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Deux expériences distinctes, L'une aux Etats-Unis, L'autre en Suède, ont été consacrées aux effets de trois niveaux de communication (Communication Nulle — Communication Factuelle — Communication Totale) sur la réduction des conflits inter-personnels. Deux sujets, amenés, par entraînement préalable, à un système de croyance différent, doivent parvenir à une décision commune dans une tâche nouvelle, mais semblable à la première. La réduction du conflit est faible dans toutes les conditions. Cependant les sujets avec communication totale montrent moins de conflit que les sujets sans communication (p < .01), les sujets avec communication factuelle se situant entre les deux. On n'observe aucune différence, entre les deux pays, dans L'effet du niveau de communication sur la réduction du conflit. Enfin, la connaissance par feedback des conséquences de la tâche n'a pas d'effet sur la réduction du conflit cognitif, ce qui suggèrerait que L'on doive utiliser d'autres types de feedback pour réduire de tels conflits.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural examination of the attributions for the life satisfactions of the elderly was conducted by using a sample of 80 Asian-Indian and 80 United States retired citizens. It was hypothesized that factors of hard work, luck, family ties, religious faith, travel and recreation, personal abilities, money, social status, service to others and friendships would account for differences in the attributions for life-satisfactions of the two cultural groups. Results showed that more Asian than United States subjects reported satisfaction with life. Consistent with predictions, the attributions of the Asian group showed religious faith, service to others, family ties and luck as being very important factors contributing to life satisfaction. By contrast, more United States subjects reported that hard work, personal abilities, travel and recreation, and social status had significantly influenced their life satisfactions. Findings were interpreted in terms of cultural and socio-psychological variables which influence the attributions for life satisfactions.  相似文献   

679 Egyptian boys and 696 girls completed the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, translated into Arabic. Factor comparisons were moderately high for extraversion and social desirability but weak for neuroticism and psychoticism. Suitable item substitution produced a scoring key resulting in adequate reliabilities with the exception of a somewhat low reliability for the boys on extraversion and low reliabilities on psychoticism for both sexes. Sex differences on means of the dimensions were as usual, boys scoring higher than girls on extraversion and psychoticism, but lower on neuroticism and social desirability. Moreover, on comparing Egyptian with English means, using scales of items in common only, the English boys and girls scored higher than their Egyptian counterparts on extraversion but significantly lower on social desirability. British boys scored higher on psychoticism than did Egyptian boys but British girls scored lower than Egyptian girls.  相似文献   

In order to investigate what is learned in a training study on inductive reasoning, three tests were composed, involving two stimulus domains, namely letters and figures. Each test was composed on the basis of a set of explicitly defined item generating rules. The two figural tests were isomorphic tests, that is, they had identical problem structures but invoked different stimulus domains, simple geometric patterns and drawings of fruit. These tests were administered to pupils from grade 6 in The Netherlands, Surinam and Zambia. Half of each class was then trained at one of the three tests, while the other half did not get any training. During the training the pupils were taught to solve the items by trying to detect the features of the item generating rules. Four possible outcomes of transfer studies were postulated, differing in the generality of transfer of the results. By means of a Multivariate Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures it was possible to differentiate between the four kinds of transfer; a pattern of fairly restricted transfer was demonstrated in each culture. Furthermore, in Zambia a remarkable score increase was found at the Letter Test, occurring both in the experimental and in the control condition. It was argued that this increase was caused by improved test-taking skills, learned at the first test administration.  相似文献   

汉语语句句式表征及命题表征能力的年龄比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耿海燕  张述祖 《心理学报》1996,29(3):252-259
通过三个年龄段的被试对同命题不同句式汉语语句再认的比较,以再认比率和再认反应时为指标,探讨了句子在记忆中的表征问题。研究结果表明:(1)命题表征是一种原始倾向,既不同于记忆准确性的年龄发展,它在性质上又区别于记忆误差。把句式表征与命题表征分化开是后天发展的结果;(2)命题表征的建立和巩固需要时间,但一经建立,巩固性较强。相反,句式表征的巩固性较差。  相似文献   

Le test du “dessin de la famille” a été employé dans le but d'établir si des différences interculturelles apparaissent dans les sentiments et attitudes de l'enfant envers ses parents et ses frères et s?urs. On a étudié trois groupes d'enfants appartenant respectivement à une grande ville, à un village de bergers et à une culture africaine où se pratique le polygamie. l'analyse des dessins révèle, chez tous les enfants, une même attitude égocentrique envers leurs frères et s?urs qui sont systématiquement sous-estimés. d'autre part, la représentation du personnage principal de la famille fait apparaître des différences culturelles : dans une structure familiale moins rigide il arrive que le rôle principal soit attribué à d'autres membres que le père ou la mère. On observe enfin que le rôle effectif joué par les deux parents influence de façon déterminante le mode d'identification de l'enfant au rôle sexuel.  相似文献   

Cognitive models of depression have not been adequately tested in different cultural settings involving personally relevant events that affect the lives of the elderly. A cross-sectional comparison was made of cognitions obtained from Asian and Caucasian subjects, residing in Canada and the United States. The objective was to determine whether cognitive appraisals of stressful events would differentiate the elderly in the two cultural groups. Results supported the hypotheses that cognitive appraisals of locus of control, uncertainty, self-responsibility, self-confidence in future coping and fear about future recurrence of negative events are strongly associated with the depressive responses of the elderly in general. A comparison of the cognitive appraisals of the elderly in the two cultural groups showed depressed Asians more significantly than depressed Caucasians, reporting more external locus of control and self-blaming attributions. The results have implications for community workers, psychotherapists and social welfare agents concerned with the mental well-being of the elderly and the care of the elderly from different cultures.  相似文献   

傅金芝 《心理科学》1998,21(3):246-249,237
本研究采用多因素实验设计。实验中的问题是初三教学涉及的电阻定律,要求学生自己动牧比较抽象概括来解决问题。通过方差分析考察诸多因素对问题解决水平的影响。结果表明:初中学生解决问题能力的水平有多个层次,目前约有65%的初中生面对较复杂问题无法进行较好的抽象概括,但有针对怀的启发对问题解决有明显遥促进作用;学生的年龄、智力、学绩、教学方式和社会文化环境影响着问题解决的水平。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the hypothesis that the French and English Canadians, due to their unique cultural backgrounds, differ in their perceptions of and satisfaction with the nature of the organizational communication system under which they operate. The study was conducted in a large community general hospital. A total of 977 or 65.9 percent of the employees (of the 1,483 employees asked to complete the questionnaire) responded. The study revealed that Anglophcne employees consistently showed lower levels of satisfaction then the Francophone employees with the various aspects of the communication system that were investigated in this study. It was suggested that consistency of response to communications perhaps stems from the differing cultural values of the two groups of employees. Implications of these results were discussed.  相似文献   

A study of 376 high school graduates representing equal numbers of male-female, age groups of 20–30 and 40–50 years and Hindu, non-Hindu Indians were examined on Rotter's I-E Scale. Contrary to earlier reports (Carment 1974) the group was not more internal than previously reported scores of other cultures. A 2 times; 2 times; 2 ANOVA revealed that sex and religion contributed significantly. Belief in the theory of Karma and socioeconomic status also contributed significantly. Similar analyses of three subscales of I-E, Personal Control, Control Ideology and Systems Control showed some reversals of results of total I-E.  相似文献   

指向具体人物对象的人际信任:跨文化比较及其认知模型   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文对指向具体人物对象的人际信任作了跨文化实证比较研究,并探讨了人际信任的认知模型。使用人际信任行为量表(ITBS)测量了中国、香港及美国三地大学生的人际信任。根据三组被试对诸如父亲、哥哥、同班同学、医生和陌生人等20个人们生活中经常能够接触的人物信任程度的高低,可将这些具体人物对象归为“亲人”,“熟人”和“陌生人”三个群体。三组被试对“亲人”群体的人际信任没有显著差异,但中国被试对其它两个人物对象群体的信任要高于美国和香港被试,而后两组被试的差别则不显著。另外,利用多元回归法在人际信任与六种认知变量间建立了模型关系,发现其中只有两个变量对模型作出主要贡献,即:(1)对由信任行为而得到得回报的期望值越高;(2)得不到回报而引致损害的严重性评估越低,则一个人作出某一信任行为的可能性就越大。被试的文化背景和社会工业化程度对人际信任认知模型没有影响。  相似文献   

方格  佟乐泉  刘范 《心理学报》1988,21(3):46-54
本研究是中国科学院心理研究所和美国密西根大学的协作项目。数学团体测验是整体研究项目的一部分。这一研究的目的是比较在不同文化背景下北京(中)、芝加哥(美)、仙台(日)和台北(中)小学儿童的数学成绩。其结果表明:亚洲学生的成绩显著高于美国儿童的成绩。我们试将美国教材同其它国家的教材进行比较,已初步看出,教材讲授的时间可能是影响中国儿童成绩的重要因素之一。学生的学习态度可能是影响儿童成绩的另一因素。其它方面如家庭条件、母亲的观念、教师的教学风格以及课堂的组织形式都可能影响儿童的学习成绩。我们对此将陆续提出报告。  相似文献   

Récompense différée, âge et intelligence dans une culture indigène. — Un certain nombre d'études ont confirmé l'observation faite par Freud d'une liaison positive entre l'âge et la capacité de différer une récompense immédiate. On a également pu montrer que l'intelligence était liée à une telle capacité, d'où l'idée que la possibilité de différer une récompense caractériserait l'individu mûr et bien adapté. Il se peut toutefois que, tandis que délai de récompense et maturité sont liés pour des occidentaux de la classe moyenne, on obtienne dans d'autres cultures ou sous-cultures, des structures génétiques différentes. Quelques recherches qui ont porté sur des groupes a-typiques (Indes orientales, Nord de l'Australie, délinquents, etc.) donnent à penser que la relation entre le délai de récompense, l'âge et l'intelligence ne serait pas seulement affaire de développement chronologique et intellectuel, mais serait affectée par le contexte culturel dans lequel des variables sont en interaction. La présente recherche étudie la relation entre récompense différée, âge et intelligence chez des indigènes (N = 48; 7 à 15 ans) qui vivent dans une partie lointaine de l'Australie Centrale. l'intelligence est mesurée à l'aide du test de Porteus; on observe la préférence des sujets pour une récompense immédiate ou différée en leur donnant à choisir entre un bonbon tout de suite ou deux bonbons plus tard. Les résultats montrent qu'il n'y a pas de relation entre l'âge et le délai de récompense et que l'intelligence est liée positivement à la récompense immédiate. Tandis que les individus qui appartiennent à une culture industrielle apprennent très tôt à différer les récompenses, certains aspects de la culture aborigène étudiée encouragent la préférence pour une récompense immédiate. Il y a cohérence entre les résultats et l'idée que la tendance à retarder la récompense est en partie culturellement définie.  相似文献   

BREHMER, B. Effects of communication and feedback on cognitive conflict. Scand. J. Psychol. , 12, 205–216.–The effects of communication and feedback upon policy similarity and policy consistency in cognitive conflict were studied in a 2×2×5 factorial experiment with communication (present/ absent), feedback (present/absent) and blocks of trials as the factors. Communication increased policy similarity and agreement, but feedback had no effect. Both subjects with linear and subjects with nonlinear policies gave up more of their initial policy in the communication condition, but only the nonlinear subjects managed to utilize communication to acquire new policies. In all conditions, including the condition without feedback and communication, the nonlinear subjects' policies were less consistent than those of the linear subjects. This suggests that nonlinear policies may be less stable than linear policies.  相似文献   

There are two aspects of Piaget's theory that can be at least partly distinguished: (1) The stage theory, or the development of particular concepts through a series of hierarchical stages; (2) The metatheory, or the interactionist model of adaptation (assimilation and accommodation) that explains the mechanisms of cognitive development. Most cross-cultural research has been based on the first of these aspects, using and adapting “Piagetian tasks ”in various conceptual areas. Some findings of this line of enquiry, and the methodological problems encountered, are briefly reviewed. It is argued that no specific task, nor a combination of them, can be taken to measure a general cognitive level; the tasks measure the attainment of particular concepts rather than “intelligence”. New evidence is presented on the reliability and validity of Piagetian tasks used in a cross-cultural setting. In the second model, intelligence is broadly defined as adaptation to the environment; in this conception it would be reasonable to expect divergent paths of cognitive development in different cultures. In other words, one might need a different Piagetian psychology in each culture, but based on universal deep mechanisms. As a modest contribution to a more “emic ”study of intelligence, the concept of intelligence as defined by the Baoulé of Ivory Coast, n'glouèlě is presented and discussed. Ratings on n'glouèlě and its different components are related to performance on Piagetian tasks in a sample of 8- to 9-year-old rural Baoulé children. The thrust of the paper is to point out once more the cultural relativity of any conception of intelligence, be it from a Piagetian or any other perspective.  相似文献   

This study examined cross-cultural similarities and differences in beliefs about men and women of the past, present, and future. These dynamic stereotypes , or beliefs that a group's present characteristics differ from its past or future characteristics, correspond to the actual role change experienced by the group ( Diekman & Eagly, 2000 ). Participants in Germany and the United States perceived that women were increasing in their masculine characteristics from the past to the future, whereas they perceived comparatively more stability in men's characteristics. The largest cross-cultural difference stemmed from beliefs about 1950s women, who were perceived as possessing greater positive masculine personality, negative feminine personality, and less feminine physical traits in Germany than in the United States. This greater nontraditionalism of postwar German women reflects their assumption of stereotypically male-dominated roles immediately after World War II. Consistent with social role theory, perceived role nontraditionalism mediated the relationship between time period and levels of gender-stereotypic characteristics.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to assess the degree of interaction between gender and cultural group background in determining scholastic aptitude test attainment among college student candidates. The analyses were based on the college entrance aptitude test scores of 1778 Jewish and 1017 Arab student candidates applying for admission to a major Israeli university. A Manova of the subtest scores revealed significant main effects for both culture and gender and a significant gender × culture interaction effect. Separate Anovas for each of the individual subtests show significant gender × culture interaction effects for both the Mathematical and Figural Reasoning subtests, with a larger gender group differential - in favor of the males - among Jews than among Arabs. The interaction effect was attributed, in part, to two complementary culture-specific factors, namely: (a) the positive self-selection of Arab female college candidates of relatively high scholastic ability, thus serving to narrow the gender gap in the Arab group; (b) the varied opportunities for advanced technical training, enrichment and experience available mainly to Jewish males during their period of compulsorly military service, serving to enhance the gender gap in the Jewish group. In sum, the data suggest that culture may serve as an important moderator variable in determining the size of gender group differences in scholastic aptitude test attainment.  相似文献   

Some children make impulsive choices (i.e., choose a small but immediate reinforcer over a large but delayed reinforcer). Previous research has shown that delay fading, providing an alternative activity during the delay, teaching participants to repeat a rule during the delay, combining delay fading with an alternative activity, and combining delay fading with a countdown timer are effective for increasing self‐control (i.e., choosing the large but delayed reinforcer over the small but immediate reinforcer). The purpose of the current study was to compare the effects of various interventions in the absence of delay fading (i.e., providing brief rules, providing a countdown timer during the delay, or providing preferred toys during the delay) on self‐control. Results suggested that providing brief rules or a countdown timer during the delay was ineffective for enhancing self‐control. However, providing preferred toys during the delay effectively enhanced self‐control.  相似文献   

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