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Although both the object and the observer often move in natural environments, the effect of motion on visual object recognition ha not been well documented. The authors examined the effect of a reversal in the direction of rotation on both explicit and implicit memory for novel, 3-dimensional objects. Participants viewed a series of continuously rotating objects and later made either an old-new recognition judgment or a symmetric-asymmetric decision. For both tasks, memory for rotating objects was impaired when the direction of rotation was reversed at test. These results demonstrate that dynamic information can play a role in visual object recognition and suggest that object representations can encode spatiotemporal information.  相似文献   

Summary In two experiments, young subjects, healthy elderly subjects (spouses), and highly intelligent elderly subjects (elite elderly), were compared with dementia patients in a variety of explicit and implicit memory tasks, to investigate two issues: whether priming in Alzheimer-type dementia is contingent upon the presence of pre-existing representations, and whether intelligence modulates performance in explicit memory tasks in healthy ageing. Dementia patients performed as well as spouses in a homophone-spelling task. Moreover, they established new contextual associations when memory was tested by word-stem completion. The hypothesis that priming in dementia is contingent upon pre-existing memory representations was not supported. Spouses, elite elderly, and young subjects did not differ in their ability to recognize correctly recently heard stimuli or to complete word stems. However, recall of lists of words and paired associates was better in both young and elite elderly subjects than in spouses. It is concluded that intellectual capacity rather than chronological age in healthy subjects modulates performance in explicit-memory tasks.Now at The Social Psychiatry Unit, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia  相似文献   

Depression adversely affects explicit memory when implicit memory remains intact unless implicit retrieval requires conceptual processes. The impairment of conceptual implicit memory could be the consequence of the completion of implicit memory tests being contaminated by a voluntary retrieval strategy, hence similar results to those in explicit tests are observed. In this study we adopted a method sensitive to the presence of contamination. Depth-of-study-processing effects were observed for the controls completing the explicit version of a word-association task but were absent for the controls completing the implicit version when compound associates were retrieved. This dissociation indicated the adoption of the designated retrieval strategy in each test with the conceptual implicit memory test being uncontaminated. Subclinically depressed participants showed impairment in the explicit version, while for those completing the implicit version there was evidence that they used a voluntary retrieval strategy. The theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated performance on implicit and explicit memory tasks in subjects diagnosed with major depression and matched controls. Depressed subjects showed impaired performance on both the explicit and implicit tasks in comparison with controls. These findings are in contrast to groups such as amnesic patients and older adults, who show preserved abilities on implicit tasks and deficits on explicit tasks.  相似文献   

Attention and memory for threat in panic disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, information processing paradigms have been utilized to explore the role of attentional and memory processes in the maintenance of clinical anxiety disorders. The present study extended these data using a dual-task paradigm to assess attentional vigilance and a cued recognition task to evaluate short-term memory effects in Panic Disorder (PD). Twenty PD patients and 20 normal controls completed a computerized task wherein they read aloud one of a pair of rapidly presented words (primary task) while simultaneously attempting to detect a small probe that appeared adjacent to one of the words (secondary task). Eighty stimulus words were chosen to represent four categories: physical panic-related threat, social threat, positive-emotional, and neutral. Reaction time and accuracy in detecting the probe were assessed, as well as psychophysiological responding (heart rate, skin conductance, EMG). Following task completion, a cued recognition task was administered to examine short-term memory of task stimuli. Results indicated that PD patients exhibited slower reaction times relative to normal controls during presentation of physical panic-related threat and positive-emotional stimuli. A similar trend emerged for social threat stimuli, although the PD and control samples responded similarly to neutral stimuli. No group differences were found on the cued recognition measure or psychophysiological responding during task performance. The data are discussed in terms of possible implications for cognitive models of PD.  相似文献   

To test cognitive models of panic disorder, a range of information processing biases were examined among persons with panic disorder (N=43) and healthy control participants (N=38). Evidence for automatic associations in memory was assessed using the Implicit Association Test, interference effects related to attention biases were assessed using a modified supraliminal Stroop task, and interpretation biases were assessed using the Brief Body Sensations Interpretation Questionnaire. In addition, the relationship between information processing biases and clinical markers of panic (including affective, behavioral, and cognitive symptom measures) was investigated, along with the relationships among biases. Results indicated more threat biases among the panic (relative to control) group on each of the information processing measures, providing some of the first evidence for an implicit measure of panic associations. Further, structural equation modeling indicated that the information processing bias measures were each unique predictors of panic symptoms, but that the bias indicators did not relate to one another. These findings suggest that cognitive factors may independently predict panic symptoms, but not covary. Results are discussed in terms of their support for cognitive models of panic and the potential for automatic versus strategic processing differences across the tasks to explain the low relationships across the biases.  相似文献   

Cognitive processes play an important role in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety and depression. Current theories differ, however, in their predictions regarding the occurrence of attentional biases and memory biases in depression and anxiety. To allow for a systematic comparison of disorders and cognitive processes, 117 women (35 with generalized social phobia, 27 with major depression, and 55 healthy controls) participated in a test of visual attention (visual search), an explicit memory test (free recall), and an implicit memory test (anagram solving). Both clinical groups exhibited attentional biases for disorder-related words, whereas only depressed participants showed clear evidence of explicit and implicit memory biases. The implications of these results for competing theories are discussed.  相似文献   

Implicit intergroup biases are automatically activated prejudices and stereotypes that may influence judgments of others on the basis of group membership. We review evidence on the measurement of implicit intergroup biases, finding: implicit intergroup biases reflect the personal and the cultural, implicit measures vary in reliability and validity, and implicit measures vary greatly in their prediction of explicit and behavioral outcomes due to theoretical and methodological moderators. We then discuss three challenges to the application of implicit intergroup biases to real‐world problems: (1) a lack of research on social groups of scientific and public interest, (2) developing implicit measures with diagnostic capabilities, and (3) resolving ongoing ambiguities in the relationship between implicit bias and behavior. Making progress on these issues will clarify the role of implicit intergroup biases in perpetuating inequality.  相似文献   

The tripartite model (Clark & Watson, 1991: Clark, L. A., & Watson, D. (1991). Tripartite model of anxiety and depression: Psychometric evidence and taxonomic implications. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100, 316-336) posits that anxiety and depression share nonspecific features of neuroticism but that somatic arousal appears unique to anxiety, and low positive affect appears unique to depression. The present study controlled for these higher-order effects and evaluated the relative contributions of four, specific lower-order vulnerabilities (anxiety sensitivity, rumination, self-criticism, self-oriented perfectionism). Participants were 38 depressed patients and 38 patients with panic disorder matched as closely as possible for age and gender, and all were diagnosed using the same structured interview by an experienced clinician. Results from hierarchical logistic regression analysis were consistent with predictions from the tripartite model in that only the unique features of arousal and positive affectivity differentiated the two diagnostic groups. At a lower-order level, only anxiety sensitivity (and its facet of fear of physical symptoms) and a ruminative response style demonstrated incremental predictive ability. The discussion focuses on the relationships among these higher-order and lower-order variables, and their potential importance for understanding specific manifestations of psychopathology.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a multicue probability learning task was used to train participants in relating judgments to a criterion, on the basis of several cues that could or could not be relevant. The outcome feedback had 25% added noise to simulate real-world experience-based learning. Judgmental strategies acquired were measured by individual multiple linear regression analyses of a test phase (with no feedback) and were compared with self-ratings of cue relevance. In a third experiment, participants were instructed explicitly on cue relevance, with no training phase. The pattern of results suggested that both implicit and explicit cognitive processes influenced judgments and that they may have been sensitive to different task manipulations in the learning phase. On more complex tasks, despite weak explicit learning, explicit processes continued to influence judgments, producing a decrement in performance. These findings explain why studies of expert judgment often show only moderate levels of self-insight, since people have only partial access to the processes determining their judgments.  相似文献   

Cognitive biases and depression   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Compared symptomatically depressed, clinically remitted, and normal controls using cognitive measures designed to be traitlike and statelike in cross-sectional and longitudinal designs, respectively. Remitted depressives and normal subjects did not differ in their attributional biases, endorsement of dysfunctional attitudes, or interpretation of schema-relevant ambiguous events, but both groups differed from symptomatic depressives. Depressive episodes thus affect cognition, but cognitions measured by self-reports are more statelike than traitlike.  相似文献   

Emotional Stroop tasks (subliminal/supraliminal exposures), implicit memory tasks (tachistoscopic word identification), and explicit memory tasks (free recall after incidental learning) with 4 word types (physical threat, positive, negative, and neutral words) were administered to patients with major depressive disorder (n=30), panic disorder (n=33), somatoform disorder (n=25), and healthy control participants (n=33). On the Stroop task, panic patients showed subliminal interferences for physical threat and negative words, depressive patients showed supraliminal interferences for negative words, and somatoform patients showed supraliminal interferences for physical threat words. No patient groups demonstrated implicit memory biases. On the explicit memory task, depressive and panic patients showed memory biases for negative words; somatoform patients showed biases for physical threat words.  相似文献   

The role of feedback was investigated with respect to conscious and unconscious knowledge acquired during artificial grammar learning (AGL). After incidental learning of training sequences, participants classified further sequences in terms of grammaticality and reported their decision strategy with or without explicit veridical feedback. Sequences that disobeyed the learning structure conformed to an alternative structure. Feedback led to an increase in the amount of reported conscious knowledge of structure (derived rules and recollections) but did not increase its accuracy. Conversely, feedback maintained the accuracy of unconscious knowledge of structure (intuition or familiarity-based responses) which otherwise degraded. Results support a dual-process account of AGL. They suggest that implicit learning of the to-be-rejected structure at test contaminates familiarity-based classifications whereas feedback allows competing familiarity signals to be contextualised, which is incompatible with theories that consider familiarity context-insensitive.  相似文献   

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in childhood and adolescence. Although data consistently show it is associated with self-reported negative cognitive styles, less is known about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. Cognitive biases in attention, interpretation and memory represent plausible mechanisms and are known to characterise adult depression. We provide the first structured review of studies investigating the nature and causal role of cognitive biases in youth depression. Key questions are (i) do cognitive biases characterise youth depression? (ii) are cognitive biases a vulnerability factor for youth depression? and (iii) do cognitive biases play a causal role in youth depression? We find consistent evidence for positive associations between attention and interpretation biases and youth depression. Stronger biases in youth with an elevated risk of depression support cognitive-vulnerability models. Preliminary evidence from cognitive bias modification paradigms supports a causal role of attention and interpretation biases in youth depression but these paradigms require testing in clinical samples before they can be considered treatment tools. Studies of memory biases in youth samples have produced mixed findings and none have investigated the causal role of memory bias. We identify numerous areas for future research in this emerging field.  相似文献   

The Rorschach test was applied to four groups: 41 Panic Disorder (PD), 14 Major Depression (MD), 11 Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and 18 normal subjects. The aims were to describe the test profile of PD patients and to discuss implications for cognitive processing ability and personality structure. A hypothesis of a borderline personality structure in PD patients, based on psychodynamic literature, was tested, but was not unambiguously supported. A "loose", borderline-like personality structure and disturbances in processing abilities, however, characterized PD-patients. The normal subjects surprisingly provided many Fabulized Combinations, a response type, considered suspect of borderline pathology, but also showed more signs of integrative and synthesizing abilities than the other groups.  相似文献   

A substantial number of patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia may remain symptomatic after standard treatment (including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, or irreversible monamine oxidase inhibitors). In this review, recommendations for the treatment of patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia who do not respond to these drugs are provided. Nonresponse to drug treatment could be defined as a failure to achieve a 50% reduction on a standard rating scale after a minimum of 6 weeks of treatment in adequate dose. When initial treatments have failed, the medication should be changed to other standard treatments. In further attempts at treatment, drugs should be used that have shown promising results in preliminary studies, such as venlafaxine. Combination treatments may be used, such as the combination of an selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a benzodiazepine. Psychological treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy have to be considered in all patients, regardless whether they are nonresponders or not. According to existing studies, a combination of pharmacologic treatment with cognitive-behavioral therapy can be recommended.  相似文献   

This study investigated explicit and implicit motor learning, and the influence of visual working memory (VWM) and age. Sixty children and 28 adults learned a nine-button sequence task explicitly and implicitly. Performance in explicit and implicit learning improved with age. Learning curves were similar across ages for implicit learning. In explicit learning, learning curves differed across ages: younger children started slower, but their learning rate was higher compared to older children. Learning curves were similar across VWM scores, but performance in explicit learning was positively influenced by VWM scores. Further research and implications for education and rehabilitation are discussed.  相似文献   

Both research and clinical work have revealed factors that can lead to the onset and persistence of panic disorder. Preoedipal conflicts intensify the danger of oedipal longings for panic patients. Competition with the same-sex parent is linked with angry preoedipal fantasies and associated fears of disruption in attachments. Fantasies or actual successes can thus trigger panic episodes. Regression to a helpless, dependent state such as panic defends against the danger of aggressive, competitive fantasies and actual achievements. However, the regressive state can also be experienced as dangerous, and can be linked with frightening homosexual fantasies. A reactive aggressive oedipal stance can sometimes result, triggering escalating turmoil. The panic episode serves a series of compromise formations in dealing with these conflicted wishes.  相似文献   

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