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While many aspects of cognition have been investigated in relation to skilled music training, surprisingly little work has examined the connection between music training and attentional abilities. The present study investigated the performance of skilled musicians on cognitively demanding sustained attention tasks, measuring both temporal and visual discrimination over a prolonged duration. Participants with extensive formal music training were found to have superior performance on a temporal discrimination task, but not a visual discrimination task, compared to participants with no music training. In addition, no differences were found between groups in vigilance decrement in either type of task. Although no differences were evident in vigilance per se, the results indicate that performance in an attention-demanding temporal discrimination task was superior in individuals with extensive music training. We speculate that this basic cognitive ability may contribute to advantages that musicians show in other cognitive measures.  相似文献   

Two models have been advanced to account for the apparent ease with which attention can be divided in music: a “divided attention” model postulates that listeners effectively manage to follow two or more melodic lines played simultaneously. According to a “figure‐ground model,” the harmonic coherence of Western polyphonies allows a listener to focus on one melody while staying aware of the other melody, which acts as a background. This figure‐ground processing compensates for the inability to divide attention. The present study was designed to further investigate these two models. Participants were required to detect melodic errors in two familiar nursery tunes played simultaneously an octave apart. The divided‐attention model predicted that this task would be easily performed by participants, irrespective of the key of the nursery tune. The figure‐ground model predicted better performance when the keys of the tunes were identical or closely related. None of these predictions was fully supported by the data, leading us to propose a new “integrative model” of listening to polyphonic music.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the changes of the tickle sensation reflected in effects of the direction of attention to one's own body (Exp. 1) and the expectation of the experimenter's gestures (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, for 15 subjects, when tickled on their own foot soles, the tickle sensation was not significantly changed by attending to the stimulus and to one's own sole. These results suggested the importance of instructions. In Exp. 2, 6 subjects were tickled and were required to report their experience while they looked at the experimenter's gestures and were tickled. Although the subjects' stimulations were unaffected by looking at the gestures, the tactual stimulus elicited a tickle sensation. From these results, quantitative and qualitative differences in subjects' tickle sensation may be identified.  相似文献   

Self-focused attention and negative affect: a meta-analysis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This meta-analysis synthesized 226 effect sizes reflecting the relation between self-focused attention and negative affect (depression, anxiety, negative mood). The results demonstrate the multifaceted nature of self-focused attention and elucidate major controversies in the field. Overall, self-focus was associated with negative affect. Several moderators qualified this relationship. Self-focus and negative affect were more strongly related in clinical and female-dominated samples. Rumination yielded stronger effect sizes than nonruminative self-focus. Self-focus on positive self-aspects and following a positive event were related to lower negative affect. Most important, an interaction between foci of self-attention and form of negative affect was found: Private self-focus was more strongly associated with depression and generalized anxiety, whereas public self-focus was more strongly associated with social anxiety.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the consequences of affect on attention allocation was conducted. Momentary affect states were induced through a gambling environment. Concurrently, a visual search task was performed and reaction times measured. It was found that search was faster when the target was located in a region containing emotion-congruent schematic faces. This effect is predicted by a functionalist theory of emotion (Klinger, 1982).This research was carried out as part of a Ph.D. program at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine if the relatively strong negative affect generated by anticipation of pain from exposure to aversive stimulation would give rise to an instigation to aggression and accompanying feelings of annoyance-irritation-anger. The 45 undergraduate women in the study were required to immerse their nondominant hand in water as they administered reward and punishment to a fellow student, supposedly as an evaluation of that person's solutions to assigned problems. In two-thirds of the cases the water temperature was unpleasantly cold, while it was much more tolerable in temperature for the remaining subjects. Half of the participants in the cold water condition and all of those in the more tolerable water temperature group has been led to expect the possibility of pain as they kept their hand in the water, whereas the remaining women (exposed to the cold water) had been alerted only to the physical sensations they would have. In accord with the findings obtained in an earlier experiment by Leventhal, Brown, Sacham, and Enquist (1979), the subjects in the cold water group expecting that they might feel pain reported experiencing the greatest discomfort. Further, consistent with Berkowitz's analysis of anger and angry aggression, these participants also reported the strongest feelings of annoyance-irritation-anger and were most punitive to the available target even though they could not attribute their discomfort to this person.  相似文献   

The use of primes, contingent attention, and training sessions to assess a child's engagement and skill in six large motor activities was examined using a combination reversal and multiple-baseline design. Assessment was based on four levels: proximity to equipment, touching equipment, unskilled participation, and skilled participation. Before training, priming (suggestion to the child) was more effective than contingent attention for increasing the subject's engagement (but not skill) in five activities and for increasing skilled participation in one activity. Training of four activities in the natural environment effectively increased the subject's skill level in five activities. Thus, training appeared to generalize to one of these five activities in this setting and also to skillfully executed stair climbing in an adjoining setting. After training, primes and contingent attention were sufficient to maintain both the subject's skill level and engagement in all activities. Postchecks in the same setting the following semester with different teachers revealed only slight increases in participation, as compared to previous baselines, but all participation was at the skilled level. Social interaction, which was not experimentally manipulated, did not systematically vary in relation to changes in experimental conditions.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary report of a project designed to increase hope and quality of life (QOL) in older persons through a series of five training sessions. The training sessions for the experimental groups are based on research on happiness, goal imagery, and time management. Data indicates that the training is effective in increasing expected QOL. Several measures of affect and stress are examined as a function of three time frames of self-reported QOL. Daily uplifts are significantly related to present and future QOL while measures of stress and major life changes are not. Correlations of affective measures with QOL tend to increase from time frames of the past five years through the present to the next five years, indicating the relevance of hope for older persons. Training for increased hope works with older persons. Data obtained in the process is used to address theoretical models of QOL in older persons. This project was supported by a grant from the American Association of Retired Persons Andrus Foundation.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were investigated in an oddball paradigm to verify electrophysiological evidence of music expectation, which is a key component of artistic presentation. The non-target condition consisted of four-chord harmonic chord sequences, while the target condition was manifested by a partially violating third chord and a resolving fourth chord. The results showed that the specific mismatch negativity (MMN) elicited in the resolving chord is as robust as that elicited in the partially violating chord. Moreover, the P3b (P300) elicited in the resolving chord was smaller than the one in the violating chord. Taken together these data indicates that the human brain pre-attentatively may be able to anticipate a subsequent resolving chord when music expectation is generated by a partially violating chord.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined how affective values from visual and auditory modalities are integrated. Experiment 1 paired music and videos drawn from three levels of valence while holding arousal constant. Experiment 2 included a parallel combination of three levels of arousal while holding valence constant. In each experiment, participants rated their affective states after unimodal and multimodal presentations. Experiment 1 revealed a congruency effect in which stimulus combinations of the same extreme valence resulted in more extreme state ratings than component stimuli presented in isolation. An interaction between music and video valence reflected the greater influence of negative affect. Video valence was found to have a significantly greater effect on combined ratings than music valence. The pattern of data was explained by a five parameter differential weight averaging model that attributed greater weight to the visual modality and increased weight with decreasing values of valence. Experiment 2 revealed a congruency effect only for high arousal combinations and no interaction effects. This pattern was explained by a three parameter constant weight averaging model with greater weight for the auditory modality and a very low arousal value for the initial state. These results demonstrate key differences in audiovisual integration between valence and arousal.  相似文献   

刘芳  丁锦红  张钦 《心理学报》2016,48(7):794-803
本研究采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术和Flanker任务, 探讨由甜点和风景图片分别诱发的高、低趋近积极情绪对注意的早期和晚期加工的影响。同时, 为更精细考察情绪对视觉注意范围早期加工阶段的影响, 在75%的Flanker试次中加入了一个白色方块探测刺激, 该刺激位于中央Flanker字母的左侧或右侧。研究结果表明, 在注意加工的早期感知阶段, 高趋近积极情绪下, 带有白色探测刺激的Flanker字母比低趋近积极情绪条件下诱发了更小的P1, 表明高趋近积极情绪窄化了早期注意加工范围; 在注意加工的晚期选择阶段, 高趋近积极情绪下的Flanker字母诱发了更大的N2b成分, 低趋近积极情绪下诱发了更大的P3成分, 表明高趋近积极情绪增强了对干扰的抑制能力, 而低趋近积极情绪下个体调用了更多的注意资源用以加工周边刺激。  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of psychological skills and mindfulness training intervention on the psychological wellbeing of undergraduate music students. Participants were undergraduate music students (n = 36) from the Department of Music at a South African university, 21 of whom were elected to take the psychological skills and mindfulness training intervention. Data on their self-reported psychological wellbeing, psychological skills, mindfulness and performance anxiety levels were collected pre-and post-intervention. The analysis applied non-parametric procedures to determine changes in students’ psychological wellbeing after the seven-week intervention programme. Findings suggest improvements in psychological wellbeing, psychological skills, mindfulness and performance anxiety with training. Psychological skills and mindfulness training may have benefits to the psychological wellbeing of music students.  相似文献   

In three experiments on the psychophysical measurement of pain, electrocutaneous currents were applied to the volar surface of the forearm. In the first experiment, a conventional category scaling method was compared with the rating method of signal detection. The results of both methods were analyzed in detection-theory terms to derive receiver operating characteric curves and measures of the discriminability of adjacent currents. The rating method yielded larger discriminability values than the category scale did, and that method was therefore used in the subsequent experiments to examine the effect of a topical anesthetic on discriminability. When the stimuli were applied through surface electrodes, no effect of the topical anesthetic on discriminability was found, but when the stimuli were applied to a more localized area by intradermal needle electrodes, a dose-dependent effect of the anesthetic on discriminability occurred. For this experiment, the slope of the cumulative sensitivity function increased with increasing elapsed time since the removal of the anesthetic. This result is congruent with the theory that discriminability can serve as a measure of sensitivity to painful stimuli.  相似文献   

Turatto M  Mazza V  Umiltà C 《Cognition》2005,96(2):B55-B64
According to the object-based view, visual attention can be deployed to "objects" or perceptual units, regardless of spatial locations. Recently, however, the notion of object has also been extended to the auditory domain, with some authors suggesting possible interactions between visual and auditory objects. Here we show that task-irrelevant auditory objects may affect the deployment of visual attention, providing evidence that crossmodal links can also occur at an object-based level. Hence, in addition to the well documented control of visual objects over what we hear, our findings demonstrate that, in some cases, auditory objects can affect visual processing.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of dance on affect and cognition to music or exercise, in a young, non-clinical population. Participants were asked to complete tests of mood and creativity before and after spending 5 min either listening to music, dancing, cycling or sitting quietly. Both dancing and passively listening to music enhanced positive affect, decreased negative affect and reduced feelings of fatigue. Cycling and sitting quietly had no effect on positive mood or feelings of fatigue. Moreover, dancing and passively listening to music had dissociable effects on different aspects of creativity, with greater change in positive affect being associated with greater enhancement in measures of verbal and non-verbal creativity, respectively. We suggest that these findings support the use of either short duration dancing or passively listening to music as potentially powerful tools in enhancing emotional well-being and different aspects of divergent thinking in non-clinical settings.  相似文献   

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