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In the present research, we investigated the depth information contained in the representations of apparently moving 3-D objects. By conducting three experiments, we measured the magnitude of representational momentum (RM) as an index of the consistency of an object’s representation. Experiment 1A revealed that RM magnitude was greater when shaded, convex, apparently moving objects shifted to a flat circle than when they shifted to a shaded, concave, hemisphere. The difference diminished when the apparently moving objects were concave hemispheres (Experiment 1B). Using luminance-polarized circles, Experiment 2 confirmed that these results were not due to the luminance information of shading. Experiment 3 demonstrated that RM magnitude was greater when convex apparently moving objects shifted to particular blurred convex hemispheres with low-pass filtering than when they shifted to concave hemispheres. These results suggest that the internal object’s representation in apparent motion contains incomplete depth information intermediate between that of 2-D and 3-D objects, particularly with regard to convexity information with low-spatial-frequency components.  相似文献   

A single line was presented in a succession of orientations, each orientation separated by a fixed angle and by a fixed interval of time, and subjects reported the number of successive lines that appeared to rotate together. The perceived number of rotating lines increased linearly with the rate of stimulus presentation, with a slope that was proportional to the spatial separation. The linear functions obtained in this first experiment predicted the results of a second experiment in which subjects adjusted the spatial and temporal variables to a discrimination threshold for seeing two rotating lines. If the slope of the linear functions is considered to be an estimate of the duration of visible persistence, then these results suggest that the visible persistence of a briefly presented stimulus increases with the distance separating that stimulus from other stimuli.  相似文献   

Observers in a multiple object tracking task can track about four to five independently moving targets among several moving distractors, even if all of the stimuli disappear for a 300-msec gap. How observers reacquire targets following such a gap reveals what kind of information they can maintain for targets. Previous research has suggested that participants maintain minimal information about a set of moving objects--namely, just their present spatial locations. We report five new experiments that demonstrate retention of location information for at least four objects, and extrapolated motion information for around two objects.  相似文献   

E S Spelke  W Smith Born  F Chu 《Perception》1983,12(6):719-732
Infants and adults were presented with two moving objects accompanied by a single percussive sound. In different experiments, the sound occurred when one object moved through a particular spatial position, when it abruptly changed its direction of movement, or when it made contact with a rigid surface. Infants responded to the sound-object relationship whenever the sound occurred as the object changed direction, irrespective of its impacts with the surface. Adults, in contrast, responded to the sound-object relationship most clearly when sounds were synchronized with impacts. In infancy, perception of auditory-visual relationships thus depends in part on detection of discontinuities in the movement of a visible object.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the contribution of the orientation of moving objects to perception of a streaming/bouncing motion display. In three experiments, participants reported which of the two types of motion, streaming or bouncing, they perceived. The following independent variables were used: orientation differences between Gabor micropatterns (Gabors) and their path of motion (all the experiments) and the presence/absence of a transient tone (Experiment 1), transient visual flash (Experiment 2), or concurrent secondary task (Experiment 3) at the coincidence of Gabors. The results showed that the events at coincidence generally biased responses toward the perception of bouncing. On the other hand, alignment of Gabors with their motion axes significantly reduced the frequency of bounce perception. The results also indicated that an object whose orientation was parallel to its motion path strengthened the spatiotemporal integration of local motion signals along a straight motion path, resulting in the perception of streaming. We suggest that the effect of collinearity between Gabors and their motion path is relatively free from the effect of attention distraction.  相似文献   

M Lappe  B Krekelberg 《Perception》1998,27(12):1437-1449
Moving objects occupy a range of positions during the period of integration of the visual system. Nevertheless, a unique position is usually observed. We investigate how the trajectory of a stimulus influences the position at which the object is seen. It has been shown before that moving objects are perceived ahead of static objects shown at the same place and time. We show here that this perceived position difference builds up over the first 500 ms of a visible trajectory. Discontinuities in the visual input reduce this buildup when the presentation frequency of a stimulus with a duration of 42 ms falls below 16 Hz. We interpret this relative mislocalization in terms of a spatiotemporal-filtering model. This model fits well with the data, given two assumptions. First, the position signal persists even though the objects are no longer visible and, second, the perceived distance is a 500 ms average of the difference of these position signals.  相似文献   

Inhibitory tagging on randomly moving objects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inhibitory tagging is a process that prevents focal attention from revisiting previously checked items in inefficient searches, facilitating search performance. Recent studies suggested that inhibitory tagging is object rather than location based, but it was unclear whether inhibitory tagging operates on moving objects. The present study investigated the tagging effect on moving objects. Participants were asked to search for a moving target among randomly and independently moving distractors. After either efficient or inefficient search, participants performed a probe detection task that measured the inhibitory effect on search items. The inhibitory effect on distractors was observed only after inefficient searches. The present results support the concept of object-based inhibitory tagging.  相似文献   

M Kitazaki  S Shimojo 《Perception》1998,27(10):1153-1176
The visual system perceptually decomposes retinal image motion into three basic components that are ecologically significant for the human observer: object depth, object motion, and self motion. Using this conceptual framework, we explored the relationship between them by examining perception of objects' depth order and relative motion during self motion. We found that the visual system obeyed what we call the parallax-sign constraint, but in different ways depending on whether the retinal image motion contained velocity discontinuity or not. When velocity discontinuity existed (e.g. in dynamic occlusion, transparent motion), the subject perceptually interpreted image motion as relative motion between surfaces with stable depth order. When velocity discontinuity did not exist, he/she perceived depth-order reversal but no relative motion. The results suggest that the existence of surface discontinuity or of multiple surfaces indexed by velocity discontinuity inhibits the reversal of global depth order.  相似文献   

In a series of four experiments, we explored whether pigeons complete partially occluded moving shapes. Four pigeons were trained to discriminate between a complete moving shape and an incomplete moving shape in a two-alternative forced-choice task. In testing, the birds were presented with a partially occluded moving shape. In experiment 1, none of the pigeons appeared to complete the testing stimulus; instead, they appeared to perceive the testing stimulus as incomplete fragments. However, in experiments 2, 3, and 4, three of the birds appeared to complete the partially occluded moving shapes. These rare positive results suggest that motion may facilitate amodal completion by pigeons, perhaps by enhancing the figure - ground segregation process.  相似文献   

Lee BB  Rüttiger L  Sun H 《Perception》2005,34(8):975-981
Vernier acuity thresholds can be related to visibility of targets. This is considered in relation to retinal signals. Spatial precision of macaque ganglion cell responses to moving targets was assessed by neurometric analysis and compared with psychophysical performance. Under some conditions the amplitude of ganglion cell signals per se may relate target visibility to spatial precision of psychophysical performance. Other conditions are more complex; we suggest central mechanisms may adapt their properties, eg their dimensions, depending on the stochastic properties of ganglion cell signals. Thus, the relation of Vernier acuity to the visibility of targets is a rule of thumb which has a complex relation to physiological substrates.  相似文献   

The shadows cast by moving objects enable human adults and infants to infer the motion trajectories of objects. Nonhuman animals must also be able to discriminate between objects and their shadows and infer the spatial layout of objects from cast shadows. However, the evolutionary and comparative developmental origins of sensitivity to cast shadows have not been investigated. In this study, we used a familiarity/novelty preferential looking procedure to assess the ability of infant macaques, aged 7–24 weeks, to discriminate between a ‘depth’ display containing a ball and cast shadow moving diagonally and an ‘up’ display containing a ball with a diagonal trajectory and a shadow with a horizontal trajectory. The infant macaques could discriminate the trajectories of the balls based on the moving shadows. These findings suggest that the ability to perceive the motion trajectory of an object from the moving shadow is common to both humans and macaques.  相似文献   

To what degree do infants use a predictive strategy when reaching for moving objects? This question was studied longitudinally in five infants from 18 to 36 weeks of age. The aiming of 356 reaches were analyzed by a technique that took into consideration the three-dimensional properties of the reaches. Each reach was divided into ballistic steps and the aiming of each step was calculated and compared with an optimal value. It was found that the infants studied had an ability to reach for fast moving objects in a predictive way. Further, the results show that the predictive ability is remarkably good in the lowest age groups which suggests that it is, at least partly, prewired. What develops seems mainly to be the mobility aspects of reaching which makes for more economical and flexible reaching. Older infants reach successfully for the fast moving object also with a nonpredictive chasing strategy.  相似文献   

Wemeasured thresholds for the monocular discrimination of rigidly and nonrigidly moving objects defined by motion parallax. The retinal projections of rigidly moving objects are subject to certain constraints. By applying smooth 2-D transformations to the projections of rigidly moving objects, we created stimuli in which these constraints were affected. Thresholds for (generic) nonrigid transformations that in theory can be detected from rigid ones by processing pairs of views depended not only on the extent to which the rigidity constraints were affected, but also on the structure and the movement of the simulated object. Nonrigid transformations under which every three successive views had a rigid interpretation were not discriminable from rigid transformations, except in cases where the distortions were very large. Under the rigidity assumption, this would mean that a large class of nonrigidly moving objects is erroneously perceived as rigidly moving.  相似文献   

Posner and Cohen (1984) and Maylor (1985) initially observed that a luminance change produces both facilitatory and inhibitory effects on subsequent detection. While Posner and Cohen claimed that the facilitatory effect was mapped in retinotopic coordinates, they showed that inhibition of return (IOR) was mapped in “environmental coordinates.” Tipper and colleagues (Tipper, Driver, & Weaver, 1991; Tipper et al., 1997; Tipper, Weaver, Jerreat, & Burak, 1994) and Abrams and Dobkin (1994b) have recently reported that IOR can be object based, but contradictory results have also been reported (Muller & von Mühlenen, 1996). Here we report six experiments showing that an uninformative peripheral cue can generate either facilitatory or inhibitory object-based effects that can tag moving objects and that can persist for several hundred milliseconds. Although the boundary conditions determining which effect will be manifest remain to be defined, the present results suggest that facilitation and inhibition are generated independently, rather than being components of the same biphasic process.  相似文献   

A Mack  J Hill  S Kahn 《Perception》1989,18(5):649-655
Two experiments are described in which it was investigated whether the adaptation on which motion aftereffects (MAEs) are based is a response to retinal image motion alone or to the motion signal derived from the process which combines the image motion signal with information about eye movement (corollary discharge). In both experiments observers either fixated a stationary point or tracked a vertically moving point while a pattern (in experiment 1, a grating; in experiment 2, a random-dot pattern) drifted horizontally across the field. In the tracking condition the adapting retinal motion was oblique. In the fixation condition it was horizontal. In every case in both conditions the MAE was horizontal, in the direction opposite to that of pattern motion. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the adaptation is a response to the motion signal derived from the comparison of eye and image motion rather than to retinal motion per se. An alternative explanation is discussed.  相似文献   

The apparent relative motion of physically stationary objects that frequently occurs as the head is moved in a frontoparallel plane is almost always in the direction expected from the projection into the distal world of the relative motion of the images on the eye. It is hypothesized that this is the result of the perceptual underestimation of the depth between the objects. If a perceptual overestimation of the depth were produced, it was predicted that the apparent relative motion would be in a direction opposite to that expected from the projection of the retinal motions. This prediction was tested using the binocular disparity cue to produce perceptual overestimation of the slant (depth) of a luminous line. In this case, perceived slant was the indicator of perceived depth, and perceived rotation concomitant with the motion of the head was the indicator of perceived relative motion. The results support the prediction and also provide some support for a theoretically derived equation specifying the relation between these two perceptual variables.  相似文献   

New objects,not new features,trigger the attentional blink   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When two different targets must be selected from a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of images, perception of the second target will be markedly reduced if it is presented within about a half second of the first. Known as the attentional blink (AB), this effect reflects temporal limitations in attentional processes enabling awareness of image representations. I tested whether these limitations occur at an object or feature level of processing by presenting (in RSVP) multiple images of the same (old) object depicted in different orientations. Targets were defined by new features added either to this or to a new object. When the first target feature appeared on the old object, no AB effects were found even when the second target was a new object. When a new object carried the first target feature, an AB effect was found even when the second target feature appeared on the same "new" object. The AB appears to reflect limitations in the creation of new object representations, rather than temporal limitations of awareness per se.  相似文献   

Posner and Cohen (1984) and Maylor (1985) initially observed that a luminance change produces both facilitatory and inhibitory effects on subsequent detection. While Posner and Cohen claimed that the facilitatory effect was mapped in retinotopic coordinates, they showed that inhibition of return (IOR) was mapped in "environmental coordinates." Tipper and colleagues (Tipper, Driver, & Weaver, 1991; Tipper et al., 1997; Tipper, Weaver, Jerreat, & Burak, 1994) and Abrams and Dobkin (1994b) have recently reported that IOR can be object based, but contradictory results have also been reported (Müller & von Mühlenen, 1996). Here we report six experiments showing that an uninformative peripheral cue can generate either facilitatory or inhibitory object-based effects that can tag moving objects and that can persist for several hundred milliseconds. Although the boundary conditions determining which effect will be manifest remain to be defined, the present results suggest that facilitation and inhibition are generated independently, rather than being components of the same biphasic process.  相似文献   

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