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ABSTRACT The intent of the present study was to determine whether the selective aggregation of background data subgroups could be used to identify and control for differences across persons in the meaning of religious involvement. After background data subgroups had been clustered based on similarity in the variables related to religious involvement, two clusters were identified. One cluster contained individuals whose religious involvement was characterized by a functional, instrumental orientation, while the other was composed of individuals whose religious involvement was characterized by an affective, expressive orientation. Subsequently, causal models intended to describe continuity and change in religious involvement were constructed using individuals assigned to each cluster. It was found that different models were required to describe continuity and change in religious involvement in the instrumental and expressive clusters.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to point out that theories of vocational development that are derived from research should be based on relatively heterogeneous samples if they are to apply to males in general. The theories should, in addition, use the same pool of constructs in dealing with continuity and discontinuity of vocational development. An outline of such a theory is presented and one aspect of it investigated. The results suggest that such an approach may have validity. It is demonstrated that there is a positive relationship between stability of vocational field preferences and continuity of vocational development Supporting evidence was found for the validity of Roe's classification of vocational fields in a circular array.  相似文献   

By understanding laws of nature as geometrical rather than linguistic entities, this paper addresses how to describe theory structures and how to evaluate their continuity. Relying on conceptual spaces as a modelling tool, we focus on the conceptual framework an empirical theory presupposes, thus obtain a geometrical representation of a theory’s structure. We stress the relevance of measurement procedures in separating conceptual from empirical structures. This lets our understanding of scientific laws come closer to scientific practice, and avoids a widely recognised deficit in current philosophy of science accounts, namely to risk a collapse of the physical into the mathematical.  相似文献   

This paper assesses policies for managing cultural diversity in Iran and Japan, with particular focus on the treatment of women as a cultural minority. Following social reducton theory, the distinction between rates of cultural change at macro- and microlevels is highlighted. It is argued that macro political and economic changes have taken place fairly rapidly, but micro changes in everyday social practices have changed much more slowly. The latter, it is argued, are structured by social reducton systems, which can act to slow down societal change. This insight is used to cast light on the situation of women and other minorities in North America.  相似文献   

本研究采用客体回溯范式考察了特征变化的连续性对维持客体连续表征的作用。实验1和实验2分别探索了形状维度上的变化方式(不变、渐变、突变)和亮度维度上的变化方式(不变、渐变、随机变化)对客体预览利化效应的影响。在特征连续条件下(不变或渐变),两个实验都获得了客体预览利化效应。而在特征不连续变化条件下(突变或随机变化),该效应消失。这些结果说明特征变化的连续性同样影响客体连续表征的维持。  相似文献   

Continuity theory provides a rationalization for understanding older adult friendships. Older adults do not have to anticipate disengagement but can exercise their choice to actively participate in establishing and maintaining friendship structures. The role of friend is one a person can choose to maintain. Friendships are dynamic and progress on a continuum with beginnings, periods of endurance and change, and endings. Continuity theory provides ways to understand why particular people have developed and adapted distinct friendship and social support networks. This insight provides social service professionals, gerontologists, and family members ways to enable older adults to remain in their communities longer and maintain support stability.  相似文献   

While recent scholarship has highlighted various theological, social, and cultural continuities from the Middle Ages to the Reformation, the emergence of early urban Reformations still seems surprising and sudden. Focusing on the case of the electoral city of Wittenberg, this paper discusses elements of continuity and change in the early urban Reformation. It argues that the emergence of the Reformation can only be understood within the long-term social and political contexts of the city’s history. The historical record indicates that the negotiation of religious authority was a continuous theme expressed in repeated social and political conflicts; attitudes and mindsets changed only gradually, creating a sense of cultural continuity that contradicts the traditional idea of violent, rapid change. The narrative of change emerged only later as a result of archiving and collecting strategies, which shaped the collective memory and historical knowledge of subsequent generations.  相似文献   

Science advisory committees exercise complex collaborative expertise. Not only do committee members collaborate, they do so across disciplines, producing expert reports that make synthetic multidisciplinary arguments. When reports are controversial, critics target both report content and committee process. Such controversies call for the assessment of expert arguments, but the multidisciplinary character of the debate outstrips the usual methods developed by informal logicians for assessing appeals to expert authority. This article proposes a multi-dimensional contextualist framework for critical assessment and tests it with a case study of the controversies over reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The case study shows (1) how the critical contextualist framework can illuminate the controversy and guide evaluation of the various arguments and counterarguments; (2) how cases of this sort open up avenues for fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration between argumentation theorists and other fields; and (3) where further work is required in argumentation theory.  相似文献   

This study explored how older adults' possible selves (i.e., images of the self in the future) are influenced by the passage of time. We investigated whether possible selves would display continuity or change, and whether balance exists in the possible selves repertoire (i.e., presence of a hoped-for and a feared self in the same domain). In addition, we examined the influence of psychosocial factors (i.e., health locus of control, life satisfaction). Findings show that both hoped and feared possible selves remain stable and balanced over time. When change was found it was generally emergent in nature, with domains becoming important over time. This was especially true for the domain of health. As the first reported longitudinal study of possible selves, this study highlights the developmental sensitivity of possible selves as a tool for understanding the age-related concerns of older adults.  相似文献   


This paper has examined some of the conceptual and operational issues of the continuity perspective, which is considered as more appropriate than others reviewed for the study of clergy retirement. As a solution to the dilemma of the inevitable changes associated with old age and the notion of continuity, the use of the sociological concept of “career” was suggested. With this concept as a guide, four components – situational/environmental factors, activity, psychological continuity, and occupational subculture – of a continuity perspective have been outlined.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the changes that have occurred in the portrayals of black people and cross-racial relationships in prime-time television broadcasting during the past decade. By replicating the content analysis procedures used by Weigel, Loomis, and Soja (1980), this investigation provided a consistent basis for comparing two similar samples of television content drawn, respectively, from 1978 and 1989. Results of this comparison indicated that, although black appearances and cross-racial interactions were no more frequent in the 1989 sample of product commercials, the black presence in prime-time programming had increased substantially. As compared to 1978, the proportion of time that one or more black characters were on the screen more than doubled, while the frequency of cross-racial interactions more than tripled in the 1989 sample. Nevertheless, ratings of qualitative dimensions of these cross-racial interactions suggested that relationships between blacks and whites on television continued to be portrayed as cooperative but emotionally detached, particularly when the relationships occurred outside of the work place.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis is an organic process of change that is seen in all levels of life. Whether at the individual, the corporate or the global level of human life, the processes of change involve natural periods of chaos and order, times of conflict that underlie the movement toward transformation, and developmental shifts that may be painful as well as pleasurable. This paper addresses these phenomena in relation to current changes going on in our world.  相似文献   

Three studies examined intuitive judgments of rate change. These studies considered how people intuitively decide that the occurrence rate of particular events is on the increase or in decline. Using the topic of teenage pregnancy, participants were given information about the population size and the frequency of pregnancies at a hypothetical high school in three studies at two points in time. In the first of these studies details about population size were made highly salient, and here population information was found to directly influence intuitive judgments of rate change. In the second study population information was presented in a more realistic fashion. Under these conditions judgments that the pregnancy rate had changed were found to be based on changes in the number of pregnancies. Whenever the number of pregnancies changed, regardless of compensating changes in school size, people inferred a change in rate. In the third of these studies, population details were not provided; only information about number of pregnancies was presented. Subjects' queries for additional information were then assessed. Despite the absence of population information, few subjects requested population details when asked what additional information they would like in order to judge the relative seriousness of the pregnancy problem. Taken together, the three studies suggest that when making intuitive judgments of change in rate, people may be relatively insensitive to the importance of population information. The implications of such findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article analyzes social norms regulating the selection of godparents in Italy and France. Based on Vatican statistics and European Values Study responses, the vast majority of children in Catholic Europe are baptized and birth rituals are considered important even by nonbelievers. Moreover, the dominant custom of selecting godparents from among kinsmen is a recent development, based on historical data. A new survey about the selection of godparents in Italy and France, conducted for this study, shows that godparents are chosen not for religious, but for social‐relational reasons. Selection of kinsmen is the norm, with uncles and aunts being the majority choice. For Italy, choice determinants are explored by means of multinomial regressions. The results are contrasted with demographic change to show that in lowest‐low fertility countries current godparenthood models are bound to disappear.  相似文献   

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