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In this article the author argues that in order to be psychoanalysis, the 'here and now' technical approach needs to be firmly grounded theoretically and technically in a practice that includes the notion of reverie or its equivalent. The author has argued previously that the analyst's theory is the essential 'third' of the two-person analytic situation. She now suggests that it is specifically the theories of temporality and the attitude of 'evenly suspended attention' or its more contemporary development, 'reverie', that are the crucial aspects of that theory. She refers to these essential aspects as the 'theory in practice' in so far as they are more than a technical approach or a theory of practice but reflect directly a particular analyst's internalisation of the whole psychoanalytic theoretical corpus. While she believes this to be an essential component in any true psychoanalysis, in developing her argument the author looks at situations in which the analyst is particularly prone to forgo this temporal aspect, as is the case when patients show an absence of symbolic thinking within the analytic situation. In fact, with those patients reverie and the visual images it produces within the analyst's mind offer perhaps the only hope of a meeting ground between the concrete and the symbolic and the possibility of avoiding an impasse. Impasse, she suggests, has at its root the absence of reverie as a third and temporal element, inevitably giving rise to concrete thinking on the part of patient and analyst and so to a situation that cannot evolve.  相似文献   

Difficulties with chronopsychology studies include a masking effect of variables, the combination of different rhythms and variations of strategies. An experiment is conducted to analyze the role of circadian variations of elementary processes in the variations of performance for a complex task. Twenty-four subjects solved anagrams and tried to find the rule of anagram construction, during two sessions, at 10 am and 5 pm. Responses were classified in three groups: (a) discovery of the anagram construction rule (R2 responses); (b) resolution of anagram without discovery of rule (R1 responses); (c) failure, no resolution of anagram (R0 responses). During the second session, R2 performances were better at 10 am than at 5 pm. In contrast, R1 performances were better at 5 pm than at 10 am. Rule application was faster at 10 am than at 5 pm. Results are discussed in terms of variations of short-term memory capacity (Folkard and Monk, 1980). Using chronopsychology to analyze the role of elementary processes in a complex task is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that reaction time (RT) and premotor time varied as a function of force even in simple-RT paradigm. The present purpose was to examine whether stimulus uncertainty induced by catch trials would cause programming delay until after the signal to respond. Subjects were required to react and produce a designated peak force as soon as possible after a visual stimulus, with and without catch trials. Five different levels of force were 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90% of the maximum grip strength of subjects. Analysis showed that simple RT and premotor time changed as a function of force, regardless of whether catch trials were removed. These findings suggest that stimulus uncertainty is not a necessary condition for programming delay.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of force output on fractionated reaction time under simple and choice conditions. 20 subjects were required to react and produce a designated force as soon as possible after a visual stimulus. Five different levels of force were 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90% of the maximum grip strength of the subjects. Analysis showed that reaction time (RT) changed as a function of force in both conditions, with the longest RT occurring at the 70% condition. The same pattern was also evident for premotor time. These findings suggest that the changes in RT with increases in force are mediated predominantly by central rather than peripheral processes.  相似文献   

The programming processes concerned with response duration were studied in a precueing and in a priming reaction time (RT) paradigm. Participants had to produce a motor response of a specified duration as soon as possible after a response signal (RS) preceded by a warning signal (WS), which could deliver information on 2 response parameters (duration and effector). In Experiment I (precueing; N = 12), 3 effectors (the right hand, the left hand, or the knees) and 3 durations (.7, 2.5, or 5.5 s) were contrasted. Two responses differing in their biomechanical features were required in 2 blocks of trials: Subjects had to accurately time the duration of either a sustained button press or an interval between 2 brief presses. The RT patterns revealed a short-long effect: Shorter RTs were produced before the short duration than before the longer, provided that the duration was not precued. This short-long effect occurred whatever type of response and effector were involved. Two conclusions were reached. First, response duration was included in the motor program elaborated before execution, whatever the biomechanical features of the response; and, second, the program for the short duration was activated on all trials and was used as a basis for programming longer durations when needed. These conclusions were tested in Experiment 2 (priming; N = 12), in which a small proportion of invalid trials concerning duration was provided. Thus, the duration required by the RS differed from that primed by the WS. Two durations (.7 or 2.5 s) and 2 effectors (the index or the middle finger) were involved. In the invalid trials, the responses of short and long durations did not yield any RT differences, thus confirming the particular status of the short duration. This suggests that deprogramming operations (which lengthen the RT) are needed after a RS to produce short response durations but not after a RS to produce long response durations in the invalid trials.  相似文献   

Better to understand the relation of auditory to visual reaction time (RT) tasks during a long period (320 min.) as well as the evolution of these performances along time, 24 subjects were tested. RT tasks were delivered at 10-min. intervals for 320 min. Correlations between auditory and visual RTs and cross-correlation functions were calculated. Our results confirmed their association, which was maintained throughout the experiment. There were no significant differences in the mean RT by sex or time of day; however, differences were found for the trend slope between type of stimulus and sex.  相似文献   

24 subjects were tested to check the hypothesis proposed by Kleitman about a "basic rest-activity cycle". Reaction time tasks were delivered at 10-min. intervals for 320 min. Spectral density function analyses showed no significant periods within the limits of the cycle. Discussion concerns fulfilling assumptions of spectral analysis and Fisher's test.  相似文献   

The effect of different types of competing auditory tasks on laterality differences in visual perception was investigated. Right-handed subjects were presented with digits which occurred randomly in the left or right visual fields. They responded vocally to previously specified digits in a go, no-go reaction time situation. In the absence of any competing auditory task, digits presented in the right visual field were processed more quickly. This visual field difference in reaction time was in the same direction while subjects performed a secondary musical task. However, when a secondary verbal task had to be performed, digits in the left visual field received faster responses. The results support the view that the right hemisphere is capable of some language functions, and that hemispheric differences in performance have at their basis a quantitative asymmetry, which can be reversed even in normal subjects by overloading their limited capacity.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric transmission time in an auditory two-choice reaction task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An unimanual auditory choice reaction task was performed by 16 right-handed male subjects. Upon release of a central ready button subjects pressed a target button on their right or left side depending on the ear in which they heard a tone. A significant 'Ear' x 'Hand' interaction effect appeared on both reaction time (RT) and the first component of movement (MT1), showing that uncrossed conditions give rise to faster responses than crossed conditions. Interhemispheric transmission time (IHTT) was estimated from the difference of response latency in the two types of conditions. No asymmetry in the speed of information transfer between the hemispheres was found. IHTT was 16 ms in the case of RT, which supported previous research with visual reaction tasks, and IHTT for MT1 was 13 ms, which has not been reported before.  相似文献   

To explore the influence of circadian rhythms on executive function during early adolescence, we administered a battery of executive function measures (including a Go-Nogo task, the Iowa Gambling Task, a Self-ordered Pointing task, and an Intra/Extradimensional Shift task) to Morning-preference and Evening-preference participants (N = 80) between the ages of 11 and 14 years who were tested in the morning or afternoon. Significant Chronotype × Time of Day interactions (controlling for amount of sleep the previous night) revealed that adolescents tested at their optimal times of day performed better than those tested at their nonoptimal times. Implications for our understanding of physiological arousal, sleep, and executive function during adolescence are discussed.  相似文献   

The elderly are known to exhibit declines in postural control during standing and walking, however little is known about how the elderly react under time-critical and challenging postural situations. The purpose of this study was to examine age-related differences in reaction time (RT) and the pattern of temporal coordination between center of pressure (COP), trunk and head motion during voluntary postural sway movements. Healthy young (n=10; mean=24 years; SD=5 years) and elderly men (n=8; mean=75 years; SD=2 years) stood on a force plate with tri-axial accelerometers attached to the head and lower trunk. Participants were required to generate sway in the anterior-posterior (AP) or medial-lateral (ML) direction in response to an auditory cue during two different testing conditions called Static reaction and Dynamic reaction. Static reactions involved the initiation of voluntary sway in either the AP or ML direction from quiet stance. Dynamic reactions involved an orthogonal switch of voluntary sway between the AP and ML directions. Compared to the young, elderly individuals exhibited slower RT during both Static and Dynamic reaction, and smaller differences in RT and phasing between COP, trunk, and head motion. The results of this study suggest that the elderly adopted more rigid coordination strategies compared to the young when executing a rapid change in direction of whole body motion. The rigid movement strategy of the elderly was presumably generated in an effort to compensate for increased challenge to the maintenance of stability.  相似文献   

Summary Passages of prose were constructed which obeyed a stylistic convention referred to as dovetailing. For a given pair of sentences the final position of the first, and the initial position of the second, had the same referent. It was shown that critical dovetailed lines of text were read more rapidly than lines containing the same information, but lacking sequential structure. Degrading text by obscuring all interword spaces removed this reading time advantage. Analysis of subjects' eye movements during reading suggested that reading facilitation, induced by dovetailing, may result, not only from higher-order structural properties of text, but also from local features (particularly word-length information and associative relationships between words) known to influence eye movements.  相似文献   

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