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Using personal anecdotes and examples from the arts, the author explores attitudes that inform experiences around death. These reflections are linked to Jung's ideas about the relativization of the ego in the second half of life as well as the increasing importance of holding the opposites. The willingness to engage with life and the ability to maintain a sense of purpose exist alongside the certainty and mystery of death and the inclination to resist consciousness of death's inevitability. Paradoxically, the psyche both prepares for death and is unconcerned.  相似文献   

Why have so many philosophers agonised over the possibility of valid arguments from factual premises to moral conclusions? I suggest that they have done so, because of worries over a sceptical argument that has as one of its premises, `All moral knowledge must be non-inferential, or, if inferential, based on valid arguments or strong inductive arguments from factual premises'. I argue that this premise is false.  相似文献   


En este artículo se expone un nuevo sistema de análisis de la interacción, basado en los análogos de la petición y oferta de objetos y de la aprehensión, conservación y uso de instrumentos, diseñado para dar cuenta de procesos de control interpersonal en las interacciones cara a cara. Se dan muestras de la aplicación de sus categorías y se ofrecen pruebas de su fiabilidad.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):443-458

Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934) ofrece en su Psicología del arte (1925) un esbozo para una teoría de la subjetividad que sin embargo no pudo desarrollar debido al empuje de la psicología objetivista soviética y a la temprana muerte del autor. Su propuesta surge como reacción contra las tendencias formalistas que imperaban en el campo de la estética psicológica, reduciendo la explicación sobre los efectos psicológicos que las obras ejercían en el sujeto en base a simples mecanismos asociativos, al análisis material y técnico de las obras de arte, o bien desde un determinismo biologicista. Desde tales perspectivas, el sujeto asume un papel pasivo frente a la obra artística. Por el contrario, Vygotsky aduce la imposibilidad de aplicar dichas reglas de la estética formalista a las artes no figurativas y atemporales, como la música.

En el presente artículo se expondrán las críticas antiformalistas que argumenta Vygotsky en la Psicología del arte y se resumirá la teoría mediacional del arte con la cual pretende el autor explicar la construcción de la subjetividad a través de la experiencia estética. Su influencia impregnará muchos de los estudios sobre música realizados por algunos miembros de la Academia Estatal de Ciencias Artísticas, como Teplov o Shpet.  相似文献   

If the VAE’s counseling (validation of knowledge and experience) know a certain success, a lot of candidates have the tendency to termine prematurely the procedure without one can know the precise reasons of it. The present research is based on a sample of 162 subjects that entered to different stages into VAE’s counseling. The comparison between people having quit and those having pursued their VAE carries on self-efficacy, professional and personal social support, self-determination and difficulties met during counseling. A discriminant analysis led between the pursuers and those that don’t pursue as well as the propositions of the participants permit to identify the key variables and to do some recommendations to improve the VAE’counseling.  相似文献   

A 5-year old subject was treated for molestation-induced behavior problems consisting of excessive verbal ruminations and concamitant negative emotional responding. Treatment invovled utilization of a modified operant DRO procedure using the subject's mother as primary behavior change agent. Data based observations predicated on home-environment and generalization probe sources demonstrated dramatic reductions in problem behaviors targeted for intervention. Treatment gains remained stable over a 12-month period as indicated by extended follow-up assessment queries.  相似文献   

This tribute adapts words originally written to honor Don S. Browning, one of the foremost pastoral and practical theologians and ethicists of his time, on the occasion of his death on June 3, 2010. The tribute appeared in the funeral worship bulletin on June 10, 2010 at Hyde Park Union Church in Chicago and was revised for a newsletter of a major educational institution with which he had many significant relationships and responsibilities (The Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago Bulletin 80, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2010); used with permission). Although we embellished the tribute slightly, we did not change its main intent: It captures the remarkable depth and breath of Browning’s scholarly achievement, the mark he made on public and academic discussion, and the extent to which he is missed by his colleagues, friends, and family.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09905-3  相似文献   

We report a study that addressed behavior data recording by direct-care staff at a child services program. In response to a decreasing percentage of daily data recording in two community-based group homes, a supervisory intervention was implemented, consisting of a revised data recording form and providing performance feedback to the direct-care staff. The intervention increased and maintained the percentage of daily data recording each month across the two group homes and seven sets of child behavior data. The study represents one approach toward staff performance improvement within child services programs.  相似文献   

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