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It is now widely recognized that Evaluation is a very powerful and fundamental dimension underlying trait structures, but what is Evaluation? In this paper we review various models (and empirical data) related to the signification of the Evaluative factor in personality traits. This review will lead us to defend the hypothesis that personality traits communicate two dimensions of value: (1) social desirability (SD) which refers to affective valence or motivation and (2) social utility (SU) which corresponds to the fundamental principle of evaluation in a society. We'll present empirical data supporting this conception.  相似文献   

Studies dealing with emotion regulation have known a fast expansion during the last twenty years. Yet, they are most often based on models centered on endogenous cognitive and behavioral processes as well as the pursuit of welfare, and do not consider the social aspect of emotions and emotion expression which elicit exogenous emotion regulation processes from social interaction partners. The goal of this article is to show that both endogenous and exogenous emotion regulation processes are complementary and indivisible, and to suggest working hypotheses about how they connect. In the first part of this document, after a quick reminder of the different theoretical approaches of (individual) endogenous emotion regulation, we emphasize works about social approach behaviors (social affiliation) in emotional situations. These studies report that social interactions are sometimes sought as they would allow for the endogenous implementation of interpersonal emotion regulation strategies, especially by means of emotion expression. Individual and interpersonal endogenous emotion regulation processes would then complementarily modify the emotions experienced by an individual faced with a critical situation. The second part of this article underlines that social interaction partners actually are operators of exogenous emotion regulation processes rather than passive reservoirs of resources an individual may pick up to regulate their emotions. For that purpose, we especially consider the ways relatives (directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly) constrain the social affiliation behaviors and emotion expressions of an individual who experiences emotions. Thus, we argue that those behaviors are strongly influenced not only by the nature and intensity of emotions, but also by: firstly, social learning about how to feel, what to express and how to regulate emotions in a specific situation; secondly, features of the social environment as well as social expectations and demands about sharing emotions versus inhibiting their expression; and thirdly, the exogenous emotion regulation strategies a partner may use to regulate an individual's emotions. This set of studies entices us to consider endogenous and exogenous emotion regulation processes as acting jointly to promote not only the adaptation to emotional situations, but also the quality of social bonds between members of a social network. Social integration is thus central in the study of emotion regulation processes.  相似文献   

Frontal-striatal circuits provide an important neurobiological substrate for timing and time perception as well as for working memory. In this review, we outline recent theoretical and empirical work to suggest that interval timing and working memory rely not only on the same anatomic structures, but also on the same neural representation of a specific stimulus. In the striatal beat-frequency model, cortical neurons fire in an oscillatory fashion to form representations of stimuli, and striatal medium spiny neurons detect those patterns of cortical firing that occur co-incident to important temporal events. Information about stimulus identity can be extracted from the specific cortical networks that are involved in the representation, and information about duration can be extracted from the relative phase of neural firing. The properties derived from these neurobiological models fit well with the psychophysics of timing and time perception as well as with information-processing models that emphasize the importance of temporal coding in a variety of working-memory phenomena.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the knowledge development process about night and day cycle during ontogeny, by comparing two diverging theoretical and methodological approaches, on 178 elementary school children (6-7 years old, 8-9 years old and 10-11 years old). We hypothesis that the dimension (2D/3D) of the representation, the question type (open versus forced choice) and the age of the student have an effect on the amount of correct answers and on the coherence between the answers. The results show that the knowledge acquisition process regarding night and day cycle follows a gradual path during ontogeny and that the method used has a significant effect on the number of correct answers given by the children. Indeed, heliocentric model is given minority when children are asked with open questions (only 31% of the children). On the contrary 76% of them choose the heliocentric perspective when asked with forced-choice questions. The support's dimension (2D/3D) has no effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to summarise the field covered by the submitted theme: “Developmental pragmatics: normal aspects and pathological aspects”, to discuss the tracks already explored by published articles and to indicate the research tracks to be explored. We are trying to show how the developmental pragmatics allowed to take in consideration the social uses of language and communication, to renew the theoretical perspectives which model children development, to increase our empirical knowledge and to finally progress in the building of relevant methodological tools. Therefore pragmatics allow to solve the mental processes which underlie the use of communication and language by children.  相似文献   

EMOVAL: automatic evaluation the emotional valence and arousal of texts using a 5656 root-words metanorm. EMOVAL is an emotional valence and arousal analysis model of texts. EMOVAL draws from linguistic tradition the hypothesis that every word has a denotative aspect (“meaning”) and a connotative aspect (“affective halo”). It uses a meta-analysis of seven French norms and one English norm with the objective to characterize the emotional valence of texts, paragraphs, or sentences in a pleasant or unpleasant way. The meta-analysis indicates that the seven French norms data are highly correlated in between (0.82 to 0.99), and highly correlated with the Affectiv Norm for English Words (Bradley et Lang, 1999) (0.81 to 0.97). Arousal values taken from Affective Norm for English Words (ANEW) (Bradley et Lang, 1999) and the Leleu (1987) norm are significately correlated (0.55). The metanorm has 5656 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) characterized in valence (−1 to +1), and 3265 words characterized in arousal. These items are used by EMOVAL for valence judgments of texts. Two types of texts are proposed: the evaluation of the whole (702) or of extracts (110) of a corpus of sentences judged in a seven-point scale (−3 very unpleasant to +3 very pleasant) (Bestgen et al., 2004), and of 12 texts positively valenced (happiness and good surprise) and negatively valenced (fear, anger, disgust, sadness, and bad surprise). These two types of tests confirm the psychological pertinence of EMOVAL. Limits regarding the arousal dimension are discussed. The metanorm presented in this article can be obtained from the authors.  相似文献   

The psychological brain is an object, invented in the history of psychophysiology, which finds today an epistemological renewal in the neurosciences of the action and the emotion: the moving body is from now on an alive subject in the heart of psychological research.  相似文献   

More than thirty years after his introduction and despite many criticisms, the alexithymia concept is giving rise to a growing body of research and interest. Today, it is thought to reflect a deficit in the cognitive processing and regulation of emotion. After a brief historical introduction, this paper proposes an exploration of the links between the alexithymia construct, the multicomponent emotion theories and the five-factor model of personality. Specifically, the potential associations between alexithymia and emotion regulation are examined, referring to recent studies in psychology of emotions, neurobiology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology and psychology of personality.  相似文献   

Our scientific systems mirror our mental constraints: the limits of our mental representations lead us to a better reconstitution of the world by some scientific theories. Thus, the ways of representation by a mental system provide a fruitful paradigm for epistemology. To tackle this point, we start from an experiment of psychology on the impact of seed data on the representation of geography. We try to generalize the concept of seed data in the framework of the theory of analogical foundation of representations. A parallel is outlined between: 1) the integration of a piece of information into a mental system; 2) the integration of data into a scientific system. We bring up some consequences about the fonction of experimentation.  相似文献   

In the context of studies on mechanisms of emotional treatment and regulation in affective blunting, this paper focalizes on those whose objective is to disminish awareness of subjective emotional experience. The cognitive mechanism of repression is first presented, defined as a coping strategy which, used in a habitual way, is conceptualised as a personality dimension. Its role on the whole panel of emotional components and the researches on its underlying cognitive mechanisms, in particular those which may explain the observed memory deficits for negative emotional events, are developed. The paper also presents models of maturation of emotional awareness, differentiating several hypothetic ways of emotional treatment which determine specific emotional subjective experiences. In regard of studies which have explored these modes of emotional treatment in alexithymia, hypotheses on their role in the blunting of affect process and on the quality of subjective experience are proposed.  相似文献   

The progress in prenatal medicine raises complex questions with respect to the physician–patient relationship. The physician needs to reconcile medical aspects, ethical principles as well as judicial norms. Already, during the first trimester, the physician has to put into practice the schedule combining for each individual pregnancy physical, laboratory and other appropriate exams. Physicians are under the obligation to inform in a clear and comprehensive way without creating unnecessary anxiety for their patients. Legal requirements include informed consent, the respect for the patient's right to self-determination, and compliance with the Swiss federal law on genetic testing, especially with its articles on prenatal screening and diagnosis. This article discusses the complexity of obstetrical practice when it comes to delivering adequate information within the scope of ethical and legal requirements in Switzerland.  相似文献   

The Rorschach Comprehensive System is a very powerful tool for understanding the dynamics of psychopathological conditions and describing personality. Recent literature indicates a promising new area of research, that of evaluating psychotherapy processes and outcome. Clinical psychologists can therefore bring a unique and complementary perspective to the traditional psychiatric field by introducing it to proper psychological diagnosis as opposed to psychiatric diagnosis. The validity and reliability of the method having today been well established in the USA, it is incumbent on French researchers and clinicians to verify them locally and eventually make the necessary adaptations.  相似文献   

Estimating the duration of an event often requires that we reference our own knowledge about the duration of similar events stored in long-term memory. The ability to preserve these durations in long-term memory therefore seems to serve an important function in time estimation. However, relatively few studies on this topic appear in the psychology literature. In the present article, we describe how time estimation models have treated long-term memory, and discuss relevant empirical data obtained from adults. Then, we present the results of recent experiments that examine 3- to 8-year-old children’s ability to maintain durations in memory, depending on the kind of previous experience the children have had with these durations.  相似文献   

There is increasing use of the phrase “campus eating symptoms” to describe regular binge eating (together with frequent exercise, and occasional reliance on vomiting or laxatives), concerns about body image, depressive symptoms, stress, and university adjustment problems among students. Incidence of eating disorders in the early grades of university is increasing, and the period from age 17–19 years (peak of bulimia) which corresponds to the beginning of study at university is critical. Given the stressful environment that is the 1st academic year, it is useful to consider eating disorders risk factors.


Our study is longitudinal. At the beginning, the participants consisted of 1110 freshmen. Data regarding adjustment to university, gender, body image, BMI, transactional variables (perceived stress and coping) and eating disorders (EAT-26) were collected. At T2 (end of academic year), 556 students were recruited to reassess their eating behaviours. The aim of the study was to test gender invariance of a theoretical eating disorders model including all these variables and eating disorders measured a year apart from a mixed population integrating the university for the first times. This model assumes that these variables exert direct effects on eating disorders as measured in time one who in turn will affect the stability of these troubles a year later. Although very little research include boys in the study of eating disorders, the results of our multi-group analysis support the idea of the existence of sex differences in eating disorder predictors: the only common predictor of eating disorders among girls and boys was the use emotion-focused coping. Among boys, the best predictors of eating disorders were problem-focused coping, and seeking social support. Among girls, our results revealed that body mass index, body image, and academic adjustment and stress were the predictors of eating disorders. Finally, we found a temporal stability of eating disorders. This study showed that personal and contextual aspects have a direct impact on students’ eating behaviour. However, among boys, neither body image nor perceived stress affect the eating behaviour but how they cope with stress. The gender gap in the explanation of eating disorders suggest to not exclude the male population in this type of study and to treat the data separately.  相似文献   

In arithmetic problems solving, the representation of the problem spontaneously induced by the content of the statement is not always compatible with the solving strategy. This study evaluates a learning approach designed to lead pupils to build an alternative representation to the one spontaneously induced. In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of this learning approach with children with learning difficulties enrolled in a priority education network. This learning by semantic recoding is a process based on an analogy between the problems and a comparison of strategies. The results show that after learning, the pupils built alternative representations.  相似文献   

We present the main features of the European French-Speaking Normative Study for the Rorschach comprehensive system (CS) in adults. After reviewing previous attempts at establishing norms and diverse methodological considerations, we justify the choices made for the present project based on a clear definition of the sample, careful control of recruitment and quality of data collection procedures. Results of phase 1 (N =146) are presented and analyzed. Main variables from the CS are described and some key variables are compared to samples currently used as references (from the US). Differences are observable, although it is too early at this point to draw any conclusions that could influence interpretation. Such conclusions will be formulated when data collection is completed (final objective N =450).  相似文献   

According to Suls (1972), humor relies on the simultaneous perception of a situation from the perspective of two self-consistent but normally incompatible frames of reference, namely incongruity. The subsequent resolution of the incongruity triggers positive emotional states such as mirth. The aim of the present question review is to highlight that Suls’ theory, though crucial, is insufficient, because it does not sufficiently allow to identify the various assessment processes and the range of emotion that may arise. The present question review is based on four parts. The first part presents the Incongruity-Resolution's model and the supporting research. The second presents four sets of results, which cannot be interpreted in the narrow framework of Suls’ theory. The third part presents empirical research on emotion, highlighting the importance of surprise, as well as positive and negative emotions triggered by humor process. Finally, in the fourth part, we propose a cognitivo-emotional model established on the main results described in this article in order to both complete Suls’ theory and to promote the study of the relationship between the cognitive and emotional aspects of humor.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of three variables on jurors' verdict and sentence concerning a motorist responsible for the accidental death a man. Specifically, we assessed the effects of some aggravating circumstances, and those of two extra legal variables, namely, the nature of the feelings presumably expressed by the accident perpetrator regarding the victim, and the content of a medical and psychological expertise about him. The perpetrator was given a harsher sentence, assigned a negative identity, and was the target of little identification when he was submitted to a biological expertise, said to have displayed some indifference regarding the victim, and when he was charged with aggravating circumstances. Conversely, when the accused showed some sadness, he received a lenient sentence, especially in the absence of aggravating circumstances.  相似文献   

Two inventories assessing interests of boys (QIG 7,6,5) and of girls (QIF 7,6,5) have been completed by 428 pupils of seventh form in 2004. Results have been compared with those obtained in 1970 and 1976 in comparable studies. On the one hand, appears a fall of the scientific interests and interests for nature and, on the other hand, a rise of the artistic and manual, social and commercial interests. Variations are differentiated for two categories: literary interests are stable among boys and in fall among girls, while sport interests are in rise (G) or stable (F). At last, scores in two specific categories are stable: mechanics (G), domestic (F). These variations seem to follow a general social evolution, but do not modify the differences between genders.  相似文献   

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