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管理学大师彼得·德鲁克的管理理论中蕴含着丰富的企业伦理思想,其企业伦理思想线索和体系主要表现在三方面:企业责任和伦理必须遵循伦理普适性原则,如同儒家伦理所主张的那样;由于管理者继承了社会的领导权力,因而必须承担社会责任,但仅限于其职能、权力和能力的范畴;管理者必须重视相互依赖的和和谐的关系。但是,德鲁克是“排斥”企业伦理学的。他反对企业伦理作为一个学科而不反对企业伦理本身。  相似文献   

企业伦理战略选择是指企业战略决策者根据资源、环境等影响因素,对伦理战略方案进行科学的评估和比较,选出一种较为满意的伦理战略的决策活动.企业伦理战略选择对企业、社会、宏观经济的发展将产生重大影响,因此,有必要考察企业伦理战略选择的相关要素.根据资源、环境等影响因素,企业有着不同伦理战略选择.  相似文献   

企业伦理的制度化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业伦理发挥着协调内部员工、企业与利益相关者、企业与社会的重要作用。企业在伦理问题上实现制度化管理,需要通过伦理准则、监督机制、反馈机制等一系列内部制度的建设以及企业外部环境适当的制度补充,使企业的伦理标准得以真正内化到员工个体,从而使每个员工自觉地表现出符合企业伦理道德的行为。  相似文献   

企业伦理:意涵及其功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业伦理从日常伦理衍生而来,但也具有自身的场域逻辑;企业伦理主要涵括企业之于社会系统的责任伦理和企业中“利益相关者”之间的职业伦理;企业伦理的功能渐次演绎为“约束效用”、“工具效用”以及“价值效用”;在一定情境下,企业伦理与其组织功效、经济绩效其实还存在着一种“兼容性”。  相似文献   

论企业伦理品牌的塑造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业伦理品牌是企业伦理价值积淀、凝结形成的独特社会资本,是基于技术品牌、质量品牌、服务品牌、信誉品牌等形成的综合价值体系,也即是在伦理行为方面因广具社会声誉而形成的品牌.伦理品牌是企业品牌的基础,伦理品牌的塑造已成为提升企业竞争力的关键因素,塑造企业伦理品牌,是企业步入文明发展阶段的重要标志.塑造企业伦理品牌的方法包括培育企业的伦理精神,加强企业自身的伦理特色建设,勇肩企业的社会责任,重视公共活动的参与,加强与社会公众的沟通等.  相似文献   

“企业伦理”之论纲   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“企业伦理”属于应用伦理学中的经济伦理学之微观部分。对企业伦理的研究应包括理论和实践两个部分。理论部分研究企业伦理之根源、特点、结构、功能、原则等问题 ;实践部分研究企业管理伦理和企业员工伦理。前者包括企业管理伦理中的社会背景、一般问题和特殊问题 ;后者包括企业家伦理、一般管理人员伦理和普通职工伦理。  相似文献   

中国的企业和企业伦理问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业伦理的问题对于中国的企业来说是个全新的问题。在计划经济体制下,不存在本来意义上的企业,也不存在企业特有的行为规范;企业是一种执行社会和政治任务的生产组织,而一种政治的伦理原则取代了一切伦理原则。市场经济体制的逐步建立使社会经济生活和社会政治生活发生分化,于是出现了伦理原则的分化和整合的问题,企业伦理作为一种特定的伦理规范成为人们的研究对象。企业伦理问题的研究所应遵循的理论原则是:伦理关系的基础是人们之间的利益关系,而企业伦理关系则涉及到企业运行的利益相关者。这一基本原则不但是马克思主义的主张…  相似文献   

企业伦理的观念让企业重新思考其与利益相关者之间的伦理关系。企业伦理的建设要求制定一套具体的行为规范作为企业遵行的标准 ,从而促成了企业伦理规范的产生。企业伦理规范的建立是一项依据企业伦理价值四原理的系统工程 ,其内容可以从企业利益相关者、规范指示程度和指示类型等层面进行构建。  相似文献   

企业伦理的时代价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
企业伦理不能像“正统的”微观经济学把企业的真实经济生活中的不确定性抽象成生产函数一样作为是企业的“外部性”问题 ,企业伦理乃是企业履行与利益相关者的长期隐含契约的内在要求。企业自身的不断发展、经济体系的有效运作及人类社会的文明与进步程度甚至人类社会的生存 ,无不与企业是否合乎伦理的经营观念及行为密切相关。企业伦理在跨入 2 1世纪之时的重要性就显得尤为必要。  相似文献   

企业通常由经济功能与伦理功能相互依存、彼此关联构成,是一种伦理型经济单元和经济型伦理单元的复合。在企业成长的不同阶段,企业的经济伦理体征呈现出不同的特点。企业必须不断地再造适应其经济伦理体征的价值观才能完善其二元系统的"合作体征",而合作体征的基础在于:运用忠诚理念,改善企业伦理认同;运用信任理念,融合企业社会资本。  相似文献   

The revival of modern Western virtue ethics presents the question of whether or not virtue ethics is appropriate for modern society. Ethicists believe that virtue ethics came from traditional society, to which it conforms so well. The appearance of the market economy and a utilitarian spirit, together with society’s diversification, is a sign that modern society has arrived. This also indicates a transformation in the moral spirit. But modern society has not made virtues less important, and even as modern life has become more diversified, rule-following ethics have taken on even greater importance. Modern ethical life is still the ethical life of individuals whose self-identity contains the identity of moral spirit, and virtues have a very important influence on the self-identical moral characters. Furthermore, modern society, which is centered around utilitarianism, makes it apparent that rules themselves are far from being adequate and virtues are important. Virtues are a moral resource for modern people to resist modern evils.  相似文献   

德性伦理论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德性伦理强调以人类自身的内在品质作为人的一切生活的出发点,这不仅使德性伦理在人类伦理思想的起源处规避着人类伦理生活的方向,而且在现代人类遭遇道德困境的形势下,又指示着人类伦理生活所应该采取的态度。德性伦理最终的理论指向便是将成就德性与明其规范统一起来,从而真正实现人自身的价值。在现代社会价值多元化的背景下,对传统德性伦理资源的挖掘,显得尤为重要。无论是亚里士多德的德性传统,还是原始儒家的德性传统,都可以为现代伦理理论的建设提供丰富的智性资源。  相似文献   

风险社会与责任伦理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“风险社会”已经成为当今社会的重要特征,而传统的功利论、义务论、德性论等伦理学在应对社会风险问题时却存在着诸多局限。“责任伦理”在时空视域、伦理对象、核心理念等方面突破了传统伦理学的局限。树立和加强责任伦理的建构,能够积极有效地应对社会风险问题。  相似文献   

This paper argues for a preventative approach to ethical violations through developing and maintaining ethical awareness in training and in the group life of each society. Rather than teaching ethics as a theoretical subject, a method is proposed that encourages direct personal confrontation with ethical dilemmas through the consideration of key examples, in the Talmudic manner. This develops ethical 'muscles' and allows candidates to explore the dilemmas of what Primo Levi called the 'grey zone' where the boundaries between good and bad are unclear. Several illustrations of such ethical dilemmas are described, as used in workshops that the author has run in several societies and developing groups. In this way, ethical awareness becomes part of the group life of the society so that analysts become an ethical resource for each other.  相似文献   

Formalizing shared ethical standards is an activity of scientific societies designed to achieve a collective goal of promoting ethical conduct. A scientist who is faced with the choice of becoming a “whistleblower” by exposing misconduct does so in the context of these ethical standards. Examination of ethics policies of scientific societies which are members of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents (CSSP) shows a breadth of purpose and scope in these policies. Among the CSSP member societies, some ethics policies chiefly present the ethical culture of the community in an educational context and do not have enforcement procedures. Other policies are more comprehensive and include standards for certification, procedures for addressing ethical issues, and established sanctions. Of the 36 member societies of CSSP that have developed a code or adopted a code of another professional society, 18 specifically identified a responsibility to expose ethical misconduct, demonstrating an acknowledgment of the possible critical role of the whistleblower in addressing ethical issues. Scientific societies may revise their ethics codes based upon experience gained in addressing cases of ethical misconduct. In most cases, the action of a whistleblower is the initial step in addressing an ethics violation; the whistleblower may either be in the position of an observer or a victim, such as in the case of someone who discovers that his or her own work has been plagiarized. The ethics committee of a scientific society is one of several possible outlets through which the whistleblower can voice a complaint or concern. Ethical violations can include falsification, fabrication, plagiarism and other authorship disputes, conflict of interest and other serious violations. Commonly, some of these violations may involve publication in the scientific literature. Thus addressing ethical issues may be intertwined with a scientific society’s role in the dissemination of new scientific results. For a journal published by a scientific society, the editor can refer at some point to the ethics committee of the society. Whereas, in the case of a journal published by a commercial publisher, the editor may be without direct support of the associated scientific community in handling the case. The association of a journal with a scientific society may thus direct a whistleblower towards addressing the issue within the scientific community rather than involving the press or talking to colleagues who may gossip. A formal procedure for handling ethics cases may also discourage false accusers. Another advantage of handling complaints through ethics committees is that decisions to contact home institutions or funding agencies can be made by the ethics committee and are not the responsibility of the whistleblower or the editor of the journal. The general assessment is that the establishment of ethics policies, especially policies covering publication in society journals, will promote a culture supportive of whistleblowers and discouraging to false accusers. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the symposium entitled “Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: What the Scientific Community Can Do About Whistleblowing” held during the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Seattle, Washington, 15 February, 1997.  相似文献   

制度伦理的兴起,在今天的中国是与社会主义市场经济的建立与发展紧密相联的。市场经济从根本上改变了传统社会的生产方式,从而动摇了传统德性伦理的生存土壤,致使德性伦理的边缘化。但由此就认为制度伦理是现代社会的产物,是市场经济的唯一形式显然又是有失偏颇的。追溯制度伦理文化的传统根源,对于我们弘扬民族文化和培育民族精神有一定的现实价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

当代中国企业伦理建设是中华人民共和国史的一个重要组成部分。经过革命化、探索与借鉴、培育等阶段,当代中国企业伦理不仅从政治伦理中分离出来,与社会主义市场经济日益相适应,而且企业伦理建设方法也表现出多样化和个性化的趋势。当代中国企业伦理的进步,既有中国经济体制、加入世界贸易组织等制度、环境的牵引,也有市场经济发展过程中企业作为”经济人”的理性选择、买方市场形成等要素的影响。企业伦理道德日益成为企业核心竞争力不可或缺的要素。  相似文献   

论体育伦理问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育伦理是一个具有自己鲜明特性的伦理学研究领域,其根本原因在于体育的身体性和比赛性。体育的这些特性与其他社会因素相结合,导致体育领域出现许多不同寻常的伦理现象,提出了许多的具有体育特色的伦理问题。这些问题主要集中于与体育相关的道德观念和人与自身、与社会及与自然的三类基本关系中。对体育伦理问题的研究不仅有助于深化对体育道德的理解,应对实践中的体育道德问题,而且有助于丰富伦理学自身的理论。  相似文献   

流行病学实践与研究相关的伦理学视角与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,公共卫生领域的伦理学问题不断显露,有必要对其重新审视。探讨了目前在公共卫生领域流行病学实践与研究中存在和涉及到的一些伦理问题,有传染病报告、隔离、免疫规划、艾滋病防治、传染病应急机制、流行病学调查和试验研究等,并就公共卫生领域中的伦理实践原则进行了概括。  相似文献   

The Hwang affair, a dramatic and far reaching instance of scientific fraud, shocked the world. This collective national failure prompted various organizations in Korea, including universities, regulatory agencies, and research associations, to engage in self-criticism and research ethics reforms. This paper aims, first, to document and review research misconduct perpetrated by Hwang and members of his research team, with particular attention to the agencies that failed to regulate and then supervise Hwang’s research. The paper then examines the research ethics reforms introduced in the wake of this international scandal. After reviewing American and European research governance structures and policies, policy makers developed a mixed model mindful of its Korean context. The third part of the paper examines how research ethics reform is proactive (a response to shocking scientific misconduct and ensuing external criticism from the press and society) as well as reactive (identification of and adherence to national or international ethics standards). The last part deals with Korean society’s response to the Hwang affair, which had the effect of a moral atomic bomb and has led to broad ethical reform in Korean society. We conceptualize this change as ethical modernization, through which the Korean public corrects the failures of a growth-oriented economic model for social progress, and attempts to create a more trustworthy and ethical society.  相似文献   

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