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The purpose of this investigation was to determine the test-retest response consistency rate on a semantic memory task in persons with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT). Ten mildly and 13 moderately impaired DAT subjects and 14 normal controls matched for age, years of education, and estimated IQ participated in this study. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) was administered twice to each subject with a 7-day intertest interval. The mild and moderate DAT subjects responded inconsistently to significantly more PPVT items than normal controls. When the effects of guessing were considered, moderate DAT subjects gave significantly more inconsistent PPVT responses than normal controls and mild DAT subjects showed a trend toward giving more inconsistent responses. These results substantiate the conclusion that the impairment of specific conceptual knowledge in DAT subjects cannot be reliably measured with a single administration of a semantic memory task such as the PPVT.  相似文献   

After a review of the historical roots of current issues in personality psychology, useful sources for prediction are summarized and some current convergences in the search for coherence are identified. The value of people as expert assessors is reiterated and the stability, consistency, and predictability of behavior are distinguished as multiple issues. In the pursuit of consistency in social behavior, two major routes emerge. One route aggregates data across situations and response modes, thereby reducing the variance from those sources, and identifies the resulting stable individual differences. The second route assesses consistency from situation to situation, searches for its psychological bases, and focuses on the discriminativeness of behavior as well as its coherence. Each route serves different purposes and has value for those different goals; neither one preempts the other. Years of research on the consistency of social behavior from situation to situation have yielded stable results that sometimes are used to reach opposite interpretations. But these puzzling differences reflect the two contrasting routes and goals in the search for consistency, not instabilities in the data nor a neglect of psychometric principles. Theory-guided predictions within particular empirical contexts are needed now to explore more deeply when and how either discriminative or more generalized patterns of coherence occur, and to illuminate their psychological bases with increasing precision.  相似文献   

The long-standing question of individual differences’ impact in influence research was addressed by examining the possibility that an individual’s level of Preference for Consistency (PFC) may account for some of the variability. Consistent with predictions, high and low PFC individuals did not differ in susceptibility to influence attempts when they did not hold an initial position on an issue. However, when an initial position was stated, high PFC individuals altered their position (from initial to final) significantly more than low PFC individuals, indicating that PFC may moderate the effects of influence. Discussion focuses on the salience of commitments made by participants as explanations for the pattern of results, and the implications of PFC for psychological research.  相似文献   

The long-standing question of individual differences’ impact in influence research was addressed by examining the possibility that an individual’s level of Preference for Consistency (PFC) may account for some of the variability. Consistent with predictions, high and low PFC individuals did not differ in susceptibility to influence attempts when they did not hold an initial position on an issue. However, when an initial position was stated, high PFC individuals altered their position (from initial to final) significantly more than low PFC individuals, indicating that PFC may moderate the effects of influence. Discussion focuses on the salience of commitments made by participants as explanations for the pattern of results, and the implications of PFC for psychological research.  相似文献   

义符的类别一致性和家族大小影响形声字的语义加工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王娟  张积家 《心理学报》2016,48(11):1390-1400
采用行为实验和眼动技术考察义符的类别一致性和家族大小对形声字语义加工的影响。结果发现:(1) 在一致性判断和视觉选择中均存在着字词水平的类别一致性效应, 义符同整字类别一致的字容易认知。(2) 义符的家族大小影响形声字的语义加工, 义符家族大, 汉语母语者对形声字的加工更容易采用形旁推理策略。(3) 义符家族的类别一致性影响形声字的语义加工。(4) 义符家族的类别一致性和家族大小效应受义符与整字的类别一致性调节。  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine if semantic categories processed in context are encoded as particular exemplars. In Experiment 1 we replicated previous results on an extended and modified set of stimuli by showing that when subjects read sentences containing a category term in a context designed to bias encoding toward an atypical exemplar, the atypical exemplar serves as a better retrieval cue than a typical exemplar. In Experiment 2 we tested whether these cued-recall results were due to processes operating at encoding or retrieval. The pattern of semantic interference obtained in a modified Stroop paradigm clearly contradicted the position that readers routinely encode general terms as examples, or "instantiations." In particular, there was significant color-naming interference when typical exemplars served as targets even when preceded by sentences designed to bias encoding toward an atypical exemplar. No significant color-naming interference was generated to atypical exemplars. Experiment 3 ruled out the possibility that differences between the cued-recall and Stroop results in the first two experiments were due to encoding strategy differences. It was concluded that assigning a referent to a category term is not a routine activity in sentence encoding and that processing category terms entails activation of summary representations.  相似文献   

In semantic coherence judgements individuals are able to intuitively discriminate whether a word triad has a common remote associate (coherent) or not (incoherent) without consciously retrieving the common associate. A processing-fluency account for these intuitions is proposed, which assumes that (a) coherent triads are processed more fluently than incoherent triads, (b) this high fluency triggers a subtle positive affect, and (c) this affect may be experienced as a cognitive feeling and used in explicit judgement. In line with this account, it was shown that coherent triads (a) are processed faster than incoherent triads (Study 1), (b) serve as positive affective primes (Study 2), and (c) are liked more than incoherent triads (Study 3). When participants were provided with an irrelevant source of their affective reactions, they lost the ability to intuitively discriminate between coherent and incoherent triads (Study 4). Finally, an item-based analysis found that triads that are processed faster are liked more and are more likely to be judged coherent, irrespective of their actual coherence (Study 5).  相似文献   

According to current models, spoken word recognition is driven by the phonological properties of the speech signal. However, several studies have suggested that orthographic information also influences recognition in adult listeners. In particular, it has been repeatedly shown that, in the lexical decision task, words that include rimes with inconsistent spellings (e.g., /-ip/ spelled -eap or -eep) are disadvantaged, as compared with words with consistent rime spelling. In the present study, we explored whether the orthographic consistency effect extends to tasks requiring people to process words beyond simple lexical access. Two different tasks were used: semantic and gender categorization. Both tasks produced reliable consistency effects. The data are discussed as suggesting that orthographic codes are activated during word recognition, or that the organization of phonological representations of words is affected by orthography during literacy acquisition.  相似文献   

Semantic dementia (SD) is a progressive condition characterized by an insidious and gradual breakdown in semantic knowledge. Patients suffering from this condition gradually lose their knowledge of objects and their attributes, concepts, famous persons, and public events. In contrast, these patients maintain a striking preservation of autobiographical memory. The aim of the present study was to examine in a patient suffering from SD the role of context in the ability to recall knowledge of familiar persons. In an experiment, patient J.M. was asked to name and identify familiar persons that appeared on family photographs from recent and remote periods of her life. In the first experimental condition, the pictures represented personally familiar persons present in a specific spatial and temporal context. In a second experimental condition, the pictures showed personally familiar persons who were presented without any specific episodic context. Results indicate that the patient was able to name and identify familiar persons irrespective of the context of presentation (with/without context) and of the time period (recent/remote). No temporal gradient was found using family photographs. Finally, in contrast with familiar persons, J.M. presented a severe anomia for celebrities. Results are discussed in light of recent research in the field.  相似文献   

采用义符启动范式,考察不同加工深度任务中家族大小和类别一致性对义符语义激活的影响。结果发现:在词汇判断中,家族大小影响义符的语义激活,大家族义符的语义不容易激活,小家族义符的语义容易激活。在语义相关判断中,类别一致性影响义符的语义激活,类别一致性高的义符的语义容易激活,并且在错误率上,这一影响受义符的家族大小调节。义符类别一致性影响义符家族效应的作用方向:当类别一致性低时,出现抑制的家族效应;当类别一致性高时,家族效应无影响或表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

The effect of task demands on the detection of semantic illusions was investigated. In Exp. 1, subjects were given a detection task with different instructions for accuracy. Less illusions occurred under instructions that stressed accuracy, indicating strategic control of detection rates. In Exp. 2, sentences with dissimilar distorted terms resulted in shorter latencies than sentences with similar distorted terms in a detection task, but in longer response times in a question-answering task. In Exp. 3, the similarity effect was found to vary with the position of the distorted term in combination with task demands. In a verification task, the similarity effect did not differ for the beginning or the end of sentences. In a question-answering task, a significant similarity effect was observed only for distorted terms at the beginning of sentences. We argue that the results indicate minimal depth of semantic processing with respect to different task requirements. Implications for different theoretical accounts of semantic illusions are discussed.  相似文献   

Aligned pairs of spoken words were presented, and the subject timed in detecting the presence or absence of a prespecified target. The target, if present, was paired with either its synonym or its antonym or an unrelated word. If the target was absent, mutually synonymous, antonymous or unrelated word pairs occured. In experiment 1, presentation of the word pairs was dichotic, and in experiment 2 the same stimuli were now systematically presented to a single ear (competing monaural stimulation). In both cases a strategy of divided attention was imposed with respect to the words. A powerful REA was obtained in the second experiment, demonstrating that this phenomenon does not depend upon occlusion of the ipsilateral by the contralateral auditory pathways (Kimura 1961), but that competition within ears is sufficient. Secondly, the nature of the effect (facilitatory or interfering) from a co-present synonym or antonym of the target depends markedly upon how the ears are stimulated, in partial contrast to and extending the results of Lewis (1970).  相似文献   

Study 1: The aim of this study was to analyze in persons detoxified of heroin, compensatory conditioned responses (CCRs) that are opposite to the unconditioned physiological, and subjective effects that are induced by this substance. The procedure consisted in presenting slides with images of neutral stimuli (NSs) and conditioned stimuli (CSs) of heroin to both non-addicted and detoxified addicted persons. The evaluated responses were heart rate (HR) and desire for heroin (DH). Study 2: The aim was to facilitate the emission of mimetic conditioned responses (MCRs) to the unconditioned physiological, and subjective effects of heroin in detoxified heroin addicts. Three different stimulus series were manipulated: SA, during which the participant remained alone; SB, administration of a needle prick given by the researcher; SC, performance of the "pump" ritual without drug by the participants. The responses measured were HR and DH. The results of both studies are considered, respectively, to be indicators of compensatory and mimetic conditioned responses.  相似文献   

When only a handful of members from a disadvantaged group occupy positions of power, they are considered tokens. Previous research suggests that observers tend to consider tokenism as an egalitarian practice. Given its ambiguous nature, we hypothesized that reactions to tokenism would be shaped by individuals' sensitivity to inequality. In Study 1, we showed that women (vs. men) and individuals low (vs. high) on social dominance orientation differentiated more between a token and an egalitarian decision in the context of gender‐related practices. Similar findings were observed in Study 2, which involved gender and feminist identification as independent variables. Additional support, particularly for the role of social dominance orientation, was found in Study 3, which involved an ethnic token. Together, results demonstrate the role of individuals' chronic sensitivity to inequality in shaping their reactions to token practices. Theoretical and practical implications regarding the effect of tokenism on individuals' evaluations and responses to inequality are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explicates the complexity of sexual harassment coping behavior among 4 diverse samples of working women: (a) working-class Hispanic Americans, (b) working-class Anglo Americans, (c) professional Turks, and (d) professional Anglo Americans. K-means cluster analysis revealed 3 common harassment coping profiles: (a) detached, (b) avoidant negotiating, and (c) support seeking. The authors then tested an integrated framework of coping profile determinants, involving social power, stressor severity, social support, and culture. Analysis of variance, chi-square, and discriminant function results identified significant determinants at each of the 4 levels of this ecological model. These findings underscore the importance of focusing on whole patterns of experience--and considering influences at the level of the individual employee and multiple levels of the surrounding context--when studying how women cope with workplace sexual harassment.  相似文献   

Does Islamic appearance increase aggressive tendencies, and what role does affect play in such responses? In a computer game, participants made rapid decisions to shoot at armed people, some of whom wore Islamic head dress. We predicted and found a significant bias for participants to shoot more at Muslim targets. We also predicted and found that positive mood selectively increased aggressive tendencies towards Muslims, consistent with affect-cognition theories that predict a more top-down, stereotypical processing style in positive mood. In contrast, induced anger increased the propensity to shoot at all targets. The relevance of these results for our understanding of real-life negative reactions towards Muslims is discussed, and the influence of affective states on rapid aggressive responses is considered.  相似文献   

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