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在海德格尔那里,现象学已从“先验现象学”转变为“存在论的现象学”,这就是现象学的“存在论转向”。这种转向最为突出地表现在海德格尔对胡塞尔现象学的“三个重要发现”的存在论意义的揭示和生存论根基的追问上:1.胡塞尔把意识的意向性作为最后的根据,海德格尔则强调此在的生存论结构的超越性对一切意识行为和实践行为的意向性的奠基作用;2.与胡塞尔把感性直观作为范畴直观的最后根据不同,海德格尔认为无论是感性直观还是范畴直观都不具有源始性,因为它们都奠基于此在的“存在之理解”,都只有在生存论的“理解”的基础上才是可能的;3.与胡塞尔强调本质或范畴的先天性不同,海德格尔把先天与后天的区别最终归结为存在与存在者的“存在论区别”。  相似文献   

In this essay, I narrate five short stories about how I have encountered and struggled with social construction and phenomenology, as well as my ongoing synthesis of the two perspectives.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article contributes to the contemporary debate regarding the young Heidegger's method of formal indication. Theodore Kisiel argues that this method constitutes a radical break with Husserl—a rejection of phenomenological reflection that paves the way to the non‐reflective approach of the Beiträge. Against this view, Steven Crowell argues that formal indication is continuous with Husserlian phenomenology—a refinement of phenomenological reflection that reveals its existential sources. I evaluate this debate and adduce further considerations in favor of Crowell's view. To do so, I analyze the young Heidegger's account of phenomenological communication and argue that it further reflects the continuity that Crowell identifies: as he does with reflection, Heidegger refines Husserl's account of phenomenological communication and sheds light on its existential sources.  相似文献   

We ordinarily think that self and other coexist as subjects with mutually exclusive mental lives. The conceptual problem of other minds challenges this common thought by raising doubts that coexistence and mutual exclusivity come together in a coherent idea of others. Existential phenomenology is usually taken to be exempt from skeptical worries of this sort because it conceives of subjects as situated or embodied, offering an inclusive account of coexistence. I submit that this well‐entrenched view faces a serious dilemma: either the ordinary distinction between self and other has to be given up, or accounts of situated and embodied coexistence presuppose a non‐phenomenological solution to (a close relative of) the conceptual problem of other minds. I then propose a way out for existential phenomenology by sketching a Sartre‐inspired phenomenological response to the problem.  相似文献   

Friendship Quality and Social Development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A high-quality friendship is characterized by high levels of prosocial behavior, intimacy, and other positive features, and low levels of conflicts, rivalry, and other negative features. Friendship quality has been assumed to have direct effects on many aspects of children's social development, including their self-esteem and social adjustment. Recent research suggests, however, that friendship quality affects primarily children's success in the social world of peers. Friendship quality could also have indirect effects, by magnifying or diminishing the influence of friends on each other's attitudes and behaviors. Having high-quality friendships may lessen children's tendencies to imitate the behavior of shy and withdrawn friends, but little evidence supports the hypothesis that high-quality friendships magnify friends' influence.  相似文献   

One's personal and professional dimensions complement each other in the practice of social work. In plying their trade, social workers construct a personal narrative that gives a sense of meaning to their commitment to clients who face suffering and distress. The study is based on in-depth interviews of twenty-five experienced female social workers. Two themes were identified: The first theme focuses on the construction of an existential vulnerability in the family-of-origin, which drives the choice of a helping profession. The interviewees perceived these difficulties as contributing to their sensitivity toward the suffering and turmoil of others, connecting them with clients, and giving them a sense of purpose, commitment, and meaning in their work. The second theme relates to the special meaning assigned to social values, such as giving and committing to others, in the family-of-origin and the profound effect of this socialization process on professional choices and practice. The discussion of the findings is from an existential perspective and has implications for the professional development of social workers and other helping professionals.  相似文献   

社会认知主要围绕"理论理论"与"模仿理论"两个经典模型来解释人际间的理解。这一主流框架既包含重要的洞见,也隐含着成问题的理论预设。同感现象学及其当代的代表"直接感知理论"对上述框架提出挑战,认为他人认知的起点不是认知者的理论推理或者心智模仿,应该回溯到认知者初始的感知经验,认为感知是通达关于他人心智生活的一种不可或缺的方式。  相似文献   

以593名初高中学生为被试, 用问卷法考察中学生同伴依恋的特点, 并探讨同伴依恋与交往目标、友谊质量的关系。结果表明:(1)中学生同伴依恋可分为安全型、专注型、回避型和恐惧型, 它们在中学生群体中的比例分别为34.5%、23.8%、22.1%和19.6%;(2)中学生同伴依恋的年级、性别差异显著:依恋焦虑初二显著高于高一, 依恋回避初一显著高于初二、高一和高二;男生依恋焦虑显著低于女生, 依恋回避显著高于女生;(3)不同依恋类型中学生交往目标、友谊质量差异显著;(4)交往目标中的帮助与支持、亲密性在同伴依恋和总体友谊质量关系中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   


High social anxiety in adults is associated with self-report of impaired friendship quality, but not necessarily with impairment reported by friends. Further, prospective prediction of social anxiety and friendship quality over time has not been tested among adults. We therefore examined friendship quality and social anxiety prospectively in 126 young adults (67 primary participants and 59 friends, aged 17–22 years); the primary participants were screened to be extreme groups to increase power and relevance to clinical samples (i.e., they were recruited based on having very high or very low social interaction anxiety). The prospective relationships between friendship quality and social anxiety were then tested using an Actor–Partner Interdependence Model. Friendship quality prospectively predicted social anxiety over time within each individual in the friendship, such that higher friendship quality at Time 1 predicted lower social anxiety approximately 6 months later at Time 2. Social anxiety did not predict friendship quality. Although the results support the view that social anxiety and friendship quality have an important causal relationship, the results run counter to the assumption that high social anxiety causes poor friendship quality. Interventions to increase friendship quality merit further consideration.  相似文献   

Thomas Flynn's work on Sartre and Foucault, the first of a two-volume project, offers a unique opportunity for examining an existential theory of history. It occasions rethinking existential-social categories from the vantage point of the poststructuralist turn. And it contributes to developing existential variants of critical theory. The following questions guide me in each of the three above areas. First, how is human history intelligible, given not only our finite sense of ourselves but also claims that we have reached the end of history? Second, with the poststructuralist eclipse of dialectics, can we render existential categories in social terms and vice versa? Third, critics decry grand theorizing even in fallibilist reason, e.g., of Habermas, while others are worried by the normative deficits of poststructuralist nominalism, e.g., of Foucault. Can existential variants of critical social theory, anticipated before Sartre by Marcuse, split the difference?  相似文献   

If philosophers have discussed life as preparation for death, this seems to make aging coterminous with dying and a melancholy passage that we are condemned to survive. It is important to examine the discourse on aging and end of life and the ways various models either limit possibilities for human agency or suggest means of being innovative in relation to such parameters. I challenge developmental views of aging not by arguing for eternal life, but by using Plato’s conception of form in conjunction with Simmel’s work and Arendt’s meditation on intergenerational solidarity, to evoke a picture of the subject as having capacities that offer avenues for improvisational action. This paper proposes a method for analyzing any social form as a problem-solving situation where the real “problem” is the fundamental ambiguity that inheres in the mix between the finite characteristics of the action and its infinite perplexity. I work through the most conventional chronological view of aging to show how it dramatizes a fundamental ethical collision in life that intensifies anxiety under many conditions, always raising the question of what is to be done with respect to contingency, revealing such “work” as a paradigm of the human condition.  相似文献   

There has been significant growth in critical approaches to social psychology in recent years. Phenomenological, discursive and psychoanalytically informed perspectives, amongst others, have become increasingly popular alternatives to ‘mainstream’ cognitive social psychology. This paper describes the fundamental philosophy and methodology underpinning phenomenological psychology along with discussion of a number of key issues in qualitative research in social psychology. In particular, I discuss the role of interpretation, the turn to language and need for political engagement within critical social psychology. More recently, there has been a growth in phenomenologically informed narrative theories and methodologies and in this paper I introduce my own development of a critical narrative analysis. In the process I discuss some of the most pressing debates about research within the phenomenological tradition and provide rebuttals, solutions and possible future directions for phenomenological theory and research that may lead to yet greater recognition for this social psychological perspective.  相似文献   

Hartimo  Mirja  Rytilä  Jenni 《Topoi》2023,42(1):283-295
Topoi - The paper shows how to use the Husserlian phenomenological method in contemporary philosophical approaches to mathematical practice and mathematical ontology. First, the paper...  相似文献   

采用元分析方法探讨了青少年友谊质量和主观幸福感的关系,通过文献检索,共纳入文献27篇(N=21283)。结果表明:(1)青少年友谊质量与主观幸福感呈中等程度正相关(r=0.28,p<0.001);(2)友谊质量与主观幸福感的关系不受性别、文化背景、学业阶段、主观幸福感测量工具、友谊质量测量工具的调节,但受出版时间的调节。  相似文献   

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