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The article discusses the history of monotheism from the earliest times to the present. It begins with arguments against the notion of monotheists as an evolutionarily early stage in religion and then proceeds to characterize monotheism in the Old testament. The view that there was every a pre-monotheistic phase of one 'national God' is called into question, along with the priority of the 'God of history' over the creator God. Association of the divine with social justice is shown to be common to the ancient Near East as a whole; however, Israelite monotheism, it is argued, was associated with a kind of conservatism which preserved more features of an oral and gift-exchange culture, while calling into question the more fetishistic aspects of such culture. Monotheism, it is claimed, is what refutes both myth and rationalism, while the superiority of one God to many gods is defended in connection with the theme of peace. The final section deals with the three monotheistic faiths, and argues that Christianity, with its doctrines of incarnation and the Trinity, is not qualifying monotheism and its distinctive features as just adumbrated, but on the contrary developing it in the purest and most consistent form.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for the history of ideas that has none of the shortcomings so often ascribed to this approach. We call this method the model approach to the history of ideas. We argue that any adequately developed and implementable method to trace (dis)continuities in the history of human thought, or concept drift, will require that historians use explicit interpretive conceptual frameworks. We call these frameworks models. We argue that models enhance the comprehensibility of historical texts, and provide historians of ideas with a method that, unlike existing approaches, is susceptible neither to common holistic criticisms nor to Skinner's objections that the history of ideas yields arbitrary and biased reconstructions. To illustrate our proposal, we discuss the so-called Classical Model of Science and draw upon work in computer science and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代以来 ,随着电子信息技术的突飞猛进与全球化的深入 ,世界范围内经济文化落后的民族国家对各自现代化道路的探索与反思 ,马克思的世界历史理论日益受到学界的关注 ,并成为唯物史观研究中的一个焦点。现就研究马克思世界历史理论的几个主要问题作一简要述评。一、关  相似文献   

Historians of philosophy are increasingly likely to emphasize the extent to which their work offers a pay‐off for philosophers of un‐historical or anti‐historical inclinations; but this defence is less familiar, and often seems less than self‐evident, to intellectual historians. This article examines this tendency, arguing that such arguments for the instrumental value of historical scholarship in philosophy are often more problematic than they at first appear. Using the relatively familiar case study of René Descartes' reading of his scholastic and Aristotelian contemporaries, the article attempts to problematize this notion of pay‐off from an historian's perspective.  相似文献   

刘敬东 《现代哲学》2007,1(6):11-21
马克思世界历史理论深刻揭示了历史向世界历史转化的实际进程、总体背景和基本规律,为我们提供了考察和研究世界历史时代的哲学变革所应当依据的一个基本的解释框架。用马克思世界历史理论作为深入解读、研究中国近代哲学的哲学范式和解释框架,把中国近代哲学的演进过程作为历史向世界历史转化之哲学回应的一个典型案例,不仅有助于马克思世界历史理论研究的深化,而且也是深入考察中国近代哲学的一个独特而有益的视角。  相似文献   

思想史视野中的DNA双螺旋发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医学史上许多丰碑不仅仅只是技术的辉煌,而且是思想史的楼梯口,由此可以提升学科的精神高度,50年前的DNA双螺旋结构的发现就是这样一个精神“事件”。试图穿越生物学实验探究其另一面——思想实验的创新价值;重新审定了物理学对于50年来生命科学的技术和思维引领作用;分析了还原论在DNA之后的价值终结。  相似文献   

经学的历史,上起汉武帝建元六年(前135年)宣布"独尊儒术",下迄清光绪三十一年(1905年)废除科举制度,凡历二千零四十年. "经"的界定晚清以来聚讼纷纭.参照周予同师自民国十四年(1925年)以后多次申述的主张,我认为特指汉建元五年始立"五经博士"起,得到在位君主认可的、所谓由孔子亲授的五类或六类儒家著作.每类著作都有不同的传本和诠释,"立于学官"的常有一经数传,久之传记也化为经,因而经的名目不断扩充,详见周著<群经概论>.  相似文献   

Journal of Philosophical Logic - The “official” history of connexive logic was written in 2012 by Storrs McCall who argued that connexive logic was founded by ancient logicians like...  相似文献   

Pastoral Psychology -  相似文献   

For some time psychologists have been employing life history methods in their work. Perhaps the key publication in this regard is Erik Erikson 's (1975)book Life History and the Historical Moment. In fact, life history methods were pioneered by anthropologists and taken up with considerable enthusiasm by sociologists. A central location for the pioneering of life history methods by sociologists was the Chicago School in the 1930s.A range of innovative life history studies were generated here as part of the wide-ranging studies of the urban environment undertaken by the sociology school. In this article, we look at some of the possibilities of life history work, but are particularly concerned with analyzing the dilemmas that led to a decline in life history methods. The last section examines the rehabilitation of life history methods and puts forward a number of arguments as to why life history methods are particularly suitable for what Harvey (1989) called the "condition of post-modernity."  相似文献   

Book reviewed:
The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ , Barbara Brown Zikmund (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1995–2005. Vols I–VII
Ancient and Medieval Legacies, Vol. I , Richard Ulrich (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1995 (0-8298-1064-1), 583 pp., $60.00
Reformation Roots, Vol. II , John Payne (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1997 (0-8298-1143-5), xii + 683 pp., $60.00
Colonial and National Beginnings, Vol. III , Charles Hambrick-Stowe (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1998 (0-8298-1113-3), x + 518 pp., $60.00
Consolidation and Expansion, Vol. IV , Elizabeth Nordbeck, Lowell Zuck (eds), Pilgrim Press 1999 (0-8298-1110-9), xvi + 668 pp., $60.00
Outreach and Diversity, Vol. V , Margaret Lamberts Bendroth, Lawrence Jones, Robert Schneider (eds), Pilgrim Press 2000 (0-8298-1111-7), xiv + 536 pp., $60.00
Growing Toward Unity, Vol. VI , Elsabeth Slaughter Hilke (ed.), Pilgrim Press 2001 (0-8298-1112-5), xvi + 744 pp., $70.00
United and Uniting, Vol. VII , Frederick Trost, Barbara Brown Zikmund (eds), Pilgrim Press 2005 (0-8298-1113-3), xx + 828 pp., $70.00  相似文献   

Book Information The Logic of the History of Ideas. By Mark Bevir. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 1999. Pp. xii + 337. Hardback, $120.80.  相似文献   

伍麟 《哲学动态》2006,2(1):51-56
心理学界通常将1879年作为一个重要标志。1879年之前,心理学附属于哲学,之后,心理学正式从哲学中独立出来,从此有了自己名正言顺的“家”。但是,在随后一个多世纪的发展中,心理学的历史舞台并未平静,各种流派林立、门户相争,没有形成稳定的、普遍的、公认的和统一的“心理学自我理解”。面对如此局面,更需要“心理学哲学”这一能够集中代表和体现心理学理论思维的智慧的学科的出现。其原因在于,心理学可以离开哲学并不意味着心理学家能够回避哲学问题,事实上,各种流派的心理学家都坚持和利用了许多哲学观念,这些哲学观念对心理学的影响虽是…  相似文献   

康德历史哲学的基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者认为,康德历史形而上学的意义不次于《纯粹理性批判》在其自身领域的重要性,它将哲学问题由存在领域转向义务领域。普遍世界历史观采用的是先验方法,与目的论联系在一起,体现出大自然的计划。如果说康德伦理学追求个体的自由及其道德独立性,那么其历史哲学则强调人类只有通过社会这个媒介,才能实现其真正的道德任务。人类自身的二重性构成康德历史哲学的本质,也是历史与社会发展的动力,由此决定了社会政治的真正任务,由此方显启蒙运动的真正意义。  相似文献   

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