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In two recent papers, Michael Della Rocca accuses Descartes of reasoning circularly in the Fourth Meditation. This alleged new circle is distinct from, and more vicious than, the traditional Cartesian Circle arising in the Third Meditation. We explain Della Rocca’s reasons for this accusation, showing that his argument is invalid.  相似文献   

The old and recent debates on Cartesian essences have focused on the question of whether Descartes is a Platonist or a conceptualist about essences. I argue that this is a false dichotomy. An adequate account of Cartesian essences must accommodate and reconcile two central doctrines and texts in Descartes' philosophy. I will argue that recent conceptualist and Platonist interpretations neither accommodate these doctrines nor reconcile these texts. Such failures are not accidental since Descartes' doctrines of divine creation and simplicity render it impossible for Descartes to be either a conceptualist or a Platonist. Failure to notice this fact explains why there has been no progress on this exegetical issue.  相似文献   

I put forward a version of the Cartesian Argument from Doubt for mind–body dualism. My version utilizes de re statements, which means that it is not vulnerable to the usual charge of intensional fallacy. The key de re statement is, ‘Body is such that its existence is entailed by Mind’s believing that Body does not exist’, which is false, whereas the respective ‘Mind is such that its existence is entailed by Mind’s believing that Body does not exist’ is true.  相似文献   

Quantum indeterminism is frequently invoked as a solution to the problem of how a disembodied soul might interact with the brain (as Descartes proposed), and is sometimes invoked in theories of libertarian free will even when they do not involve dualistic assumptions. Taking as example the Eccles–Beck model of interaction between self (or soul) and brain at the level of synaptic exocytosis, I here evaluate the plausibility of these approaches. I conclude that Heisenbergian uncertainty is too small to affect synaptic function, and that amplification by chaos or by other means does not provide a solution to this problem. Furthermore, even if Heisenbergian effects did modify brain functioning, the changes would be swamped by those due to thermal noise. Cells and neural circuits have powerful noise-resistance mechanisms, that are adequate protection against thermal noise and must therefore be more than sufficient to buffer against Heisenbergian effects. Other forms of quantum indeterminism must be considered, because these can be much greater than Heisenbergian uncertainty, but these have not so far been shown to play a role in the brain.  相似文献   

The human tendency to draw boundaries is pervasive. The ‘moral circle’ is the boundary drawn around those entities in the world deemed worthy of moral consideration. Three studies demonstrate that the size of the moral circle is influenced by a decision framing effect: the inclusion-exclusion discrepancy. Participants who decided which entities to exclude from the circle (exclusion mindset) generated larger moral circles than those who decided which to include (inclusion mindset). Further, people in an exclusion mindset showed “spill-over” effects into subsequent moral judgments, rating various outgroups as more worthy of moral treatment. The size of the moral circle mediated the effects of mindset on subsequent moral judgment. These studies offer an important first demonstration that decision framing effects have substantial consequences for the moral circle and related moral judgments.  相似文献   

J. C. Eccles (1903-1997) had a highly distinguished career in neurophysiology, being awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology in 1963. This paper sets him within the Cartesian tradition of British neurophysiology initiated by Thomas Henry Huxley in the mid-19th century. It shows how the mind-brain problematique of the Cartesian tradition troubled him throughout his career, leading him finally to a solution in terms of quantum microphysics and microphysiology. This position, which has subsequently become fashionable, is discussed and shown (at least in the form Eccles espoused) to provide no solution to the problem posed by Descartes in the early 17th century.  相似文献   

采用经典双任务实验范式,探讨前瞻记忆的情绪一致性效应及其理论模型。情绪电影片段诱发被试高兴或悲伤情绪后,观察被试在高兴、悲伤和自然情绪状态下的前瞻记忆任务和当前任务的成绩。结果发现,情绪一致性前瞻记忆出现反转效应,即在高兴背景下前瞻记忆负性词比正性词成绩好,在悲伤背景下前瞻记忆正性词比负性词成绩好。实验结果支持前瞻记忆的注意—搜索模型,不支持自动激活模型。  相似文献   

最近几十年以来, 情绪对记忆的影响越来越受到认知心理学家的关注。本文总结了我在中科院心理研究所师从傅小兰研究员攻读博士学位期间所开展的主要研究工作。我的研究以中文词语为学习材料, 分别考察了在编码过程中和编码结束后诱发情绪对项目记忆和来源记忆的影响。当情绪在编码阶段被诱发, 主要的研究发现如下:1)负性情绪增强自由回忆, 但正性情绪只呈现出增强自由回忆的趋势。2)负性情绪降低总体再认记忆, 但正性情绪对总体再认记忆没有影响。此外, 正性和负性情绪均不影响“记得”反应的正确率; 然而, 负性情绪降低了“知道”反应的正确率, 正性情绪对“知道”反应的正确率没有影响。3)正性和负性情绪均对来源记忆(即对词语字体颜色的记忆)没有影响。当情绪在编码结束后被诱发, 主要的研究发现如下:1)对女性被试而言, 负性情绪增强了项目记忆的巩固, 然而, 对男性被试而言, 正性和负性情绪均不影响项目记忆的巩固。2)无论对男性还是女性被试, 正性和负性情绪对来源记忆的巩固均没有影响。本研究的上述发现对建立情绪和记忆的关系具有理论意义, 对如何在教学情境中如何利用情绪诱发促进学生的记忆巩固也具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that commentators have missed a significant clue given by Descartes in coming to understand his 'ontological' proof for the existence of God. In both the analytic and synthetic presentations of the proof throughout his writings, Descartes notes that the proof works 'in the same way' as a particular geometrical proof. I explore the significance of such a parallel, and conclude that Descartes could not have intended readers to think that the argument consists of some kind of intuition. I argue that for Descartes the attribute of existence is a 'second-order' attribute that is demonstrated to belong to the idea of God on the basis of 'first-order' attributes. The proof, properly understood, is in fact a demonstration. Having brought to light the geometrical parallels between the ontological and geometrical proofs, we have new evidence to resolve the 'intuition versus demonstration' controversy that has characterized much of the discussion of Descartes's ontological argument.  相似文献   

王红椿  刘鸣 《心理科学》2006,29(4):905-908
心理学家通过采用事后提供误导信息的方法以及临床治疗中的催眠、想象等暗示性程序发现的记忆歪曲和记忆移植现象,说明记忆的改变并不局限于对经历的或记得的情节的某方面的修改,它还能创造虚假的自传性事件记忆。  相似文献   

来源记忆与情绪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂爱情  沈模卫 《心理科学》2007,30(1):224-226
来源记忆是有关事件背景的记忆,它与情绪存在一定的关联。首先,来源记忆受受试者情绪状态的影响;其次,情绪材料与中性材料的来源信息提取的行为特点及激活的大脑区域有所不同;最后,情绪背景与中性背景来源提取的任务难度不同,且前者比后者需要参与的大脑区域更多。  相似文献   

虽然Baddeley的工作记忆模型得到大量实验研究的支持,但是有关工作记忆和长时记忆之间的关系未能得到详细阐述。来自神经心理学的证据表明,工作记忆与情景长时记忆任务均诱发了前额区的激活,但同时发现前额区存在不同的功能分区,可能在工作记忆与情景记忆过程中具有独立的执行功能。工作记忆与情景记忆的相互作用是当前记忆研究关注的问题。已有研究发现,在情景记忆对工作记忆的作用过程中,时间进程与头皮分布均显示了年龄效应与材料加工特点。而工作记忆对情景记忆的作用中,则发现工作记忆早期加工可能对情景记忆的成功形成有更大促进作用。今后的研究应在理论模型支持下,利用多种技术手段探讨两种记忆相互作用的神经加工机制  相似文献   

Imagination and Memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A growing body of literature shows that imagining contrary-to-truth experiences can change memory. Recent experiments are reviewed to show that when people think about or imagine a false event, entire false memories can be implanted. Imagination inflation can occur even when there is no overt social pressure, and when hypothetical events are imagined only briefly. Overall, studies of imagination inflation show that imagining a counter-factual event can make subjects more confident that it actually occurred. We discuss possible mechanisms for imagination inflation and find that, with evidence supporting the involvement of both source confusion and familiarity in creating inflation, the primary mechanism is still to be determined. We briefly review evidence on individual differences in susceptibility to inflation. Finally, the widespread use of imagination-based techniques in self-help and clinical contexts suggests that there may be practical implications when imagination is used as a therapeutic tool.  相似文献   

20多年来,阈下启动研究有了重要进展,取得了一系列成绩。不仅研究领域有了明显扩展,研究方法和技术也有了很大改进。更为重要的是,阈下启动研究的结果对记忆结构和分类的理论有重要启示。  相似文献   

胡娟  刘成刚 《心理科学》2007,30(3):643-646
本文着重从被压抑的早期记忆、目击者记忆两个角度论述了错误记忆的应用研究。本文还从增加有益的错误记忆、区别真实和错误记忆,以及错误记忆实验室研究的生态学效度三个方面,对错误记忆的应用研究做出了思考和展望。  相似文献   

本研究通过比较内隐记忆与外显记忆受到认知疲劳影响的情况,以了解内隐记忆的自动化加工机制。实验采用被试内设计,使用词汇判断与词汇再认任务测量内隐记忆与外显记忆。实验结果发现,相对于控制组,疲劳组的被试在完成疲劳任务后内隐记忆成绩显著下降,而外显记忆没有受到影响。结果说明相对于外显记忆,内隐记忆更容易受到认知疲劳影响。内隐记忆虽然是无意识的认知加工,但是与其他自动化加工具有不同的特征。  相似文献   

Tricks of Memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Remembering an episode from even the recent past may involve a blend of fiction and fact. We discuss a straight-forward laboratory paradigm that is proving useful in the study of false memories of simple episodes. In this paradigm, subjects study lists of 15 related words ( bed, rest, awake ...) that are all related to a critical word that is not presented ( sleep ). Later, subjects recall and recognize the critical missing word with about the same probability that they remember words from the list. This memory illusion is resistant to people's attempts to avoid it. We argue that similar memory errors are commonplace and are a natural outcome of an intelligent cognitive system, which makes inferences about incoming information. Therefore, memory illusions, like perceptual illusions, are a consequence of normal human information processing and offer a window for examining basic cognitive processes.  相似文献   

The perceptual information transmitted from a damaged cochlea to the brain is more poorly specified than information from an intact cochlea and requires more processing in working memory before language content can be decoded. In addition to making sounds audible, current hearing aids include several technologies that are intended to facilitate language understanding for persons with hearing impairment in challenging listening situations. These include directional microphones, noise reduction, and fast-acting amplitude compression systems. However, the processed signal itself may challenge listening to the extent that with specific types of technology, and in certain listening situations, individual differences in cognitive processing resources may determine listening success. Here, current and developing digital hearing aid signal processing schemes are reviewed in the light of individual working memory (WM) differences. It is argued that signal processing designed to improve speech understanding may have both positive and negative consequences, and that these may depend on individual WM capacity.  相似文献   

本研究通过比较内隐记忆与外显记忆受到认知疲劳影响的情况,以了解内隐记忆的自动化加工机制。实验采用被试内设计,使用词汇判断与词汇再认任务测量内隐记忆与外显记忆。实验结果发现,相对于控制组,疲劳组的被试在完成疲劳任务后内隐记忆成绩显著下降,而外显记忆没有受到影响。结果说明相对于外显记忆,内隐记忆更容易受到认知疲劳影响。内隐记忆虽然是无意识的认知加工,但是与其他自动化加工具有不同的特征。  相似文献   

内隐记忆特点的新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱国英  游旭群 《心理科学》2007,30(4):998-1001
从1911年Claparede发现遗忘症病人有回避条件反射记忆到Graf和Schacter于1985正式提出内隐记忆这一概念,再到内隐记忆成为认知心理学的研究焦点,研究者对内隐记忆的定义、研究方法等都进行了逐渐深入的探讨。在此基础上,内隐记忆的相关特点也日益明晰,概念性内隐记忆、知觉性内隐记忆、自动加工记忆等各亚类均具有提取自动化、年龄独立性等共同特征,但在编码、脑机制诸方面存在差异。  相似文献   

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