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The goal of this study was to examine whether listeners bilingual in Spanish and English would have difficulty in the discrimination of English vowel contrasts. An additional goal was to estimate the correlation between their discrimination and production of these vowels. Participants (40 bilingual Spanish- and English-speaking and 40 native monolingual English-speaking college students, 23-36 years of age) participated (M age = 25.3 yr., Mdn = 25.0). The discrimination and production of English vowels in real and novel words by adult participants bilingual in Spanish and English were examined and their discrimination was compared with that of 40 native monolingual English-speaking participants. Stimuli were presented within triads in an ABX paradigm. Novel words were chosen to represent new words when learning a new language and to provide a more valid test of discrimination. Bilingual participants' productions of vowels were judged by two independent listeners to estimate the correlation between discrimination and production. Discrimination accuracy was significantly greater for native English-speaking participants than for bilingual participants for vowel contrasts and novel words. Significant errors also appeared in the bilingual participants' productions of certain vowels. Earlier age of acquisition, absence of communication problems, and greater percentage of time devoted to communication contributed to greater accuracy in discrimination and production.  相似文献   

Event Related Potentials (ERPs) were recorded from Spanish-English bilinguals (N = 10) to test pre-attentive speech discrimination in two language contexts. ERPs were recorded while participants silently read magazines in English or Spanish. Two speech contrast conditions were recorded in each language context. In the phonemic in English condition, the speech sounds represented two different phonemic categories in English, but represented the same phonemic category in Spanish. In the phonemic in Spanish condition, the speech sounds represented two different phonemic categories in Spanish, but represented the same phonemic categories in English. Results showed pre-attentive discrimination when the acoustics/phonetics of the speech sounds match the language context (e.g., phonemic in English condition during the English language context). The results suggest that language contexts can affect pre-attentive auditory change detection. Specifically, bilinguals’ mental processing of stop consonants relies on contextual linguistic information.  相似文献   

In interpreting a sentence, listeners rely on a variety of linguistic cues to assign grammatical roles such as agent and patient. The present study considered the relative ranking of three cues to agenthood (word order, noun animacy, and subject-verb agreement) in normal and aphasic speakers of Hindi. Because animacy plays a grammatical role in Hindi (determining the nature and acceptability of sentences without accusative marking), this language is relevant to the claim that Broca's aphasia involves a dissociation between grammar and semantics. Results of Study 1 with normal Hindi-dominant speakers showed that animacy is the strongest cue in this language, while agreement is the weakest cue. In Study 2, Hindi-English bilinguals were tested in both their languages. Most showed the normal animacy-dominant monolingual pattern in Hindi, with a mixture of strategies from both languages in their interpretation of English. A substantial minority showed mixed strategies in both languages. Only 5 of 48 subjects displayed a complete separation between languages, with animacy dominance in Hindi and word order dominance in English. In Study 3, two Hindi-English bilinguals with Broca's aphasia were tested in both languages. Results indicate (a) greater use of animacy in Hindi than in English and (b) greater use of word order in English than in Hindi. The strategies displayed by these patients fall well within the range observed among bilingual normals. We conclude that the use of animacy in sentence interpretation by these aphasic patients reflects preservation of normal, language-specific processing strategies; it cannot be interpreted as a nonlinguistic strategy developed to compensate for receptive agrammatism. Results are discussed in light of other cross-linguistic evidence on sentence comprehension in monolingual and bilingual aphasics.  相似文献   

The emotional Stroop task provides an experimental measure of selective attention to emotional information. In the current study, the emotional Stroop effect was examined in a Spanish–English bilingual speaking population. The results revealed that the emotional Stroop effect is a robust phenomenon and replicable within a bilingual population. Furthermore, highly proficient bilinguals demonstrated equal interference effects in both their first language and their second language. The current study provides evidence of the automatic activation of emotional components in words appearing in more than one language. These results are discussed with reference to previous findings in the literature on bilingual emotion word representation.  相似文献   

Many psycholinguists have studied associations to vowel speech sounds. It appears that associations involving brightness and size are related to the manner in which the vowels are articulated. That is, high front vowels are judged to be bright and small, and low back vowels are judged to be dim and large. In an extension of a study by Greenberg and Jenkins (1966), 40 English-speaking and 40 Spanish-speaking adults rated nine audiotaped vowel sounds on 23 dimensions. The front-back distinction was again found for both groups. In addition, ratings for all nine vowels were similar for the two groups, which has implications for the cross-cultural universality of these associations.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that young monolingual children exhibit language‐based social biases: they prefer native language to foreign language speakers. The current research investigated how children's language preferences are influenced by their own bilingualism and by a speaker's bilingualism. Monolingual and bilingual 4‐ to 6‐year‐olds heard pairs of adults (a monolingual and a bilingual, or two monolinguals) and chose the person with whom they wanted to be friends. Whether they were from a largely monolingual or a largely bilingual community, monolingual children preferred monolingual to bilingual speakers, and native language to foreign language speakers. In contrast, bilingual children showed similar affiliation with monolingual and bilingual speakers, as well as for monolingual speakers using their dominant versus non‐dominant language. Exploratory analyses showed that individual bilinguals displayed idiosyncratic patterns of preference. These results reveal that language‐based preferences emerge from a complex interaction of factors, including preference for in‐group members, avoidance of out‐group members, and characteristics of the child as they relate to the status of the languages within the community. Moreover, these results have implications for bilingual children's social acceptance by their peers.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested the hypothesis that, when processing a normative language, individuals tend to adopt the discourse processing strategies that they use in their native language. In a natural language processing task, native speakers of English and Chinese read English passages that were heavily loaded with zero anaphora. Native Chinese speakers found the passages more comprehensible than did native English speakers, presumably because zero anaphora occurs much more often in Chinese than in English. However, in an artificial laboratory task, native Chinese speakers did not find it easier to recover the missing referents than did native English speakers, suggesting that the two groups were equally capable of reference retrieval although they differed in their natural language discourse-processing strategies. These results suggest that the strategies used for processing foreign-language discourse are influenced by those used to process native-language discourse.This research was supported in part by Dean's Small Grants from the Graduate School of the University of Colorado to Liang Tao and United States Army Research Institute Contracts MDA903-90-K-0066 and MDA903-93-K-0010 to the University of Colorado (Alice Healy, Principal Investigator).We thank Barbara Fox, Lise Menn, and Nanfang Jiang for stimulating discussions about this research.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the First International Conference on Chinese Linguistics held in Singapore, 1992.  相似文献   

Wiebe JS  Penley JA 《心理评价》2005,17(4):481-485
The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; A. T. Beck, R. A. Steer, & G. K. Brown, 1996) is a widely used measure of depressive symptomatology originally authored in English and then translated to Spanish. However, there are very limited data available on the Spanish translation. This study compared the psychometric characteristics of the BDI-II in Spanish and English in a sample of 895 college students. The instrument was administered twice with a 1-week interval, either in the same language on both occasions or in a different language on each occasion. Results show strong internal consistency and good test-retest reliability in both languages. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the published English-language factor structure showed good fit with data from the Spanish instrument. Among bilingual participants who took the BDI-II in both languages, there was no significant language effect. These data provide initial evidence of comparable reliability and validity between the English and Spanish BDI-II in a nonclinical sample.  相似文献   

The present research investigated measurement equivalence of organizational attitude surveys across bilingual and native English respondents. Results largely supported the equivalence of the measure of job satisfaction when administered in English to bilingual and native English‐speaking respondents.  相似文献   

How do early bilingual experiences influence children's neural architecture for word processing? Dual language acquisition can yield common influences that may be shared across different bilingual groups, as well as language-specific influences stemming from a given language pairing. To investigate these effects, we examined bilingual English speakers of Chinese or Spanish, and English monolinguals, all raised in the US (= 152, ages 5–10). Children completed an English morphological word processing task during fNIRS neuroimaging. The findings revealed both language-specific and shared bilingual effects. The language-specific effects were that Chinese and Spanish bilinguals showed principled differences in their neural organization for English lexical morphology. The common bilingual effects shared by the two groups were that in both bilingual groups, increased home language proficiency was associated with stronger left superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation when processing the English word structures that are most dissimilar from the home language. The findings inform theories of language and brain development during the key periods of neural reorganization for learning to read by illuminating experience-based plasticity in linguistically diverse learners.  相似文献   

Many studies reveal effects of verb type on verb retrieval, mainly in agrammatic aphasic speakers. In the current study, two factors that might play a role in action naming in anomic aphasic speakers were considered: the conceptual factor instrumentality and the lexical factor name relation to a noun. Instrumental verbs were shown to be better preserved than non-instrumental verbs in a group of anomic aphasic speakers but not in a group of Broca's aphasic speakers. Name relation to a noun improved the performance of the anomic aphasic speakers as well. Again, no effect was found in the group of Broca's aphasic speakers. Verbs with a name relation to a noun were better retrieved in action naming than verbs without a name relation. These findings are discussed in terms of the spreading activation theory of Dell. (Dell, G. S. (1986). A spreading activation theory of retrieval in sentence production. Psychological Review 93, 283-321.).  相似文献   

In communication dyads, three junior high clutterers interacted verbally with three matched control subjects in a task that required one member of the dyad to explain a complicated route (from a marked map of a town center) to the other (who had an unmarked map.) Members played both roles in the dyads. These six subjects were compared with one group of normally speaking control subjects carrying out the same task. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses indicate that, compared with normal speaking pupils, clutterers frequently manifested pragmatic errors and communication failures.  相似文献   

In this study, the recurrent perseverative errors produced by 44 speakers without impairment were examined in picture naming and reading aloud tasks under a fast response deadline. The proportion of perseverative relative to non-perseverative errors was greater in picture naming, the more error-prone task, than in reading aloud. Additionally, although perseverative errors were less likely to be related to the target than non-perseverative errors, the overall distribution of perseverative and non-perseverative errors in each task was similar. It is concluded that the perseverative errors produced by the participants reflected both the degree and level at which language processing efficiency was reduced in each task. This is consistent with a more recent account of perseveration as a result of normally existing persistent activation overcoming weakened activation of a target at any level of language processing. These results are compared with recent studies of recurrent perseverative errors produced by people with aphasia in light of the cognitive neuropsychological assumption that speakers with and without impairment utilise a common language processing system.  相似文献   

The writing patterns of two adults diagnosed as having congenital neurological impairment were submitted to linguistic analysis. The written work of these persons was found to contain errors incompatible with those of undereducated native speakers of English but somewhat analogous to errors of aphasics: tense, plural, and possessive endings are absent; articles and prepositions are absent or are used incorrectly; subordinating words are absent or incorrectly used. Yet the oral performance of these persons was syntactically unremarkable. It seems, therefore, that congenital neurological damage can affect the written performance while leaving the oral performance comparatively intact.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the role of the right cerebral hemisphere in linguistic perception following a left cerebral insult which had resulted in aphasia. Auditory dichotic procedures were utilized to investigate the ear-preferences of 30 aphasic Ss, grouped relative to the amount of time since the onset of left cerebral insult, and a group of 10 normal control Ss. An oral-response task and a pointing-response task were given. Statistical analyses showed a significant left-ear preference for aphasic Ss who were more than 6 mo. post-cerebral insult; however, Ss less than 6 mo. post-cerebral insult did not demonstrate a significant ear-preference under auditory dichotic stimulation. In contrast, a significant right-ear preference was noted for the normal controls. Significant differences were not shown for the aphasic or control groups on the oral and pointing tasks.  相似文献   

One characteristic of African American vernacular English (AAVE) is final obstruent devoicing, where the final consonant of a word likerigid is pronounced more like /t/ than /d/. To determine whether this dialect characteristic influences adults’ spelling, African American and White college students spelled words such asrigid andballot, pronounced by either a speaker of their own dialect or a speaker of the other dialect. African Americans, especially those who often devoiced final /d/, were more likely than Whites to confused andt. Both African American and White spellers made mored/t confusions when the words were spoken by an African American experimenter than by a White experimenter. Thus, the different phonological systems of AAVE and White speakers can cause them to make different types of spelling errors. Discussions of AAVE and literacy have focused on its syntax, but its phonology must also be considered.  相似文献   

The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003) assesses two emotion regulation (ER) strategies: cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression. Researchers have used the ERQ in cross-national studies, such as with participants in Hong Kong. There is inconsistency in psychometric equivalence data for the ERQ in Chinese among adults, and prior research in Hong Kong contradicted the ERQ's original factor structure (Matsumoto et al., 2008). The present study examined the factor structure, reliability and validity of a translated Traditional Chinese-ERQ and the English-ERQ with Hong Kong college students. Results revealed that both versions replicated the original two-factor structure of the ERQ (Gross & John, 2003). Evidence of the measure's convergent, discriminant and predictive validity was obtained as well. Implications for cross-cultural scale validation particularly with Hong Kong Chinese students are discussed.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of masseter muscle tension during conversational speech by six adult stutterers were compared to EMG levels of 6 normal speakers. Stutterers' and normal speakers' tension levels were significantly different; however, there was no correlation found between level of tension and severity of stuttering.  相似文献   

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