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异基因造血干细胞移植(Allo-HSCT)是目前治疗恶性血液病及其它疾病的主要手段之一,它具有自然科学的一般规律,也有其独特性,其中闪烁着哲学智慧的光辉,用哲学的思想来指导工作的进行,能促进Allo-HSCT的不断发展和取得更好的疗效.  相似文献   

移植物抗宿主病与移植物抗肿瘤是当前异基因造血干细胞移植中一对不可调和的矛盾。在解决这一矛盾方面,科学家们已取得了很大的进展。随着移植学、免疫学的发展和认识的深入,最终能够最大限度的削弱移植物抗宿主病,增强移植物抗肿瘤效应,提高移植后患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

移植物抗宿主病与移植物抗肿瘤是当前异基因造血干细胞移植中一对不可调和的矛盾.在解决这一矛盾方面,科学家们已取得了很大的进展.随着移植学、免疫学的发展和认识的深入,最终能够最大限度的削弱移植物抗宿主病,增强移植物抗肿瘤效应,提高移植后患者的生存质量.  相似文献   

肺癌是我国发病率和病死率最高的恶性肿瘤,分子靶向治疗是晚期非小细胞肺癌新的有前景的治疗方法。本文通过介绍以表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂为代表的非小细胞肺癌的分子靶向治疗历程,说明了循证医学和个体化治疗在临床肿瘤治疗中的相辅相成,只有将循证医学和个体化治疗结合起来才能不断地提高临床肿瘤治疗水平。  相似文献   

关于炎症的辩证思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
炎症从开始到结束的每个过程都贯穿着损伤和抗损伤这对矛盾的相互作用,并且这对矛盾决定了炎症的发生、发展和结局.从炎症的临床表现和炎症的基本病变、炎症的原因和结局,用辩证思维的方法来进行分析,对病理学<炎症>章节的教与学大有益处.  相似文献   

肺癌是我国发病率和病死率最高的恶性肿瘤,分子靶向治疗是晚期非小细胞肺癌新的有前景的治疗方法.本文通过介绍以表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂为代表的非小细胞肺癌的分子靶向治疗历程,说明了循证医学和个体化治疗在临床肿瘤治疗中的相辅相成,只有将循证医学和个体化治疗结合起来才能不断地提高临床肿瘤治疗水平.  相似文献   

慢性充血性心力衰竭是一种严重的临床综合征 ,是大多器质性心脏病进展的最终结局。近十年来 ,心力衰竭的治疗出现了明显的变化 ,目前的治疗主要侧重于逆转衰竭心肌的生物特性 ,β受体阻滞剂就是这种治疗模式的成功典范。在短期内应用 β受体阻滞剂治疗心衰可能会加重心力衰竭 ,因此过去这类药物被长期禁用于心力衰竭患者 ,但目前的临床研究一致证实 ,合理使用 β受体阻滞剂能明显降低充血性心力衰竭患者的死亡率而延长寿命。慢性充血性心力衰竭基础和临床研究表明 ,对立和统一始终贯穿于慢性充血性心力衰竭之中。1 诊断和治疗水平的不断前…  相似文献   

循证医学与个体化治疗的共存和矛盾   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从人体个体差异的绝对性出发,论述了个体化治疗与循证医学共存的必然性及两者之间的矛盾。循证医学的结论可通过对大量个体化治疗病例的循证研究而不断刷新,从而更好地指导个体化治疗,这是解决两者矛盾的途径。  相似文献   

可切除早期肝癌患者治疗(行切除或肝移植),必须依据事物的主要矛盾及矛盾的主要方面来选择,在实践中不断提高,同时两种治疗方法是统一可以互相转换的,以最终延长肝癌患者生存为目的。  相似文献   

从人体个体差异的绝对性出发,论述了个体化治疗与循证医学共存的必然性及两者之间的矛盾.循证医学的结论可通过对大量个体化治疗病例的循证研究而不断刷新,从而更好地指导个体化治疗,这是解决两者矛盾的途径.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The fact that attempts to gain insight into the creative process have been so unsuccessful suggests that they have overlooked at least one basic ingredient in the process. This ingredient may lie in the way the individual mind goes about remembering and manipulating data. The hypothesis is advanced that the creative persons appear to have stumbled onto and then developed to a high degree of perfection the ability to visualize—almost hallucinate—in the area in which they are creative. And their visualizations seem to be of a sort that lend themselves to easy manipulation in the thinking process. This is illustrated by reports from many of the great inventors of the past and it is easy to demonstrate that individuals differ enormously in the kind and degree of their ability to think in such manipulatable visualizations. If correct, this view of creativity suggests many research attacks and many potential changes in education for creative activity.  相似文献   

As a result of Freud's ambiguity (and that of later analysts) regarding the nature of the superego and how to treat it in clinical practice, it has taken many years and many theoreticians to move from Freud's predilection to use it for purposes of "suggestion" in overcoming resistance, toward the concept of the superego as part of the ego's hierarchically mobilized defensive activities in the analytical process. Although much ambiguity persists, an attempt is made here to reduce it so that analytical technique may move forward to allow the superego to be analyzed as an unconscious conflict solution.  相似文献   

By Ken A. Grant 《Dialog》2010,49(1):26-33
Abstract :  We live in the borderlands, a place not of separation but of coming together, of connection. The continuing efforts to discern what it means to express who we are as religious people, and what it means regarding the religious identity of those who live in the borderlands is the focus of this study. In many ways, this identity is one that is in the process of being restored, renewed, and reaffirmed after many years of a combination of benign neglect and overt suppression.  相似文献   

The trajectory toward tenure is complex and arduous, and it requires one to balance attention among diverse and competing demands. It is not surprising that many newly appointed assistant professors report struggling with this process. Borrowing from family and ecological systems theories, we proffer a framework that may help junior faculty members—defined in this article as tenure-earning assistant professors—learn about the tenure-earning process as they navigate through the university system and beyond. We also describe and clarify the many parts of the tenure-earning process, including the roles, responsibilities, and multiple contexts that must be considered concurrently by junior faculty members as they progress through the stages of their tenure-earning appointment in the academy.  相似文献   

记忆巩固需经觉醒状态下的信息编码和睡眠状态下的巩固阶段两个过程。记忆再巩固理论认为记忆巩固是一个需要多次反复巩固的过程,即使已巩固的记忆也会在提取激活后变得不稳定, 需经再巩固才能重返稳定状态, 此过程需要新的蛋白质的合成。记忆再巩固具有较强的时间特征, 发生在记忆巩固之后, 依赖于蛋白质降解的去稳定化阶段和依赖于蛋白质合成的记忆再稳定阶段, 所持续的时间窗为6 h。不同类型的记忆是否引发记忆再巩固或消退行为, 取决于提取试次暴露所持续时间的长短。  相似文献   

In the schizophrenogenic family, many interactions appear to function to maintain pathological dyadic alliances. This paper reports the family treatment of a family with an autistic child and develops the view that in an autistogenic family interactions tend toward maintaining self-isolation and disaffiliation. This process of splitting and dissolving dyads and the tendency to maintain isolation of family members is held to be an essential feature of the autistogenic process; it is referred to as the monadic orientation.  相似文献   

Idealization is an intrapsychic process that serves many functions. In addition to its use defensively and for gratification of libidinal and aggressive drive derivatives, it can contribute to developmental progression, particularly during late adolescence and young adulthood. During an analysis, it is important to recognize all the determinants of idealization, including those related to the reworking of developmental conflicts. If an analyst understands idealization solely as a manifestation of pathology, he may interfere with his patient's use of it for the development of autonomous functioning.  相似文献   

It is suggested that many of the rules of technique about handling questions of money in analysis have been adopted more because they are self-serving for the analyst than because they genuinely aid the therapeutic process. Examples are given of gross deviations that appear to have enhanced the process rather than interfered with it. The idea is that analysis should be a corrective emotional experience.  相似文献   

This paper is an effort to describe and express and the tension between the observing mind and the “wisdom mind,” which has its taproots in the deep and unformulated experience of connectedness. Nominally about the process of writing as a psychoanalyst, it is more like my personal “Credo” in relation to the work of psychoanalysis, the work of writing, and the work of living with contradictions—life. In it I try to bring together disparate reflections, to illustrate in the writing itself the process of making “many into one.” Because so much of this essay relates to themes in Mannie Ghent's work, including his work on surrender and his “Credo,” it seemed to be appropriate to offer it to readers of this issue dedicated to his memory.  相似文献   

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