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BackgroundPoor sleep quality is a prevalent health issue among adolescents, and few studies have examined the variables affecting adolescents’ sleep quality from the perspective of the co-occurrence of sleep issues and anxiety disorders. Therefore, the current study investigated whether the cognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder applies to adolescents’ sleep quality.MethodIn Study 1, a total of 2042 adolescents were recruited and they completed questionnaires relating to worry, intolerance of uncertainty (IU), negative problem orientation (NPO), cognitive avoidance (CA), and sleep quality. In Study 2, a total of 379 adolescents participated in a six-month longitudinal survey to verify the model that was obtained in Study 1.ResultsStudy 1 showed the modified cognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder can be applied to adolescents’ sleep quality. Specifically, IU was a higher-order vulnerability factor that directly affected worry, and indirectly fostered worry via NPO and CA, where worry only mediated the relationships between IU, NPO, and sleep quality. However, CA exerted no independent effect on worry or sleep quality beyond the influences of IU and NPO, therefore, it dropped out of the final model. Study 2 partially confirmed the above model again from the longitudinal perspective.ConclusionThe present study constructs a new model to explain adolescents’ sleep quality, providing a foundation for future interventions.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a number of well-controlled studies have supported the validity of a cognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) that has four main components: intolerance of uncertainty, positive beliefs about worry, negative problem orientation, and cognitive avoidance. Although these studies have shown that the model components are associated with high levels of worry in nonclinical samples and with a diagnosis of GAD in clinical samples, they have not addressed the question of whether the model components can predict the severity of GAD. Accordingly, the present study sought to determine if the model components are related to diagnostic severity, worry severity, and somatic symptom severity in a sample of 84 patients with a primary diagnosis of GAD. All model components were related to GAD severity, although positive beliefs about worry and cognitive avoidance were only modestly associated with the severity of the disorder. Intolerance of uncertainty and negative problem orientation had more robust relationships with the severity of GAD (and with worry severity, in particular). When participants were divided into Mild, Moderate, and Severe GAD groups, intolerance of uncertainty and negative problem orientation distinguished the Moderate and Severe GAD groups from the Mild GAD group, even when age, gender, and depressive symptoms were statistically controlled. Overall, the results lend further support to the validity of the model and suggest that intolerance of uncertainty and negative problem orientation are related to the severity of GAD, independently of sociodemographic and associated clinical factors. The theoretical and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The CaR–FA–X model [Williams, J. M. G., Barnhofer, T., Crane, C., Hermans, D., Raes, F., Watkins, E.,?…?Dalgleish, T. (2007). Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder. Psychological Bulletin, 133(1), 122–148. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.133.1.122] is the most prominent and comprehensive model of overgeneral autobiographical memory (OGM) and provides a framework for OGM. The model comprises of three mechanisms, capture and rumination, functional avoidance and impaired executive control. These can independently, or in interaction, account for OGM. This systematic review aims to evaluate the existing research on the CaR–FA–X model, and trauma exposure studies specific to child and adolescent populations. The following databases were searched: “PsychInfo”, “PsychArticles”, “PubMed”, “Web of Science”, “Medline”, “SCOPUS” and “Embase” for English-language, peer-reviewed papers with samples <M?=?18 years, published since 1986. Support was reported for a relationship between trauma exposure and OGM as well as for capture errors and OGM. Limited support was found for rumination, avoidance and impaired executive control in isolation. No support was found for interacting mechanisms and OGM. Partial support for the CaR–FA–X model was found for child and adolescent populations. Recommendations, proposals for future research and plausible explanations for the mixed findings are discussed.  相似文献   

While there is an extensive literature on the tendency to mimic emotional expressions in adults, it is unclear how this skill emerges and develops over time. Specifically, it is unclear whether infants mimic discrete emotion-related facial actions, whether their facial displays are moderated by contextual cues and whether infants’ emotional mimicry is constrained by developmental changes in the ability to discriminate emotions. We therefore investigate these questions using Baby-FACS to code infants’ facial displays and eye-movement tracking to examine infants’ looking times at facial expressions. Three-, 7-, and 12-month-old participants were exposed to dynamic facial expressions (joy, anger, fear, disgust, sadness) of a virtual model which either looked at the infant or had an averted gaze. Infants did not match emotion-specific facial actions shown by the model, but they produced valence-congruent facial responses to the distinct expressions. Furthermore, only the 7- and 12-month-olds displayed negative responses to the model’s negative expressions and they looked more at areas of the face recruiting facial actions involved in specific expressions. Our results suggest that valence-congruent expressions emerge in infancy during a period where the decoding of facial expressions becomes increasingly sensitive to the social signal value of emotions.  相似文献   

It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the ‘Lens Model’ approach to the analysis of subject performance in multiple-cue judgment tasks embedded in probabilistic environments. Various characteristics of the linear lens model are presented in matrix notation and are formulated without reference to standardized variables in order to facilitate analysis and subsequent generalization. Some new results on ‘matching’ behavior are presented. A brief outline of current problems and related work is presented. This research was supported by National Institute of Health grant No. MH-16817.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss five requirements that theoretically must be fulfilled for transnatal chemosensory learning to occur in three placental species, the rat, the sheep, and the human, viz. (1) minimum or partial maturity of nasal chemoreceptor systems, (2) efficient odorivector compounds in the fetal environment, (3) the ability to memorize chemosensory information across birth, (4) perinatal continuity in chemical signals, (5) neonatal ability to detect air-borne odorants previously experienced in the aquatic environment. A substantial body of data is reviewed for the rat, in which fetal chemosensation is now firmly established. The less studied ovine perinate also shows preliminary evidence of nasal chemoreception and of postnatal retention of prenatally experienced odorants. Concerning the human species, we discuss extensive anatomical data supporting nasochemoreception in utero, but as yet no direct or indirect functional demonstration is provided. Furthermore, the strongest evidence of odorivector compounds in amniotic fluid is from human data. The results presented allow generalization of chemosensory functioning in utero in the species considered.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss five requirements that theoretically must be fulfilled for transnatal chemosensory learning to occur in three placental species, the rat, the sheep, and the human, viz. (1) minimum or partial maturity of nasal chemoreceptor systems, (2) efficient odorivector compounds in the fetal environment, (3) the ability to memorize chemosensory information across birth, (4) perinatal continuity in chemical signals, (S) neonatal ability to detect air-borne odorants previously experienced in the aquatic environment. A substantial body of data is reviewed for the rat, in which fetal chemosensation is now firmly established. The less studied ovine perinate also shows preliminary evidence of nasal chemoreception and of postnatal retention of prenatally experienced odorants. Concerning the human species, we discuss extensive anatomical data supporting nasochemoreception in utero, but as yet no direct or indirect functional demonstration is provided. Furthermore, the strongest evidence of odorivector compounds in amniotic fluid is from human data. The results presented allow generalization of chemosensory functioning in utero in the species considered.  相似文献   

This study investigated the moderating effect of achievement striving (AS) on the relationship between situational variables, defined by the Job Demand–Control model (JDC), and both work–family conflict and work–family facilitation. In a sample of 224 employees in the welfare sector, the results of two hierarchical regression analyses showed that job demands were significantly positively related and job control was significantly negatively related to work–family conflict but not to work–family facilitation. For AS, a significant positive relationship was found with both work–family conflict and work–family facilitation. Interactions between situational variables and AS were insignificant although the interaction between AS and job control on work–family facilitation was close to significance in line with the expectations. Specifically, a lower level of job control did not lower the level of WFF experienced by individuals high on AS. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the role of degrees of freedom and their degeneracy in learning in the brain–computer interface paradigm. Though the traditional notion of degrees of freedom in motor learning gave emphasis to muscle and joint activity, the broader concept of dimensions of behavior is relevant to brain–computer interface learning where there is no muscle activity. The role of degeneracy in the dimensions of brain activity is proposed to enhance learning through robustness to stability loss and adaptability in the search for new stable states. Principles for the application of augmented information for learning to coordinate and control the degenerate degrees of freedom in the brain–computer interface are outlined.  相似文献   

Andrea Pinotti 《Axiomathes》1998,9(1-2):253-264
6. Conclusions This synthetic survey of the models on which theEinflihlungstheorie is based has showed the deficiency of a pattern and the oscillation of a distinction. The hydraulic model, which following a radical subjectivism is specified as a projection or transfer of pathemic contents from the subject into the object, experiences a crisis if confronted with the rights of the object, which claims to be empathized in this way or in that way. Such a claim induces to recognize a character proper to the object, which does not accept to be reduced to a mere neutral container ready to receive the subjective pathemic contents. Consequently, the distinction between empathy towards the human and empathy towards the sub-human — which appeared to be a major difference —vanishes, since the relation with the object (natural or artistic) is specified in terms of intersubjectivity andalter-ego. The subjectivistic hydraulic pattern is not just substituted by an opposite, objectivistic pattern, which would create the same difficulties, only upset; but rather by ananalogic model, in which sense is established in the correlation between subject and object, and on the aesthetic ground of the qualitative affinities, which determine a horizon of style. It is an analogic model which characterizes, in Husserl, the constitution of the transcendental intersubjectivity: empathy becomes the condition of possibility of the comprehension of other subjects in their typic or stylistic structure. InAesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Max Dessoir severely criticizes the theorists of empathy because they hyposthatize organic metaphors creating a “schablonenhafte Versprachlichung.”44 Empathy is certainly metaphor, yet not in the sense of a figurative expression, but as a realmetapherein ortransfert: as translation of sense — not from a full to an empty vessel, but rather in the circular form of the analogic circuit.   相似文献   


This study among 267 Greek teachers and their partners tested and expanded the recently proposed Spillover–Crossover model (SCM) of well-being. Accordingly, experiences built up at work spill over to the home domain, and then influence the partner. The authors integrated equity theory in the model by formulating hypotheses about exchange in interpersonal relationships. Structural equation modeling analyses supported the spillover hypothesis that teachers who lose their work engagement as a result of an inequitable relationship with their students invest less in the relationship with their partner. In addition, the results supported the crossover hypothesis that teachers' relationship investments, in turn, show a negative relationship with inequity in the intimate relationship as perceived by the partner; and inequity in the intimate relationship contributed to partner depression. The findings are discussed in light of the SCM of well-being.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the theoretical strengths and weaknesses of the Risk–Need–Responsivity (RNR) model of offender rehabilitation. We briefly discuss the nature of rehabilitation theories and their core components and then review the three source theories associated with the RNR Model. Following this we set out to reconstruct the RNR model in light of this analysis, essentially arguing that there are at least three components to any rehabilitation theory: (a) primary aims, values and principles; (b) etiological and methodological assumptions; and (c) practice implications. We then evaluate the theoretical and empirical adequacy of the RNR model. Finally, we conclude the paper with a few comments on the policy, research, and clinical implications of our evaluation (and reconstruction) of this important rehabilitation model.  相似文献   

In exemplar models of categorization, the similarity between an exemplar and category members constitutes evidence that the exemplar belongs to the category. We test the possibility that the dissimilarity to members of competing categories also contributes to this evidence. Data were collected from two 2-dimensional perceptual categorization experiments, one with lines varying in orientation and length and the other with coloured patches varying in saturation and brightness. Model fits of the similarity–dissimilarity generalized context model were used to compare a model where only similarity was used with a model where both similarity and dissimilarity were used. For the majority of participants the similarity–dissimilarity model provided both a significantly better fit and better generalization, suggesting that people do also use dissimilarity as evidence.  相似文献   

From 1990 on, the London psychologist Max Velmans developed a novel approach to (phenomenal) consciousness according to which an experience of an object is phenomenologically identical to an object as experienced. On the face of it I agree; but unlike Velmans I argue that the latter should be understood as comparable, not to a Kantian, but rather to a noematic ‘phenomenon’ in the Husserlian sense. Consequently, I replace Velmans’s reflexive model with a complementaristic approach in a strict sense which leaves no room for either monistic or dualistic views (including Velmans’s ontological monism and his dual-aspect interpretation of complementarity) and hence requires us to radically reinterpret the concept of psychophysical causation.
Hans-Ulrich HocheEmail:

Jones M  Love BC 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2011,34(4):169-88; disuccsion 188-231
The prominence of Bayesian modeling of cognition has increased recently largely because of mathematical advances in specifying and deriving predictions from complex probabilistic models. Much of this research aims to demonstrate that cognitive behavior can be explained from rational principles alone, without recourse to psychological or neurological processes and representations. We note commonalities between this rational approach and other movements in psychology - namely, Behaviorism and evolutionary psychology - that set aside mechanistic explanations or make use of optimality assumptions. Through these comparisons, we identify a number of challenges that limit the rational program's potential contribution to psychological theory. Specifically, rational Bayesian models are significantly unconstrained, both because they are uninformed by a wide range of process-level data and because their assumptions about the environment are generally not grounded in empirical measurement. The psychological implications of most Bayesian models are also unclear. Bayesian inference itself is conceptually trivial, but strong assumptions are often embedded in the hypothesis sets and the approximation algorithms used to derive model predictions, without a clear delineation between psychological commitments and implementational details. Comparing multiple Bayesian models of the same task is rare, as is the realization that many Bayesian models recapitulate existing (mechanistic level) theories. Despite the expressive power of current Bayesian models, we argue they must be developed in conjunction with mechanistic considerations to offer substantive explanations of cognition. We lay out several means for such an integration, which take into account the representations on which Bayesian inference operates, as well as the algorithms and heuristics that carry it out. We argue this unification will better facilitate lasting contributions to psychological theory, avoiding the pitfalls that have plagued previous theoretical movements.  相似文献   

The psychotherapy experiences of a sample of Iraqi refugee men, in later stages of exile, were explored with the aim of shedding some light on how this client group can experience therapy. Ten adult male Iraqi refugees – who had lived in Sweden for at least five years and had been psychotherapy clients at some point during that time – were recruited for this study. Using individual semi-structured interviews (in Arabic), three main areas were explored with each participant: (1) reasons for seeking psychotherapy; (2) perceptions of the psychotherapy professional; and (3) experiences of the psychotherapy process and outcome. The interviews were then translated into English, transcribed, and then analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Most participants/clients described exile-related stressors as their main reason for seeking psychotherapy, but some described distress due to a combination of pre-migration trauma and post-migration stress. They also found some aspects of therapy to be positive (mainly verbalising ones thoughts and feelings, and feeling less marginalised) and some negative (mainly experiencing racist or culturally insensitive treatment by therapists, and experiencing a lack of competence and transparency in therapists). The findings were explored in terms of clinical implications and a pluralistic model was proposed to address the identified needs.  相似文献   

In his Bayesian Nets and Causality, Jon Williamson presents an ‘Objective Bayesian’ interpretation of probability, which he endeavours to distance from the logical interpretation yet associate with the subjective interpretation. In doing so, he suggests that the logical interpretation suffers from severe epistemological problems that do not affect his alternative. In this paper, I present a challenge to his analysis. First, I closely examine the relationship between the logical and ‘Objective Bayesian’ views, and show how, and why, they are highly similar. Second, I argue that the logical interpretation is not manifestly inferior, at least for the reasons that Williamson offers. I suggest that the key difference between the logical and ‘Objective Bayesian’ views is in the domain of the philosophy of logic; and that the genuine disagreement appears to be over Platonism versus nominalism (within weak psychologism).
Darrell P. RowbottomEmail:

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