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Previous research had found that the accuracy with which an S could report an indicated letter or target in a briefly exposed multiletter display decreased as the number of irrelevant letters increased, and accuracy increased if the position of the target letter was indicated 150 msec before the display was presented. Iii the present experiment, these variables were reinvestigated using vocal reaction time as the dependent variable. An interpretation of the accuracy measures in terms of differential processing times was supported. The results of the two experiments were discussed in terms of a model of attentional selectivity.  相似文献   

The authors investigated spatial, temporal, and attentional manipulations in a short-term repetition priming paradigm. Brief primes produced a strong preference to choose the primed alternative, whereas long primes had the opposite effect. However, a 2nd brief presentation of a long prime produced a preference for the primed word despite the long total prime duration. These surprising results are explained by a computational model that posits the offsetting components of source confusion (prime features are confused with target features) and discounting (evidence from primed features is discounted). The authors obtained compelling evidence for these components by showing how they can cooperate or compete through different manipulations of prime salience. The model allows for dissociations between prime salience and the magnitude of priming, thereby providing a unified account of "subliminal" and "supraliminal" priming.  相似文献   

How does sleepiness affect selective attention? We studied the effect of circadian phase and time awake on visual search. The generalized-cognitive-slowing hypothesis predicts that search rate will be slower, feature guidance less effective, and response time (RT) lengthened when observers are sleepy. Observers performed spatial-configuration (finding a 5 among 2s) and conjunction (finding red vertical among red horizontal and green vertical) search tasks during 38 hr of wakefulness under constant conditions. Adverse circadian phases and elapsed time awake did lead to increased RT (corrected for errors). However, contrary to the hypothesis, search rates (indexed by RT x Set Size slopes) were constant across the protocol. This was true for conjunction as well as for spatial-configuration search, indicating that feature guidance was also insensitive to sleepiness. The locus of sleepiness effects on search is probably downstream from the bottleneck of attentional selection. Observers did trade accuracy for speed when sleepy. This implicates decision-stage impairments.  相似文献   

This article provides a selective review of time perception research, mainly focusing on the authors' research. Aspects of psychological time include simultaneity, successiveness, temporal order, and duration judgments. In contrast to findings at interstimulus intervals or durations less than 3.0–5.0 s, there is little evidence for an “across-senses” effect of perceptual modality (visual vs. auditory) at longer intervals or durations. In addition, the flow of time (events) is a pervasive perceptual illusion, and we review evidence on that. Some temporal information is encoded All rights reserved. relatively automatically into memory: People can judge time-related attributes such as recency, frequency, temporal order, and duration of events. Duration judgments in prospective and retrospective paradigms reveal differences between them, as well as variables that moderate the processes involved. An attentional-gate model is needed to account for prospective judgments, and a contextual-change model is needed to account for retrospective judgments.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that incongruent distractor letters at a constant distance from a target letter produce more response competition and negative priming when they share a target’s color than when they have a different color. Moreover, perceptual grouping by means of color, attenuated the effects of spatial proximity. For example, when all items were presented in the same color, near distractors produced more response competition and negative priming than far distractors (Experiment 3A). However, when near distractors were presented in a different color and far distractors were presented in the same color as the target, the response competition × distractor proximity interaction was eliminated and the proximity × negative priming interaction was reversed (Experiment 3B). A final experiment demonstrated that distractors appearing on the same object as a selected target produced comparable amounts of response competition and negative priming whether they were near or far from the target. This suggests that the inhibitory mechanisms of visual attention can be directed to perceptual groups/objects in the environment and not only to unsegmented regions of visual space.  相似文献   

Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: evidence from visual search   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The effect of temporal discontinuity on visual search was assessed by presenting a display in which one item had an abrupt onset, while other items were introduced by gradually removing line segments that camouflaged them. We hypothesized that an abrupt onset in a visual display would capture visual attention, giving this item a processing advantage over items lacking an abrupt leading edge. This prediction was confirmed in Experiment 1. We designed a second experiment to ensure that this finding was due to attentional factors rather than to sensory or perceptual ones. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 1 and demonstrated that the procedure used to avoid abrupt onset--camouflage removal--did not require a gradual waveform. Implications of these findings for theories of attention are discussed.  相似文献   

To what extent is simultaneous visual and auditory perception subject to capacity limitations and attentional control? Two experiments addressed this question by asking observers to recognize test tones and test letters under selective and divided attention. In Experiment 1, both stimuli occurred on each trial, but subjects were cued in advance to process just one or both of the stimuli. In Experiment 2, subjects processed one stimulus and then the other or processed both stimuli simultaneously. Processing time was controlled using a backward recognition masking task. A significant, but small, attention effect was found in both experiments. The present positive results weaken the interpretation that previous attentional effects were due to the particular duration judgment task that was employed. The answer to the question addressed by the experiments appears to be that the degree of capacity limitations and attentional control during visual and auditory perception is small but significant.  相似文献   

Visual attention is essential for visual perception. Spatial attention allows us to grant priority in processing and selectively process information at a given location. In this paper, I explain how two kinds of spatial attention: covert (allocated to the target location, without accompanying eye movements) and presaccadic (allocated to the location of the upcoming saccade’s target) affect performance and alter appearance. First, I highlight some behavioral and neuroimaging research on covert attention, which alters performance and appearance in many basic visual tasks. Second, I review studies showing that presaccadic attention improves performance and alters appearance at the saccade target location. Further, these modulations change the processing of feature information automatically, even when it is detrimental to the task at hand. We propose that saccade preparation may support transsaccadic integration. Systematically investigating the common and differential characteristics of covert attention and presaccadic attention will continue to further our understanding of the pervasive selective processing of information, which enables us to make sense of our complex visual world.  相似文献   

We propose a system of interconnected modules consisting of populations of neurons for modelling the underlying mechanisms involved in selective visual attention. We demonstrate that it is plausible to build a neural system for visual search, which works across the visual field in parallel, but, due to the intrinsic dynamics of the system, resembles apparent modes of visual attention, namely the serial focal and the parallel spread over the space mode. Thus, neither explicit serial focal search nor saliency maps need to be assumed. A focal attentional spotlight is not included in the system but rather focal attention emerges due to the convergence of the dynamic behaviour of the neural networks. The dynamics of the system can be interpreted as a mechanism for routing information from the sensory input.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the effects of time of day on delayed memory for televised news stories. Three groups received the same sequence of 6 news stories at 09.30, 13.30 and 16.30, respectively. Unexpected tests of free recall, cued recall and recognition were given about 2 hr after news presentation. Results showed that memory performance improved slightly across the day on tests of recall, and significantly so on recognition. Personality differences were also examined. In general, introverts remembered more than extraverts and differences between them were most marked during the late-afternoon session especially on free recall and when minimal cuing was provided. The results support previous time-of-day findings for delayed retention of complex learning materials. Personality differences observed here are consistent with predicted introvert-extravert differences in memory performance predicted by Eysenck's modified action-decrement hypothesis.  相似文献   

We report the results of four experiments that were conducted to examine both the representations that provide candidate entities available for object-based attentional selection and the influence of bottom-up factors (i.e., geometric and surface characteristics of objects) and top-down factors (i.e., context and expectancies) on the selection process. Subjects performed the same task in each of the experiments. They were asked to determine whether two target properties, a bent end and an open end of a wrench, appeared in a brief display of two wrenches. In each experiment, the target properties could occur on a single wrench or one property could occur on each of two wrenches. The question of central interest was whether a same-object effect (faster and/or more accurate performance when the target properties appeared on one vs. two wrenches) would be observed in different experimental conditions. Several interesting results were obtained. First, depending on the geometric (i.e., concave discontinuities on object contours) and surface characteristics (i.e., homogeneous regions of color and texture) of the stimuli, attention was preferentially directed to one of three representational levels, as indicated by the presence or absence of the same-object effect. Second, although geometric and surface characteristics defined the candidate objects available for attentional selection, top-down factors were quite influential in determining which representational level would be selected. Third, the results suggest that uniform connectedness plays an important role in defining the entities available for attention selection. These results are discussed in terms of the manner in which attention selects objects in the visual environment.  相似文献   

Emergent features, attention, and perceptual glue in visual form perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the grouping of line segments into unitary shapes and attempted to identify procedures to diagnose when such grouping is taking place. Previous research has indicated that attentional measures may diagnose grouping: With grouped parts, selective attention to individual parts is difficult and divided attention across parts is easy, whereas with ungrouped parts selective attention is easy and divided attention is difficult. This result suggests that grouping operates via a perceptual glue binding parts into wholes that are difficult or impossible to divide. Other studies have suggested in addition that grouped parts produce emergent features, possibly including symmetry and closure, that make possible configural superiority effects, where whole shapes are more discriminable than are their distinguishing contours shown in isolation. The 13 experiments reported here indicate that perceptual glue is not needed to explain known findings about grouping, a claim that agrees with conclusions by other investigators using other criteria. Rather, emergent features alone may suffice to explain grouping, provided that reliable and accurate diagnostic criteria can be identified. It is shown that the diagnostics now available are not fully adequate for this purpose. Surprisingly, it appears that some prime candidates for emergent features--namely, closure and line terminators--may not be of central importance to form perception.  相似文献   

Jonides (1980, p. 111) suggested a model to account for shifts of spatial attention in visual search tasks with less than 100% cue validity. This two-stage probability matching model was subsequently tested by Jonides (1983). Reaction time distribution characteristics indeed provided some support for the model. In the present paper the relevant data presented in Jonides (1980, 1981, 1983) are further analysed. The results of this analysis strongly support the probability matching hypothesis. Probability matching is apparently a very important strategic characteristic of visual spatial attention that deserves much more study.  相似文献   

Alerting attention and time perception in children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This experiment investigated the effect of a signal (i.e., a click) warning of the arrival of a stimulus to be timed on temporal discrimination in children aged 3, 5, and 8 years (N=86), using a bisection task with visual stimuli ranging from 0.5 to 2s or 1 to 4s. In all groups, the psychophysical functions were orderly with the proportion of long responses increasing with the stimulus duration, although the steepness of functions increased with age. Stimulus durations were judged to be longer with than without the click in all age groups. With the click, time sensitivity also improved and more particularly in the younger children. The statistical results suggest, within the framework of the scalar timing theory, that the click reduces the closing latency of the switch that connects the pacemaker to the accumulator in the internal clock and also reduces its trial-by-trial variability.  相似文献   

Fundamental to adaptive behaviour is the ability to select environmental objects that best satisfy current needs and preferences. Here we investigated whether temporary changes in food preference influence visual selective attention. To this end, we exploited the fact that when a food is eaten to satiety its motivational value and perceived pleasantness decrease relative to other foods not eaten in the meal, an effect termed sensory-specific satiety. A total of 26 hungry participants were fed until sated with one of two palatable foods. Before and after selective satiation, participants rated the pleasantness of the two foods and then viewed the same as stimuli on a computer screen while attention was assessed by a visual probe task. Results showed that the attentional bias for the food eaten decreased markedly from pre- to postsatiety, along with the subjective pleasantness for that food. By contrast, subjective pleasantness and attentional bias for the food not eaten did not show any such decrease. These findings suggest that the allocation of visual selective attention is flexibly and rapidly adjusted to reflect temporary shift in relative preference for different foods.  相似文献   

By presenting, before a "chord" of three pure tones with remote frequencies, a tone relatively close in frequency to one component (T1) of the chord, one can direct the listener's attention onto T1 within the chord. In the first part of the present study, it was found that this increases the accuracy with which the pitch of T1 is perceived. The attentional cue improved the discrimination between the frequency of T1 and that of another tone (T2) presented immediately after the chord or very shortly (300 msec) after it. No improvement was found when T1 was presented alone instead of within a chord. A subsequent experiment, in which the chord and T2 were separated by either 300 msec or 4 sec, indicated that the attentional cue improved not only the perception, but also the memorization of the pitch of T1 (especially when T1 was the intermediate component of the chord). It is argued that the positive effect of attention on memory took place when the pitch percept was encoded into memory, rather than after the formation of the pitch memory trace.  相似文献   

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