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This study replicates and extends prior studies of the dimensionality, convergent, and external validity of African Self-Consciousness Scale scores with appropriate exploratory factor analysis methods and a large gender balanced sample (N = 348). Viable one- and two-factor solutions were cross-validated. Both first factors overlapped significantly and were labeled "Embracing African Heritage." The second subscale of the two-factor solution was labeled "Refusal to Deny African Heritage." Only the structural validity of the first factor of the two-factor solution was fully consistent with prior findings. Partial evidence of convergent validity was found for all factors, and only the second factor of the two-factor solution received external validity support. Implications for usage of the African Self-Consciousness Scale and recommendations for further investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

The factor structure of the Devereux Child Behavior (DCB) Rating Scale was found to be different in the present study from those reported by the authors of the scale. Five of the 17 DCB factors were too unreliable to include in the present factor analysis. The findings of the present study were strikingly similar with other factor analytic studies of behavior rating scales in that only three main factors were found: Conduct Disorder, Personality Disorder, and Inadequacy-Immaturity.  相似文献   

Conners Teacher Rating Scales were completed on 124 boys aged between 5 and 11 years who attended the child guidance clinics of a large southeast London psychiatric hospital. Comparisons were made with the data provided by Conners (Am. J. Psychiat., 1969,126, 884–888) in which the factor structure of the scale was first identified. This was in response to a reported failure to replicate the scales factor structure in a clinic population despite a number of confirmatory studies on large numbers of children in general populations. Of the scale's five original factors, three were clearly identified. The other two, labeled Hyperactivity and Inattentive-Passive, comprised a single factor. A fifth weaker factor not identified by Conners (1969) was found, consisting principally of antisocial conduct items. The results are seen as providing further evidence of the scales robustness in this, the only other reported clinic study and one in which British children were used for the first time.  相似文献   

Using a random sample of children in grades one through six as well as a sample of children referred for social or emotional problems, the item level validity of the Devereux Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale was assessed. Results indicated that Devereux responses for normal children tended to be skewed, with the item means falling near the positive end of the response continuum and with narrow standard deviations. Item means in the referred sample were closer to the center of the distribution and tended to have larger standard deviations. When item-to-subscale correlations were considered, the Devereux items, in general, were significantly correlated with their home subscale. Thirty-two of the 45 items on the scale had home scale correlations that were significantly higher than any other subscale correlation for that item. K-R 20 coefficients for subscales ranged from .74 to .89. Because the 9 items that had very poor subscale correlations were clustered on 4 of the 11 original subscales, it was recommended that these subscales be eliminated. The result would be a 31-item scale that measures seven different factors.Authorship is equal.  相似文献   

A confirmatory factor analysis of the Beck Hopelessness Scale in a sample of 340 Italian students did not support the 3-factor model reported for previous samples of psychiatric patients. A follow-up principal axis factor analysis yielded two interpretable correlated factors, suggesting that the structure of the scale may differ across clinical and nonclinical groups and as a function of nationality.  相似文献   

The factorial validity and internal consistency reliability of the Devereux Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale was examined using a random sample of elementary-school children in grades I through 6. Teacher ratings of subjects' classroom behaviors on the Devereux approximated ratings obtained by the standardization sample. Internal consistency (coefficient alpha) reliability coefficients of the 11 Devereux subscales were found to be quite adequate, ranging from 80 to 93. Intercorrelations among Devereux subscales were moderate to high. A principal factor analysis of the 11 subscales produced two factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0, which cumulatively accounted for 70.2% of the total variance. When rotated via an orthogonal (Varimax) solution, the two resultant factors appeared to measure emotional adjustment and academic related dimensions of classroom behavior. Given the problem of multicollinearity that was shown to exist among subscales, the authors suggest caution in the interpretation of Devereux subscales as discrete factors.The authors gratefully acknowledge computer support funding provided by the University of Wisconsin, Graduate School Research Committee Grant 135-1537 to the first author.  相似文献   

The special characteristics of items-low reliability, confounds by minor, unwanted covariance, and the likelihood of a general factor-and better understanding of factor analysis means that the default procedure of many statistical packages (Little Jiffy) is no longer adequate for exploratory item factor analysis. It produces too many factors and precludes a general factor even when that means the factors extracted are nonreplicable. More appropriate procedures that reduce these problems are presented, along with how to select the sample, sample size required, and how to select items for scales. Proposed scales can be evaluated by their correlations with the factors; a new procedure for doing so eliminates the biased values produced by correlating them with either total or factor scores. The role of exploratory factor analysis relative to cluster analysis and confirmatory factor analysis is noted.  相似文献   

Accurate and rapid identification of students displaying behavioral problems requires instrumentation that is user friendly and reliable. The purpose of the study was to evaluate a multi-item direct behavior rating scale called the Direct Behavior Rating-Multiple Item Scale (DBR–MIS) for disruptive behavior to determine the number of administrations necessary to achieve a dependable result. In addition, a study was conducted to determine to what degree the DBR-MIS correlated with a brief rating scale of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behaviors. Participants were Kindergarten students (n = 18) who were observed and rated over nine 5-min observation periods by 2 raters with minimal training. Results indicated that the DBR-MIS provided reliable estimates of disruptive behavior by the seventh or eighth rating occasion. Correlations between the DBR-MIS and the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder rating scale were weak to moderate. Overall, the DBR-MIS for disruptive behavior efficiently achieved dependable results when screening groups of Kindergarten students in a public school setting.  相似文献   

Exploratory factor analysis and psychometric properties of the valencia scale on attitudes and beliefs toward hypnosis. Therapist version. This investigation examines the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Valencia Scale on Attitudes and Beliefs toward Hypnosis-Therapist version. Data from 775 professional psychologists belonging to the Spanish Association of Psychologists were used for the exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Retest included data from 426 participants who answered to the test. The EFA revealed eight factors (Fear, Memory, Help, Control, Collaboration, Interest, Magic and Marginal). Each factor showed good internal consistency and reliability, similar to the client version of this scale. ANOVA indicate that some variables (having scientific knowledge, having received practical information on hypnosis, to use hypnosis, and to show interest in receiving more theoretical and practical information on hypnosis), tend to reduce inadequate beliefs and negative attitudes toward hypnosis. Our results provide the basis for carrying out confirmatory factor analysis and studies of convergent validity on the scale, and of the sensitivity of the scale to change.  相似文献   

Evidence for the validity of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000) based on internal structure was examined in a sample of children with mixed clinical diagnoses via maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis. Four alternative factor models of children's executive function, based on current theories that posit a unidimensional versus fractionated model (Rabbitt, 1997; Shallice & Burgess, 1991), using the revised 9-scale BRIEF configuration that separates two components of the Monitor scale, were examined for model fit. A 3-factor structure best modeled the data when compared directly with 1-, 2-, and 4-factor models. The 3-factor model was defined by a Behavior Regulation factor consisting of the BRIEF Inhibit and Self-Monitor scales, an Emotional Regulation factor consisting of the Emotional Control and Shift scales, and a Metacognition factor composed of the Working Memory, Initiate, Plan/Organize, Organization of Materials, and Task-Monitor scales. The findings support a fractionated, multi-component view of executive function as measured by the BRIEF.  相似文献   

The present study sought to examine the relationship between two popular instruments for screening autistic children: the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC). The sample included 77 individuals. The records of 48 subjects contained firm diagnoses of autism, while the suggestion of autism was found in the remaining records. Correlations between the two scales ranged from –.16 to .73 (median=.39). The validity coefficient between the two total scores was .67. Using cutoff scores recommended by the authors, an analysis of the sensitivity of the two instruments was conducted. The CARS correctly identified 98% of the autistic subjects; it identified 69% of the possibly autistic as autistic. The ABC correctly identified 88% of the autistic subjects, while it identified 48% of those subjects considered possibly autistic as autistic. A phi coefficient was computed to estimate the degree of relationship between the nominal classifications produced by the two instruments. A moderate relationship was found, (r = .54). Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Social competence and antisocial behavior in children are interesting variables for researchers and educators. Nonetheless, there are few assessment instruments capable of measuring the two constructs in small children. The aim of this study is to verify the structural validity of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale for Teachers and Caregivers (PKBS-2), in order to determine the theoretical model that best fits the data from a Spanish sample. 1509 children from preschool education (741 males and 768 females) from 3 to 6 years old (M= 3.78; SD= 0.815) participated in the study. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS-15.0) and the Structural Equations Program (EQS 6.1). The resulting models of social skills and behavioral problems show adequate fit indexes, statistically significant loadings, and a high internal consistency index (Cronbach's alpha). Lastly, the structural model confirms a two-factor structure: a first factor of Social Skills, comprising three variables (social cooperation, social interaction, and social independence), and a second factor of Behavior Problems, comprising two variables (externalization and internalization of problems).  相似文献   

基于灰色统计的心理评定量表研究述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余嘉元 《心理科学》2003,26(4):623-624
本文提出运用灰色统计对心理评定量表进行分析处理的方法。灰色系统的理论和方法能够处理信息不完全的数据,很适合运用于心理学研究的数据分析。文章在介绍该方法的同时,还以问题解决能力评定量表的测量数据为例,进行了灰色统计实例分析。  相似文献   

Traditionally, two distinct approaches have been employed for exploratory factor analysis: maximum likelihood factor analysis and principal component analysis. A third alternative, called regularized exploratory factor analysis, was introduced recently in the psychometric literature. Small sample size is an important issue that has received considerable discussion in the factor analysis literature. However, little is known about the differential performance of these three approaches to exploratory factor analysis in a small sample size scenario. A simulation study and an empirical example demonstrate that regularized exploratory factor analysis may be recommended over the two traditional approaches, particularly when sample sizes are small (below 50) and the sample covariance matrix is near singular.  相似文献   

The Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS) assesses fears, beliefs and attitudes associated with hypochondriasis [Kellner, R. (1986). Somatization and hypochondriasis. New York: Praeger Publishers.]. Recent factor analytic investigations of the IAS in non-clinical samples have suggested a number of different factor solutions. In study 1, we used principal components analysis with both orthogonal and oblique rotation to better explore the structure of this measure. Using a random selection of 390 participants from a larger pool of 780, a five-factor solution was identified: (1) fear of illness, death, disease and pain, (2) effects of symptoms, (3) treatment experiences, (4) disease conviction and (5) health habits. In study 2, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of responses from the remaining 390 students evaluated: (a) a single-factor model, (b) Kellner's original nine-factor model, (c) a four-factor model proposed by Ferguson and Daniel [Ferguson, E. & Daniel, E. (1995). The Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS): a psychometric evaluation on a nonclinical population. Personality and Individual Differences, 18, 463-469.], (d) a different four-factor model proposed by Stewart and Watt [Stewart, S. H. & Watt, M. C. (1998). A psychometric investigation of the Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS) in a nonclinical young adult sample. Submitted for publication.] and (e) the five-factor model derived in study 1. Of these models, greatest support was obtained for our five-factor model. However, it was also clear that this model could be improved. Based on the results of the CFA, as well as previous research and theoretical considerations, we tested a revised model in which the health habits factor was deleted. Analysis of the revised model showed that it received the greatest support and could be conceptualized as either four distinct factors or as hierarchical in nature, with four lower-order factors loading on a single higher-order factor. Future directions for research as well as suggestions for scoring and using the IAS with nonclinical samples are discussed.  相似文献   

For multiple populatios, a longtidinal factor analytic model which is entirely exploratory, that is, no explicit identification constraints, is proposed. Factorial collapse and period/practice effects are allowed. An invariant and/or stationary factor pattern is permitted. This model is formulated stochastically. To implement this model a stagewise EM algorithm is developed. Finally a numerical illustration utilizing Nesselroade and Baltes' data is presented.The authors wish to thank Barbara Mellers and Henry Kaiser for their helpful comments and John Nesselroade for providing us the data for our illustration. This research wwa supported in part by a grant (No. AG03164) from the National Institute on Aging to William Meredith. Details of the derivations and a copy of the PROC MATRIX program are available upon request from the first author.  相似文献   

An Exploratory Analysis of a Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three studies investigated the psychometric properties of the newly developed self-assessed wisdom scale (SAWS). Study 1 investigated the reliability of a 30-item questionnaire assessing 5 interrelated dimensions of wisdom. Results indicated the scale had good reliability ( = .78) and adequate factor structure. Study 2 demonstrated clear differences in people's implicit theories of wisdom using the SAWS: persons instructed to complete the measure according to their implicit theories of wisdom scored significantly higher (t = 9.40, p = .000) than persons completing the measure according to their implicit theories of foolishness. Study 3 demonstrated the construct validity of the SAWS by showing significant relationships between it and two independent measures thought to reflect aspects of wisdom, namely, generativity and ego integrity. Preliminary analyses of the SAWS suggests it has good initial reliability and validity. Suggestions for scale refinement and future research are examined.  相似文献   

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