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刘沁 《孔子研究》2023,(2):135-145
在朱熹对于“体用”的论述中,“体”既可以指天理而言“本体”,亦可指事物而言“体质”。然而朱熹体用论中的双重内涵并非是漠不相关的,而是具有相互蕴含和内在过渡的关系。“本体”之中蕴含着实存,“体质”本身就是“本体”的实存,揭示出朱熹论本体与存在之间的辩证统一关系。“本体之体”与“体质之体”的辩证统一关系体现在朱熹对于“道体”的论述中,“道体”作为包含了“本体”与“体质”的最高整体性范畴,体现出本体的活动性与真实性。  相似文献   

老子之道是一种本体论意义的道体,这已成为学界共识。那么,这种道体是如何体现的?我们又该如何从完整的意义上理解它,以便更贴近老子道论哲学思想的主旨?笔者认为,老子道论哲学存在着一个坐标体系:如果说其纵坐标是存在本体的话,那么其横坐标则是价值本体;老子之道是存在本体与价值本体的统一。从纵坐标上说,道体作为形而上的存在本体,是相对于形而下的具体存  相似文献   

在中国哲学史上,道与气是两个具有本体意义的重要哲学范畴,在汉代佛教译经中,就被用来作为表述宇宙万物的本体观念,后来对中国佛教本体论思想的形成也发生了重要的影响。本文着重就中国佛教的气本原说和道体说作一简要的论述。  相似文献   

朱子在道体思想的论述中,提出了所谓“与道为体”思想。万物“与道为体”指道体之发见流行处,在此意义上“与道为体”可谓道体之“用”。但是,“与道为体”之“体”指形体,道之本然之体无形体,有形体之万物不能成为道体,万物只能成为道体通过此形体体现自已的一种场所。朱子为解决以上两种论点之冲突,不采取如“太极为体,阴阳五行为用”的说法,而采取“无体之体”与“与道为体”。这对待关系更胜于单纯的体用模式。这关系更具体体现于“道底骨子”思想。  相似文献   

张程业 《哲学研究》2022,(5):118-127
牟宗三在《道体学引论》中扮演了重要的角色。丁耘教授一方面接续了牟宗三的基本洞见,以四因说为基本问题来判摄中西哲学,但另一方面也对牟宗三提出了三个主要批评:1.误认乾元;2.以心统天;3.重流行而无主宰。在批评牟宗三用存在论取代了熊十力的体用论后,丁耘提出了存有与活动之外的道体新义:虚静。但是牟宗三的思想并非不涉及体用论与虚静问题,而是将其统摄于圣人之道与实践工夫之中。首先,牟宗三通过乾道各正性命的“善终”义来强调“天道性命相贯通”是实德成物之流行,肯定了个体终成意义上的目的因,以此与玄学以“乾元”为主的体用论相区分;在《易经》诠释中,牟宗三提出兼赅“静正”与“沛然”的“寂感真幾”的概念,主张通过圣人精诚感应的德性生命呈现道体;在主静问题上,牟宗三以具有德性内容的圣人之道为第一序,并将其作为区分儒道的义理骨干,从而将主静限定在“静复以立体”的儒家工夫论上。牟宗三的道德的形上学与丁耘的道体学之根本差异是前者侧重“心性对扬”而非对道体自身之体悟,时刻突出道德实践的警策义,其着重呈现的是道德、形上学与宗教的源初交互境界。  相似文献   

本文从体、相、用三个角度研究了“道”的本质,进而探讨了从不同角度进入“道”之本体的理论依据。尝试对“不可道”之“常道”进行描述,以期建立一个精简的易于为现代人所了解和掌握的“道”化体系。史冰川,哲学博士,四川省社会科学院博士后。  相似文献   

陈来 《哲学研究》2023,(1):41-53+125-126
见体论是熊十力哲学中具有根本性的一个问题。“见体”包含两义:一指认识宇宙论的实体,二指体认心的本体。第一种意义为人们所熟知,但第二种意义更为重要。宇宙论上的见体,强调在变动中证见实体,即用见体。体认心的本体则意味着反诸己心而达到一种无分别的意识状态,体证到此心与天地万物为一体。见体的方法在于反心。见体之境是明觉自明自了、浑然一体、内外不分、能所不分,真理显现在当下眼前。要达至见体境地,必须有修行上的积累以逐渐破除虚妄知见而达到超理智的境地。当然见体只是儒家的工夫入手处而不是究竟,见体后还必须发起格物穷理的工夫。熊十力的见体论有别于外向的神秘体验,其意义可能不是认识论的,而在于坚定了世界观与人生观的转化与提升。  相似文献   

李振纲 《现代哲学》2004,(4):80-86,96
蕺山学术之最得力处,是在心体中充分凸现“性体”的本质意义。此种性格与阳明学相比有两点不同:一是更用力于德性本体之实证,在心性关系中关注的重心在性体的客观超越义和道德意志的定向性;二是更加强调实修实证的功夫论,向意根极微处用力。生当晚明,蕺山对自由表达的权力毫不理解,相反,积极倡导“证人”之学,将已狂驰于现实世界的人心重新收束于理性圣殿中,这不能不说是一种历史隔膜和理性的误导。阳明“良知”教经蕺山的批判修正虽由显归密,而心学自裁自决的自由精神却在其慎独之学中丧失锋芒。这同样表明蕺山思想于时代精神的滞后。  相似文献   

唐宋时期的儒学道论存在着由伦理之道向本体之道发展的趋势,这在韩愈、二程的道论上尤为明显。韩愈复兴儒学,建构的是以仁义为核心的伦理之道,具体表现在为政、为人等方面。韩愈以此为依据,从伦理道德入手批判了佛教;其"文以载道"以及"道统"论等思想,又阐述了伦理之道如何传承的问题。二程以"天理"为本体,"道"作为天理的表现形式,具有本体色彩;本体之道外化为具体的生生不息的自然之道以及仁义礼智信等伦理之道。二程还以本体之道为基础,批判了韩愈的人性论以及佛教之道,延续和发展了韩愈文以载道以及道统论思想,建构了以"格物"为核心的致知论和以"诚""敬"为核心的修养论。从韩愈的伦理之道到二程的本体之道,是儒学之道本体化的过程,同时也是儒学为迎接佛老本体论的挑战而做的自我调节。  相似文献   

中国绘画体现了博大精深的中华文化。数千年来,中华民族对世界本质的探索和思维的成就是体现在道论思维中。世界的运动变化是永不停止的,但本质是永恒不变的,这个不变的本体就称为道。道是万物的本体,所以中华文化的本质即是  相似文献   

It is now increasingly acknowledged that anorexia nervosa is a ‘culture-bound syndrome’ which must be understood within the context of an increasing idealization of female thinness and a high prevalence of dieting and body dissatisfaction, particularly amongst women and girls. Whilst this socioculturally-oriented perspective is important, it is also simplistic to conceptualize anorexia simply as a ‘slimmer's disease’. The ways in which contemporary Western culture is imbricated in anorexia are both complex and multiple. This paper uses a discourse-analytic approach, informed by feminist Foucauldian theory, to examine some of the multiple and often conflicting meanings and discursive constructions of the (female) anorexic body. The paper is based on a series of interviews conducted with 23 women (21 diagnosed as anorexic and 2 self-diagnosed). The analysis focuses on the explication of two discourses: a romantic discourse and a discourse of Cartesian dualism evidenced in the interviews. By contrasting the very different ways in which these two discourses constitute the anorexic body, this paper aims to provide thereby a socioculturally contextualized and gender-oriented account of the multiple discursive constructions of ‘anorexia nervosa’ and ‘anorexic’ bodies. Implications for psychotherapeutic interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

I shall attempt to do four things in this paper:

(1) sketch the influence of two models—one essentialist, the other non-essentialist—on some contemporary ways of categorizing the body;

(2) indicate certain tensions that remain because of the dominant influence of the essentialist model;

(3) discuss what to my mind is the most sustained attempt by phenomenology to come to terms with the problem of the body by concentrating on Merleau-Ponty's theory of operative intentionality;

(4) argue that intentionality and ontological analysis must always be distortive of this issue, and indicate an alternative way of approaching the matter.  相似文献   

在先秦儒学与医学之中,身体之“窍”(七窍/九窍)被视为“精神”的“孔窍”、“门户”与“通道”,它们内根于“五脏”,外联于天地之气。保持“孔窍”的通畅,无论对“卫生”,抑或对“修身”均意味重要。其中,耳、目、口三窍尤为儒家修身所注重。阴阳五行理论兴起后,身体之“窍”与天地万物之“窍”之间的同构关系得到彰显。 在承继前人五脏“开窍于目”、“开窍于耳”、“开窍于口”、“开窍于鼻”、“开窍于二阴”这一思想基础上,理学家一方面深刻挖掘出身体之窍的本体论向度,提出一个完整的“天地之心”的发窍路线图:“天地之心”发窍于人心,人心(通过五脏六腑)发窍于耳目口鼻四肢这一连续性的发窍结构,并借助于汉儒身体之“窍”与天地万物之“窍”之间的同构关系思想,揭示出天地之心一人心(灵窍)一七窍一体结构的时间性(“七窍”、“灵窍”与天地万物的运作的同步性),另一方面,呈现出丰富的“七窍”与“心窍”修身经验,这些经验极大丰富了孔孟“四勿”与“践形”功夫。 儒家强调身体之窍、心窍的“虚”、“无”性格,与萨特所代表的意识现象学有着本质的区别。儒家“通身是窍”的理念折射出儒家的“主体性”乃是扎根于生生不已、大化流行之中与他者、天地万物相互感应、相互应答的身心一如的存在,这种主体性本身就嵌在身体之中,无论是“惕然动乎中,赧然见乎色”之耻感,抑或是“恻然动乎中”之“不忍”、“悯恤”、“顾惜”之同感,乃至生意津津之一体生命的生机畅遂感、乐感,皆是深深嵌入身体之中“觉情”与“实感”。儒家身体的这种本体论向度,不仅迥异于Hans Jonas所批评的存在主义的虚无主义精神气质,而且为克服这种虚无主义提供了深厚的理论资源。  相似文献   

This article argues that the ecological turn towards biological mutualism enlivens our understanding of the eschatological promise contained in Christ’s resurrected and ascended body. I examine the implications of proposing that Christ’s body was not only incarnate as microbiome, but also rose and ascended as microbiome. First, I analyse contemporary approaches to Christology’s relation to creation and Andrew Davison’s theological exploration of mutualism. I then respond via Irenaeus’ defence of Christ’s bodily resurrection and ascension as promise for all flesh. By reading Irenaeus in light of the mutualistic body, we enrich our understanding of this promise: of fruitfulness for all creation, of fullness for human nature, and that fleshly life is no ultimate barrier to union with God. Finally, I propose that this reading also offers renewed insight into the Eucharist: this promise and its implications are also made manifest at the heart of the church, Christ’s body on earth.  相似文献   

As a practice meant to release the subject from the narcissism that informs the concerns and preoccupations of her or his ego, psychoanalysis aims at a transformation of the subject comparable to the Buddha's quest for enlightenment. In order to clarify this subtle and difficult dimension of psychoanalytic work, this essay draws upon a clinical example and discusses it in the context of both Freud's and Lacan's ideas about the role of narcissism in the formation of the ego, and the Buddha's doctrine of Anatta, which insists that the concept of the Atman, or self, is based upon an illusory thought.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have been linked to bodily disorders (anorexia nervosa, obesity), and individuals with ASD are known to experience unique bodily states (e.g., exaggerated interoceptive sensitivity). Though there is evidence to suggest body variables may significantly impact quality of life in those with ASD, research has yet to examine the potential relationship between ASD and body image variables, that is, the evaluation of one's body. The present study examined 80 healthy college students (40 male, 40 female) who completed an online set of questionnaires regarding body image and satisfaction, body competency, depression, anxiety, and autistic traits (Autism Spectrum Quotient, or AQ) (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, &; Clubley, 2001 Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Skinner, R., Martin, J., &; Clubley, E. (2001). The autism spectrum quotient (AQ): Evidence from asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists, and mathematicians. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 517.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Of primary interest was whether AQ scores, gender, and the interaction between AQ scores and gender could successfully predict participants' scores on body image, satisfaction, and competency scales. Autistic traits were only a significant predictor of scores on one measure of momentary body image and satisfaction (Body Image States Scale: Cash et al., 2002 Cash, T. F., Fleming, E. C., Alindogan, J., Steadman, L., &; Whitehead, A. (2002). Beyond body image as a trait: The development and validation of the body image states scale. Eating Disorders, 10, 103113. https://doi.org/10.1080/10640260290081678[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). However, our results did suggest the possibility of an interaction between gender and AQ scores in predicting reports of body image, satisfaction, and competency.  相似文献   

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