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Implementation of executive control over thought and action can only be guided by the goals that one desires to reach. Over the last decade, research has pointed out the central role of goal representation in executive control both during childhood and adulthood. The present paper reviews these findings, emphasizing the developmental dynamics observed during childhood. More precisely, it addresses the role of active goal maintenance in working memory, as it has been stressed by developmental and neurocognitive theoretical models. Beyond goal maintenance, the question as to how goal representations are formed in working memory has attracted research efforts lately. With age, children successfully process increasingly subtle environmental cues to infer the current task goal and when task goals need to be updated, as evidenced by the effect of cue transparency on switching and inhibition performance. In addition, the paper addresses how goal representation sheds light on the interplay between executive skills and conceptual knowledge, through the presentation of research in such domains as analogical reasoning, categorical flexibility, and class inclusion quantification. Taken together, these lines of research show that executive control development does not rely exclusively on a growing ability to implement appropriate actions, but it also depends largely on increasingly efficient identification of what such actions should be.  相似文献   

Working memory has a central role in cognitive development and its capacity is among the best predictors of high-level cognition and school achievement. Within the Time-Based Resource Sharing (TBRS) model, three main factors account for the development of working memory capacity. In this paper, we will review the main empirical evidence sustaining the impact of two of these factors on cognitive development. First, the amount of attention available for cognitive functioning might increase during childhood. Thus, for the same activities, older children would be able to process information faster than younger children. Within working memory span tasks, because the level of activation of memory traces decreases during the processing steps, any reduction of the duration of these steps directly diminishes the time during which the traces decay, and consequently increases the time available for reactivation or refreshing before the next processing step. These two effects jointly induce a stronger activation of the memory traces and a better recall of the to-be-maintained items. Second, because the main hypothesis of the TBRS model is that attention switches to refresh memory traces from processing to maintenance during the processing episodes, the efficiency of the refreshing mechanism should have a direct and strong impact on working memory functioning. An increase in the efficiency of this refreshing during childhood means that older children should take a greater advantage from the short pauses left free between each processing step. The level of activation of the memory traces would be then higher for older than for younger children, resulting in the classically observed increase in span. As a consequence, age-related changes in the efficiency of the refreshing could play a central role in working memory development.  相似文献   

To understand how children and adults produce written text, you must first be able to describe how they acquire some basic mechanisms. This is the reason to study the acquisition and use of simple orthographic principles. Following this idea, the research of Largy, Fayol et al. concerns nominal and verbal agreement in French. This article proposes a synthesis of the recent development in this domain. Through the study of two competences to be acquired by the writer — (1) to produce the flexional morphology of number in written text and (2) to revise and judge the correctness of this production — this article presents and discusses in which way the learner access to a writing expertise, always relative.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present research was to analysis the organizational work and health in call centre. In facts, it proves that this specific professional activity produces so much effects on the level call centre agents (violence, perceived stress, perceived health, musculoskeletal disorder symptoms, intention to quit, satisfaction), that at the organizational level (turnover, lower quality, lowers performances). So, the evolution of the career, the organizational support, the participation in the decisions or the type of management produce a positive effects at the same time, on the worker and the organization (job satisfaction, implication, better real or perceived performances well-being, job involvement, better quality of life, lower turnover or absenteeism…). Lastly, we propose a model of analysis of strain at the work which integrates emotional exhaustion and the depersonalization.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analysing different theories about text content elaboration. In the literature, the conceptual processing is considered through its relationships with long-term memory and the retrieving process during planning. It has been shown that knowledge availability and organisation influenced the writing progress. The task environment, which contains both the text that is currently written and documentary sources, equally plays an important role during text content elaboration. In this framework, the question concerning the double influence of knowledge from long-term memory and information from environment on the dynamics of writing processing is raised. The working memory, the activation theories and the analysis of the writer's eye movements are studied to answer this crucial question.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of achievement goals on the metacognitive processes as 200 students solve two mathematical problems differing in complexity. Results show that the diverse achievement goals have significant effects both on metacognitive experiences and on metacognitive strategies, coherently across the two problems. Mastery-approach goals predict the feeling of liking the task, mastery-avoidance goals have an effect on the use of metacognitive strategies, whereas neither performance-approach nor performance-avoidance goals are significantly related to metacognitive processes. The results offer a rich picture of the interactions between goals and metacognitive processes, revealing the major role of mastery-avoidance goals.  相似文献   

Frontal-striatal circuits provide an important neurobiological substrate for timing and time perception as well as for working memory. In this review, we outline recent theoretical and empirical work to suggest that interval timing and working memory rely not only on the same anatomic structures, but also on the same neural representation of a specific stimulus. In the striatal beat-frequency model, cortical neurons fire in an oscillatory fashion to form representations of stimuli, and striatal medium spiny neurons detect those patterns of cortical firing that occur co-incident to important temporal events. Information about stimulus identity can be extracted from the specific cortical networks that are involved in the representation, and information about duration can be extracted from the relative phase of neural firing. The properties derived from these neurobiological models fit well with the psychophysics of timing and time perception as well as with information-processing models that emphasize the importance of temporal coding in a variety of working-memory phenomena.  相似文献   

The first purpose of the article is to take advantage of observations made on the status of criticism in sociology. This involves a diagnosis on the state of work psychology. The aim is to alter the trend of criticism and support a clinical approach to activity derived from Vygotski's research. The idea of critical psychology as a self-sufficient line of study is invalidated. An example is developed in order to describe the operating method. The last part of the article is devoted to a brief discussion of Beauvois's recent theories.  相似文献   

A Twenty Questions problem solving Task was given to 30 mentally retarded adults, 30 mentally nonretarded adults matched on chronological age, and 12 mentally nonretarded children matched on cognitive efficiency. Four strategies were identified on the basis of a subject-by-subject analysis. Results showed group differences of frequency in the use of the strategies. Moreover, results indicated that the more frequent strategy used by the mentally retarded adults is the one which consists in identifying the categories without using them to efficiently reduce the problem space. The interpretation of the results as reflecting a conceptual deficit or a chronicle cognitive sub-functioning of the mentally retarded adults depicted in the literature is discussed.  相似文献   

The progress in prenatal medicine raises complex questions with respect to the physician–patient relationship. The physician needs to reconcile medical aspects, ethical principles as well as judicial norms. Already, during the first trimester, the physician has to put into practice the schedule combining for each individual pregnancy physical, laboratory and other appropriate exams. Physicians are under the obligation to inform in a clear and comprehensive way without creating unnecessary anxiety for their patients. Legal requirements include informed consent, the respect for the patient's right to self-determination, and compliance with the Swiss federal law on genetic testing, especially with its articles on prenatal screening and diagnosis. This article discusses the complexity of obstetrical practice when it comes to delivering adequate information within the scope of ethical and legal requirements in Switzerland.  相似文献   

The present study examined the knowledge of uppercase letters in 160 children aged from three to six. Three tasks were administrated: letter saying, letter naming, letter recognition. Children's responses were analyzed according to several variables: school level, gender, task, letter type, letter frequency, etc. Letter knowledge improved from three to six years, but with huge differences among children, namely the superiority of girls over boys. Letter by letter analyses showed that scores were highly consistent between tasks and school levels. They also revealed that letter knowledge was affected by letter type, letter frequency, alphabetic rank and the presence of letters in the child's first name. The findings are discussed for their contribution to the understanding of letter learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study is to examine the appropriateness of the dimensional model of pathological narcissism developed by Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard and Conroy (2013). The exploration was essentially focused on decompensatory segment (failure of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) of this model. By using a longitudinal research design, the results, although fragmentary, isolated a positive relationship between the two dimensions – grandiosity and vulnerability – of pathological narcissism. This positive relationship exists both in compensatory segment (use of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) and in decompensatory segment of the model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of several communication strategies, by articulating the binding communication paradigm and the social representation theory, in order to encourage young sportsmen to act for environmental protection. A pilot study made it possible to identify central and peripheral elements of the social representation of environmental protection. An experiment was conducted and the results conform to our expectations. On one hand, the participants in the binding communication situation express attitudes and behavioral intentions more favorable towards recycling and environmental protection than those who only read the persuasive message. On the other hand, the activation of central elements involves more important changes in attitudes and behavioral intentions than the activation of peripheral elements.  相似文献   

More than thirty years after his introduction and despite many criticisms, the alexithymia concept is giving rise to a growing body of research and interest. Today, it is thought to reflect a deficit in the cognitive processing and regulation of emotion. After a brief historical introduction, this paper proposes an exploration of the links between the alexithymia construct, the multicomponent emotion theories and the five-factor model of personality. Specifically, the potential associations between alexithymia and emotion regulation are examined, referring to recent studies in psychology of emotions, neurobiology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology and psychology of personality.  相似文献   

LIWC is, originally, a text analysis program that counts words of English texts in psychologically meaningful categories. It provides an analysis (in percentage) for 80 dimensions of language (functional words, topics, punctuation). The goal of this methodological note is to present the French LIWC. This version respects the structure of the categories of the English version of the software and gives explanations about the user guide such the preparation of the to be analyzed texts. Then, we explain the decisions for translating the English dictionary into French. We emphasize the constraints imposed by the morphology of written French language and the difficulties encountered (elision of the article, elision of negation and of verbs’ tense). Presenting the translation problems allows understanding the modalities of construction of the dictionary and allows for a LIWC user to build a personalized dictionary in order to analyze contents more suited to the research needs. A qualitative comparison of dimensions obtained with both the French and English versions for 66 bilingual texts of various types and contents provides satisfactory results. A statistical comparison of 119 expressive writings produced by students from three university courses (Humanities, Sciences and Psychology) about a given event (success or failure to an exam) shows the validity of the French version for identifying the expressed contents. Thus, this tool should be efficient for undertaking research in different fields of psychology (health, work and education) concerning oral and written language produced in different contexts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the development of working memory's components and their relationships. Phonological loop's, visuospatial sketchpad's and central executive's efficiencies were assessed by simple and complex span tasks and executive tasks with verbal and visuospatial material. The analyses were performed on 64 second-grade and 55 fifth-grade children's data. Developmental performances improvement was examined according to tasks and material. Analyses of variance revealed performances improvement according to age and type of material (verbal > non verbal) for the slave system tasks and for a part of central executive's tasks. Correlation analysis and exploratory factorial analysis suggested that slave systems would become progressively more specific and that central executive's efficiency would be dependent on this specialization.  相似文献   

Luck is perceived by some people as a quality of the person (as opposed to the situation) that can be used to maximize the outcome of chance games. This paper reviews empirical studies that examine the conditions under which perceptions of personal luck can be experienced, and how it might facilitate the increase of gambling behavior to pathological levels. Specifically, the opportunity for choice and the experience of near outcomes in games of chance are considered as ways to affect the extent to which perceptions of personal luck are experienced. The ease of facilitating these perceptions suggests that personal luck may be an overlooked factor in the emergence of gambling pathology. As such, implications for gambling behavior and treatment of problem gamblers are discussed.  相似文献   

This Action Research was ordered by the Energy Department's head of a southern France local authority who wanted to reduce civil servant's overconsumption behaviors in public swimming pools. The aim was to compare two methods coming from psychosocial theories: cognitive dissonance implemented by induced hypocrisy paradigm, and commitment implemented by submission without pressure paradigm. Both methods and a “classical” condition, were assigned to three independent groups of swimming pool employees (n = 21). The processes targeted the level of behavioral intentions and the effective behavioral change, as dependant variables. These elements were measured through the type of behavioral intention, and the swimming-pools’ consumption bills. Results show that induced hypocrisy reveals a higher behavioral intention's level than a classical condition, whereas the effective behavioral change is higher in the commitment condition. Moreover, we can see a decisive role of context's organizational characteristics beyond the experimental variables induction. Theoretical and managerial consequences of the results are discussed relatively to the methodological limits enforced by the characteristics of the field.  相似文献   

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