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The looking behavior of adults and children was recorded while they viewed pairs of stimuli differing in stimulus uncertainty. Ss in one experimental group were encouraged to identify the stimuli and indicate whether they had been seen in a previous phase of the experiment. For the remaining Ss, instructions minimized the importance of the stimuli to the experiment. Results indicate that, when stimulus uncertainty was influential, the relationship between stimulus uncertainty and looking time was monotonically increasing. However, stimulus uncertainty was an effective determinant of looking behavior only when Ss were motivated to identify the stimuli. The behavior of adults and children did not differ.  相似文献   

Patterns of visual selection were recorded as Ss viewed pairs of stimulus drawings in which the two members were either both incongruous or both banal. Prior to presenting the paired stimuli, S was preexposed to either one member of the stimulus pair or to the incongruous or banal counterpart of one member of the stimulus pair. The results indicate that: (1) preexposure to a stimulus reduced its potential to elicit looking responses, and the magnitude of that reduction was greater for incongruous stimuli than for banal stimuli; (2) preexposure to an incongruous stimulus affected the potential of its banal counterpart to elicit looking responses, but preexposure to a banal stimulus did not affect the potential of its incongruous counterpart to elicit similar responses; and (3) the reduced potential of the preexposed member of a stimulus pair to elicit looking responses waned after 10 sec. These results were discussed in light of an “information-conflict resolution” model of visual selection.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the role played by stimulus affective characteristics in determining children's patterns of visual selection. In a semi-natural experimental environment it was observed that children, unlike adults, seek out and explore stimuli rated as unpleasant or expressing negative emotions as well as those rated as pleasant or expressing positive emotions. That observation was discussed in terms of its compatibility with a hedonistic view of man, and its implications for understanding developmental changes in individual responses to affect.  相似文献   

A consistent finding in the literature concerning visual selection is that a stimulus exposed to S subsequently loses some of its potential to elicit looking responses. Studies examining the familiarity effect in visual selection have not systematically examined the influence on that effect of various stimulus characteristics possessed by the familiarized stimulus. The present experiments examined the relationship between the magnitude of the familiarity effect and the level of incongruity represented by the familiarized stimulus and found it to be increasing and monotonie. In addition, Experiment 3 examined the generality of reports that familiarized stimuli are “liked” less than their unfamiliarized counterparts. The ease of explaining the results of the experiments using an “affect change” model of the familiarity effect and an “inforjnation-conflict resolution” model of that effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight retarded adolescents were trained to select one (a trained S+) of two visual stimuli in response to a spoken word (a trained word). Two different visual stimuli alternated randomly as the S-. To determine if the spoken work was merely a temporal discriminative stimulus for when to respond, or if it also specified which visual stimulus to select, the subjects were given intermittent presentations of untrained (novel) spoken words. All subjects consistently selected the trained S+ in response to the trained spoken word and selected the previous S- in response to the untrained spoken words. It was hypothesized that the subjects were responding away from the trained S+ in response to untrained spoken words, and control by untrained spoken words would not be observed when the trained S+ was not present. The two visual S- stimuli selected on trials of untrained spoken words were presented simultaneously. The untrained spoken words presented on these trials no longer controlled stimulus selections for seven subjects. The results supported the hypothesis that previous control by spoken words was due to responding away from the trained S+ in response to untrained spoken words.  相似文献   

There is often strong interference if a second target stimulus (T2) is presented before processing of a prior target stimulus (T1) is complete. In the "Psychological Refractory Period" (PRP) paradigm, responses are speeded and interference manifests as increased response time for T2. In the "Attentional Blink" (AB) paradigm, stimuli are masked and responses unspeeded; interference manifests as reduced T2 accuracy. While different causes have usually been considered for PRP and AB phenomena, recent evidence has supported a unified account based on a single, shared restriction on concurrent processing. Here we show that a full assessment of separate and shared resource limitations requires direct comparison of hybrid PRP/AB trials with corresponding pure PRP and AB cases. Randomizing trial types in such a comparison also brings substantial benefit in addressing possible changes in task preparation or readiness. The data from two such experiments--combining speeded auditory (SA) and unspeeded visual (UV) task events--provide clear evidence for both separate and shared resource limitations. Often interference is strongest for T1 and T2 events of the same type, reflecting predominantly different limitations in SA and UV processing. With modest increases in demand, however, interference between different event types can also be made arbitrarily large, reflecting arbitrarily important shared limitations. For even such simple tasks as these, T--T2 interference reflects a combination of relatively local and relatively global sources.  相似文献   

In an absolute judgment task, total information transmitted about a set of stimuli increases as the dimensionality of the stimuli is increased. However, as the number of dimensions is increased, information transmitted about each component dimension decreases. Four factors were proposed that might, singly or in combination, account for this decrement: stimulus duration, interdimensional interference, distraction, and response complexity. The results of four experiments established that each of these factors may be operative under appropriate circumstances. It was also concluded that component dimensions were processed simultaneously rather than sequentially. However, the processing was not truly parallel because the input channels were not independent of one another.  相似文献   

Visual similarity, stimulus probability, and stimulus contrast were manipulated in two memory-scanning experiments to determine how stimulus probability affects encoding. Two hypotheses were tested: The first, a featural facilitation hypothesis, localizes the effect of stimulus probability on feature extraction; the second claims that stimulus probability has its effect on stimulus recognition. In both experiments, visual similarity was found to slow encoding, particularly under low-contrast conditions. This effect was larger for low probability stimuli than for high probability stimuli and increased as the difference in probability between two visually similar stimuli increased. These results are inconsistent with the featural facilitation hypothesis, but can be explained in terms of differential priming of internal recognition responses for members of the stimulus set, such that more probable members are more easily recognized.  相似文献   

Visual attention and stimulus identification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research has provided evidence for parallel stimulus processing in visual search tasks; however, it has frequently been noted that detecting prespecified targets might be accomplished without actually identifying targets and/or distractors. A novel task was employed to require exhaustive identification: Subjects named the highest digit in an array. Reaction times and display size effects in this task were strikingly similar to the conventional search tasks reported here. Manipulation of display size and visual quality was used to test predictions of serial versus parallel encoding models. Display size was additive with two different visual quality factors in the highest digit task, a finding that argues against serial execution of the corresponding stages. Interactions with decision-related factors suggest that visual quality may have affected the rate of character recognition, not just feature extraction. Thus, various aspects of the results seem to strengthen the case for parallel (though perhaps capacity-limited) identification of multiple familiar stimuli. In the General Discussion, it is pointed out that parallel identification need not entail late selection, and some alternative possibilities are suggested.  相似文献   


The present study investigated age differences in attentional allocation in a word localization and identification task. Response times for valid and invalid spatial cue conditions were compared for each of two age groups under two SOA conditions: 500 msec and 1000 msec. Very high benefits for valid cues in terms of response time were found for both groups. Results indicated that attention was more important for words when compared with similar earlier studies using a simple shape identification task. A sensitive model-fitting technique was used to compare the cost and benefit of selective attention to words; it revealed that attention can be concentrated away from the fovea to benefit in word identification in much the same way for both age groups. The model-fit analysis also revealed that attention for word identification, and perhaps any more complex visual stimuli, is more diffuse than for simple shape identification. In addition, older adults are more likely to avoid the foveal area in order to distribute attentional resources to the periphery and are able to increase these effects of selection at the longer SOA. This suggests that older adults are using attention to offset visual processing deficits for peripheral information such as letter information in the reading process. The results support a two-process view of attention where attention consists both of selection and inhibition and provide evidence to support a theory of reduced inhibitory processeses as a cause for cognitive slowing associated with aging.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating the face preference phenomenon and its underlying mechanisms at 3 months of age. Using an eye-tracker apparatus, Experiment 1 demonstrated that 3-month-olds prefer natural face images to unnatural ones, replicating and extending previous evidence obtained with schematic facelike stimuli. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the general mechanisms that induce face preference in newborns could not explain the same phenomenon at 3 months of age, when infants are attracted by perceptual cues more specific to faces. This suggests that signs of a process of cognitive specialization are already present in 3-month-olds' visual behavior toward faces.  相似文献   

A widely adopted approach in cognitive psychology research is to analyze changes in the response time to a stimulus onset in order to infer information about the cognitive functioning of a subject being tested. But current techniques have inherent variations in the timing between stimulus activation and stimulus display of up to tens of milliseconds, thereby introducing significant errors when response time or the latency of neural responses is measured. This article presents a novel yet easy-to-implement solution for improving resolution in the synchronizing of stimulus activation and stimulus display. Unlike traditional methods in which the stimulus onset is set as the time at which the routine for displaying the stimulus is called, this approach uses DirectX to monitor the scan line of CRTs and sets the stimulus onset to the time at which the scan line arrives at the position where the stimulus is to be drawn. This approach removes the uncertainty involved in having a time delay between the activation of the display routine and the actual time at which the display occurs, improving the accuracy of response time and latency period measurements to within 200 μsec. With a specially developed driver, this solution can generate a trigger signal synchronized precisely with the stimulus onset in all popular Windows systems (including Windows 2000/XP).  相似文献   

The choice of stimulus values to test in any experiment is a critical component of good experimental design. This study examines the consequences of random and systematic sampling of data values for the identification of functional relationships in experimental settings. Using Monte Carlo simulation, uniform random sampling was compared with systematic sampling of two, three, four, or N equally spaced values along a single stimulus dimension. Selection of the correct generating function (a logistic or a linear model) was improved with each increase in the number of levels sampled, with N equally spaced values and random stimulus sampling performing similarly. These improvements came at a small cost in the precision of the parameter estimates for the generating function.  相似文献   

Subjects were presented with either verbal (letters) or nonverbal (outline forms) stimuli to their left or right cerebral hemispheres. Verbal items presented with a lateral masking stimulus were identified more quickly and accurately when presented to the right hemisphere rather than to the left. When the letters were presented without a masking stimulus, weak hemispheric effects were obtained. Nonverbal forms demonstrated faster reaction time and fewer errors for right-hemisphere presentations under both masked and unmasked conditions. Retinal locus of the display item was also varied and produced faster responding with fewer errors when the stimulus was presented foveally rather than peripherally under all display conditions. These effects were attributed to the use of a manual response procedure that effectively reduced the ability of subjects to employ names for the stimulus objects.  相似文献   

The joint effects of stimulus modality, stimulus intensity, and foreperiod on simple RT were investigated. In experiment 1 an interaction was found between stimulus intensity, both visual and auditory, and a variable FP such that the intensity-effect on RT was largest at the shortest FP. Experiment 2 provided a successful replication with smaller and weaker visual stimuli. No interaction was observed with a constant FP, although the visual stimuli were identical and the auditory ones psychophysically equivalent to the visual stimuli of experiment 1.It is proposed that an additive or interactive relationship between stimulus intensity and FP can be inferred only when the mental processes called for by the various uses of FP are simultaneously considered. Another precondition is an adequate sampling of the intensity-continuum with special reference to the retinal size of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

本研究使用空间任务-转换范式,控制视、听刺激的突显性,探讨自下而上注意对视觉主导效应的影响。结果表明视、听刺激突显性显著地影响视觉主导效应,实验一中当听觉刺激为高突显性时,视觉主导效应显著减弱。实验二中当听觉刺激为高突显性并且视觉刺激为低突显性时,视觉主导效应进一步减弱但依然存在。结果支持偏向竞争理论,在跨通道视听交互过程中视觉刺激更具突显性,在多感觉整合过程中更具加工优势。  相似文献   

Twelve pigeons were given successive discrimination training involving variable-interval reinforcement for key pecking in the presence of one intensity of monochromatic light randomly alternated with extinction for pecking during another intensity. All of the pigeons were then tested in extinction for generalization along the intensity dimension, and all showed a displacement of maximal responding from the positive stimulus in the direction opposite the negative stimulus. For six of the pigeons, for which the test included only three values beyond the positive stimulus, four showed peaked gradients but two did not, showing monotonic gradients with maximal responding to the most extreme test value. For another six pigeons tested over a wider range, all showed peaked gradients. Thus, when a sufficiently wide range of test values is employed, generalization gradients for visual intensity have the same peaked form as do gradients for qualitative visual dimensions such as wavelength or line angle.  相似文献   

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