar) correlations with family structure, family status and child outcome measures across many cultures. Evidence attesting to the cultural equivalence (and validity) of HOME subscales was far less plentiful and compelling. In general, there seemed greater cross-cultural equivalence for items assessing cognitively stimulating aspects of the environment than for items assessing socioemotional support. The usefulness of the Inventory in other cultures and for cross-cultural comparisons depends on the purposes one has for using a measure of the home environment. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在广告中使用代言人成为越来越常用的手段。传统异性相吸的观点认为,受众更关注异性代言人的信息,而近期研究则表明存在同性偏差效应,即受众更关注同性代言人信息。本研究通过眼动追踪技术记录了男、女受众在观看禁烟公益广告期间的眼动特征,通过比较受众的首次关注潜伏期和总注视时间两个指标,首次从眼动特征上证实了同性偏差效应。本研究拓展了同性偏差效应的适用领域,对公益广告的设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated how varying the lexical encodings of technical terms in multiple texts influences learners' dyadic processing of scientific-related information. Fifty-seven pairs of college students read journalistic texts on depression. Each partner in a dyad received one text; for half of the dyads the partner's text contained different lexical encodings of the same concepts; for the other half the lexical encodings and texts were identical. They then read a case report on first signs of depression. Communicating via a chat room, each dyad had to write a causal diagnosis and suggest a treatment. Results showed that dyads in the different-encoding condition explicitly elaborated the meaning of technical terms more often, produced more differentiated answers, and acquired more knowledge. It is concluded that deliberately switching different words for the same underlying content, and engaging students in discussion of that content, influences learners' discourse and promotes scientific/conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

Children's stories, pajamas, robes, and stuffed animals provide the setting for Story Hour, a very successful program in a residence hall setting. This article describes the development of a three-year program that has become a significant support group for students, especially new freshmen. Story Hour also provides an ideal setting for exposing students to a variety of stimulating and thought-provoking ideas. The implementation, format, leadership, outcomes, and selected stories are discussed in this article.  相似文献   


Historically, theorists and clinicians from various schools of family therapy have discussed therapist self-disclosure in terms of either helping or inhibiting therapeutic progress. Although postmodern language-based theorists and therapists accept and encourage its use, few clinical examples of therapist self-disclosure exist in the family therapy literature. In this paper, a postmodern family therapist working within the language-based tradition describes the use of self-disclosures with a couple. The therapist then reviews the effects of those self-disclosures through the eyes of husband, wife, and therapist.  相似文献   

Humeanism, Psychologism, and the Normative Story   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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