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理论思维是力求逻辑自恰、规避自相矛盾;工程思维是对逻辑地发现的属性进行非逻辑的复合;评价思维是虚体思维和筹划因素相分离所导致的思维方式.理论思维的成果必须通过工程思维付诸实践,评价思维是对实践的结果进行评价,评价的结果是对工程思维或/和理论思维的成果进行反思.对缺血性脑血管病实践中的理论思维、工程思维和评价思维的界定与相互联系进行探讨.  相似文献   

徐长福 《学海》2001,(1):5-14
本文的目的在于探寻人类乌托邦悲剧的思维根源,并认为人文社会学科中,理论思维误用于工程设计、工程思维误用于理论生产是问题的症结所在.这种误用便是本文所谓思维方式的僭越.解决问题的唯一办法就是思维方式的划界.理论思维的任务在于建构理论,工程思维的任务在于设计工程.理论表现为前提与结论之间的必然联系,所以理论思维的特点就是一以贯之地逻辑推导.工程是各种实体及其属性的复合物,这些实体和属性之间不必然存在逻辑联系,所以工程思维就是一种非逻辑的复合性思维.用理论思维设计工程,工程不可实施;用工程思维建构理论,理论没有效力.人文社会领域的各种乌托邦就是理论思维和工程思维相互僭越、恶性循环的结果.在理论思维和工程思维之间严格划界,让二者各得其所、分工协作,对于人文社会研究来说既重要又迫切.如是,就要求那些旨在创建人文社会学说的学者,在研究开始之前必须弄清楚这样一个问题自己究竟是要探寻客观真理,还是要绘制生活蓝图?  相似文献   

国家的经济发展需要科学创新的成果,而创新的成果源自创新的思维.法国数学家彭加勒在谈到创新性的思维时说过:"逻辑用于论证,直觉用于发明",并提出了创造性的科学思维活动的"三段式"理论.从"炸药"到"伟哥"科学创新的百年历程中,去验证和探究彭加勒的科学哲学思维,以及这个理论中包含的逻辑与直觉的关系.  相似文献   

无意识思维理论(UTT)是近期对无意识思维研究的最新成果。该文主要从无意识思维原理、容量原理、自下而上对自上而下加工原理、权重原理、规则原理、聚合对发散原理等6个方面对UTT进行了详细阐述。在此基础上,简评了UTT的理论特点及存在问题,并进一步从信息编码、目标和无意识思维加工机制等三个方面提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Dijksterhuis等人发现在解决复杂问题时,无意识思维的加工结果优于有意识思维,并据此提出了无意识思维理论。本文介绍了支持无意识思维理论的基本实验证据,质疑无意识思维的相关研究及对质疑的回应研究。未来研究应重点关注改进无意识思维研究范式和寻找更多影响无意识思维效应的中介变量,无意识思维加工结果如何上升到有意识层面,无意识思维的加工方式以及其在真实和高风险任务情境中的应用。  相似文献   

临床思维的逻辑性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床思维是临床能力的核心和基础,是成为一名合格医生的前提条件。临床思维是按照逻辑规律反映疾病的思维方式。在临床思维活动过程中最重要的就是医学假说的提出、验证、推理和遵守逻辑思维的过程。逻辑思维能力对于医学工作者是至关重要的,作为医学工作者应该不断加强逻辑修养,不断提升我们临床思维水准。  相似文献   

本文认为“右脑善于进行形象思维,左脑善于进行抽象思维”的固定看法,会导致人产生一种误解,似乎人的右脑只能进行形象思维,左脑只能进行抽象思维。作者研究结果是人的右脑除能进行形象思维外,还能进行抽象思维和灵感思维,左脑则除能进行抽象思维外,还能进行形象思维和灵感思维,而且,左、右脑的思维形式主要由拥有左、右脑的人,即思维主体的职责任务、工作性质、实践经历、其脑内存贮的调近代思维的规则以及思维实践时左、右利手决定。  相似文献   

《思维论》是田运长期以来研究思维理论的结晶,也是我国当代思维科学研究的重要成果。本分析了《思维论》体系结构上的特点,对书中提出的思维三规律、思维信息论、智慧开发论等方面的观点进行了评述,肯定了《思维论》对发展思维科学的理论意义及在教育实践中的应用价值。  相似文献   

借助思维三规律引发的直觉与思维三规律应用运算,确定创新思维素质教育的核心内容(15项创新思维素质基本因素);受到思维三规律启示,在教学方法上作了4点探新;在思维三规律导向下,正在探索创新思维素质教育的诀窍和隐蔽技巧;并且主要以我国思维科学研究者的创新成果编写教材。这使在北京理工大学进行的创新思维素质教育实验取得阶段性成果,获北京市教育教学成果二等奖。  相似文献   

发散思维又叫求异思维。这是一种寻求变异,从多方面探索答案的创造性思维。它能拓展我们的思路,让我们从中获得和体验多种答案的乐趣。在逻辑教学中,我们就曾有过这样的感受。  相似文献   

上世纪三十年代,金岳霖先生以欧洲传统演绎逻辑是唯一和普遍的逻辑学观念,对中国逻辑的研究提出了“中国逻辑”的名称能否成立的问题。否认逻辑与文化的联系,坚持逻辑的唯一性和欧洲传统演绎逻辑的唯一性与普遍性,这些是提出“中国逻辑”名称困难的依据。上述观点将会面对由逻辑学研究对象、逻辑学学科性质以及逻辑史所展示的事实所引发的诸多困惑与质疑。逻辑学的研究对象是逻辑思维。逻辑思维不是单纯的自然现象,而是属于人的精神世界。人的精神世界依附于人类的文化,即人的实践活动及其成果的总和。当人类文化呈现出多样性的统一状态时,包括逻辑思维在内的精神世界不仅有共性,也有由民族地域不同而显现的个性。在中国,先秦文化不同于古希腊文化,它的核心是伦理政治与社会人事,它的主要内容是伦理尺度与治国纲纪的构想、建立和实践,它的基本思维取向是现实的需要以及实践中的经验。以“类同”为依据进行“以类取,以类予”推演的“推类”,成为先秦时期逻辑思维中居主导地位的推理类型,同时也成为先秦逻辑学研究的主要内容。中国古代逻辑学是有别于欧洲传统演绎逻辑的。研究中国逻辑离不开对欧洲传统逻辑的借鉴,在这种借鉴研究中,应用比较法的关键有三:第一,被比较的诸对象都把与之相比较的对象视为平等的他者,而不是对立者或规范者;第二,在见其同异中,比较以见其相异乃更为重要。第三,对研究对象的异点给出制约因素的分析,就中国逻辑研究而言,就是“历史分析与文化诠释”。  相似文献   

精神性疾病患者的诡辩性思维又称复杂性思维,是用复杂言语,表达简单问题,所以让人听不懂。常见机制是反复使用干词、思维删节、语法缺失和错语症,次常见机制是私人用语、过度包含性思维和夸张言语,本质上不是逻辑障碍,而是一种言语表达障碍。反复使用干词是指患者反复使用要表达的具有核心意义的词;思维删节是指患者在言语表达时,漏掉了不该漏的字、词、句;语法缺失是指患者说一句话时,词与词的顺序颠倒了;错语症是指患者在思维表达时,有的词想不起来,就绕开该词,用其他的话来说明该词。  相似文献   

In cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a black or white perception of the world is generally considered to be a distortion of reality. This paper addresses the issue of bipolar or categorical thinking and its role in creating disturbance. It introduces a new quantitative methodology known as fuzzy logic (FL) and shows its potential in developing new effective CBT strategies to address bipolar thinking. The paper maintains that the roots of such thinking can be traced back to the Aristotelian logic which posits a 'black or white' view of the world. It is argued that a bipolar perspective is no longer defendable given recent developments in the field of literature, physics and logic. Moreover CBT can derive significant benefits by embracing the fuzzy logic paradigm. In particular it can, first, benefit by improving the degree of precision of its diagnostic tools and, second, by applying the FL principles to derive alternative strategies for inducing healthy changes in clients. Such improvements are believed to enhance CBT profile in terms of the degree of realism, flexibility and efficiency of its methods. The illustrations offered throughout this paper are based on the two main CBT perspectives; rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and cognitive therapy (CT).  相似文献   

To a high degree, negative evaluation of the self by counseling clients is seen as being the outcome of various kinds of irrational, unreasonable, or illogical thinking. Counseling practice and logical considerations, both based on an analysis of such thinking, suggest principles and points of view that might be taught to students for the purpose of correcting or avoiding such thinking.  相似文献   

This study investigated an integrative, psychological model of suicidality involving the relationship between perfectionism and future thinking to predict short-term outcome in well-being following a suicidal episode. Two hundred and sixty-seven adults hospitalized following a self-harm episode completed a range of clinical and psychological measures in hospital and were followed up approximately two months after discharge. Hierarchical regression analyses confirmed that, among the suicidal self-harmers who had a history of repetitive self-harm (n=65), outcome among low social perfectionists changed as a function of positive future thinking such that outcome was better for those high on positive thoughts compared with those low on positive future thoughts. There was no such positive change in outcome among the high social perfectionists. There were also no significant interactive effects evident among the non-repetitive self-harmers (n=61). These findings extend recent research to suggest that socially prescribed perfectionism and positive future thinking (but not negative future thinking) are implicated in outcome following repetitive suicidality. Implications for theory and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

现代科学思维方法中系统思维及模糊思维方法具有普遍适用意义。妊娠期急性脂肪肝临床上极为罕见,并发症多,病死率极高,1例并发腹部卒中的妊娠期急性脂肪肝患者通过科学诊疗转危为安,及时终止妊娠、对症处理、多学科协作联合治疗,积极预防并发症是确保救治成功的关键。本文尝试介绍科学思维方法在该病诊疗中的一些体会。  相似文献   

Some induction procedures result in trance logic as an essential feature of hypnosis. Trance logic is a voluntary state of acceptance of suggestions without the critical evaluation that would destroy the validity of the meaningfulness of the suggestion. Induction procedures in real and simulated conditions induce a conflict between two contradictory messages in experimental hypnosis. In military induction the conflict is much more subtle involving society's need for security and its need for ethics. Such conflicts are often construed by the subject as trance logic. Trance logic provides an opportunity for therapists using the phenomenology of "presence" to deal with the objectified concepts of "avoidance," "numbing" implicit in this kind of dysfunctional thinking in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. An individual phenomenology of induction procedures and suggestions, which trigger trance logic, may lead to a resolution of logical fallacies and recurring painful memories. It invites a reconciliation of conflicting messages implicit in phobias and avoidance traumas. Such a phenomenological analysis of trance logic may well be a novel approach to restructure the meaning of trauma.  相似文献   

What is the nature and function of relief? Relief has been studied little in psychological science despite its familiarity and pervasiveness. Two studies revealed that relief can result from two distinct situations: the narrow avoidance of an aversive outcome (near-miss relief) and completion of an onerous or aversive event (task-completion relief). Study 1 found that recollections of near-miss relief were marked by more downward counterfactual thoughts and greater feelings of social isolation than recollections of task-completion relief. Study 2 experimentally elicited the two types of relief and found mediational evidence that relief following near misses elicits feelings of social isolation via its stimulation of counterfactual thinking. That near-miss relief is characterized by counterfactual thinking suggests that it prompts people to contemplate how to avert similar experiences in the future, whereas task-completion relief may serve to reinforce endurance during difficult tasks.  相似文献   

Dallas Willard 《Topoi》2003,22(1):69-78
I undertake to explain how the well known laws of formal logic – Barbara Syllogism, modus ponens, etc. – relate to experience by developing Edmund Husserl's critique ofFormalism and Psychologism in logical theory and then briefly explaining his positive views of the laws of logic. His view rests upon his understanding of the proposition as a complex, intentional property. The laws of formal logic are, on his view (and mine), statements about the truth values of propositions as determined by their formal character and relationships alone. The laws thus understood explain how algorithms set up to mirror them can accomplish what they do to advance knowledge, even though they operate purely mechanically. Further, they explain the proper sense in which formal laws "govern," and may guide, processes of actual thinking. Husserl's theory is a realist theory in the sense that, on his interpretation, the laws of pure or formal logic hold true regardless of what any individual, culture or species may or may not think, or even if no thinking ever occurs. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

应该注重培训年轻医生在临床中学会应用哲学思想和思维方式,真正认识事物的本质。这对于诊断、治疗、科研、创新有事半功倍的作用,可避免片面性、盲目性,减少医源性偏差与失误,提高治愈率和生活质量。一般通过三种思维方式即理论、工程及评价思维思考疾病,如蛛网膜下腔出血的病因、临床特点、检查方法、诊疗思路、预后和转归,最终达到预期的疗效。  相似文献   

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