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The effects of the availability of an alternative reinforcer on responding maintained by food pellets or drug solutions were examined in 8 adult male baboons (Papio hamadrayas anubis). During daily 23-hr experimental sessions, baboons had access to both food pellets and fluid under a two-choice procedure, in which the response requirement, under a fixed-ratio schedule, differed for the two commodities. There were no restrictions on access to water, which was continuously available from a spout at the rear of each cage. In Experiment 1, the fixed-ratio requirement, or cost, for fluid delivery remained constant while the fixed-ratio requirement for pellets was changed every 2 or 3 days when (a) no fluid, (b) a dilute dextrose vehicle, (c) 0.008 mg/kg per delivery cocaine, (d) 0.016 mg/kg per delivery cocaine, or (e) 0.032 mg/kg per delivery cocaine was available concurrently. In Experiment 1, progressively increasing the response requirement for pellets decreased pellet intake, but for 4 baboons pellet intake at maximum pellet cost was lower when cocaine, compared to the vehicle, was available. Increasing the response requirement for pellets had variable effects on vehicle intake. However, increasing the response requirement for pellets increased intake of at least one dose of cocaine to a greater extent than vehicle in all 8 baboons. Thus, cocaine could be considered a more effective economic substitute than vehicle for pellets. Experiment 2 systematically varied the order in which the response requirements for a pellet delivery were presented and added a control condition in which cocaine doses, yoked to the amount self-administered, were given three times during the session by the experimenter. Again, pellet intake at maximal pellet cost was lower when cocaine, compared to the vehicle, was available. In contrast, experimenter-given cocaine doses did not alter responding maintained by pellets. Thus, the effects of self-administered cocaine on responding maintained by food pellets differed from the effects of experimenter-given cocaine on responding maintained by food pellets.  相似文献   

An economic analysis of "demand" for food in baboons.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Responding of 6 adult male baboons (Papio c. anubis) was maintained under a fixed-ratio schedule of food reinforcement during daily 22-hr experimental sessions. Completion of the ratio requirement resulted in the delivery of a single 1-g food pellet; supplemental feeding was limited to a daily fruit ration. Ratio values were increased on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays according to the following schedule: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128. Responding under each ratio value was examined four times. Under the Fixed-Ratio 2 conditions, food intake ranged between 300 and 600 g. Ratios were increased for each baboon until food intake decreased to about 100 g (20% to 30% of Fixed-Ratio 2 intake). Increasing the response cost increased total time responding and total daily responding in all baboons, but this increase in responding was not sufficient to maintain stable food intake. Baboons responded between 90 and 180 min per day. The highest running response rates were observed under the Fixed-Ratio 2 and Fixed-Ratio 4 schedules. Running rate was similar across the larger ratio values (greater than Fixed-Ratio 8) but was lower than that observed under the Fixed-Ratio 2 and Fixed-Ratio 4 schedules. Similar results were observed the four times that each fixed-ratio value was tested. Intake as a function of cost was analyzed by fitting data to the nonlinear equation proposed by Hursh, Raslear, Shurtleff, Bauman, and Simmons (1988) for "demand" functions. Demand for food was inelastic over most of the ratio values until food intake decreased to 15% to 55% of baseline. The results indicate that demand functions are appropriate for the study of food intake in baboons, but also caution that intake at the cost when demand shifts from inelastic to elastic and its relationship to maximal intake should also be included in analyses of demand for a commodity.  相似文献   

In behavioral economics, the ratio of response requirement to reinforcer magnitude is referred to as unit price. Previous research with nonhuman subjects has demonstrated that (a) comparable amounts of food are consumed at the same unit price even though different response requirements and reinforcer magnitudes comprise that unit price and (b) increases in unit price decrease food consumption in a positively decelerating fashion. The present study assessed the generality of these findings to the cigarette smoking of 5 human volunteers. During approximately 18 3-hr sessions, various combinations of response requirement (fixed-ratio 200, 400, and 1,600) and reinforcer magnitude (1, 2, and 4 puffs per bout) were arranged. Consumption (i.e., the number of puffs) generally was comparable at the same unit price independent of the response requirement and reinforcer magnitude comprising that unit price. In addition, increasing unit price generally decreased consumption in a positively decelerating fashion. These results extend the generality of the unit-price analysis to human cigarette smoking. Moreover, these results further support the position that reinforcer magnitude and response requirement are functionally equivalent and interact to determine consumption. The concept of unit price, by integrating and summarizing the effects of those two operations, provides a more parsimonious explanation of the results than do separate evaluations of the effects of response requirement and reinforcer magnitude.  相似文献   

Experiments examined the effects of acute doses of chlordiazepoxide upon ethanol self-administration in the rat. A concurrent-schedule procedure was used that employed choice between ethanol (5%) and a second fluid (either water or a 1% sucrose solution). When ethanol and water were the available fluids, chlordiazepoxide at doses of 15 and 20 mg/kg reduced ethanol-reinforced responding and intake, with a greater reduction occurring at the 20 mg/kg dose. However, when ethanol and sucrose were concurrently available, in many rats only the 20 mg/kg dose of chlordiazepoxide reduced ethanol-reinforced responding. The differences in dose response function occurred in most animals without large changes in the baseline ethanol-reinforced responding across the two concurrent conditions. Thus the dose-effect curve relating chlordiazepoxide and ethanol self-administration can be altered, dependent upon the nature of the concurrently available reinforcers.  相似文献   

In a study examining “demand” for food, responding of 8 adult male baboons (Papio c. anubis) was maintained under a fixed-ratio schedule of food reinforcement during daily 23-hr experimental sessions. Completion of the ratio requirement resulted in the delivery of one, five, or 10 1-g food pellets. Supplemental feeding was limited to fruit and a dog biscuit daily. Responding increased as “cost” was increased across a wide range of fixed-ratio values before reaching a maximum and then decreasing. Increasing the number of food pellets per delivery decreased total responding and the number of reinforcements per day. A unit-price analysis, in which intake was converted to grams per day and fixed-ratio values were converted to responses per gram, yielded demand functions that overlapped at lower unit prices. Under one or more multiple-pellet conditions, however, intake decreased more quickly than under the one-pellet condition as the fixed-ratio value was increased in all but 1 baboon. This indicates that even when using unit-price conversions, there was variability in total intake. Although unit-price conversions yielded intake data that were more consistent across conditions, conditions differed in response topography even at the same unit prices: Under the multiple-pellet conditions there were longer pauses in responding, running response rate was slower, and the first eating bout (i.e., “meal”) of the session was smaller than under the one-pellet condition. These findings (a) support the heuristic value of a unit-price analysis for studying responding for and consumption of commodities that have similar attributes, and (b) indicate that different response topographies may result in similar intakes of a commodity.  相似文献   

Monkeys were given a choice between cocaine solutions and water under concurrent fixed-ratio reinforcement schedules. The operant response was spout contact. Six rhesus monkeys served as subjects. The cocaine concentration was varied from 0.0125 to 0.8 mg/ml, and the fixed-ratio value was varied from 8 to 128. Cocaine maintained higher response rates than did water over a wide range of conditions. Response rate and number of cocaine deliveries per session were inverted U-shaped functions of concentration. These functions were shifted to the right as the fixed ratio was increased. The number of cocaine deliveries was more persistent as fixed-ratio value was increased when the unit dose was larger rather than smaller. Cocaine consumption was analyzed as a function of unit price (fixed-ratio value divided by cocaine concentration), and unit price accounted for between 77% and 92% of the variance in cocaine consumption for individual monkeys. The current data support the claim that a drug's reinforcing effects increase directly with dose and underscore the need to gather parametric data when examining the effects of experimental manipulations on a drug-reinforced baseline.  相似文献   

The concepts of behavioral economics have proven useful for understanding the environmental control of overall levels of responding for a variety of commodities, including reinforcement by drug self-administration. These general concepts are summarized for application to the analysis of drug-reinforced behavior and proposed as the basis for future applications. This behavioral agenda includes the assessment of abuse liability, the assay of drug-reinforcer interactions, the design of drug abuse interventions, and the formulation of drug abuse public policy. These separate domains of investigation are described as part of an overall strategy for designing model projects to control drug use and testing public policy initiatives.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats living in a closed economy were offered continuous, concurrent access to four resources: food, water, a nest, and a running wheel. Costs of consuming food and water were imposed with bar-press requirements, and the price of either one or both resources was raised. As the consumption cost increased, less was consumed in each bout of resource use. Bout frequency increased, but not sufficiently to compensate for the fall in bout size, and total intake fell. Food and water tended to be complementary resources, in that as intake of one fell with its price, intake of the other also decreased. This interaction was accounted for by the defense of the ratio of body water to lean body mass. As amount consumed decreased, increases in feed efficiency (weight gain per unit of food ingested) and the use of stored calories compensated for the reduced energy intake. There was evidence of competition between feeding and drinking at the higher costs: When both commodities were expensive, the decline in the intake of each one was greater than when only one commodity was expensive. Although the time spent nesting, running, and in unmonitored activity was adjusted when feeding or drinking took more of the rat's day, there was no particular activity that was sacrificed.  相似文献   

Performances of three rhesus monkeys were reinforced by the oral delivery of pentobarbital and studied as functions of fixed-ratio size and drug concentration. Pentobarbital solutions and water were concurrently available on identical reinforcement schedules from separate liquid-delivery systems during 3-hour sessions. Under a fixed-ratio 16 schedule of drug availability, a descending series of drug concentrations was tested (4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and 0.0625 mg/ml, followed by a retest at 4 mg/ml). Partial concentration series beginning with the highest concentration were repeated with fixed-ratios of 32 and 64, with a fixed-ratio 128 for two monkeys, and with fixed-ratio 256 for one. At each fixed-ratio value, response rate and number of drug deliveries were inverted U-shaped functions of pentobarbital concentration. Drug intake (mg/kg/session) increased directly with drug concentration. As the fixed-ratio size was increased, the number of liquid deliveries decreased. For each drug concentration, when the numbers of drug deliveries at fixed-ratios of 32, 64, and 128 responses were plotted as percentages of those obtained at fixed-ratio 16, the following orderly relationship emerged: the higher the drug concentration, the less that drug deliveries were decreased by increases in fixed-ratio size. This relationship indicates an increase in reinforcing efficacy with increases in pentobarbital concentration.  相似文献   

During daily 3-hr sessions, orally delivered pentobarbital solutions and water, or two separate pentobarbital solutions, were concurrently available to rhesus monkeys according to fixed-ratio schedules of mouth contacts with a spout. First water, and then each of four "comparison-concentration" pentobarbital solutions (0.0625, 0.25, 1, and 4 mg/mL), was successively available from one spout for a block of sessions under a fixed-ratio-64 (three monkeys) or fixed-ratio-16 (one monkey) schedule. Under an identically sized fixed-ratio schedule, deliveries of a "standard-concentration" pentobarbital solution were concurrently available from a second spout. The concentration of the standard solution remained unchanged throughout testing of the series of comparison solutions. Each of three pentobarbital concentrations (4, 1, and 0.25 mg/mL) in turn served as the standard concentration. Within each pair of concurrently available solutions, the higher drug concentration maintained more behavior than the lower concentration. Thus when monkeys were provided with concurrent access to different pentobarbital concentrations, relative reinforcing effects were directly related to drug concentration. Further, the amount of behavior maintained by a particular drug concentration was dependent on the concentration of the concurrently available drug solution. Thus, the relative effectiveness of a reinforcer in maintaining behavior is a function of both the reinforcer's magnitude and the availability of alternative reinforcers in the environment.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the own-price and cross-price elasticities of a drug (ethanol mixed with 10% sucrose) and a nondrug (10% sucrose) reinforcer. Rats were presented with ethanol-sucrose and sucrose, both available on concurrent independent variable-ratio (VR) 8 schedules of reinforcement. In Experiment 1, the variable ratio for the ethanol mix was systematically raised to 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, and 30, while the variable ratio for sucrose remained at 8. Five of the 6 rats increased ethanol-reinforced responding at some of the increments and defended baseline levels of ethanol intake. However, the rats eventually ceased ethanol-reinforced responding at the highest variable ratios. Sucrose-reinforced responding was not systematically affected by the changes in variable ratio for ethanol mix. In Experiment 2, the variable ratio for sucrose was systematically increased while the ethanol-sucrose response requirement remained constant. The rats decreased sucrose-reinforced responding and increased ethanol-sucrose-reinforced responding, resulting in a two- to 10-fold increase in ethanol intake. Experiment 3 examined the substitutability of qualitatively identical reinforcers: 10% sucrose versus 10% sucrose. Increases in variable-ratio requirements at the preferred lever resulted in a switch in lever preference. Experiment 4 examined whether 10% ethanol mix substituted for 5% ethanol mix, with increasing variable-ratio requirements of the 5% ethanol. All rats eventually responded predominantly for the 10% ethanol mix, but total amount of ethanol consumed per session did not systematically change. In Experiment 5, the variable-ratio requirements for both ethanol and sucrose were simultaneously raised to VR 120; 7 of 8 rats increased ethanol-reinforced responding while decreasing sucrose-reinforced responding. These data suggest that, within this ethanol-induction procedure and within certain parameters, demand for ethanol-sucrose was relatively inelastic, and sucrose consumption was independent of ethanol-sucrose consumption. Demand for sucrose, on the other hand, was relatively elastic, and ethanol-sucrose readily substituted for it. The results are discussed in terms of applying a behavioral economic approach to relationships between drug and nondrug reinforcers.  相似文献   

Recent research findings suggest that reinforcing stimuli may be differentially effective as response requirements increase. We extended this line of research by evaluating responding under increasing schedule requirements via progressive‐ratio schedules and behavioral economic analyses. The differential effectiveness of preferred stimuli in treating destructive behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement also was examined. Results showed that one of two stimuli was associated with more responding under increasing schedule requirements for the 4 participants. Furthermore, stimuli associated with more responding under increasing schedule requirements generally were more effective in treating destructive behavior than stimuli associated with less responding. These data suggest that progressive‐ratio schedules and behavioral economic analyses may be useful for developing a new technology for reinforcer identification. From a clinical perspective, these results suggest that two reinforcers may be similarly effective for low‐effort tasks and differentially effective for high‐effort tasks.  相似文献   

This study uses a curve-fitting approach to evaluate the effects of drugs on reinforced responding in rats. The subjects obtained reinforcement according to a series of five different variable-interval schedules (a five-component multiple schedule). For each rat, pimozide, a neuroleptic, decreased response rate, and the decrease was associated with (1) a decrease in the estimated asymptotic response rate and (2) an increase in the rate of reinforcement necessary for half-asymptotic responding. That is, pimozide decreased the proportion of responding maintained by a given rate of reinforcement. In contrast, intermediate doses of amphetamine increased response rate and increased the proportion of responding maintained by a given rate of reinforcement. It was proposed that the response rate asymptote indexes motor capacity, and the rate of reinforcement necessary for half-asymptotic responding indexes reinforcement efficacy; accordingly, pimozide decreased motor capacity and reinforcement strength and amphetamine increased reinforcement strength.  相似文献   

Pigeons' key pecks produced food under second-order schedules of token reinforcement, with light-emitting diodes serving as token reinforcers. In Experiment 1, tokens were earned according to a fixed-ratio 50 schedule and were exchanged for food according to either fixed-ratio or variable-ratio exchange schedules, with schedule type varied across conditions. In Experiment 2, schedule type was varied within sessions using a multiple schedule. In one component, tokens were earned according to a fixed-ratio 50 schedule and exchanged according to a variable-ratio schedule. In the other component, tokens were earned according to a variable-ratio 50 schedule and exchanged according to a fixed-ratio schedule. In both experiments, the number of responses per exchange was varied parametrically across conditions, ranging from 50 to 400 responses. Response rates decreased systematically with increases in the fixed-ratio exchange schedules, but were much less affected by changes in the variable-ratio exchange schedules. Response rates were consistently higher under variable-ratio exchange schedules than tinder comparable fixed-ratio exchange schedules, especially at higher exchange ratios. These response-rate differences were due both to greater pre-ratio pausing and to lower local rates tinder the fixed-ratio exchange schedules. Local response rates increased with proximity to food under the higher fixed-ratio exchange schedules, indicative of discriminative control by the tokens.  相似文献   

Seven rats responding under fixed-ratio or variable-ratio schedules of food reinforcement had continuous access to a drinking tube inserted into the operant chamber. Under different conditions they could drink either tap water or one of two saccharin solutions. In a baseline condition, the drinking bottle was empty. Preratio pausing was observed with both schedules, more so with the fixed-ratio than the variable-ratio schedule, and increasing the concentration of the saccharin solution increased the duration of pausing. Comparisons with baseline performances revealed that the additional pausing was largely, but not entirely, spent drinking. The results support the view that pausing under ratio schedules is a consequence of competition between the scheduled reinforcer and alternative reinforcers that also are available within the experimental environment.  相似文献   

For 4 rhesus monkeys, mouth-contact responses with either of two brass spouts were reinforced according to fixed-ratio schedules by 0.65-mL liquid deliveries during daily 3-hr sessions. Three experiments were conducted. In each experiment, independent fixed-ratio schedules were concurrently in effect at the two spouts. Following completion of each fixed ratio on a spout, a specified number of liquid deliveries were available from that spout under a continuous-reinforcement schedule. The number of such deliveries available at each spout was manipulated independently. In Experiment 1, a 1-mg/mL pentobarbital solution was simultaneously available with water (the drug vehicle) under concurrent fixed-ratio schedules of 32 responses for 3 subjects and 64 responses for the remaining subject. The number (N) of liquid deliveries that were available after completion of each fixed ratio was varied in the following order: 8, 4, 2, 1, and 8 (retest). For each subject at each condition, drug maintained more responding than water. The number of drug deliveries obtained per session was directly related to the amount of drug available per fixed ratio (i.e., to N), whereas the number of fixed ratios completed per session generally was inversely related to the value of N. In Experiment 2, fixed-ratio size was the same for each subject as in Experiment 1, but deliveries of a 1-mg/mL pentobarbital solution were available at both spouts. The number of drug deliveries available under one fixed-ratio schedule (Ns, the "standard" reinforcer amount) was held at eight, and the number of drug deliveries available under the second schedule (Nc, the "comparison" reinforcer amount) was changed across blocks of six sessions of stable responding in the following order: 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, and 1. The identical series of comparison reinforcer amounts (Nc) was then tested twice more, but with the standard reinforcer (Ns) held first at four and then at two deliveries. Across the three choice series, reinforcing effects were directly related to reinforcer magnitude. In Experiment 3, deliveries of a 1-mg/mL pentobarbital solution again were available at both spouts. However, the two reinforcer amounts were held constant at N = 8 deliveries under one schedule and N = 4 deliveries under the second schedule, and fixed-ratio size was systematically varied. Across the range of fixed-ratio sizes from low to high, the degree to which behavior was better maintained by the larger of the two drug quantities was an inverted U-shaped function of fixed-ratio size.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reinforcer magnitude and fixed-ratio requirement were varied under two second-order schedules. Under one, the first sequence of a fixed number of responses completed after the lapse of a 10-min fixed interval produced reinforcement. Under the second, a second-order progressive-ratio schedule, the fixed number of responses increased after each reinforcement. Either cocaine (0 to 300 micrograms/kg/inj) or food (0 to 5,700 mg/delivery) reinforcers were delivered. Under some conditions, a 2-s illumination of stimulus lights occurred on completion of each ratio sequence. Under the second-order schedule, as cocaine dose or amount of food increased, rates of responding increased; at the highest values, rates of responding decreased. Increases in the ratio requirement from 10 to 170 responses minimally decreased overall response rates. Under the second-order progressive-ratio schedule, increases in dose of cocaine or amount of food increased rates of responding; at the highest amounts of food, rates of responding decreased but response rates at the highest dose of cocaine remained relatively high. The highest ratio requirement that was completed (breaking point) depended on the dose of cocaine but was less dependent on the amount of food. Removing brief-stimulus presentations had a greater effect on completion of ratio requirements with cocaine compared to food.  相似文献   

Behavioral stressors may inhibit sodium excretion, potentially increasing plasma volume and elevating blood pressure during chronic exposure. Blood pressure regulation may be especially deranged during manipulations that further challenge the kidney, such as a diet high in salt content. The effects on blood pressure and other variables of combined behavioral stress (food/shock conflict) and dietary salt (12 g NaCl per day; 218 mEq Na+ per day) were examined in adult male baboons over the course of 1 year. Mean arterial pressure was not significantly elevated over baseline after 5 months of high dietary salt alone (6 +/- 5 mmHg) but was maximally elevated by an average of 17 (+/- 3 SEM) mmHg after 5 months of combined salt and conflict stress. Control baboons showed no significant trends in mean arterial pressure across the same time period. Individual subjects whose blood pressure was "salt+stress resistant" or "salt+stress sensitive" were differentiated by their degree of pressure diuresis and natriuresis, urinary free cortisol, and a behavioral index of stress sensitivity. The data indicate additive effects of chronic high dietary salt intake and behavioral stressors on blood pressure in nonhuman primates that are dependent on renal function and pituitary-adrenocortical activity.  相似文献   

Concurrent schedules were used to establish 6 hens' preferences for three foods. The resulting biases suggested wheat was preferred over honey‐puffed and puffed wheat, and puffed wheat was the least preferred food. The hens then responded under fixed‐ratio schedules for each food in 40‐min (excluding reinforcer time) sessions, with the response requirement doubling each session until no reinforcers were received. At the smaller ratios, the less preferred the food, the faster the hens' overall response rates (mainly as a result of shorter postreinforcement pauses) and the more reinforcers they received. The relations between the logarithms of the number of reinforcers obtained (consumption) and the response ratio (price) were well fitted by curvilinear demand functions. Wheat produced the smallest initial consumption (ln L), followed by honey‐puffed and puffed wheat, respectively. The response requirement at which the demand functions predicted maximal responding (Pmax) were larger for wheat than for the other foods. Normalizing consumption and price, as suggested by Hursh and Winger (1995), moved the data for the three foods towards a single demand function; however, the Pmax values were generally largest for puffed wheat. The results of normalization, as suggested by Hursh and Silberberg (2008), depended on the k value used. The parameter k is related to the range of the data, and the same k value needs to be used for all data sets that are compared. A k value of 8.0 gave significantly higher essential values (smaller α values) for puffed wheat as compared to honey‐puffed wheat and wheat, and the Pmax values, in normalized standard price units, were largest for puffed wheat. Normalizing demand by converting the puffed and honey‐puffed wheat reinforcers to wheat equivalents (by applying the bias parameter from the concurrent‐schedules procedure) maintained separate demand functions for the foods. Those for wheat had the smallest rates of change in elasticity (a) and, in contrast to the other analyses, the largest Pmax values. Normalizing demand in terms of concurrent‐schedule preference appears to have some advantages and to merit further investigation.  相似文献   

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