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《管子》民本思想内容非常丰富,始终围绕着顺民心,应民情而展开,在政治上,崇尚德礼,爱民惠民;在经济上,提倡节约,重民富民;在法律方面,主张严格执法以安民。《管子》的民本思想具有较强的功利性,民本思想归根结底是为君主统治服务的。  相似文献   

Xunwu Chen 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(2):166-181
This essay explores the Confucian theory of mind. Doing so, it first examines the early Confucian concept of the human mind as a substance that has both moral and cognitive functions and a universal nature. It then explores the neo-Confucian concept of the human mind, the original mind, and the relationships between the human mind and human nature, as well as between the human mind and the human body. Finally, it explores the Confucian concept of cultivation of the mind.  相似文献   

危机重重的国内外环境,使《管子》治国安邦、富国强兵的施政纲领具有机警戒惕的精神,孕育了《管子》风险防范思想。这一思想在经济、政治、军事、人事、社会、自然诸方面均有体现,构成了以"备患于未形"为其核心的风险防范思想体系。《管子》风险防范思想的鲜明特征表现在:阴阳消长转化的哲学基础、知所擅知所患的践行理念、全局而又前瞻的战略视野、谨慎而又乐观的思想品质。  相似文献   

《管子·弟子职》篇中蕴含的教育思想应引起我们重视,其中强调“立志”的重要性、关注品德修养、“寓教于行”的教育方法以及倡导构建良好师生关系等方面,值得教育工作者深思和借鉴。  相似文献   

梁启超是清末民初的著名学者,一身兼有旧学和新学影响,在《管子》研究上也有所建树。他的《管子》研究,正处于变法维新时期,他以今文经学的宗旨为指导思想,通过对中西方制度等方面的对比,试图找到改变中国命运的一剂良方。《管子》是礼法并重、制度以刚柔相济为要,故而十分符合梁启超的初衷。他结合自己的学术研究,通过《管子》书来评价管仲,并突显了《管子》的经济与法治思想,这是其《管子》研究的特色,并在《管子》真伪的讨论、义理的研究和管子形象的提升上对后世产生深远的影响。  相似文献   


In this article, I reflect on theory of mind as a field (ToM), how it has developed over the years, and focally on the state of current research and theory. Having begun with preschoolers’ understanding of beliefs and desires, the field now includes research from infancy through late life, contributions and contributors from around the world, research on behavior, conversation, neural correlates, gene-environment contributions, evolution, and the social-behavioral antecedents and consequences of the unfolding trajectories of ToM understanding. Several topics in particular portray the current state of the art and my sense of where theory-of-mind research is likely to head in the near future: progressions of theory of mind achievement; cultural experiences plus experiential influences that shape developmental trajectories; developmental cognitive neuroscience; infant ToM insights; research on ToM developments beyond preschool, including children’s increasing interest in and wrestling with extraordinary minds, such as those of God and super-heroes.  相似文献   

This paper describes state of mind assessments as undertaken by child psychotherapists. It considers the similarities and differences with an assessment for an ongoing child psychotherapy treatment intervention and is described here as a ‘package’ that is offered to the family, child and young person and also the referring colleague. It is suggested that the consultative aspect has more weight in a state of mind assessment. The stages of the assessment are outlined and include the initial consultation with the referring colleague, a meeting with parents, three sessions with a child or young person and feeding back to parents with further consultation to the referring colleague. The meaning of the request at any particular time is explored and influences the stance and the approach to the assessment by the therapist. A summary of a case example illustrates the different stages outlined here. The thinking and approach described may be particularly useful to trainees and those starting out as child psychotherapists in child and adolescent mental health services.  相似文献   

For more than 30 years, researchers have focused on the important transition that children undergo between the ages of 3 and 5, when they start to solve mind‐reading problems that require reasoning about complex mental states, such as beliefs. The main question for debate has been whether, during that transition, children acquire new concepts about how the mind works (i.e. a more sophisticated ‘theory of mind’) or whether their more general cognitive abilities improve and help them deal with the general task demands. Recently, researchers have started to explore mind‐reading abilities in individuals outside of the classic 3–5 age span, showing early theory of mind abilities in ever‐younger children and infants, but also far from flawless performance in adults. In this article, we show how the results of these two new lines of research converge on the idea that there is more to mind reading than having theory of mind concepts: there are various processes required to efficiently implement theory of mind concepts in our reasoning, and there may be, in fact, multiple mind‐reading routes available. We then highlight the emergent new directions for future research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article explores the self-reflection and introspection practised by Korean teachers in early childhood institutions from the perspective of Won-Buddhism. With a phenomenological research methodology, it observes the internalised dialogue experienced by teachers while writing a ‘mind diary’ to reflect on the emotions, thoughts, actions, and relationships they encounter in their daily lives. The findings of data collected and analysed from in-depth interviews and from examining the mind diary writing processes of eight teachers were as follows. First, writing the mind diary enabled teachers to identify their state of mind when they encountered problematic situations. Using the ascetic method of stopping to reflect critically upon the situation and to observe it in context, they recovered their psychological stability and experienced changes in their way of thinking. Second, while writing mind diaries, teachers were able to observe each other’s internalised thoughts and changes in behaviour, which had not been possible for them earlier in their professional lives. On this basis, the processes of practice-oriented teacher education were reconsidered in this study to help teachers develop their abilities to reflect upon and practise these processes in their daily lives.  相似文献   

Some research has suggested that bilingualism produces cognitive control advantages, although it has recently been shown that reported advantages are influenced by a publication bias. If the bilingual (BL) advantage does exist, the specific causes and contexts for its appearance remain unclear. The purpose of the current study was twofold: one, to examine performance of BLs and monolinguals (MLs) on a variety of simple versus complex cognitive control tasks; and two, to determine whether there were language group differences in the tendency to mind wander, which has been heavily implicated in cognitive control tasks. Although we hypothesised that if BLs outperformed MLs on cognitive control tasks, this would be associated with less mind wandering for BLs, the results did not reveal any BL advantages or any differences in mind-wandering tendencies. These findings support calls to temper BL advantage claims and shows a need for future research to better specify which underlying factors of cognitive control may be optimised by multilingualism.  相似文献   

This study investigated when children can take the perspective of their reader if the information-processing demands of writing are removed by means of dictation to a scribe. Participants (N = 96) aged 5, 6 and 7 years dictated letters to an addressee who possessed requisite content knowledge, and then revised the letter or dictated a new letter to an addressee who lacked this knowledge (counterbalanced). Results showed that 19% of 5-year-olds, 41% of 6-year-olds, and 72% of 7-year-olds considered their reader's missing knowledge. Children's awareness of their reader's knowledge was neither related to performance on higher-order theory of mind tasks, nor to measures of executive function. Significantly greater perspective-taking was demonstrated in children's new letters than revised letters. However, although revision is considered a late-developing skill, half of even the 5-year-olds were able to make revisions (albeit few revisions demonstrated actual perspective-taking). Findings have significant implications for the emergent-literacy curriculum.  相似文献   

生存结构与心灵境界——面向21世纪的中国哲学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国哲学可视为一种“生命哲学”或“生存哲学”,它所关注的核心问题就是“生存结构”或“生命结构”,而这种生命结构本质上又体现为阴阳结构.阴阳结构或阴阳范畴,从其内容来看,其实也就是中国人的心灵结构,同时也是我们的心灵境界,体现了一种生命关怀或“生命忧患”意识;从其形式方面来看,则是一种“结构思维”方法。当今人类面临着许许多多紧迫的世界性、全球性问题,以《周易》哲学为代表的中国生命结构哲学或许能够给我们以相当的启示.答案就是;多元一体,共存互补。  相似文献   

在存在论的意义上,《管子》中的“道”、“德”是被作为重要的哲学范畴运用的,指生命产生的根源和生命存在的内在根据,二者是一体共在的关系。《管子》的“道”、“德”论揭示了人与万物在自然本性层面上的内在一体性和生态伦理的存在论维度,启示我们生态伦理应超越人与自然的外在关系,建立于人与自然内在关系的基础上。  相似文献   

Immoral actions, including physical/sexual (e.g., incest) and social (e.g., unfairness) taboos, are often described as disgusting. But what about immoral thoughts, more specifically, thoughts that violate religious beliefs? Do heretical thoughts taint the purity of mind? The present research examined heretical disgust using self-report measures and facial electromyography. Religious thought violations consistently elicited both self-reported disgust and anger. Feelings of disgust also predicted harsh moral judgement, independent of anger, and were mediated by feelings of “contamination”. However, religious thought violations were not associated with a disgust facial expression (i.e., levator labii muscle activity) that was elicited by physically disgusting stimuli. We conclude that people (especially more religious people) do feel disgust in response to heretical thoughts that is meaningfully distinct from anger as a moral emotion. However, heretical disgust is not embodied in a physical disgust response. Rather, disgust has a symbolic moral value that marks heretical thoughts as harmful and aversive.  相似文献   

Lizhu Li 《亚洲哲学》2018,28(4):348-357

The mainstream of academia thinks that Xunzi’s theory of human nature, which claims that human nature is bad, is in contrast with those of Confucius and Mencius and is unable to provide a foundation for human moral subjectivity. However, there are more and more scholars bringing up different ideas, such as Lu Debin and Fung Yiuming. They think that Xunzi’s wei 偽 (artifice), which includes zhi知 (knowing) and neng 能 (capacity), is a kind of inborn capacity to think and activate that belongs to xing. This paper points out that zhi and neng belong to xin 心 (mind) rather than xing. In the text of Xunzi, xing is mainly regarded as human emotions and desires which would result in chaos if not controlled. Making zhi and neng belong to xing does not accord with Xunzi’s theory and will confuse people with the connotation of Xunzi’s xing.  相似文献   

李强调为易旨在洗心 ,反对为易而易 ,认为习易贵在自得 ,故应易备于我、求易于己 ,主张治易当实以足下 ,发明易理。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the metaphilosophical assumptions that have dominated analytic philosophy of mind, and how they gave rise to the central question that the best-known forms of non-reductivism available have sought to answer, namely: how can mind fit within nature? Its goal is to make room for forms of non-reductivism that have challenged the fruitfulness of this question, and which have taken a different approach to the so-called “placement” problem. Rather than trying to solve the placement problem, the forms of non-reductivism discussed in this paper have put pressure on the metaphilosophical assumptions that have given rise to the question of the place of mind in nature in the first instance.  相似文献   

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