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The Mental Health Studios is an interactive multimedia program designed to educate the public about the biological basis of mental and addictive disorders. Using sound, text, graphics, charts, and video, the software provides detailed scientific information about the brain and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse. An evaluation study of a permanent display at the St. Louis Science Center revealed that most visitors spent less than 5 min with the computer program but nevertheless demonstrated significant changes in attitude toward people with mental and addictive disorders. Senior high-school students who interacted with the program for 20 min experienced even greater attitude changes, and their knowledge about mental and addictive disorders also increased significantly.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate a protocol to facilitate identification of probable hearing loss among 59 older adults (ages 60 to 84 yr.) using the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly--Screening Version, a self-assessment questionnaire. Analysis suggests the scale has excellent potential for identifying hearing loss among older adults.  相似文献   

The reorientation task is a paradigm that has been used extensively to study the types of information used by humans and animals to navigate in their environment. In this task, subjects are reinforced for going to a particular location in an arena that is typically rectangular in shape. The subject then has to find that location again after being disoriented, and possibly after changes have been made to the arena. This task is used to determine the geometric and featural cues that can be used to reorient the agent in the arena. The purpose of the present paper is to present several simulation results that show that a simple neural network, a perceptron, can be used to generate many of the traditional findings that have been obtained using the reorientation task. These results suggest that reorientation task regularities can be explained without appealing to a geometric module that is a component of spatial processing.  相似文献   

Hearing loss has been shown to exacerbate the effect of auditory distraction on driving performance in older drivers. This study controlled for the potentially confounding factor of age-related cognitive decrements, by applying a simulated hearing loss in young, normally hearing individuals. Participants drove a simulated road whilst completing auditory tasks under simulated hearing loss or normal hearing conditions. Measures of vehicle control, eye movements and auditory task performance were recorded. Results showed that performing the auditory tasks whilst driving resulted in more stable lateral vehicle control and a reduction in gaze dispersion around the road centre. These trends were not exacerbated by simulated hearing loss, suggesting no effect of hearing loss on vehicle control or eye movement patterns during auditory task engagement. However, a small effect of simulated hearing loss on the performance of the most complex auditory task was observed during driving, suggesting that the use of sound-based in-vehicle systems may be problematic for hearing impaired individuals. Further research incorporating a wider variety of driving scenarios and auditory tasks is required in order to confirm the findings of this study.  相似文献   


This study investigated the association between age-related hearing loss (ARHL) and differences in response efficiency and variability on a sustained attention task. The study population comprised 32 participants in a hearing loss group (HLG) and 34 controls without hearing loss (CG). Mean reaction time (RT) and accuracy were recorded to assess response efficiency. RT variability was decomposed to examine temporal aspects of variability associated with neural arousal and top-down executive control of vigilant attention. The HLG had a significantly longer mean RT, possibly reflecting a strategic approach to maintain accuracy. The HLG also demonstrated altered variability (indicative of greater decline in neural arousal) but maintained executive control that was significantly predictive of poorer response efficiency. Adults with ARHL may rely on higher-order attention networks to compensate for decline in both peripheral sensory function and in subcortical arousal systems which mediate lower-order automatic neurocognitive processes.  相似文献   

Nongenetic as well as genetic etiologies must be explored in the child with identified hearing loss. Graduates of the neonatal intensive care unit are at increased risk for developing hearing loss due to hypoxia, hyperbilirubinemia, very low birth weight, and ototoxic medications. Although meningitis has decreased in frequency, it is still a risk factor for hearing loss. Cytomegalovirus remains the most common congenital infection and a relatively common etiology of hearing loss, which can be progressive. Preventable causes of hearing loss include those caused by head trauma, noise, and ototoxic medications. Identification of the etiology of hearing loss can facilitate the development of a treatment and management plan.  相似文献   

Readers learn errors embedded in fictional stories and use them to answer later general knowledge questions (Marsh, Meade, & Roediger, 2003). Suggestibility is robust and occurs even when story errors contradict well-known facts. The current study evaluated whether suggestibility is linked to participants' inability to judge story content as correct versus incorrect. Specifically, participants read stories containing correct and misleading information about the world; some information was familiar (making error discovery possible), while some was more obscure. To improve participants' monitoring ability, we highlighted (in red font) a subset of story phrases requiring evaluation; readers no longer needed to find factual information. Rather, they simply needed to evaluate its correctness. Readers were more likely to answer questions with story errors if they were highlighted in red font, even if they contradicted well-known facts. Although highlighting to-be-evaluated information freed cognitive resources for monitoring, an ironic effect occurred: Drawing attention to specific errors increased rather than decreased later suggestibility. Failure to monitor for errors, not failure to identify the information requiring evaluation, leads to suggestibility.  相似文献   

Readers learn errors embedded in fictional stories and use them to answer later general knowledge questions (Marsh, Meade, & Roediger, 2003). Suggestibility is robust and occurs even when story errors contradict well-known facts. The current study evaluated whether suggestibility is linked to participants' inability to judge story content as correct versus incorrect. Specifically, participants read stories containing correct and misleading information about the world; some information was familiar (making error discovery possible), while some was more obscure. To improve participants' monitoring ability, we highlighted (in red font) a subset of story phrases requiring evaluation; readers no longer needed to find factual information. Rather, they simply needed to evaluate its correctness. Readers were more likely to answer questions with story errors if they were highlighted in red font, even if they contradicted well-known facts. Although highlighting to-be-evaluated information freed cognitive resources for monitoring, an ironic effect occurred: Drawing attention to specific errors increased rather than decreased later suggestibility. Failure to monitor for errors, not failure to identify the information requiring evaluation, leads to suggestibility.  相似文献   

We used a multiple baseline design across participants to determine if teacher greetings would reduce the latency to task engagement. Three participants were identified by their respective teachers as having difficulty initiating task-appropriate engagement at the beginning of class. Latency was measured from teacher greeting until the participant was actively engaged for 5 consecutive seconds. Results showed that teacher greetings were effective at reducing latency to task engagement for all participants.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the role of perceptual-motor factors in copying an equilateral four-sided figure. Children, 5 to 12 years, and adults, were asked to copy the figure presented in either "square" or "diamond" orientation under five conditions: control; large model presentation; neutral picture frame surround; partial visual information reduction; and total visual information loss. The model was present at all times. Scores were orientation and angular variability. Developmental trends were found for both figures; the diamond was less well performed than the square at all ages tested. Three perceptual-motor factors were found to be important: formulation of the movement plan; movement programming, and sensory feedback. The difficulty of the diamond is thought to be due to the high programming and hence planning demands in drawing oblique lines. Both kinaesthesis and sequential vision are important factors in drawing; and only from 12 years of age are environmental cues used efficiently to orient the figure.  相似文献   

Hearing loss is a confounding variable that is rarely addressed in behavioral research despite its prevalence across the life span. Currently, the most common method of experimental control over hearing acuity is through self report of perceived impairment. We argue that this technique may lack sensitivity and that researchers should more commonly utilize standardized hearing screening procedures. Distinctive patterns of hearing loss are reviewed with attention to populations that commonly participate in behavioral research. We explain standard techniques for conducting pure tone hearing screening using a conventional portable audiometer and outline a procedure for how researchers can modify a conventional laptop computer for audiometric screening when a standard audiometer is unavailable. We offer a sample hearing screening program that researchers may use toward the development of their own protocol. This program is freely available for download at www .psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the sensitivity of a 5-min personal digital assistant-psychomotor vigilance test (PDA-PVT) to severe sleep loss. Twenty-one participants completed a 10-min PVT-192 and a 5-min PDA-PVT at two hourly intervals during 62 h of sustained wakefulness. For both tasks, response speed and number of lapses (RTs > 500) per minute significantly increased with increasing hours of wakefulness. Overall, standardized response speed scores on the 5-min PDA-PVT closely tracked those of the PVT-192; however, the PDA-PVT was generally associated with more lapses/minute. Closer inspection of the data indicated that when the level of sleep loss and fatigue became more severe (i.e., Day 3), the 5-min PDA-PVT was not quite as sensitive as the 10-min PVT-192 when 2- to 10-sec foreperiods were used for both. It is likely, however, that the observed differences between the two devices was due to differences in task length. Thus, the findings provide further evidence of the validity of the 5-min PDA-PVT as a substitute for the 10-min PVT-192, particularly in circumstances in which a shorter test is required and/or the PVT-192 is not as practical.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to examine the influence of criterion and feedback information in the learning of a two-dimensional drawing task. Experiment 1 showed that when the task criterion is well known to the subject, the combined presentation of criterion information and information feedback facilitates the rate of acquisition of the skill but not its overall performance level of achievement. Experiment 2 showed that when the task criterion information is not well known to the subject, presentation of criterion information facilitates both the rate of acquisition and the overall performance level and, furthermore, is essential if configuration information feedback is to be utilized effectively. Experiment 3 showed that it is the combined presentation of criterion and configuration information feedback rather than the isolate presentation of either type of information alone, that facilitates learning and performance. Collectively, the findings from the three experiments suggest an interactive effect of prior knowledge by the learner and type of augmented information in facilitating the acquisition of skill, according to the constraints imposed in the task. The data are consistent with the proposal that the degrees of freedom in the information available to support motor skill learning must match the degrees of freedom to be constraint in the perceptual-motor workspace.  相似文献   

The fact of uncertain paternity has led some researchers to hypothesize that children should more closely resemble their fathers than their mothers. The evidence in support of this hypothesis is mixed, partly because the procedures used to measure perceived phenotypic similarity may not be sensitive enough to detect small effects and partly because comparisons are made between fathers and mothers rather than random control groups. In the present experiment the viability of using a paired-associate learning paradigm to investigate parent-child phenotypic similarity is demonstrated using 15 stimulus sets of colored photographs picturing two adults and one child. Using a 2 x 2 between subjects analysis of variance for total errors across learning trials, evidence indicated genetic relatedness for both mothers and fathers influences perceived resemblance and that association of male facial features with those of children, whether paternal or not, are learned more quickly than female facial features. While the significance of genetic relatedness to facial similarity was expected, the overall sex difference was not. However, the additive combination of these variables, genetic relatedness and maleness may explain why children seem to more closely resemble their fathers.  相似文献   

Two experiments employed Potential Performance Theory (PPT) to correct for inconsistency in a speeded task. In Experiment 1, a search task was employed whereby participants searched for a target letter among distracters. In Experiment 2, the search task was more complex and naturalistic-participants searched for enemy weapons in aerial photographs. Not surprisingly, the results revealed that longer search times led to greater accuracy. However, this improvement was due only in part to improved search strategies. Much, if not most, of the improvement was due to increased consistency. The authors demonstrate and discuss some of the advantages to be gained by considering a speeded task within the context of a clear and mathematically precise theory (PPT).  相似文献   

A lexical decision task was used in a paradigm testing the effects of sleep loss and fatigue on performance during a 72-h period of sleep deprivation. The data were partitioned into categories of response lapses, response accuracy, and the signal detection measures of discriminability (d’) and bias (β). Response lapses increased as a function of sleep loss and were fitted best by a composite equation with a major linear component and a minor rhythmic component. Response accuracy decreased as a function of sleep loss, with the rate of decrease being greater for nonwords than for words. Although d’ was higher for right visual field (RVF), it decreased for both fields almost linearly as a function of sleep deprivation. The rate of decrease for RVF stimulation was greater than for left visual field (LVF) stimulation, β did not change monotonically as a function of sleep loss, but showed strong circadian rhythmicity, indicating that it was not differentially affected by sleep loss per se.  相似文献   

We describe a patient LS, profoundly deaf in both ears from birth, with underdeveloped superior temporal gyri. Without hearing aids, LS displays no ability to detect sounds below a fixed threshold of 60 dBs, which classifies him as clinically deaf. Under these no-hearing-aid conditions, when presented with a forced-choice paradigm in which he is asked to consciously respond, he is unable to make above-chance judgments about the presence or location of sounds. However, he is able to make above-chance judgments about the content of sounds presented to him under forced-choice conditions. We demonstrated that LS has faint sensations from auditory stimuli, but questionable awareness of auditory content. LS thus has a form of type-2 deaf hearing with respect to auditory content. As in the case of a subject with acquired deafness and deaf hearing reported on a previous occasion, LS’s condition of deaf hearing is akin in some respects to type-2 blindsight. As for the case of type 2 blindsight the case indicates that a form of conscious hearing can arise in the absence of a fully developed auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Line drawings of common objects with an embedded three-or four-letter word or scrambled word were presented either to the right or left visual field. Subjects were to name the line drawing of a common object as fast and as accurately as possible. Reaction times and response accuracy were recorded and analyzed. Percent errors were significantly higher when a line drawing with a word was presented in the right visual field than in the left visual field. Sex of subject was not significant. This finding is analogous to results found when the color-word Stroop task is used.  相似文献   

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