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The Great Revival: the Russian Church under German Occupation by W. Alexeev and T. G. Stavrou, Minneapolis, 1976, xvi+229 pp. No price.

The Religious World ol Russian Culture. Essays in Honour of Georges Florovsky, Vol. 11 Russia and Orthodoxy edited by Andrew Blane, Mouton, The Hague and Paris, 1975, 359 pp. No price.

The Russian Jew under Tsars and Soviets by Salo W. Baron, Macmillan, New York, 1976, $14.96.

The Jews in Russia ‐ their History in Maps and Thotographs by Martin Gilbert, National Council of Soviet Jewry, 78 pp., 8op.

The Baptist Church: Illusions and Reality (Baptizm: illyuzii i realnost) by G. S. Lyalina, “Politizdat”, Moscow, 1977, 175 pp., 37 kopecks.

Questions of Scientific Atheism (Voprosy Nauchnogo Ateizma) No. 17, “Mysl”, Moscow, 1975, 399 pp.  相似文献   

The Spirit of Solzhenitsyn by Olivier Clément, Search Press, 1976, 234 pp., £5.95.

Protestants in Russia by J. A. Hebly, Christian Journals Ltd., 1976, 192 pp., £1.50.

USSR ‐ Democratic Alternatives

(A collection of Essays & Documents) edited by Vadim Belotserkovsky, Achberger Verlaganstalt, 1976, 335 pp. No price.  相似文献   

The Flame in the Darkness by Victor Sparre, Grosvenor Books, 1979, 135 pp., £4.50.

The Encounter of the Church with Marxism in Various Cultural Contexts (Papers from a Planning Seminar held in Bossey near Geneva, Switzerland, 21–27 September 1975) Lutheran World Federation Department of Studies, Geneva, 1976, 130 pp. No price.

Evangelical Christians in Russia and the Soviet Union Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov (1869–1935) and the Way of the Evangelical Christians and Baptists (Evangelische Christen in Rußland und der Sovetunion) by Wilhelm Kahle, Oncken Verlag, Wuppertal and Kassel, 598 pp., DM 26.  相似文献   

The Russian Orthodox Church: Triumphalism and Defensiveness, by Jane Ellis. London: Macmillan Press, in association with St Antony's College, Oxford, 1996. 203 pp.

Christian Thinking and the End of Communism in Russia, by William van den Bercken. Utrecht‐Leiden: Interuniversity Institute for Missiological and Ecumenical Research (IIMO Research Publication 34), 1993. 154 pp.  相似文献   

The Gulag Archipelago (Vols. 1 and 2) by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Collins, 1974 and 1975, 600 pp. and 712 pp. £3.50 and £4.95.

Arkhipelag Gulag (Vols. 1, 2 and 3) YMCA Press, Paris, 1973, 1974 and 1976, 606 pp., 657 pp. and 581 pp. No price.

A Marxist Looks at Jesus by Milan Machovec, Darton Longman & Todd, 1976, 220 pp. £2.95.

White Book on Restrictions of Religion in the USSR by Michael Bourdeaux, Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in the USSR, Brussels, 1976, 66 pp., 65p.

Religious Liberty in the Soviet Union: WCC and USSR—A Post‐Nairobi Documentation edited by Michael Bourdeaux, Hans Hebly and Eugen Voss, Keston College (CSRC), 1976, 96 pp., £1.50.  相似文献   

The Mountains of Serbia: Travels Through Inland Yugoslavia by Anne Kindersley, John Murray, 1976, 286 pp., £6.95.

An Early Soviet Saint ‐The Life of Father Zachariah Anonymous. Translated by Jane Ellis. Mowbrays (Keston Books No. 6), 1976, 111 pp., £4.25.

The Religion of the Russian People by Pierre Pascal. Translated by Rowan Williams. Mowbrays, London and Oxford, 1976, 130 pp. + ix, £2.95.  相似文献   

History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Soviet Union 1917–1938

(Geschichte der Evangelisch‐Lutherischen Gemeinden in der Sovetunion 1917–1938) by Wilhelm Kahle, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1974, 625 pp. No price.

Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR: Their Treatment and Conditions

Amnesty International Report, A. I. Publications (53 Theobald's Road, London, W.C.1) 1975, 154 pp., £1.00

Marxism and the Church of Rome by Hervé Leclerc, Conflict Studies (Institute for the Study of Conflict) No. 45, 1974, 13 pp., £1.00.

Questions of scientific atheism

(Voprosy Nauchnogo Ateizma) No. 16, “Mysl”, Moscow, 1974, 358 pp.  相似文献   

China and the churches—in the making of one World published by Pro Mundi Vita Centrum Informationis. Rue de la Limite 6, B‐1030 Brussels, 1975, 39 pp., no price indicated.

From under the rubble ed. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Collins Harvill, 308 pp, £3.95. Iz pod Glyb, YMCA Press, Paris, 276 pp, no price indicated.)

Three generations of suffering by Georgi Vins, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976, 222 pp., 85p.

The invocation directed by Tenghiz Abuladze, Gruzia Film, Georgia, 1968.  相似文献   


Crescent in a Red Sky: the Future of Islam in the Soviet Union by Amir Taheri. London: Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., 1989. 287 pp., £18.95.

Conscience and Captivity by Janice Broun, with a chapter on Poland by Grazyna Sikorska. Washington DC: Ethics and Public Policy Centre, 1988, Paperback, 376 pp.

38. Internationaler Kongress in Königstein. Christen in Osteuropa: ‘Perestrojka’ und Religion (38th international conference in Königstein. Christians in Eastern Europe: perestroika and religion) edited by Wolfgang Grycz. Konigstein: Albertus‐Magnus‐Kolleg/Haus der Begegnung e.V., 1988. Paperback, 178 pp.

Kirche und Glaube in Rumanien (Church and Faith in Romania) Munich: Kirche in Not, 1990. 136 pp.  相似文献   

Memoirs, by Cardinal Mindszenty, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1975, 341 pp., £6.

Staretz Amvrosy, by John Dunlop, Mowbrays, 1975, 176 pp., £1.95.

Christen im Schatten der Macht by Hans Brandenburg, Brockhaus, Wup‐pertal, 1974, 206 pp. English translation : to be published by Mowbrays in 1976.

Christen unter Hammer und Sichel by Winrich Scheffbuch, Brockhaus, Wuppertal, 1972, 200 pp. English translation: Christians under the Hammer and Sickle, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1974, 220 pp., $2.95.

Confucius, Mao and Christ, by Paul E. Kauffman, Asian Outreach, Hong Kong, 1975, 248 pp.

Derriere le Rideau de Bambou, by Sergiu Grossu, Editions des Catacombes, Courbevoie, 1975, 153 pp.  相似文献   

A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice, and the Believer Vol. 3. Soviet Studies on the Church and the Believer's Response to A theism, by Dmitry V. Pospìelovsky. London: Macmillan Press, 1988. Paperback, 325pp. £14.95

Symbols of Power: The Esthetics of Political Legitimation in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe edited by Clars Arvidsson and Lars Eric Blomqvist. Almqkvist and Wiksell International, Stockholm, 1987, 185pp.

Fear no Evil by Natan Sharansky. London: George Weidenfeld and Nicholson Ltd, 1988. 468 pp., £16.95  相似文献   

Religion in China Today: Policy and Practice by Donald E. Maclnnis. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1989. Paperback, 458 pp.

No Longer Strangers, Selected Writings of Bishop K. H. Ting edited with an introduction by Raymond L. Whitehead. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1989. 199 pp.

Pol Pot Plans the Future. Confidential Leadership Documents from Democratic Kampuchea, 1976–1977. Translated and Edited by David P. Chandler, Ben Kiernan and Chanthou Boua. Monograph Series 33/Yale University South East Asia Studies Yale Center for International and Area Studies. 1988. Paperback, 346 pp.

The Church and Socialism in Cuba by Raul Gomez Treto. Translated from the Spanish by Phillip Berryman. Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 1988.

The Puzzle of the Soviet Church. An Inside Look at Christianity and Glasnost by Kent R. Hill. Portland: Multnomah Press, in co‐operation with the Institute on Religion and Democracy, 1989.417 pp.

The World Council of Churches and Politics 1975–1986 by J. A. Emerson Vermaat. New York: Freedom Press, 1989. Paperback, 128 pp.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1977,18(1):56-102
Books Reviewed in this Article: Matter and Mind. By Ilham Dilman. Pp.xiv, 225, London, Macmillan, 1975, £10.00. Metaphysics and Essence. By Michael S. Slote. Pp.ix, 160, New York, New York University Press, 1975, $10.00. Aristotle on Emotion. By W.W. Fortenbaugh. Pp.99, London, Duckworth, 1975, £3.95. Interpreting Modern Philosophy. By James Collins, Pp.xii, 463, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1975, $4.45. The Liberated Heart: Transactional Analysis of Religious Experience. By Rosemary Haughton. Pp.xxi, 192, London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1975, £3.75 (hardback), £2.75 (paperback). Inward Stillness. By George A. Maloney, S.J. Pp.236, Denville, N.J., Dimension Books, 1975, $6.95. Krishnamurti: The Years of Awakening. By Mary Lutyens. Pp.xi, 327, London, John Murray, 1975, £6.00. The Biology of God: a Scientist's Study of Man the Religious Animal. By Alister Hardy. Pp.238, London, Jonathan Cape, 1975, £4.50. Sociology of Religion and Theology: A Bibliography. Compiled by the Instituto Fe y Secularidad. Pp.474, Madrid, Cuadernos para el Dialogo, 1975, no price given. Contemporary Transformations of Religion. By Bryan Wilson. Pp.ix, 116, London, Oxford University Press, 1976, £2.95. Theology and Change: Essays in Memory of Alan Richardson. Edited by Ronald H. Preston. Pp.xii, 211, London, SCM Press, 1975, £4.50. Theology in Reconciliation. By T.F. Torrance. Pp.302, London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1975, £5.50. Symbols of Church and Kingdom: A Study in Early Syriac Tradition. By Robert Murray. Pp.xv, 394. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975, £10.50. St Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae, vol.48: The Incarnate Word. Translated by R.J. Hennessey. Pp.xx, 204, London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1976, £4.60. The Idea of a University. By John Henry Newman, edited with introduction and notes by I.T. Ker. Pp.lxxv, 684, Oxford, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1976, £25.00. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volumes XXIX and XXX. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain and Thomas Gornall. Pp.xviii, 468 and xviii, 488. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1976, £17.50 per volume. The Theological Papers of John Henry Newman on Faith and Certainty. Partly prepared for publication by Hugo M. de Achaval, S.J.; selected and edited by J. Derek Holmes, Pp.xvi, 170, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1976, £6.50. Liberalism and Tradition: Aspects of Catholic Thought in Nineteenth Century France. By Bernard Reardon. Pp.viii-308. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975, £8.50. Eucharist and Holy Spirit. The Eucharistic Epiclesis in 20th-century Theology. By John McKenna. Pp.275, Great Wakering, Mayhew-McCrim-mon (for the Alcuin Club), 1975, £4.50. The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology. By David H. Kelsey. Pp.ix, 227, London, SCM Press, 1975, £5.50. A Modern Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. By John F.A. Sawyer. Pp.xiv, 216. Stocksfield, The Oriel Press (London, c/o Routledge and Kegan Paul), 1976, £4.00. Ezekiel among the Prophets. By K.W. Carley. Pp.x, 112 (Studies in Biblical Theology, Second Series, 31), London, SCM Press, 1975, £2.80. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology. Volume I. Edited by Colin Brown. Pp.822, Exeter, The Paternoster Press, 1976, £14.00. The Making of the Modern Family. By Edward Shorter. Pp.369, London, Collins, 1976, £4.50.  相似文献   

Land of Crosses: The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Lithuania, 1939–1978 by Michael Bourdeaux, Augustine Publishing Company, Chulmleigh, Devon, 1977, xx+ 339 pp., £3.00. (Keston Book No. 12).

The Catholic Church, Dissent and Nationality in Soviet Lithuania by V. Stanley Vardys, East European Quarterly, Boulder, distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1978 xiii + 336 pp., $22.50.

Muslim National Communism in the Soviet Union: a Revolutionary Strategy for the Colonial World by Alexandre A. Bennigsen and S. Enders Wimbush, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Publication No. 11, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1979, xxii + 267 pp., $7.95.

The Unknown Homeland translated by Marite Sapiets, Mowbrays, London and Oxford, 1978, vii+ 247 pp., £4.95 (Keston Book No. 13)

Detente and Papal‐Communist Relations, 1962–1978 by Dennis J. Dunn, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1979, 216 pp., £12.15.  相似文献   


Die ukrainische katholische Kirche (The Ukrainian Catholic Church) 2nd expanded edition Munich: Kirche in Not, 1989.165pp.

Die römisch‐katholische Kirche in der Sowjetunion (The Roman Catholic Church in the Soviet Union) Munich: Kirche in Not, 1989.143 pp.

Tserkva v RuyiniChurch in Ruins. The Demise of Ukrainian Churches in the Eparchy of Peremyshl by Oleh Wolodymyr Iwanusiw, Shevchenko Scientific Society Ukrainian Studies Volume 56. Ontario: St Sophia Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics in Canada, 1987. Parallel text in English and Ukrainian. 350 pp.

Áron Márton a lelkiismeret apostola (Áron Márton, the Apostle of Conscience) compiled by László Virt. Budapest: Ecclesia, 1988. Paperback, 262 pp., 85 Ft.  相似文献   


The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (2016) was supposed to be, above all, a demonstration of Orthodox unity. However, four autocephalous Orthodox churches were absent and others were split internally over their stances towards the Council. Ethnophyletism (ecclesiastical nationalism) and disagreements between the Orthodox churches over universal primacy have often been emphasised as the factors which eventually prevented the display of full pan-Orthodox conciliarity. By analysing official documents of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) and the statements of Serbian hierarchs, I assess the role of ethnophyletism and primacy in the SOC’s positioning regarding the Council. I conclude that ethnophyletism and a lack of consensus over primacy were overshadowed by the cleavage between progressive and conservative tendencies within the SOC as well as beyond autocephalous frontiers. The study may thus contribute to a better understanding of the current challenges to pan-Orthodox conciliarity in general.  相似文献   


The Orthodox Church has become a visible institution in postsoviet Russia. The relationship between the church and state has been of current interest among researchers studying postcommunist religious and societal transformations. Many peculiarities of the relationship between church and state can be traced to both the prerevolutionary and the Soviet traditions. This article examines Orthodox monarchism in Russia today. The analysis is based on qualitative interviews and on observations in a few Orthodox parishes in St Petersburg in 2005 and 2006, and the article thus gives voice to the views of the ‘unofficial’ church, represented by local believers, on the state system. I analyse Orthodox monarchism in the frame of reference of the deprivatisation of religion and discuss how religion matters in the present-day construction of solidarity and national identity under Russian societal transformation.  相似文献   

A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics by Hans Küng. London: SCM Press, 1997, xvii + 315 pp. Paperback, £14.95.

Methodism in Russia and the Baltic States: History and Renewal edited by S. T. Kimbrough, Jr. Nashville: Abingdon, 1995, 253 pp. Paperback.  相似文献   

Gorbachev, Glasnost and The Gospel by Michael Bourdeaux. Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. 226 pp. Hardback, £13.95. Paperback, £8.99.

The Lutheran Church and the East German State: Political Conflict and Change under Ulbricht andHonecker by Robert F. Goeckel. Cornell University Press, 1990. 328 pp.

With God, For the People by Laszlo Tokes with David Porter. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. Paperback, 226 pp., £3.50.

In the Eye of the Romanian Storm by Felix Corley and John Eibner. Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1990. Paperback, 272 pp., $6.95.  相似文献   

Letters from Moscow: Religion and Human Rights in the USSR fay Father Gleb Yakunin and Lev Regelson, edited by Jane Ellis, co‐published by Keston College, Keston, Kent and H. S. Dakin Company, San Francisco, 1978, vi + 148 pp., £2.25.

Nous Chrétiens de Pologne by Adam Boniecki et al., Editions Cana, Paris, 1979, 167 pp. No price.  相似文献   

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