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本文概述了近代基督教传入中国过程中的重大事件及其与中国传统宗教发生的冲突,并对这些事件的因果进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

尽管国家宗教、国教等已成了宗教学中的习用术语,但是,学术界对于国家宗教的研究,一直处于一个较为薄弱的状态。这种薄弱主要体现在理论的滞后,这其中的一个关键的原因就在于对“国家宗教”的内涵、外延、功能、结构,更主要的是对其本质特征缺乏明晰的、系统化的理论阐释。在《汉朝的本土宗教与神话》一书中,尽管汉朝国家宗教形成的历史过程与背景是我讨论的一个重要内容,但我并没有对这一概念作系统的梳理与界定,就很难对国家宗教本身作深入的研究。在这种背景下,张荣明先牛的近作《中国的国教》出版了,说这本著作是国家宗教研究中的一大突破,毫不为过  相似文献   

全国宗教工作会议近日在北京召开。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对于宗教工作的重要论述,为做好新时代宗教工作指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。宗教界人士对本次会议论述有何反响?福建佛学院院长、福州开元寺方丈、莆田广化寺方丈本性法师近日接受了记者采访。这次会议上,习近平总书记强调必须坚持我国宗教中国化方向,提出深入推进我国宗教中国化的明确要求。  相似文献   

In Western societies, religious heterogamy and its effects on religious socialization outcomes have been interpreted through the lens of secularization. How about China, where religion has been resurging in recent decades? Using data from the 2007 Spiritual Life Survey of Chinese Residents, this study shows that despite China's atheist education system and strict religion policies, having at least one religiously affiliated parent is associated with increased religiosity compared to having two nonreligious parents. Whereas religious heterogamy in the West has a secularizing effect on the next generation, religious heterogamy in secular nations, such as China, has a religionizing effect and contributes to religion's rise.  相似文献   

The revival of folk (popular) religion in China in the last three decades has been noted in many publications and documented in ethnographic studies. However, until now there has been no quantitative study that provides an overall picture of Chinese folk‐religion practices. This article is a first attempt to draw the contours of Chinese folk religion based on three recent surveys conducted in mainland China and Taiwan. Three types of folk religion are conceptualized: communal, sectarian, and individual. Different types of folk religion may have different social functions and divergent trajectories of change in the modernization process. At present, in spite of the dramatic social, political, and cultural changes in modern times, the adherents of folk religion still substantially outnumber the believers of institutional religions in Chinese societies.  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveAfter years of war, political instability and natural catastrophes high rates of PTSD and depression have been found in the Afghan population. On this background, it was investigated whether religious beliefs (trust in higher guidance; TIHG) moderated the association between PTSD symptoms and/or depression and suicidal ideation.MethodA total of 279 Afghan university students (61.6% women; aged 18 to 30 years) took part in this cross-sectional study between July and November 2022. Self-report measures of PTSD, depression, suicidal ideation, trust in higher guidance were used.ResultsSevere PTSD symptoms were reported by 58.4%, clinically relevant depression symptoms were reported by 55.2% and current suicidal ideation was reported by 44.4% of the sample. TIHG moderated the impact of PTSD symptoms, on suicidal ideation. TIHG and depression were unrelated.ConclusionPTSD symptoms, depression and suicidal ideation show an alarmingly high prevalence in this specific sample of Afghan students. TIHG seems to be a resilience factor of special importance.  相似文献   

马克思主义宗教观中国化的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义宗教观的中国化是当前我国宗教学研究的重要课题。它既表现为中国共产党把马克思主义宗教观的基本原理应用于中国革命和建设中的宗教问题的实际,走出了一条具有中国特色的解决宗教问题的道路的过程,也表现为形成了中国化的马克思主义宗教观。特别是中国特色社会主义宗教理论体系是马克思主义宗教观中国化的最新成果,是中国化马克思主义宗教观的标志,它是科学认识我国现阶段宗教问题的指南。这其中,我国宗教学界也作出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

往事的确可鉴。何况《中国宗教报告》作者的立意不仅在于报告中国各大宗教前一年的情况,更在于分析中国宗教面临的新问题和新挑战、展望中国宗教发展的前景。  相似文献   

《中国宗教》:您对今年李克强总理作的政府工作报告中提到的宗教工作要求有什么感想? 马英林:在李克强总理所作的政府工作报告和汪洋主席所作的政协常委会工作报告中均提到了宗教工作,充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视宗教工作,一以贯之落实党的宗教工作基本方针,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应.特别在去年国内疫情防控和...  相似文献   

In this short article I argue that neurotheology should be conceived and practiced within a theological framework. Taking the case of Catholic theology as an example, five proposals are provided that offer a glimpse and, in my estimation, a realistic account of a (future) Catholic neurotheology. I identify two possible modes of how to practice Catholic neurotheology and conclude that any Catholic neurotheology that attempts to be practiced in accordance with these five proposals will be extremely challenging for Catholic theology.  相似文献   

宗教学专家、中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所研究员李申先生撰著的《中国儒教史》上下卷,己于1999年底和2000年初由上海人民出版社出版。全书长达2000余页,约 150万字,200幅图片,以历史唯物主义为指导,翔实而准确的资料为依据,从全新的视角对儒教、也对中国传统文化进行了总体上的描绘。通读全书,我们发现,《中国儒教史》既准确地反映了作者在学术研究中的成就和贡献,同时又集中地体现出作者严谨而扎实的治学方法。一、《中国儒教史》所作出的学术贡献 儒教是不是一种宗教?这在古代的中国,似乎已是一个不成问题的问题。魏晋南北朝…  相似文献   

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