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This paper is intended to shed light on the extent of poverty in the Russian Federation. We present estimates of poverty lines and poverty ratios derived from subjective questions used in a data collection for a large household panel (RUSSET). We estimate poverty using a subjective approach, where the level of the poverty line is derived using the opinion of the individual, rich or poor, on poverty. This approach differs from the objective approach to poverty, which defines poverty according to the opinion of experts. Three subjective poverty lines are presented: one the Financial Satisfaction Poverty Line, two the Leyden Poverty Line, and three the Subjective Well-Being Poverty Line. The first two poverty lines are based on subjective questions regarding income and economic welfare while the last concept focuses on satisfaction with life as a whole. The results obtained are compared with each other and with results derived using objective measures and official figures.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1935,3(4):350-351


Russia has a long, complicated and, at times, contradictory relationship with Islam and Muslims. Islam is classified as one of the ‘traditional’ religions, along with Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. Throughout Russia’s history across the centuries, the efforts by the state and Muslims to define their relationship have led to contradictory outcomes. This special issue grew out of a conference that took place in 2016, seeking to explore the complicated nature of the image of Islam in Russia from a multidisciplinary perspective. A collection of six contributions explore how Islam is viewed and projected in the public and media sphere in contemporary Russia, including state attempts to ‘manage’ the development of Islam, initiatives to transform the public image of Muslims and the charitable work of a mosque at the local level.  相似文献   

现代俄罗斯的女权运动已经有十多年的历史。[1]现在还不能说这个运动是有影响的政治力量 ,尽管它的声音在公众言论中日趋强大。它的主要成就在于俄罗斯妇女逐步意识到并提出了以前从来没有提出过的问题 (家庭暴力、性骚扰、对于妇女的歧视 ,青少年性行为 ,等等 ) ,以及妇女政治纲领概念本身的确立。俄罗斯现代女权运动作为持不同政见者势力发轫于“独立创办”的杂志《俄罗斯妇女》和《玛利亚》(由T .马莫诺娃 ,T .戈里切娃 ,V .马拉霍夫斯卡娅 ,Ju .沃兹涅先斯卡娅主编 ) 1979年在列宁格勒流传之初。当时刊载的文章的主题是 :苏联政治生活…  相似文献   

By what process was the Jacobin identity transplanted into nineteenth-century Russian radical culture? According to the conventional account, the Jacobin label was coined by proponents like Zai?nevskij and Tka?ev. Lenin, in turn, is said to have derived his Jacobin identity from them, thus revealing the non-Marxian source of his political ideas. This article contests that interpretation through a study of the origin and spread of the Jacobin terminology in post-emancipation Russia. I show that the Jacobin identity in Russia was invented by anti-Jacobin populists and that there were scarcely any self-proclaimed Jacobins prior to Lenin. I also reconstruct the path by which Lenin came to identify with French Jacobinism. That path remained within the territory of Marxist theory from beginning to end.  相似文献   

俄罗斯民族是一个不关心政治的民族,她没有对自治的渴求,没有对政治权利的渴望.俄国要实现她的使命,必须遵循自己的理念和要求,而不是那些与她格格不入的理论.俄国有两个方面:国家和百姓.她们之间的理想状态是:人民不干预政府的或行政的事务,给政府无限的统治自由,让政府有行动的权利和相应的法律的权力;而国家并不干预人民的生活方式.给人民以政府保护下的充分的社会和精神生活自由,让人民有发表意见的权利和相应的言论自由.沙皇和百姓之间的正确关系一旦被恢复了,俄罗斯从苦难中就会被解救出来.  相似文献   

本文把俄罗斯个性心理学的新近发展与动向概括为六个方面1)转向现实中个性的研究;2)由重视方法论转向问题化研究;3)个性类型学的研究;4)越来越重视个性积极性的研究;5)转向交往和发展中个性的研究;6)主体研究的复兴.  相似文献   

While Russia perennially has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, researchers had little access to valid data during the Soviet era to examine this issue. Transparency increased following the dissolution of the USSR, and this article employs newly available vital statistics data to describe the demographic, temporal, and spatial patterns of suicide in Russia. The discussion reveals that suicide mortality in Russia is among the highest in the world and is more than three times higher than in the United States; exhibited radical changes between 1984 and 1994; varies widely within the country, with a general increase in rates from west to east; and is highest among working-age males.  相似文献   

Income and Satisfaction in Russia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Russian Federation has undergone some drastic economic, social-cultural, and political changes since 1989. The income of nearly half of the population has sunk below the poverty line, which has had an enormous impact on their emotional life. In this study, the relationship between income and satisfaction in Russia was examined. Three theories – need, comparison, and personality theory – were considered. Data were drawn from the first three waves of the Russet panel study (1993–1995). Russians were a little more satisfied with their income and life when they had a higher income. A positive change in income caused an increase in income-satisfaction over a one-year period. Results also showed that there was a reciprocal relationship between income-satisfaction and life satisfaction, indicating that in addition to bottom-up effects, top-down mechanisms were also at work: life satisfaction is partly a sum of domain satisfactions, but it also reflects a more trait-like character. Furthermore, within comparison theory, social comparison had the largest effect on income-satisfaction, closely followed by income needed (person-environment fit theory), and income deserved (equity theory) with the smallest effect. The need effect of income on income-satisfaction became non-significant when controlled for these three comparison mechanisms. Correction for measurement error of relationships between the endogenous variables resulted in overall stronger effects.  相似文献   

Likhie gody by Anatoli Krasnov‐Levitin, YMCA Press, 1977, 456 pp. No price.

Atheism and Religion in the Contemporary Struggle of Ideas (Ateizm i religiya v sovremennoi borbe idei) Kiev, 1975, 491 pp. No price.

Russia's Tolitical Hospitals: The Abuse of Tsychiatry in the Soviet Union by Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway, Gollancz, 1977, 510 pp., £6.99.  相似文献   

俄罗斯是一个多民族和多宗教的国家.这里生活着130多个大小民族,信奉着不同派别的宗教.在俄罗斯,东正教、伊斯兰教、佛教和犹太教通常被称作传统宗教,天主教和基督新教被称作非传统宗教.此外,俄罗斯还存在着数量繁多的新兴宗教.据俄罗斯官方统计,目前在俄罗斯司法部门注册的新兴宗教已经超过了100种.  相似文献   

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