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Openness plays an important role in determining what kind of experiences individuals seek out not only in their personal lives, but also in work environments. The objectives of this study were (a) to examine the influence of openness and its facets on the decision to work abroad and (b) to study whether employees’ openness relates to cross-cultural adjustment as well as job and life satisfaction. We investigated these questions among a sample of 2,096 expatriates. In addition to self-reports of openness and cross-cultural adjustment, ratings of subjects’ adjustment were also obtained from 928 knowledgeable others. The openness facets of actions, ideas, and values appear to be good predictors of acceptance of international assignments. In addition, global Openness and its facets Openness to actions and feelings relate to self- and other ratings of cross-cultural adjustment.  相似文献   

Expatriate turnover is a potentially expensive problem for organisations. This study examined the process of cognitive evaluation that can result in the formation of turnover intentions. Expatriates from two organisations participated. Results indicated that facets of justice and adjustment interacted to explain turnover intentions. Specifically, when procedural fairness perceptions were low, general adjustment was related to turnover perceptions. Also, assignment satisfaction partially mediated relationships between facets of justice and adjustment and turnover cognitions. Findings are integrated into existing models of expatriate adjustment and turnover cognitions.
La rotation du personnel expatrié revient potentiellement cher aux organisations. Cette étude examine comment le processus d'évaluation cognitive peut avoir comme résultat l'émergence d'intentions de turnover. Des expatriés de deux organisations ont participéà cette étude. Les résultats indiquaient que les aspects de la justice et de l'adaptation interagissaient pour expliquer les intentions de turnover. Plus particulièrement, lorsque les perceptions d'équité procédurale étaient basses, l'adaptation générale était liée aux perceptions de turnover. De plus, la satisfaction de la mission influençait partiellement les relations entre les aspects de la justice, l'adaptation et les cognitions à propos du turnover. Ces résultats ont été intégrés aux modèles existants à propos de l'adaptation des expatriés et des cognitions à propos du turnover.  相似文献   

We have abandoned the slave trade, and come to abhor it. Could the same happen with the arms trade? Even if we are not pacifists, and allow some use of force in self-defence, we must have serious ethical questions to ask about the trade in weaponry on which our economies are now so dependent. I distinguish the various forms these questions take for governments and individuals, and argue for some answers.  相似文献   

Global justice theorists have given much attention to corporations' purchases of state‐owned natural resources controlled by dictators. These resources, the common argument goes, belong to the people rather than to those who exercise effective political power. Dictators who rely on violence to secure their political power and who sell state‐owned natural resources without authorisation from their people, or from their people's elected delegates, are therefore violating their peoples' property rights. But many dictatorships also distribute natural resource revenue to the population, and stopping to purchase natural resources from them is therefore likely to produce relative deprivation for the people, even while increasing the chances of the people gaining control over their property. Given these circumstances, can corporations buying the people's natural resources from a distributive dictatorship appeal to the people's consent as justification for such purchases? I consider this question by inspecting three types of consent to which resource corporations might appeal. I show that, under the circumstances of natural resource trade with distributive dictatorships, none of these types of consent can obtain. Hence, resource corporations cannot appeal to popular consent to defend their transactions with distributive dictatorships.  相似文献   

A discussion of the apocalyptic dimensions of the World Trade Center disaster, this paper considers some first-hand reports of the towers burning and collapsing, as well as the author's own experience that day watching events unfold and discussing these horrors with his patients. Several conceptual ideas are developed, including the varied ways people experienced the disaster in terms of “zones of sadness”; the organic nature of the way the disaster unfolded; the language of the victims in terms of underlying rhetorical structures of response; and psycho-historical considerations that suggest, in part, why the disaster was such a collective trauma.  相似文献   

Despite their less vulnerable economic status, white individuals' attitudes toward overseas trade in the United States may have become more protectionist than those of economically disadvantaged minorities. We present results from five different studies examining two different ways in which trade may have become racialized. First, we examine the extent to which a person's racial identity is associated with levels of trade support. Second, we examine whether the predominant racial identity of a potential trading-partner country influences people's willingness to trade with that country. Using various surveys and multiple survey experiments conducted over the past 12 years, we find that white individuals have become less supportive of trade than minorities and that whites are more likely than minorities to favor trade with highly similar countries. We suggest that minority support for trade is due to four well-documented differences in the psychological predispositions of whites and minorities in the United States. Minorities have lower levels of racial prejudice, are lower in social dominance, and express less nationalism than whites. At the same time, there is evidence of rising ingroup racial consciousness among whites. Each of these characteristics has been independently linked to trade support in a direction encouraging greater support for trade among minorities. As the United States grows ever closer to becoming a “majority minority” nation, the racialization of trade attitudes may stimulate shifts in the likely future of America's trade relationships.  相似文献   

非法人体器官交易的刑事立法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
借鉴他国立法经验,根据我国刑法典,把非法人体器官交易这种行为定性为一种犯罪,在刑法中增设非法人体器官交易罪(类罪名),以此预防、打击非法人体器官交易.  相似文献   

Several nation states have reasons to halt the import of genetically modified organisms. The current international trend towards a regime of free trade makes such bans problematic. Whether a nation state is deemed justified in banning a certain product is strongly connected to discussions about what are acceptable criteria for proof of risk. The determination of these criteria hinges upon considerations of individual and national autonomy. This paper compares two different points of view in the debate: the WTO opposed to the UN. A distinction between internal and external autonomy explains the differences in approach between the UN and the WTO. The conclusion is reached that adequate respect for autonomy requires a certain amount of flexibility in the criteria for proof of risk.  相似文献   

器官供需严重不平衡导致了人体器官买卖的产生,器官买卖对供体和受体均存在潜在风险,对社会危险性也不容忽视.分析了器官买卖链条中供体、受体和中介各自的角色和地位,并提出了立法推动尸体器官捐献、加强医院和医务人员承担的法律责任、打击买卖中介和加强网络监管等建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the university and fair trade coffee campaigns in North America. In recent years, fair trade coffee sales internationally have increased substantially but have still not grown large enough to meet the needs of fair trade producers in the South. In consequence, fair trade activists have sought to expand the market by pressuring public institutions to adopt fair trade purchasing policies. In North America, the university has emerged as a central focus of fair trade coffee campaigns. Thus far, university administrators have been reluctant to support fair trade. This paper explores this reluctance and asserts that the university has a moral responsibility to support fair trade. However, it also argues that the potential exists for administrators to employ fair trade as an ethical fig leaf to mask the growing corporatization of the university under the weight of neoliberal reforms. This has become a common strategy of many neoliberal institutions in the North. Contrary to the assumptions of much of the emerging literature, it cannot be assumed that the impact of fair trade will necessarily be beneficial in the North unless activists work to ensure fair trade does not become employed as an ethical fig leaf.  相似文献   

1844年7月3日签订的中美《望厦条约》规定,"合众国民人凡有……携带鸦片及别项违禁货物至中国者,听中国地方官自行办理治罪,合众国官民均不得稍有袒护"。此与其时英国政府所持对华鸦片贸易问题的态度与政策迥异。由于《望厦条约》之前美国政府处理对华事务以及制定对华政策,都很大程度上依赖于那些通晓中国语言、谙熟中国文化的早期美国在华传教士,所以,美国政府当时禁令本国商人从事对华鸦片走私活动,亦主要起因于这些传教士的极力反对。而这些传教士之所以反对鸦片贸易,则是因为他们认为这种贸易不仅有悖于基督宗教的伦理道德,而且会严重破坏福音在中国的广泛传布。  相似文献   

A sound conceptual article can be a quantum leap, in terms of value and usefulness, beyond a typical literature review. In this article the author clarifies the distinction between a literature review and a conceptual article, outlines the creative process as it applies to written work, and provides “trade secrets” for novice writers on how to enhance their literary creativity and how to confront and solve troublesome writing problems.  相似文献   

医疗行业中的过度治疗行为的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在医疗行业中,过度治疗行为的现象比较普遍。从博弈论与信息经济学的角度,对这种现象进行了较为详细的分析,并提出了相应的对策,以促使医疗行业和人民的健康水平都得到发展。  相似文献   

游正林 《学海》2011,(1):138-145
F厂是隶属于某集团公司的一家国有独资企业。自2008年10月1日以后,F厂工会主动介入生产管理过程,牵头开展了"生产操作无差错"和"修旧利废"活动。这两项活动并非工会必须开展的本职工作,F工会之所以要超常规地开展这两项活动,主要是出于追求政绩的考虑。那么,F厂工会为什么要选择以这种方式来追求政绩?我们应该如何看待这种追求政绩的做法?本文力图回答这些问题。  相似文献   

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