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Genetic and environmental correlations among 11 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) subtests were estimated from a sample of 143 twin pairs using the methodology of multivariate behavioral genetics. The genetic correlations among subtests varied in magnitude and exhibited a pattern similar to corresponding phenotypic correlations. Correlations due to within-pair environmental influences were generally small, whereas those due to shared environmental influences tended to be intermediate. Several hypotheses regarding the structures of the additive-genetic, common environmental, and within-pair environmental covariance matrices were tested and evidence for differential factor structures was obtained. A model hypothesizing a three-factor structure for the genetic covariance matrix, a single factor for the common environmental matrix, and a single factor plus specifics for the within-pair environmental matrix fit the data well. Thus, the three-factor phenotypic structure typically observed in Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) data may be due largely to genetic influences.  相似文献   

The present study reports results from a study of the self-reported fears of identical twins and their spouses and offspring. Factor analysis with oblique rotation of questionnaire responses yielded four correlated fear dimensions: situational fears, illness-injury fears, social fears, and fear of small animals. Models allowing for genetic and cultural transmission, together with specially correlated environments for twins, were fitted, both for separate fears and across fears. Simple models with only genetic and uncorrelated environments were sufficient to account for each the fear dimensions considered separately. The cross-dimensional analyses revealed a genetic and an environmental factor common to the four fear dimensions, together with fear-specific genetic and environmental factors. The impact of the common genetic and common environmental factor varied across dimensions. No evidence of cultural transmission or specially correlated twin environments of the cross-dimensional environments was detected. It is concluded that both common and fear-specific genes and (individual-specific) common and fear-specific environments are necessary to account for the data. The results are discussed in terms of the prepared learning hypothesis and the expectancy bias hypothesis.  相似文献   

The authors examined the genetic and environmental causes of the co-occurrence of problem behaviors in children. The analyses involved mother and father ratings of Oppositional, Withdrawn/Depressed, Aggressive, Anxious, Overactive, and Sleep Problems in 446 monozygotic and 912 dizygotic pairs of 3-year-old twins. Genetic factors contributed on average .150 (37.3%), shared environment .206 (51.2%), and nonshared environment .046 (11.4%) to the phenotypic correlations between the syndromes. Genetic and environmental factors caused different groupings. Internalizing and Externalizing groupings were indicative of nonshared environmental factors; clusters of problem behaviors with either the Aggressive or Anxious symptoms were most suggestive of genetic factors, and high scores on all syndromes indicated shared environmental influences.  相似文献   

The present study explored the prevalence of self-reported stuttering in a Finnish twin population and examined the extent to which the variance in liability to stuttering was attributable to genetic and environmental effects. We analyzed data of 1728 Finnish twins, born between 1961 and 1989. The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire on speech, language, and voice. In two of the questions they were asked to report the occurrence of childhood and present stuttering of their own and that of their sibling. According to the results, 2.3% (52) of the participants were reported to have stuttered as children and 28.8% of them (15) were reported to continue to stutter in adulthood. There was no significant gender difference in the prevalence of stuttering in either childhood or adulthood. For childhood stuttering, the tetrachoric correlation was higher for monozygotic pairs (r=.74) than for dizygotic pairs (r=.27). By means of structural equation modeling it was found that 82% of the variance in liability to childhood stuttering was attributable to additive genetic effects, with the remaining 18% due to non-shared environmental effects. In conclusion, the results of the present study confirm findings from prior studies and support a strong genetic and only a moderate non-shared environmental effect on stuttering. Potential small differences in the prevalence of stuttering in different populations are suggested by our data. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will be able to recognize the contribution of genetic and environmental effects on stuttering.  相似文献   

In previous papers [Johnson, W., & Bouchard Jr., T. J. (2005a). Constructive Replication of the Visual-Perceptual-Image Rotation (VPR) Model in Thurstone's (1941) Battery of 60 Tests of Mental Ability. Intelligence, 33, 417–430.] [Johnson, W., & Bouchard Jr., T. J. (2005b). The Structure of Human Intelligence: It's Verbal, perceptual, and image rotation (VPR), not Fluid and Crystallized. Intelligence, 33, 393–416.] we have proposed the Verbal, perceptual, and image rotation (VPR) model of the structure of mental abilities. The VPR model is hierarchical, with a g factor that contributes strongly to broad verbal, perceptual, and image rotation abilities, which in turn contribute to 8 more specialized abilities. The verbal and perceptual abilities, though separable, are highly correlated, as are the perceptual and mental rotation abilities. The verbal and mental rotation abilities are much less correlated. In this study we used the twin sample in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart to estimate the genetic and environmental influences and the correlations among them at each order of the VPR model. Genetic influences accounted for 67–79% of the variance throughout the model, with the exception of the second-stratum Content Memory factor, which showed 33% genetic influence. These influences could not be attributed to assessed similarity of rearing environment. Genetic correlations closely mirrored the phenotypic correlations. Together, these findings substantiate the theory that the entire structure of mental abilities is strongly influenced by genes.  相似文献   

Applied creativity involves bringing innovation to real-life activities. The first reared-apart twin study assessing genetic and environmental origins of applied creativity, via Draw-a-House (DAH) and Draw-a-Person (DAP) tasks, is presented. Participants included 69 MZA and 53 DZA twin pairs from the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart. Drawings were evaluated by four artists and four non-artists. Genetic effects were demonstrated for the DAP (.38–.47), but not for the DAH. Creative personality showed genetic effects (.50), and modest, but significant correlations with scores on the two drawings (rs = .17–.26). Both genetic and nonshared environmental influences underlie variance in applied creativity. Individuals concerned with enhancing creativity among students and others may better understand individual differences in performance and training.  相似文献   

Odor identification ability and cognition were measured in a population-based cohort of 1,222 very old twins and singletons, including 91 centenarians. Heritability for identifying odors was low, in contrast to that for cognition. Common genes were found to contribute to both olfaction and cognition. In a multiple regression model, sex, age, cognitive function, and smoking, but not APOEε4 status, were significant predictors of the olfactory test scores (all ps < 0.001). This study, along with data from other studies, suggests that indices of heritability for odor identification decline with age, likely reflecting adverse environmental influences on the smell system.  相似文献   

Aggressive behaviors of 38 twin pairs (21 monozygotic [MZ], 17 dizygotic [DZ]) between the ages of 4 and 7 years were assessed through mothers' ratings and observations in their homes. An observation checklist was developed in which mothers were asked to observe and report each child's specific aggressive behaviors for a total of 6 hours spread over 3 days. In particular the observations focused on the following behaviors: rejection, destructiveness, negativism, noncompliance, teasing, physical negative, insult, verbal threat, and yelling. Biometrical genetic analysis evidenced significant heritable influences on composite aggression scores in both the observation checklist and the mothers' ratings; heritability estimates varied from.24 to.94 depending on the aggression nieasnre used, with scores from the mothers' observations demonstrating smaller genetic effect than those of the parental ratings of the environmental sources of variance, within-family factors were far more important than the between-family ones. The results also yielded significant sex and zygosity differences for means of some of the specific aggressive behaviors, where males and DZ twins scored higher than females and MZ twins. It was suggested that future studies should include more detailed investigations of the context in which specific aggressive behaviors occur and the sources toward which they are directed in order to determine the extent to which different types of aggression may have different etiologies.  相似文献   

We applied multivariate models specifying genetic and environmental influences on adjectives describing each of the five personality domains specified in the Big Five Model of personality (BFM; Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness). We selected the specific models to partition the observed covariance among the adjectives describing each domain into genetic and environmental components in order to assess the etiologic basis for each domain's phenotypic coherence. The sample on which our analyses were based was part of the National Survey of Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS). It consisted of 315 monozygotic and 275 same-sex dizygotic twin pairs. Results revealed both common and specific genetic and environmental influences for each domain, suggesting that all of the domains are etiologically complex. Models specifying the domains as latent phenotypic constructs fit more poorly than models suggesting more complex structures for all domains except Extraversion and Neuroticism. These results raise questions about the BFM as a coherent model of genetic and environmental influences on personality or, alternatively, about the etiological unity of latent phenotypic personality trait constructs beyond Extraversion and Neuroticism.  相似文献   

In structural equation modelling (SEM), a robust adjustment to the test statistic or to its reference distribution is needed when its null distribution deviates from a χ2 distribution, which usually arises when data do not follow a multivariate normal distribution. Unfortunately, existing studies on this issue typically focus on only a few methods and neglect the majority of alternative methods in statistics. Existing simulation studies typically consider only non-normal distributions of data that either satisfy asymptotic robustness or lead to an asymptotic scaled χ2 distribution. In this work we conduct a comprehensive study that involves both typical methods in SEM and less well-known methods from the statistics literature. We also propose the use of several novel non-normal data distributions that are qualitatively different from the non-normal distributions widely used in existing studies. We found that several under-studied methods give the best performance under specific conditions, but the Satorra–Bentler method remains the most viable method for most situations.  相似文献   

To study sources of individual differences in pubertal development, the authors fit a sex-limitation common factor model to data reported, at ages 11 and 14 years, by 1,891 twin pairs on items that comprise the Pubertal Development Scale (PDS; A. C. Petersen, L. Crockett, M. Richards, & A. Boxer, 1988). The model divides variation into a general pubertal factor and item-specific variation and, in addition, decomposes it into constituent sources. In both boys and girls, genetic influences made the largest contribution to variance common to PDS items. Genetic and nonshared environmental factors accounted for variation specific to PDS items in boys, whereas for girls, common environmental influences were added for growth spurt and menarcheal status. For both common and item-specific variation, genetic effects were partially sex specific. Subsidiary analyses found accelerated maturation in both boys and girls who at age 14 were reared in father-absent homes.  相似文献   

Less is known about depression in children than in adults. This study integrates fields by combining cognitive and interpersonal research investigating childhood depression symptoms through the use of a genetic framework. Three research questions are addressed. First, what are the associations among interpersonal cognitions, anxiety, and depression? Second, what are the relative magnitudes of genetic and environmental influences on interpersonal cognitions? Third, to what extent do genetic and environmental influences explain associations between interpersonal cognitions and depression? Three hundred pairs of 8-year-old twins reported on symptoms of depression and anxiety by completing the Children's Depression Inventory and the Screen for Childhood Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders. The authors examined interpersonal cognitions with the Children's Expectation of Social Behaviors and the Perceptions of Peers and Self Questionnaires. Interpersonal cognitions were more strongly correlated with depression (mean r = .35) than with anxiety (mean r = .13). Genetic influence on interpersonal cognitions was small (M = 3%), and associations between interpersonal cognitions and depression were mainly explained by environmental influences. These latter findings may result from interpersonal cognitions in young children, reflecting life experiences as opposed to trait-like cognitive biases.  相似文献   

Virtually all human individual differences have been shown to be moderately heritable. Much of this research, however, focuses on measures of dysfunctional behavior and relatively fewer studies have focused on positive traits. The values in action (VIA) project is a comprehensive and ambitious classification of 24 positive traits, also known as character strengths (Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association), the majority of which have received no behavior genetic attention. Using a sample of 336 middle-aged twins drawn from the Minnesota Twin Registry who completed the VIA inventory of strengths, we detected significant genetic and non-shared environmental effects for 21 of 24 character strengths with little evidence of shared environmental contributions. Associations with a previously administered measure of normal personality found moderate phenotypic overlap and that genetic influences on personality traits could account for most, but not all, of the heritable variance in character strengths.  相似文献   

The study investigated the genetic and environmental contributions to individual differences in measures of socioemotional reactivity and emotion regulation with a sample of 115 monozygotic (MZ) and 156 dizygotic (DZ) 5-month-old twin pairs. Twins' zygosity was determined by a combination of DNA typing and physical similarity. Twins' behaviors (motor activity level, social gaze, gaze aversion, positive expression, negative expression, and self-comfort) were videotaped in a laboratory while infants were presented televised sequences of neutral and happy emotional expressions posed by their mother (familiar condition) and a female stranger (unfamiliar condition). Regardless of the social context, the findings based on model-fitting analyses indicated that nonshared environmental influences explained most of the variance of behavioral data. However, there was evidence that motor activity level (an index of emotional arousal) and the latency and frequency of gaze aversion (an index of emotional regulation) were best represented by a model incorporating both additive genetic and nonshared environmental (i.e., AE) influences when infants were exposed to the unfamiliar adult (heritability estimates ranging from 19% to 31%). The results suggest the importance of nonshared environmental influences during early infancy and stress the role of social context for revealing moderate genetic contributions to individual differences in emotional arousal and emotion regulation.  相似文献   

A latent means and covariance structure analysis was conducted to assess the construct validity and construct comparability in the measuring of career maturity across boys and girls. The career maturity inventory has been coined Daidalos. The sample consisted of 2,443 high school students recruited from one county in Norway. Of these, 1,132 were males, and 1,311 were females. The mean age of the participants was 17 years of age. Goodness-of-fit statistics provided support for a five-factor first-order model in which the factor loadings, factor covariances and item intercepts were invariant across groups. Additionally, ΔS-B χ2 was shown to be non-significant for the testing of invariance of the measurement model. Three significant differences in latent means were detected, with boys scoring higher on negative attitudes toward school or dropout intentions, and girls scoring higher on career uncertainty and need for world-of-work information.  相似文献   

A one‐step covariance structure analysis procedure for estimation of maximal reliability of linear composites with congeneric measures is outlined. The approach is readily employed within a single modelling session using popular covariance structure analysis software, and permits simultaneous estimation of the optimal measure weights with standard errors. The method is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated variables affecting explicit and implicit memory for study modality. Explicit memory for modality was compared with implicit memory for modality (modalityspecific priming) following the study manipulation of modality and level of processing. Explicit recall of modality showed the same pattern of dissociations that has been observed between other measures of episodic memory and priming measures of memory. Manipulations of meaning at study that facilitated recognition and fragment-cued recall increased the accuracy of modality recall, but had no effect on primed fragment-completion performance. In contrast, changing modality between study and test affected fragment-cued performance, but had no effect on recognition or on modality recall. Successive tests of fragment-cued recall and modality recall were found to be highly dependent, whereas successive tests of fragment-completion and modality recall were essentially independent. The results are interpreted as evidence that (1) factors relevant to episodic memory of modality are unrelated to factors that produce modality-specific priming and (2) episodic memory for incidental attributes of an episode, such as modality of study, interacts with and is dependent upon memory for the episode as a whole.  相似文献   

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