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段正元站在儒家“介乎鬼神有无之间”的立场上,吸收释道鬼神思想,持用“因材施教”教化原则,借灵魂和鬼神之说开展道德教化活动,所以他的鬼神观兼有理性主义和神秘主义的双重色彩,并着重强调重人事以达“神我相通”的境界.  相似文献   

墨家与儒家"敬鬼神而远之"的态度不同,墨家吸收了殷商重鬼神的文化传统,认为鬼神实有、鬼神具有赏善罚恶的能力。墨家的鬼神观体现了墨家对良性治理之道的追问,鬼神具有明知能力,可以赏善罚恶,鬼神是实现墨家"义政"的保障。墨家的鬼神观有一个根本的转向,由传统强调鬼神的宗教功能慢慢转变为强调鬼神的政治功能,统治者要尊天敬鬼,要善待百姓,才能得到鬼神之福、人民之亲。可以说,敬畏鬼神才能建立良善的社会秩序。同时,墨家的鬼神观也依然具有道德内涵与宗教内涵,人们要敬畏鬼神,重视祭祀。不过,墨家对鬼神观念的政治功能化解释中,鬼神本身所具有的超越性、神圣性也被政治功能化解释慢慢消解。  相似文献   

本文以张载的鬼神观为研究对象,从哲学、祭祀和世俗信仰三个不同层面考察了张载对鬼神的论述,对其鬼神观的哲学化做了详细的讨论。鬼神观是张载气论的一部分;他对祖先的鬼神的理解建立在自然主义的生死聚散说的基础之上,由此否认有世俗一般所谓的鬼神。哲学性的鬼神观念成为张载鬼神思想的主导。  相似文献   

相比于墨子以"明鬼"这一主题用许多篇幅构建绝对的鬼神信仰来说,上博楚简第五册中<鬼神之明>对鬼神之"有所明"与"有所不明"的言说则篇幅很小.虽然如此,但它却提出了一个既不同于墨子也有别于孔子的颇有特色的"鬼神观".这一"鬼神观"在肯定"鬼神"存在的前提之下,揭示了"鬼神"在施行赏罚上的盲点和不一贯性,这是对孔子儒家和墨子信持鬼神能够普遍"福善祸淫"或者善恶因果报应观念的一个明显修正,称得上是存疑的"二重性"的鬼神观,从而为东周子学的"鬼神"观念增添了新的色彩,甚至可以说由于这种"鬼神观"的出现使东周的鬼神信仰呈现出了多样或多元性的局面.据此,我们可以进一步看出从"三代"宗教到东周宗教所发生的具体转化.在此,我们关注的是<鬼神之明>"鬼神观"的独特性以及它在东周鬼神信仰世界中的位置.  相似文献   

我在幼少时代,满脑子迷信思想,求神怕鬼,烧香磕头,诵经念咒。日本人进来,逃难出去,身上还缀着小护身佛。后来,听大人们常说,敬神如神在,不敬也不怪。随着年龄的增长,逐渐对鬼神观念怀疑动摇。但与鬼神思想的彻底决裂,是在参加革命工作以后,并且有一个过  相似文献   

孔子相信并敬畏鬼神,这与他所处的时代以及他的出身、文化背景有密切关系。春秋时期,社会转型虽然已经开始,但是整个社会仍然弥漫着浓厚的崇敬鬼神的气息。同时,孔子又是殷遗民,受到殷商"尚鬼神"文化的影响,而儒本身也起源于殷商,并主要从事相礼、祭祖、事神等活动。这些因素制约和影响着孔子的鬼神观念,使得孔子不仅没有否定鬼神,还始终以敬畏的态度对待鬼神。  相似文献   

学者们研究《鬼神之明》时,无论是肯定、部分肯定还是否定简文与墨家的关系,均多围绕墨家展开讨论。运用同样的逻辑进行分析,《鬼神之明》也可以是儒家的佚文或儒家别派的作品。春秋战国时期怀疑鬼神的公正、能力,甚至怀疑鬼神存在者并不鲜见,可见《鬼神之明》中"鬼神有所明有所不明"的思想不属墨家特有,而是春秋战国时期不少有识之士的共同看法,因而仅仅凭借"鬼神"思想来判定学派属性是靠不住的。当今学界判定学派属性,出现"鬼神"观念便联想与墨家有关,于是使用各种方法加以论证,甚至不惜"削足适履"。这种思维定式值得我们反思。  相似文献   

张载的鬼神观念,是一种全新的,在最大程度上摆脱了世俗迷信信仰的鬼神理论。但是,张载鬼神观念的义理化转向.并非是一种对传统超验意义鬼神的替代。而是立足于传统原始本质的鬼神.并在此基础上赋予了义理化的内涵,从而发明了义理与祭祀相统一的鬼神观念。由于他的创造有力地抨击了传统社会的世俗鬼神迷信信仰,所以他在无神论史上也留下了浓重的一笔。  相似文献   

鬼神问题不是道学①的主要兴趣所在,从《近思录》这一权威的宋代道学读本来看,它只占很小的篇幅,且散见于“道体”、“异端”等卷。西方传教士进入中国之后,儒家的宗教观开始受到关注,连带之下,道学的鬼神观也时被论及。就此而言,中国学术界的道学鬼神论研究,也是一个跨文化交流的产物。道学对鬼神的态度及其理据究竟为何,人言言殊,迄无定说。本文拟以朱熹为中心对道学鬼神观的特质作一探索。之所以从朱熹切入,是因为笔者认为朱熹的鬼神观反映了道学处理鬼神问题的基本立场和主流认识。一方面朱熹广泛继承了宋代道学鬼神论的遗产,另一方面朱…  相似文献   

开展科学无神论的宣传和教育,是思想战线上一项长远的、不可间断的事业,也是实施“科教兴国”的重要思想保障。然而宣传无神论不能只靠一件件地揭露鬼神迷信的事实,还要通过这些事实,说明鬼神迷信为什么错误、鬼神为什么是不存在的道理。只有明白了鬼神不存在的道理,才算树立了无神论的世界观,才能有效地抵制形形色色的鬼神迷信。  相似文献   

Scientific research in the sector of press readability and specifically magazines is not particularly extensive. This paper suggests a framework for the development of strategic decisions based on reader satisfaction measurements. The methodology is illustrated through a real-world application, i.e. customer-oriented strategy planning for the leading monthly IT magazine in Greece. This study implements the MUSA (Multicriteria Satisfaction Analysis) method to evaluate reader satisfaction, in order to support the editor in making decisions while planning his editorial strategy. Reader satisfaction was analysed based on a tree containing seven main criteria and 32 sub-criteria. Readers proved to be very satisfied and non-demanding, which results in narrower margins for efficient improvement suggestions. However, the evaluation of the MUSA results led to putting forward suggestions that could support the editor in making amendment decisions. Some of these suggestions were successfully implemented within the scope of a new strategy. This revealed the need for two separate editions, an IT magazine for pupils and students as well as an IT magazine focused on women. The decision maker received suggestions on what these new publications' features should be, deriving from the study's quantitative results. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bin Ai 《Reflective Practice》2016,17(5):605-620
Higher education in China has developed significantly over the past decades. Many universities have established cooperative partnerships with western universities, and overseas courses are being progressively introduced to China. At many Chinese universities, a cohort of teachers endeavor to open up bilingual subjects as a bridge to their students’ future learning; accordingly, there are higher expectations of the teachers involved in bilingual education and challenges for their professional development. In this case study, the researcher invites a Chinese professor to reflect on his experiences of bilingual instruction at a university situated in central China. After describing how the bilingual course in the case study was set up and the difficulties confronted, this study uses theories of hybrid identity and third space to contextualize how bilingual teachers experience hybrid identity construction and transformation in their adaptation to the new challenges. This in-depth study will shed light on the professional development of bilingual teachers in China’s higher education industry.  相似文献   

This report presents outcome data collected for a three-year period from a maximum-security forensic psychiatric program. Admission and discharge variables, restraint/seclusion, and client abuse/neglect data are presented from a one-year period that preceded the advent of the Behavior Management Treatment Program's (BMTP's) Social Learning Diagnostic Program to two years after implementing the Social Learning Diagnostic Program. Significant overall progress and improvement was observed in all variables analyzed after instituting a social learning program paradigm. This report provides a brief summary of the BMTP's Social Learning Diagnostic Program along with a discussion of the role played by Dangerousness Management Plans in the treatment of patients within the social learning milieu. Additionally the patient population served, and the rationale for implementation of a program based in social learning theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

Material is presented from the case history of a patient whose interest in spelunking (cave exploration) was found to be an unconscious expression of a type of counterclaustrophobia. Both oedipal and preoedipal determinants of the claustrophobic anxieties are delineated. Of particular note in this instance is the testicular element in the genesis of the patient's claustrophobia. His confusion of the movements of his testicles into his inguinal canals during childhood defecation with the movements of the feces themselves lent an special intensity to his fear of being flushed away from the mother by an expulsive anal birth from the claustrum. Childhood anxiety aroused when his testicles would become trapped in the inguinal canals was an important forerunner of the adult fear of being trapped in confined spaces. A counterphobic element of the spelunking per se was his enjoyment in hanging suspended by a rope in caves. In this manner, he was able to act out (by virtue of his body-testicle equation) his identification with, and control over, the disappearing testicles in the setting of a claustrophilic union with the mother.  相似文献   

Reuben Hersh 《Synthese》1991,88(2):127-133
It is explained that, in the sense of the sociologist Erving Goffman, mathematics has a front and a back. Four pervasive myths about mathematics are stated. Acceptance of these myths is related to whether one is located in the front or the back.  相似文献   

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