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Confucius, by Betty Kelen, Sheldon Press, London, 1974. 154 pp., 95p.

The Traitor,by Lavr Divomlikoff, Heinemann, 1974, £2.50.  相似文献   


基于文献的科学假说   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
科学假说是形成和发展科学理论的必经途径.探讨了一种从非相关文献间的隐含联系中建立假说的方法,对其研究背景、哲学基础及建立假说的模式作了介绍.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a significant shift in scholarlyopinion concerning the Aramaic documents included in the bookof Ezra; whereas 25 years ago their historical authenticitywas widely accepted, more recent studies have claimed that theywere fabricated by the biblical author. In the present article,the reasons for this change of opinion are examined, and itis concluded that in most cases the decision about authenticityis taken on the basis of extraneous considerations relatingto the composition of the book or the course of history whichit purports to relate. The arguments advanced in relation tothe documents themselves are the same as those which were commona century ago, and to that extent may be answered in the sameway as before. In particular, insufficient attention has beenpaid to the fact that from a literary point of view it is thedocuments which determine the shape and wording of the narrative,not vice versa. It is therefore most natural to conclude thatthey existed already prior to the composition of the book. Onlyin two areas are there new data to be considered—languageand the epistolary form of the documents. An examination ofthe salient evidence concludes that it is far from univocaland that it cannot, therefore, overthrow the conclusions reachedon other grounds.  相似文献   

This study used think-aloud methodology to explore undergraduates' spontaneous attention to and use of source information while reading six documents that presented conflicting views on a controversial social scientific issue in a Google-like environment. Results showed that students explicitly and implicitly paid attention to sources of documents as well as sources cited within documents and that their attention to source information was associated with its use in evaluating, predicting, and interpreting the content of the documents. Students' sourcing activity varied across documents. The two documents that took the strongest, opposing stances on the controversy elicited the most sourcing. We also observed that, in essays they wrote on the controversy, students' spontaneous sourcing activity was related to their citation of a particularly trustworthy source. The study's theoretical implications are discussed in terms of the Documents Model framework.  相似文献   

The Christians who lived under Muslim rule in al-Andalus are known as Mozarabs. As immigrants from al-Andalus to the Christian kingdoms in the north, Mozarabs are depicted in current historiography as transmitters of Arabic and Muslim culture. Nevertheless, when the Mozarabs were observed by the Christian expansion southward, surprisingly, they are presented as isolated amidst the post-conquest order. Based on the case of Toledo, the first important city conquered by the kingdom of Castile in 1085, the present article shows how the Mozarabs had introduced Muslim notarial practices into the Christian society.  相似文献   

This document is the translation of a report given on 29 November 2017 by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk to the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. It presents the results of the study by the Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church of the documents adopted by the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church at its meeting in Crete from 19 to 26 June 2016. This report is followed by the decisions of the Bishops’ Council concerning the Council of Crete.  相似文献   

一、资料部分1.淄博市后李官庄大汶口文化至宋元遗址王永波《中国考古学年鉴》(1989)文物出版社1990年出版2.淄博市后李新石器时代至宋元遗址王永波《中国考古学年鉴》(1990)文物出版社1991年出版3.淄博市后李官庄新石器时代及东周遗址王守功《中国考古学年鉴》(1991)文物出版社1992年出版4.山东临淄后李遗址第一、二次发掘简报济青公路文物考古队王永波等《考古》1992年11期5.山东临淄后李遗址第三、四次发掘简报济青公路文物考古队《考古》1994年2期6.桐林田旺遗址魏成敏《管子学刊》1987年创刊号7.我省考古工作又一重大新发现———田旺…  相似文献   

While economic issues are not usually much debated in theology, three recent mission documents (The Cape Town Commitment, Together towards Life and Evangelii Gaudium) have directly addressed them, criticizing globalized capitalism more or less sharply and explicitly. However, all three lack transparency in that possible analysis which might provide foundation for the statements made is not visible. Additionally, the critique offered is vague and general except for some relatively concrete propositions in Evangelii Gaudium with seemingly social‐democrat overtones. Thus these documents do not readily connect with economic, political, and social scientific discourses, which reduces their applicability predominantly to the religious sphere and further supports an Enlightenment sacred/secular dichotomy that conflicts with the approach advocated in Together towards Life. In order to increase the relevance of theological arguments concerning economic issues to spheres beyond the churches, theologians need to cooperate with economists and familiarize themselves with economic theories and practices before prescribing policies based on theological argumentation.  相似文献   

罗鹭凌 《管子学刊》2004,10(1):92-96
二、论述、论著、图录 99.再论后李文化与北辛文化的关系--兼述对北辛文化的再认识王永波<故宫学术季刊>第10卷第2期(1992年) 100.黄河下游新发现的后李文化任相宏<中国文物报>1992年2月16日第3版 101.西河类型、后李文化的发现和意义张学海<中国文物报>1993年1月31日3版 102.后李文化与北辛文化的关系王永波<中国文物报>1993年4月18日3版  相似文献   

Yasuko Kawatoko 《Human Studies》1999,22(2-4):315-337
In a refrigerated warehouse, workers organize distribution and exchange of frozen seafood by the spatial and temporal arrangement of loads. Using videotapes of workers' activities and interviews, this paper investigates how workers organize space, time and artifacts in the activity of frozen seafood distribution and exchange, and how organized space, time and artifacts systematize workers' multiple courses of actions and give direction to them. Particular attention is paid to how the workers use artifacts such as various documents and computers as part of their practices, because the activity of distribution and exchange in this workplace is regarded as the activity of organizing space and time with various artifacts in multiple contexts. Through the analysis of situated literacy of using artifacts, it was shown that the activity of using artifacts is always embedded in multiple contexts. At the same time, diverse artifacts organize multiple contexts of work. Thus, there is the reflexive interaction between the artifacts and the contexts.  相似文献   

近30年来,我国考古发掘工作,取得了令人振奋的辉煌业绩。尤引人注目的是,出土了一批批具有很高文献价值的竹简和帛书,其中主要有:1972年山东临沂银雀山出土的竹简兵 书;1973年河北定县40号汉墓出土的《文子》和《论语》、《儒家者言》等竹简古籍;1973年冬,湖南长沙马王堆第三号汉墓出土的帛书《老子》甲、乙本和《经法》、《十六经》、《五行篇》、《战国纵横家书》、《五星占》等重要古文献;1993年冬,湖北荆门市郭店一号楚墓出土的竹简《老子》、《太一生水》和《缁衣》、《鲁穆公问子思》、《穷达以时》、…  相似文献   

The Changing Self: Using Personal Documents to Study Lives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT In this paper we describe a technique for coding expressions of preoccupation with aspects of the adult self in personal documents and retrospective autobiographical writings In particular we explore the value of this approach by analyzing themes of identity, intimacy, and generativity expressed in Vera Brittain's diary and correspondence, written during her adolescence in World War I, and in her retrospective autobiographical account of that period in her life Analyses aim to use Erikson's theory of personality development to describe her psychological experience at the time and to compare that account with the later one  相似文献   

目前所发现的出土文献中的易卦符号,不是数字卦,也就是说并非由数字构成。数字卦所谓的集中说,十进位数制说都不能成立。这些易卦仍然是由符号构成的,对出土的易卦符号要区别经文和实际占筮,在实际占筮中应该是由四象符号构成,而在经文中则就是阴阳卦画。出土文献中两组并列的易卦,一般看作是本卦和之卦的关系,但不符合本卦和之卦的出卦概率,而符合两次占卦的出卦概率,因而实际可能是两次占筮的结果。  相似文献   

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