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The Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and the Soviet Union edited by Paul D. Steeves. Vol. I (Aaron‐Annunciation). Academic International Press, 1988. 255 pp.

Glasnost, Christen und Genossen (Glasnost’, Christians and Comrades) edited by Norbert Sommer. Berlin: Wichern‐Verlag, 1988. Paperback, 188 pp.

Soviet Charismatics: the Pentecostals in the USSR by William C. Fletcher. New York: Peter Lang, 1985. 200 pp.

The KGB: Police and Politics in the Soviet Union by Amy W. Knight. London: Unwin Hyman, 1988. 348 pp.

Every Person is First of all a History by Fr Mykhaylo Havryliv. Rome: Ukrainian Press Service, 1987. 158 pp.

The Razing of Romania's Past by Diav C. Giurescu. New York: United States Committee/International Council on Monuments and Sites, 1989. 68 pp. plus photographs  相似文献   

When will people become ambivalent about politics? One possibility is that the roots of ambivalence lie within the individual, with differences in political knowledge and attitude strength predicting whether a person internalizes the conflicts of politics. Alternately, attitudinal ambivalence could result from structural differences in the way political choices are presented in the wider political environment. We explore the degree to which different environments promote or limit ambivalence using a matching approach in conjunction with a set of multilevel models. We find that campaign environments can induce candidate ambivalence. In presidential elections, campaign efforts promote ambivalence most when competition between partisan campaign efforts is high. In House elections, campaign spending has a direct effect on levels of candidate ambivalence, where a candidate's spending decreases ambivalence about that candidate and increases ambivalence about opponents.  相似文献   

In this article the author lists and discusses sources of test information, with special attention on information given to what will be valuable to employment and career counselors.  相似文献   

A number of recent philosophers, including Michael Williams, Barry Stroud and Donald Davidson, have argued that scepticism about the external world stems from the founda-tionalist assumption that sensory experience supplies the data for our beliefs about the world. In order to assess this thesis, I offer a brief characterisation of the logical form of sceptical arguments. I suggest that sceptical arguments rely on the idea that many of our beliefs about the world are'underdetermined'by the evidence on which they are based. Drawing on this characterisation of scepticism, I argue that Williams, Stroud and Davidson are right to see the foundationalist assumption as essential to the sceptic's argument, but wrong to think that scepticism is inevitable once that assumption is in place. By pursuing an analogy with some recent debates in the philosophy of science, I try to locate the additional assumptions which the sceptic must make, in order to derive her conclusion.  相似文献   

Sources of Implicit Attitudes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

老龄道德资源是老龄道德品质及老龄道德文化成果的总称。老龄道德资源的代际传承是道德辐射与道德内化的统一。其伦理效力在于促进年轻一代的道德社会化,并通过道德资源的资本转化,推动实物资本增值。  相似文献   

周濂 《学海》2007,109(2):66-72
本文通过梳理正当性在政治哲学史上的流变,指出在概念结构上,正当性都必然包含四种结构性因素:政治正当性一方面有其客观面向,即要符合某种规范乃至客观的标准,另一方面有其主观面向,即包括被统治者的主观意志表达;就其理论效果言,政治正当性一方面使统治者拥有统治的权利,另一方面使被统治者负有服从的义务。这四种结构性因素在不同历史阶段、不同政治文化背景的正当性理论中存在诸多组合可能,举凡研究政治正当性都无法脱离这四重根的基本架构,从这四个因素入手研究政治正当性将是一个再适切不过的突破口。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the processing of objects with low name agreement. Experiment I compared naming latencies for objects with three different types of name disagreement to those for matched control objects with very high name agreement. Objects with low name agreement due to abbreviations (e.g. phone) were named no more slowly than were control objects. Objects with multiple names (e.g. couch, sofa, settee) and objects often given incorrect names (e.g. spider for ant) took longer to name correctly than did matched controls. These results were confirmed in a second naming experiment using a revised set of high-name-agreement control stimuli. In Experiment 2, subjects carried out an object decision task using the revised stimulus set. Subjects could recognize objects with multiple names as quickly as those with high name agreement. Objects often given incorrect names were recognized by subjects more slowly than were high-agreement matched stimuli. The pattern of data suggests that the delay in naming latency due to the availability of more than one correct name arises after structural recognition. In contrast, the slowed naming of objects often misnamed would seem to originate from difficulties encountered at or before the structural stage of recognition.  相似文献   

This paper begins by identifying some of the hazards of living in postmodern times, including a sense of disconnectedness and loss of meaning. In the face of global uncertainty psychologists and others have noted a growing ‘psychology of despair’. How does this affect educators who are directly involved in teaching about environmental and global issues? And what sources of hope and inspiration might they draw on in their work? A recent pilot project is described in which a small group of global educators individually and collectively explored their main sources of hope, several of which were spiritual in nature.  相似文献   

185 men and women representing five developmental ages ranging from younger to older adulthood (17 to 96 yr) completed several measures to assess the amount and origins of most meaningful events in a person's life. As assessed by a modification of the Purpose-in-Life Test, the amount of purpose did not vary per se with age or sex. Similarly, the sources of meaning did not alter across time or sex. Themes of involvement emerged as the salient sources of meaning and included love, work, births of children, independent pursuits, accidents, illnesses, deaths, separations, or divorces, and to a lesser extent major purchases. The common sources and their timing are discussed within the context of a lifespan developmental model.  相似文献   

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