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Testosterone (T) may enhance cognitive performance. However, its mechanisms are not well understood. First, we hypothesized that if T's effects are mediated in part through actions of its 5alpha-reduced metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and/or 3alpha-androstanediol (3alpha-diol) in the hippocampus, then T, DHT, and 3alpha-diol-administration directly to the hippocampus should enhance learning and memory in the inhibitory avoidance task. In order to test this hypothesis, gonadectomized (GDX) male rats were administered T, DHT, or 3alpha-diol via intrahippocampal inserts immediately following training in the inhibitory avoidance task. We found that T tended to increase, and DHT and 3alpha-diol significantly increased, performance in the inhibitory avoidance task compared to vehicle-administered GDX rats. Second, we hypothesized that, if androgens' effects are due in part to actions of 3alpha-diol in the hippocampus, then systemic or intrahippocampal administration of 3alpha-diol should significantly enhance cognitive performance of GDX male rats. Third, we hypothesized that, if androgen metabolites can have actions at estrogen receptors (ERs) in the hippocampus, then administration of ER antisense oligonucleotides (AS-ODNs) directly to the hippocampus of GDX, 3alpha-diol replaced, rats would decrease learning in the inhibitory avoidance task. We found that intrahippocampal administration of AS-ODNs for ERbeta, but not ERalpha, significantly decreased learning and memory of 3alpha-diol replaced rats. Together, these findings suggest that T's effects to enhance learning and memory may take place, in part, through actions of its metabolite, 3alpha-diol, at ERbeta in the dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   

Learning strategy preferences depend upon circulating estrogen levels, with enhanced hippocampus-sensitive place learning coinciding with elevated estrogen levels. The effects of estrogen on strategy may be mediated by fluctuations in GABAergic function, given that inhibitory tone in the hippocampus is low when estrogen is high. We investigated the effects on learning strategy of intrahippocampal injections of a GABA(A) agonist in gonadally intact female rats. On the day of training, rats received 0.3 microL intrahippocampal infusions of muscimol (0.26 nmol or 2.6 nmol) or saline 20 min prior to training on a T-maze in which place (hippocampus-sensitive) or response (striatum-sensitive) strategies offer effective solutions. Muscimol treatment increased the use of the response strategy in a dose-dependent manner without influencing learning speed, indicating that muscimol modulated strategy and not learning ability. Furthermore, the muscimol-related shift to response strategies varied across the estrous cycle. The results indicate that increasing inhibition in the hippocampus biases rats away from hippocampus-sensitive place learning strategies and toward hippocampus-insensitive response learning strategies without a learning deficit. Furthermore, rats at proestrus demonstrated the most dramatic shift in learning strategy following muscimol treatment compared with control conditions, while rats at estrus demonstrated the most complete bias toward response strategies. The enhanced use of hippocampus-sensitive strategies at proestrus likely results from reduced hippocampal inhibition.  相似文献   

Estrogen's role in learning and memory may be to predispose animals to use specific cognitive strategies (Korol & Kolo, 2002). Specifically, estrogen may facilitate hippocampal-dependent learning, while at the same time attenuate striatal-dependent learning. As a stringent test of this hypothesis, place or response learning on an eight-arm radial maze was compared between ovariectomized (OVX) female Long-Evans rats and rats with chronic estrogen replacement (OVX+E; 5mg 17-beta estradiol 60-day release tablet). Reference and working memory errors were monitored separately for both place and response learning tasks. OVX+E rats learned the place task significantly faster than the response task, and faster than OVX rats. OVX rats required fewer days to reach criterion on the response task than OVX+E rats. Estrogen selectively enhanced reference memory performance, but only during place learning. The specific pattern of estrogen effects on learning suggests that future studies include verification of cognitive strategies used by animals.  相似文献   

Estrogen modulates learning and memory in ovariectomized and naturally cycling female rats, especially in tasks using spatial learning and navigation. Estrogen also modulates cholinergic function in various forebrain structures. Past studies have shown positive correlations between hippocampal ACh output and performance on hippocampus-dependent tasks. The present study examined whether estradiol replacement would potentiate hippocampal ACh release during place learning. In vivo microdialysis and HPLC were used to measure extracellular ACh levels in the hippocampus of ovariectomized female rats that had received s.c. injections of 17beta-estradiol (10 microg) or sesame oil (vehicle treatment) 48 and 24h prior to training on a place task. Estrogen did not alter baseline levels of extracellular ACh in the hippocampus. During training, hippocampal ACh increased in ovariectomized rats regardless of estrogen status. However, while estradiol did not enhance learning in this experiment, estradiol significantly potentiated the increase in hippocampal ACh release seen during place training. This represents the first demonstration of on-line assessment of ACh output in hippocampus during learning in female rats and suggests that estrogen-dependent modulation of ACh release during training might control activation of different neural systems used during learning.  相似文献   

Estrogen is implicated in hippocampus-dependent spatial learning as well as structural organization and electrophysiological properties of the rat hippocampus but little is known about its mechanisms of action in mice. In this study, we investigated pharmacologically whether estrogen interacts with the hippocampal N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in ovariectomized mice as postulated for rats. Female C57BL/6J mice were ovariectomized at 5 months, and 2 weeks before testing at 12 months, half of them received subcutaneous estrogen pellets containing 0.18 mg of 17 beta-estradiol. The competitive NMDA-antagonist, 3-((+/-)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP), was administered at 5.0 and 10.0 microM to block induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal slice and intraperitoneally at 0.5, 2.0, and 5.0 mg/kg to impair spatial learning in the water maze. Estrogen treatment shifted the dose-response curve to CPP in both experiments. First, 10 microM CPP blocked the initiation of LTP in all mice, but 5 microM only in ovariectomized non-estrogen-treated mice. Second, final level of acquisition and probe trial performance in the water maze were less affected by high doses of CPP in the estrogen-treated ovariectomized mice than in non-treated group. In control tests for motor side effects, estrogen treatment did not reduce the tendency of CPP to decrease locomotor activity in the open field and impair balance on a rotating rod, and estrogen by itself decreased swimming speed as did CPP, but these effects did not interact. Our findings support the notion that estrogen treatment increases the number of active NMDA-receptors in the mouse hippocampus.  相似文献   

In addition to modulating memory per se, estrogen alters the learning strategy used to solve a task, thereby regulating the quality of information processed by the brain. This review discusses estrogen's actions on cognition within a memory systems framework, highlighting our work with a variety of paradigms showing that learning strategy is sensitive to estrogen even when learning rate is not. Specifically, high levels of gonadal steroids, in particular, elevations in estrogen, bias female rats toward using hippocampal-sensitive approaches while low levels of gonadal steroids promote the use of non-hippocampal sensitive strategies. In light of findings from a variety of approaches involving the hippocampus in allocentric and the striatum in egocentric response patterns, it is likely that estrogen alters the relative participation of these, and most undoubtedly other, neural systems during cognition. Changes in neuromodulators such as acetylcholine that regulate other processes such as inhibitory tone and excitability reflect one mechanism by which estrogen may orchestrate learning and memory.  相似文献   

Evidence from lesion, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging studies support the hypothesis that the hippocampus and dorsal striatum process afferent inputs in such a way that each structure regulates expression of different behaviors in learning and memory. The present study sought to determine whether rats explicitly trained to perform one of two different learning strategies, spatial or response, would display disparate immediate early gene activation in hippocampus and striatum. c-Fos and Zif268 immunoreactivity (IR) was measured in both hippocampus and striatum 30 or 90 min following criterial performance on a standard plus-maze task (place learners) or a modified T-maze task (response learners). Place and response learning differentially affected c-Fos-IR in striatum but not hippocampus. Specifically, explicit response learning induced greater c-Fos-IR activation in two subregions of the dorsal striatum. This increased c-Fos-IR was dependent upon the number of trials performed prior to reaching behavioral criterion and accuracy of performance during post-testing probe trials. Quantification of Zif268-IR in both hippocampus and striatum failed to distinguish between place and response learners. The changes in c-Fos-IR occurred 30 min, but not 90 min, post-testing. The synthesis of c-Fos early in testing could reflect the recruitment of key structures in learning. Consequently, animals that were able to learn the response task efficiently displayed greater amounts of c-Fos-IR in dorsal striatum.  相似文献   

The hippocampus, which is critically involved in learning and memory processes, is known to be a target for the neuromodulatory actions of steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands and gonads. Much of the work of B.S. McEwen and collaborators has focused on the role of glucocorticosteroids and estrogen in modulating hippocampal plasticity and functions. In addition to hormones derived from the endocrine glands, cells in the hippocampus may be exposed to locally synthesized neurosteroids, including pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone and their sulfated esters as well as progesterone and its reduced metabolites. In contrast to hormones derived from the circulation, neurosteroids have paracrine and/or autocrine activities. In the hippocampus, they have been shown to have trophic effects on neurons and glial cells and to modulate the activity of a variety of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels, including type A gamma-aminobutyric acid, N-methyl-D-aspartate and sigma receptors and N- and L-type Ca2+ channels. There is accumulating evidence that some neurosteroids, in particular pregnenolone sulfate, have strong influences on learning and memory processes, most likely by regulating neurotransmission in the hippocampus. However, the hippocampus is not the only target for the mnesic effects of neurosteroids. Associated brain regions, the basal nuclei of the forebrain and the amygdaloid complex, are also involved. Some neurosteroids may thus be beneficial for treating age- or disease-related cognitive impairments.  相似文献   

Androgens can have performance-enhancing effects in some cognitive tasks, but the mechanism of these effects has not been established. Experiments examined whether androgens' actions to bind to intracellular androgen receptors (ARs) in the hippocampus are necessary to enhance cognitive performance in the inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks. If androgens' binding at ARs are essential, then blocking them through intrahippocampal administration of flutamide, an AR receptor antagonist, should attenuate androgens' performance-enhancing effects in the inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks. In Experiments 1 and 2, flutamide was administered through intrahippocampal inserts to intact male rats immediately pre- and post-training in the inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks. Both pre- and post-training administration of flutamide to the dorsal hippocampus, but not missed sites, produced significantly poorer performance in the inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks, without influencing control measures such as flinch/jump threshold or swim speed. In Experiment 3, flutamide administration to the hippocampus was delayed two hours following training in the inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks. There was no significant effect of delayed administration of flutamide on performance in either of these tasks. Together, these findings suggest that blocking ARs in the dorsal hippocampus with flutamide administration immediately pre- or post-training can produce decrements in cognitive performance, which implies that androgens' performance-enhancing effects may occur, in part, through binding at intracellular androgen receptors in the dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   

The present experiments examined the effects of injecting glucose into the dorsal hippocampus or dorsolateral striatum on learning rates and on strategy selection in rats trained on a T-maze that can be solved by using either a hippocampus-sensitive place or striatum-sensitive response strategy. Percentage strategy selection on a probe trial (P(crit)) administered after rats achieved criterion (nine of 10 correct choices) varied by group. All groups predominately exhibited a response strategy on a probe trial administered after overtraining, i.e., after 90 trials. In experiment 1, rats that received intrahippocampal glucose injections showed enhanced acquisition of the T-maze and showed increased use of response solutions at P(crit) compared with that of unimplanted and artificial cerebral spinal fluid (aCSF)-treated groups. These findings suggest that glucose enhanced hippocampal functions to accelerate the rate of learning and the early adoption of a response strategy. In experiment 2, rats that received intrastriatal glucose injections exhibited place solutions early in training and reached criterion more slowly than did aCSF controls, with learning rates comparable to those of unoperated and operated-uninjected controls. Relative to unoperated, operated-uninjected and glucose-injected rats, rats that received intrastriatal aCSF injections showed enhanced acquisition of the T-maze and increased use of response solutions at P(crit). The unexpected enhanced acquisition seen after striatal aCSF injections suggests at least two possible interpretations: (1) aCSF impaired striatal function, thereby releasing competition with the hippocampus and ceding control over learning to the hippocampus during early training trials; and (2) aCSF enhanced striatal functioning to facilitate striatal-sensitive learning. With either interpretation, the results indicate that intrastriatal glucose injections compensated for the aCSF-induced effect. Finally, enhanced acquisition regardless of treatment was accompanied by rapid adoption of a response solution for the T-maze.  相似文献   

Estrogen depletion due to aging, surgery or pathological events can cause a multitude of problems, including neurodegenerative alterations. In rodents without ovaries, 17-beta estradiol (E2) has been shown to produce beneficial effects on cognition, stimulating brain regions (e.g., the neocortex, hippocampus and amygdala) related to cognition and learning. Another treatment that stimulates these brain regions is an enriched environment (EE), which is a complex set of external factors in the immediate surroundings that facilitates greater stimulation of sensorial, cognitive and motor circuits of the brain. The aim of the present study was to test, using an animal model of ovariectomy-induced impairment of memory, the relative effect of E2 (with a time-released pellet; 1 μg/rat/day), EE exposure and a combination of both treatments. Experimental and control groups were submitted to two memory tests 18 weeks post-surgery: the autoshaping learning task (ALT) for measuring associative learning and the novel object recognition test (NORT) for evaluating short- and long-term memory. To assess potential motor impairments caused by treatments, all rats were tested after the ALT in an automatic activity counter. Results from ALT show that the ovariectomy blocked the conditioned responses displayed, an effect rescued by chronic treatment with estrogen or EE exposure. The combination of both treatments did not improve the results obtained separately. In the NORT, the exploration time for recognizing a novel object was similar in the short run with all groups, but greater in the long run with hormone administration or EE exposure. As with the ALT, in the NORT there was no improvement shown by the combination treatment. These data were not masked by changes in spontaneous activity because this parameter was not modified in the rats by either treatment. Possible action mechanisms are proposed, taking into account the role of corticosterone and BDNF on cognition.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have demonstrated that the rat dorsomedial striatum is one brain area that plays a crucial role in learning when conditions require a shift in strategies. Further evidence indicates that muscarinic cholinergic receptors in this brain area support adaptations in behavioral responses. Unknown is whether specific muscarinic receptor subtypes in the dorsomedial striatum contribute to a flexible shift in response patterns. The present experiments investigated whether blockade of M1-type and/or M4-type cholinergic receptors in the dorsomedial striatum underlie place reversal learning. Experiment 1 investigated the effects of the M1-type muscarinic cholinergic antagonist, muscarinic-toxin 7 (MT-7) infused into the dorsomedial striatum in place acquisition and reversal learning. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of the M4-type muscarinic cholinergic antagonist, muscarinic-toxin 3 (MT-3) injected into the dorsomedial striatum in place acquisition and reversal learning. All testing occurred in a modified cross-maze across two consecutive sessions. Bilateral injections of MT-7 into the dorsomedial striatum at 1 or 2 microg, but not 0.05 microg impaired place reversal learning. Analysis of the errors revealed that MT-7 at 1 and 2 microg significantly increased regressive errors, but not perseverative errors. An injection of MT-7 2 microg into the dorsomedial striatum prior to place acquisition did not affect learning. Experiment 2 revealed that dorsomedial striatal injections of MT-3 (0.05, 1 or 2 microg) did not affect place acquisition or reversal learning. The findings suggest that activation of M1-type muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the dorsomedial striatum, but not M4-type muscarinic cholinergic receptors facilitate the flexible shifting of response patterns by maintaining or learning a new choice pattern once selected.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis continues to occur throughout life in the mammalian hippocampus. Previous research has suggested that the production of new neurons in the hippocampus during adulthood may be related to hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. However, the exact relationship between adult neurogenesis and learning and memory remains unclear. Here we investigated whether learning strategy selection is related to cell proliferation or to survival of new neurons in the hippocampus of adult male rats. We trained rats on alternating blocks of hippocampus-dependent (hidden platform) and hippocampus-independent (visible platform) versions of the Morris water task with the platform always in the same position. Following training, rats were given a probe session during which the platform was visible and in a novel location. Preferred strategy was determined by observing the initial swim path. Rats were classified as place strategy (hippocampus-dependent) users if they swam to the old platform location. Cue strategy (hippocampus-independent) users were classified as those rats that swam initially to the visible platform. Our results indicate that rats that preferentially used a place strategy had significantly lower cell proliferation than cue strategy users. However, there was no significant difference in cell survival or number of immature neurons between strategy user groups. These results suggest that low levels of cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus may be conducive or coincident with more efficient memory processing in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the release of acetylcholine in the hippocampus and striatum when rats were trained, within single sessions, on place or response versions of food-rewarded mazes. Microdialysis samples of extra-cellular fluid were collected from the hippocampus and striatum at 5-min increments before, during, and after training. These samples were later analyzed for ACh content using HPLC methods. In Experiment 1, ACh release in both the hippocampus and striatum increased during training on both the place and response tasks. The magnitude of increase of training-related ACh release in the striatum was greater in rats trained on the response task than in rats trained on the place task, while the magnitude of ACh release in the hippocampus was comparable in the two tasks. Experiment 2 tested the possibility that the hippocampus was engaged and participated in learning the response task, as well as the place task, because of the availability of extra-maze cues. Rats were trained on a response version of a maze under either cue-rich or cue-poor conditions. The findings indicate that ACh release in the hippocampus increased similarly under both cue conditions, but declined during training on the cue-poor condition, when spatial processing by the hippocampus would not be suitable for solving the maze. In addition, high baseline levels of ACh release in the hippocampus predicted rapid learning in the cue-rich condition and slow learning in the cue-poor condition. These findings suggest that ACh release in the hippocampus augments response learning when extra-maze cues can be used to solve the maze but impairs response learning when extra-maze cues are not available for use in solving the maze.  相似文献   

Interactions with neocortical memory systems may facilitate flexible information processing by hippocampus. We sought direct evidence for such memory influences by recording hippocampal neural responses to a change in cognitive strategy. Well-trained rats switched (within a single recording session) between the use of place and response strategies to solve a plus maze task. Maze and extramaze environments were constant throughout testing. Place fields demonstrated (in-field) firing rate and location-based reorganization [Leutgeb, S., Leutgeb, J. K., Barnes, C. A., Moser, E. I., McNaughton, B. L., & Moser, M. B. (2005). Independent codes for spatial and episodic memory in hippocampal neuronal ensembles. Science, 309, 619-623] after a task switch, suggesting that hippocampus encoded each phase of testing as a different context, or episode. The task switch also resulted in qualitative and quantitative changes to discharge that were correlated with an animal's velocity or acceleration of movement. Thus, the effects of a strategy switch extended beyond the spatial domain, and the movement correlates were not passive reflections of the current behavioral state. To determine whether hippocampal neural responses were unique, striatal place and movement-correlated neurons were simultaneously recorded with hippocampal neurons. Striatal place and movement cells exhibited a response profile that was similar, but not identical, to that observed for hippocampus after a strategy switch. Thus, retrieval of a different memory led both neural systems to represent a different context. However, hippocampus may play a special (though not exclusive) role in flexible spatial processing since correlated firing amongst cell pairs was highest when rats successfully switched between two spatial tasks. Correlated firing by striatal cell pairs increased following any strategy switch, supporting the view that striatum codes change in reinforcement contingencies.  相似文献   

Learning and memory processes may be influenced by fluctuations in steroid hormones, such as estrogens and progestins. In this study, we have used an animal model to investigate the effects of endogenous fluctuations in ovarian steroids in intact female rats and effects of administration of ovarian steroids to ovariectomized rats for non-spatial, working memory using the object recognition task. Performance in this task relies on cortical and hippocampal function. As such, serum, cortical, and hippocampal concentrations of estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), and P4's metabolite, 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one (3alpha,5alpha-THP), were measured by radioimmunoassay. Experiment 1: Rats in behavioral estrus, compared to those in diestrus or estrus, spent a greater percentage of time exploring a novel object concomitant with increases in serum E2, P4, and 3alpha,5alpha-THP levels. Regression analyses revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between E2 levels in the hippocampus and 3alpha,5alpha-THP levels in the hippocampus and cortex and performance in this task. Experiment 2: Administration of E2 and/or P4 immediately post-training increased the percentage of time spent exploring the novel object and produced levels of E2, P4, and 3alpha,5alpha-THP akin to that of rats in behavioral estrus. Experiment 3: Post-training administration of selective estrogen receptor modulators, including 17beta-E2, propyl pyrazole triol, and diarylpropionitrile increased the percentage of time spent exploring the novel object compared to vehicle-administration. Experiment 4: Post-training P4 or 3alpha,5alpha-THP administration, compared to vehicle, increased the percentage of time spent exploring the novel object and produced P4 and/or 3alpha,5alpha-THP levels within the physiological range typically observed for rats in behavioral estrus. Experiment 5: If post-training administration of E2 and/or P4 was delayed one hour, no enhancement in object recognition was observed. Together, these results suggest that E2 and progestins can have mnemonic effects through actions in the cortex and/or hippocampus.  相似文献   

Reconsolidation is the process by which previously consolidated memories are stabilized after retrieval. Several lines of evidence indicate that glucocorticoids modulate distinct phases of learning and memory. These effects are considered to be mediated by mineralocorticoid receptors and glucocorticoid receptors (GRs), which display a high concentration and distinct distribution in the hippocampus. The role of glucocorticoid system in fear memory reconsolidation is the subject of some controversy. Moreover, we found no studies that assessed the role of hippocampal GRs in fear memory reconsolidation. Here, we investigated the effect of GR blockade on fear memory reconsolidation in rats. Rats were trained and tested in an inhibitory avoidance task. Intrahippocampal or systemic administration of the GR antagonist RU38486 immediately following memory reactivation produced a deficit in post-retrieval long-term memory that persisted over test sessions, and memory did not re-emerge following a footshock reminder. These results indicate that hippocampal GRs are required for reconsolidation of fear-based memory.  相似文献   

A number of studies have reported that ethanol exposure induces changes in different brain systems. The hippocampus is a brain region that is very vulnerable to ethanol exposition, which functionally results in impairment of learning and memory processes reported in heavy drinkers. Hippocampal nicotinic receptors are involved in learning and memory. In this study, we determined the effects of ethanol on the main hippocampal subtypes of neural nicotinic receptors (α7 and α4β2) in rats non-selected for alcohol consumption, in order to check for possible changes on these receptors that could be linked with alterations in learning acquisition. Binding assays were carried out with [3H]methyllycaconitine ([3H]MLA) to study the α7 and [3H]nicotine to study α4β2 receptors. Auto-shaping, continuous ratio and extinction procedures were used as behavioral tests. The results show that moderate chronic ethanol consumption for 10 weeks produces: (a) a decrease of both hippocampal nicotinic receptor subtypes without alterations in affinity; (b) no differences in behavioral performance between control rats and ethanol-drinking rats in auto-shaping and continuous ratio; (c) an improvement of performance of extinction paradigm. These results indicate that chronic ethanol consumption, at moderate levels, induces changes in hippocampal nicotinic receptors but does not impair acquisition and performance of new associative learning and even improves some kind of paradigms. These results may have implications in the biochemical basis of interactions between alcohol and nicotine and the effects of these drugs on behavior.  相似文献   

探讨丰富环境干预对局部脑缺血大鼠突触界面结构修饰和突触后致密物-95 (postsynaptic density-95,PSD-95 ) mRNA表达的影响。栓塞健康雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠的右侧大脑中动脉,建立脑中动脉栓塞(middle cerebral artery occlusion,MCAO)模型后,分为丰富环境缺血组(IE)、标准环境缺血组(IS),同时分别设丰富环境假手术组(SE)、标准环境假手术组(SS)。以Morris水迷宫检测大鼠的空间学习记忆能力,应用透射电镜、图像分析和细胞形态计量学技术,观察海马CA1区和额叶皮层突触界面结构变化,采用RT-PCR检测突触后脚手架蛋白PSD-95 mRNA的表达。结果表明:丰富环境干预能有效改善脑缺血导致的空间学习记忆能力下降,并对正常大鼠的空间学习记忆能力也有改善作用。同时,丰富环境干预能抑制局部脑缺血导致的突触数密度减少,该作用对额叶皮层特别明显;丰富环境干预不同程度地逆转脑缺血造成的突触界面参数变化,特别使突触间隙宽度显著减小、PSD厚度明显增加;并有效抑制因脑缺血诱导的PSD-95 mRNA表达下调。以上结果提示,丰富环境改善脑缺血大鼠的空间学习记忆能力可能与其促进缺血区边缘组织突触界面结构修饰,提高PSD-95 mRNA表达有关  相似文献   

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