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Gender differences in sexuality were examined by comparing the sexual experience, enjoyment of various activities, and favourite fantasies of 1862 men and 2905 women readers of a national newspaper. Frequency of experience was no clear guide to enjoyment, especially for women, many of whom engaged in activities they found distasteful. Oral sex was enjoyed by both men and women, whereas anal sex was enjoyed by men and disliked by women. On the other hand, homosexual contact was enjoyed more by women than men. Content analysis of fantasies revealed a male preoccupation with group sex and voyeurism, and a female concern for committed partners and romantic settings. It is argued that fantasies and enjoyment are better indicators of sexual instinct than attitudes and behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper shows a child psychotherapist learning and developing her technique as she attempts to make contact with a child who is extremely hard to reach. It is based on the first two years of three-times-weekly intensive psychotherapy of a latency girl who had little faith in a helpful therapeutic relationship. Her defences against such a relationship were entrenched and hard to shift. In this clinical work, the psychotherapist relies on close observation and her countertransference to develop a relationship with the child, in order to begin to make sense of her non-verbal emotional experience and communication.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the associations between attachment orientations and sexual fantasies. In Study 1, 176 participants completed a sexual fantasy checklist. The findings indicated that attachment anxiety was associated with frequent sexual fantasizing (e.g., submission themes). More anxiously attached women were particularly likely to report extrapair fantasies, whereas more anxiously attached men were especially likely to report romantic fantasies. Attachment avoidance was negatively associated with romantic themes, primarily among men. In Study 2, 115 participants described a sexual fantasy in narrative form. Findings paralleled those of Study 1, with the exception that the avoidant effects were more pronounced in women’s sexual fantasies than in men’s. Implications for understanding the interplay of the attachment and sexual behavior systems are discussed.  相似文献   

A consideration of the literature on the behavioral therapy of sexual deviations suggests that the direct modification of fantasies will provide an effective treatment method. A combination of two procedures for modifying the content of sexual fantasies is outlined and the results of treatment with twelve patients using this combined approach are described. The hypothesis that the modification of fantasies would have a direct effect on both deviant behavior and attitudes toward deviant material, was not unequivocally supported. However, the program had eliminated deviant behavior in all subjects by the end of treatment, and this was maintained at follow-up in at least 75 per cent of the patients.  相似文献   

A questionnaire about the frequency and effects of different thoughts during heterosexual activity was returned by 66 females and 75 males in a random sample of college undergraduates and graduate students. A high response rate (91%) was obtained, and the male and female respondents were shown to be generally similar in sexual experience. Frequency data confirmed an earlier study of the same population in finding that, during sexual activity, males think more about past sexual experiences and ongoing behavior, while females think more about imaginary experiences. Effects data indicated that these frequency differences occur because females use fantasy more than males to increase arousal, to decrease anxiety about sexual activity, to compensate for less-than-ideal sexual experience, and to enhance even a satisfactory experience. Males, in contrast, use thoughts of real experience more often than females to increase arousal and to control and direct sexual activity.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the contribution of attachment orientations to the content of daily sexual fantasies. The two partners of 48 couples independently reported on their attachment orientations and provided daily reports on relationship interactions and sexual fantasies for a period of 21 days. Results showed that attachment anxiety was associated with wishes for intimacy and representations of others as more affectionate in sexual fantasies. Conversely, avoidant attachment was associated with avoidance-related wishes and representations of the self and others as more aggressive and alienated. Negative couple interactions increased habitual attachment-related wishes and self-representations. Specifically, during days characterized by negative couple interactions (relationship-damaging behaviors), attachment anxiety was associated with portrayal of the self as more helpless and avoidant attachment was associated with the expression of more avoidant wishes and portrayal of the self as less helpless. The discussion focuses on the manifestations of attachment-related interpersonal goals in sexual fantasies.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to understand the origin of the analyst's conviction about both the patient's analyzability and the psychoanalytic endeavor. Clinical material will be used to illustrate the way that the intensity of the analyst's conviction is or isn't noticed or interpreted, by both patient and analyst. The primary hypothesis to be proposed is that the analyst's awareness of the transmission of conviction during conversion (or evaluation) can trigger recognition and use of a critical period for identification with an underlying mutual fantasy of intergenerational, analyst-patient conviction about analysis.  相似文献   

This study examined the link between ethnicity, early sexual victimization experiences and college sesual assault in a sample of 383 undergraduate women. One third of the sample (32.9%) had experienced some form of sexual assault during college (22% of whom reported that they had been raped), and 52 percent had experienced unwanted sexual activity before the age of 18 (17.5% of whom reported that a family member or trusted family friend asked for or forced sexual activities). There were substantial differences among the Black, White, Hispanic and Asian women on two of four measures of college sexual assault. Black women had the highest and Asian women the lowest incidence of forced intercourse through verbal threats or pressure. Hispanic women had the highest and Black women the lowest incidence of attempted rape. Black and White women were almost three times as likely as Hispanic women to have had experiences that meet the legal definition of rape, but do not consider themselves rape victims. There were significant differences in college victimization experiences as a result of experiencing incest before age 18, experiencing extrafamilial sesual abuse before age 18, and the use of alcohol. Ethnicity interacted with alcohol use and early experiences with extrafamilial sexual abuse. However, the effect of incest on college victimization was similar for the women in the study, regardless of ethnicity.  相似文献   

The consistent association between adolescent sexual initiation (ASI) and risky adult sexual behavior (RASB) has generally been assumed to indicate that ASI has a causal effect on RASB; consequently, it is assumed that delaying ASI will reduce RASB. Yet the ASI-RASB association might be better accounted for by some third variable. We evaluated the causal role of ASI (initiation of oral, anal, or vaginal sex at or before age 16) in influencing RASB in a longitudinal sample of 2,173 twins (followed from ages 11 to 24 or from ages 17 to 29) using two methods: the discordant-twin design and the propensity-score design. The former controlled for unmeasured genetic and shared environmental factors, and the latter controlled for measured nonshared environmental factors. We replicated the link between ASI and RASB reported in previous research, but results from the discordant-twin and propensity-score analyses suggested that this association is better explained by common genetic or environmental risk factors than as a causal effect. These findings suggest that preventing ASI is unlikely to reduce RASB.  相似文献   

The study investigated 277 college men's reactions to a vignette in which they were to imagine receiving an uninvited sexual advance from a casual female acquaintance. Subjects were predominantly middle-class Caucasian students. The vignette varied in the degree of coercion used (low — touch, moderate — push, high — threat, and very high — weapon). For each coercion level, the initiator was described as either very attractive or very unattractive. Subjects rated acceptability of the act, feelings of being pleased, violated, and negatively affected by the incident, and indicated if they would consent to further sexual activity. Results showed that men had significantly more negative reactions to advances that employed high and very high levels of force as compared to low and moderate levels. A beauty bias was found in that men had more positive (or less negative) reactions to the actions of an attractive vs. an unattractive initiator. Men had generally positive reactions to the sexual advance of an attractive woman who used low or moderate levels of coercion. Reactions to all other vignette situations were predominantly negative. As a model for future research, it is proposed that male and female reactions to sexual coercion can be predicted by levels of violation of sexual standards, force used, initiator sexual desirability, and romantic relationship with the initiator.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explain to a non-Lacanian audience the broad philosophical foundations of Lacanian theory, particularly the relationship that Lacan draws between the human subject's ontological lack and his or her creative capacities. In an effort to explain Lacan's distaste for psychoanalytic approaches aimed at strengthening the ego, the article outlines the manner in which Lacan connects ego-driven fantasies to the constriction of the subject's psychic world. Lacan suggests that narcissistic fantasies are misleadingly seductive because they-in occluding the internal rifts and antagonisms of the subject's being-alleviate his or her anxieties about the contingent basis of existence. However, the illusory sense of plenitude and self-presence that such fantasies provide prevents the subject from effectively discerning the "truth" of his or her desire, thereby holding him or her captive in socially conventional psychic paradigms. In consequence, it is only the fall of the subject's most cherished fantasies that empowers him or her to pursue a degree of subjective singularity. The article also considers the clinical implications of Lacan's theory of lack, including the ways in which the analyst's lack enhances the patient's capacity to claim an increasingly autonomous and multidimensional mode of encountering the world.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of relationship threats on sexual fantasies. In two studies, participants described a sexual fantasy following an imagination task and reported their attachment orientations. In Study 1, participants imagined relationship or nonrelationship threat scenes. Results indicated that relationship threat led to fantasies that involved interpersonal distance and hostility themes. Furthermore, following relational threat, women and more anxiously attached individuals were most likely to use relationship-maintaining strategies in their fantasies. More anxiously attached individuals were also particularly likely to represent themselves as alienated. In Study 2, participants imagined sexual or emotional threat scenes. The findings showed that sexual threat elicited self-enhancement, whereas emotional threat led to fantasies involving both self-enhancement and attachment-related themes. Emotional threat was also most likely to induce negative views of others in more avoidant women. Implications for understanding the underlying functions of sexual fantasies within the context of romantic relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

The TV viewing habits of 391 8-year-old and 10-year-old Finnish children were related to their aggression, their aggressive and fear fantasies, and their dreams and fantasies about TV. Two measurements of aggression were made: peer-nominated aggression and self-rated aggression. TV viewing habits were measured by the amount of TV seen during a week and violence viewing, that is, how regularly violent TV serials were watched. Hypothetically, in addition to a direct relationship between TV viewing and aggression, there could also be an indirect relationship; for example, fantasizing might provide a link in the TV viewing-aggression relationship. There were significant positive correlations for the boys between TV viewing variables and aggression. There were also significant positive correlations between the amount of TV and televised violence viewing and fear and aggressive fantasies in general and with dreams and fantasies about actual TV programs seen. The correlations were less frequent for the girls. The same tendencies were evident for age groups and education. More frequent positive correlations were found with older children and regular classes than with younger children and music classes. The use of fantasy was also correlated positively with both peer-nominated and self-rated aggression. The results of the present study support the information-processing theory, which suggests that the more a child watches TV the more he or she has fantasies about the programs and rehearses the scenes viewed which, in turn, results in explicit aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

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