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Orthogonal rotation to congruence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two problems are considered. The first is that of rotating two factor solutions orthogonally to a position where corresponding factors are as similar as possible. A least-squares solution for transformations of the two factor matrices is developed. The second problem is that of rotating a factor matrix orthogonally to a specified target matrix. The solution to the second problem is related to the first. Applications are discussed.This research was supported in part by contract Nonr 228 (22) between the office of Naval Research and the University of Southern California. Portions of this paper were presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, September, 1964.  相似文献   

Procedures for assessing the invariance of factors found in data sets using different subjects and the same variables are often using the least squares criterion, which appears to be too restrictive for comparing factors.Tucker's coefficient of congruence, on the other hand, is more closely related to the human interpretation of factorial invariance than the least squares criterion. A method maximizing simultaneously the sum of coefficients of congruence between two matrices of factor loadings, using orthogonal rotation of one matrix is presented. As shown in examples, the sum of coefficients of congruence obtained using the presented rotation procedure is slightly higher than the sum of coefficients of congruence using Orthogonal Procrustes Rotation based on the least squares criterion.The author is obliged to Lewis R. Goldberg for critically reviewing the first draft of this paper.  相似文献   

Most of the currently used analytic rotation criteria for simple structure in factor analysis are summarized and identified as members of a general symmetric family of quartic criteria. A unified development of algorithms for orthogonal and direct oblique rotation using arbitrary criteria from this family is given. These algorithms represent fairly straightforward extensions of present methodology, and appear to be the best methods currently available.The research done by R. I. Jennrich was supported by NSF Grant MCS-8301587.  相似文献   

A simple modification substantially simplifies the use of the gradient projection (GP) rotation algorithms of Jennrich (2001, 2002). These algorithms require subroutines to compute the value and gradient of any specific rotation criterion of interest. The gradient can be difficult to derive and program. It is shown that using numerical gradients gives almost precisely the same results as using exact gradients. The resulting algorithm is very easy to use because the only problem specific code required is that needed to define the rotation criterion. The computing time is increased when using numerical gradients, but it is still very modest for most purposes. While used extensively elsewhere, numerical derivatives seem to be underutilized in statistics.  相似文献   

Orthogonal procrustes rotation for two or more matrices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Necessary and sufficient conditions for rotating matrices to maximal agreement in the least-squares sense are discussed. A theorem by Fischer and Roppert, which solves the case of two matrices, is given a more straightforward proof. A sufficient condition for a best least-squares fit for more than two matrices is formulated and shown to be not necessary. In addition, necessary conditions suggested by Kristof and Wingersky are shown to be not sufficient. A rotation procedure that is an alternative to the one by Kristof and Wingersky is presented. Upper bounds are derived for determining the extent to which the procedure falls short of attaining the best least-squares fit. The problem of scaling matrices to maximal agreement is discussed. Modifications of Gower's method of generalized Procrustes analysis are suggested.  相似文献   

In exploratory factor analysis, latent factors and factor loadings are seldom interpretable until analytic rotation is performed. Typically, the rotation problem is solved by numerically searching for an element in the manifold of orthogonal or oblique rotation matrices such that the rotated factor loadings minimize a pre-specified complexity function. The widely used gradient projection (GP) algorithm, although simple to program and able to deal with both orthogonal and oblique rotation, is found to suffer from slow convergence when the number of manifest variables and/or the number of latent factors is large. The present work examines the effectiveness of two Riemannian second-order algorithms, which respectively generalize the well-established truncated Newton and trust-region strategies for unconstrained optimization in Euclidean spaces, in solving the rotation problem. When approaching a local minimum, the second-order algorithms usually converge superlinearly or even quadratically, better than first-order algorithms that only converge linearly. It is further observed in Monte Carlo studies that, compared to the GP algorithm, the Riemannian truncated Newton and trust-region algorithms require not only much fewer iterations but also much less processing time to meet the same convergence criterion, especially in the case of oblique rotation.  相似文献   

Kaiser's iterative algorithm for the varimax rotation fails when (a) there is a substantial cluster of test vectors near the middle of each bounding hyperplane, leading to non-bounding hyperplanes more heavily overdetermined than those at the boundaries of the configuration of test vectors, and/or (b) there are appreciably more thanm (m factors) tests whose loadings on one of the factors of the initialF-matrix, usually the first, are near-zero, leading to overdetermination of the hyperplane orthogonal to this initialF-axis before rotation. These difficulties are overcome by weighting the test vectors, giving maximum weights to those likely to be near the primary axes, intermediate weights to those likely to be near hyperplanes but not near primary axes, and near-zero weights to those almost collinear with or almost orthogonal to the first initialF-axis. Applications to the Promax rotation are discussed, and it is shown that these procedures solve Thurstone's hitherto intractable “invariant” box problem as well as other more common problems based on real data.  相似文献   

Subjects made mirror-normal discriminations on alphanumeric characters shown in different orientations in the picture plane. Either the characters or the background rotated during stimulus presentation in Experiments 1-3. Character rotation in the direction of mental rotation facilitated mental rotation, whereas rotation in the opposite direction inhibited it. In Experiment 4, characters were presented in different surface media so as to stimulate only one representation at a time. Mental rotation performance was similar whether the stimuli were defined by luminance, color, texture, relative motion, or binocular disparity, suggesting that mental rotation occurs at a level beyond that of the independent analyses of these different media. These results support those of Experiments 1-3 in excluding the participation of low-level motion analysis centers in the mental rotation processes.  相似文献   

Measures of test parsimony and factor parsimony are defined. Minimizing their weighted sum produces a general rotation criterion for either oblique or orthogonal rotation. The quartimax, varimax and equamax criteria are special cases of the expression. Two new criteria are developed. One of these, the parsimax criterion, apparently gives excellent results. It is argued that one of the most important factors bearing on the choice of a rotation criterion for a particular problem is the amount of information available on the number of factors that should be rotated. This research was supported by the National Research Council of Canada research grant 291-13 to Dr. G. A. Ferguson.  相似文献   

Factor analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) are often followed by an orthomax rotation to rotate a loading matrix to simple structure. The simple structure is usually defined in terms of the simplicity of the columns of the loading matrix. In Three-mode PCA, rotational freedom of the so called core (a three-way array relating components for the three different modes) can be used similarly to find a simple structure of the core. Simple structure of the core can be defined with respect to all three modes simultaneously, possibly with different emphases on the different modes. The present paper provides a fully flexible approach for orthomax rotation of the core to simple structure with respect to three modes simultaneously. Computationally, this approach relies on repeated (two-way) orthomax applied to supermatrices containing the frontal, lateral or horizontal slabs, respectively. The procedure is illustrated by means of a number of exemplary analyses. As a by-product, application of the Three-mode Orthomax procedures to two-way arrays is shown to reveal interesting relations with and interpretations of existing two-way simple structure rotation techniques.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the author. The author is obliged to Jos ten Berge and two anonymous reviewers for useful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Achieving visual object constancy across plane rotation and depth rotation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
R Lawson 《Acta psychologica》1999,102(2-3):221-245
Visual object constancy is the ability to recognise an object from its image despite variation in the image when the object is viewed from different angles. I describe research which probes the human visual system's ability to achieve object constancy across plane rotation and depth rotation. I focus on the ecologically important case of recognising familiar objects, although the recognition of novel objects is also discussed. Cognitive neuropsychological studies of patients with specific deficits in achieving object constancy are reviewed, in addition to studies which test neurally intact subjects. In certain cases, the recognition of invariant features allows objects to be recognised irrespective of the view depicted, particularly if small, distinctive sets of objects are presented repeatedly. In contrast, in most situations, recognition is sensitive to both the view in-plane and in-depth from which an object is depicted. This result suggests that multiple, view-specific, stored representations of familiar objects are accessed in everyday, entry-level visual recognition, or that transformations such as mental rotation or interpolation are used to transform between retinal images of objects and view-specific, stored representations.  相似文献   

It is the purpose of this paper to present a method of analysis for obtaining (i) inter-battery factors and (ii) battery specific factors for two sets of tests when the complete correlation matrix including communalities is given. In particular, the procedure amounts to constructing an orthogonal transformation such that its application to an orthogonal factor solution of the combined sets of tests results in a factor matrix of a certain desired form. The factors isolated are orthogonal but may be subjected to any suitable final rotation, provided the above classification of factors into (i) and (ii) is preserved. The general coordinate-free solution of the problem is obtained with the help of methods pertaining to the theory of linear spaces. The actual numerical analysis determined by the coordinate-free solution turns out to be a generalization of the formalism of canonical correlation analysis for two sets of variables. A numerical example is provided.This investigation has been supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr-2752(00).  相似文献   

Cureton & Mulaik (1975) proposed the Weighted Varimax rotation so that Varimax (Kaiser, 1958) could reach simple solutions when the complexities of the variables in the solution are larger than one. In the present paper the weighting procedure proposed by Cureton & Mulaik (1975) is applied to Direct Oblimin (Clarkson & Jennrich, 1988), and the rotation method obtained is called Weighted Oblimin. It has been tested on artificial complex data and real data, and the results seem to indicate that, even though Direct Oblimin rotation fails when applied to complex data, Weighted Oblimin gives good results if a variable with complexity one can be found for each factor in the pattern. Although the weighting procedure proposed by Cureton & Mulaik is based on Landahl's (1938) expression for orthogonal factors, Weighted Oblimin seems to be adequate even with highly oblique factors. The new rotation method was compared to other rotation methods based on the same weighting procedure and, whenever a variable with complexity one could be found for each factor in the pattern, Weighted Oblimin gave the best results. When rotating a simple empirical loading matrix, Weighted Oblimin seemed to slightly increase the performance of Direct Oblimin.The author is obliged to Henk A. L. Kiers and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Motor imagery provides a direct insight into action representations. The aim of the present study was to investigate the level of impairment of action monitoring in schizophrenia by evaluating the performance of schizophrenic patients on mental rotation tasks. We raised the following questions: (1) Are schizophrenic patients impaired in motor imagery both at the explicit and at the implicit level? (2) Are body parts more difficult for them to mentally rotate than objects? (3) Is there any link between the performance and the hallucinating symptom profile? The schizophrenic patients (n = 13) displayed the same pattern of performance as the control subjects (n = 13). More particularly, schizophrenic patients’ reaction time varied as a function of the angular disparity of the stimuli. On the other hand, they were significantly slower and less accurate. Interestingly, patients suffering from hallucinations made significantly more errors than non-hallucinatory patients. We discussed these latter results in terms of deficit of the forward model. We emphasized the necessity to distinguish different levels of action, more or less impaired in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The equations involved in the rotation of an arbitrary factor matrix to a least squares fit to a specified factor structure have been known for many years. These equations, in general, cannot be solved by purely algebraic means, and an approximate solution has previously been used in practical applications.In this paper an effective iterative method for obtaining the exact solution is developed. By algebraic manipulation the set of equations is expressed in the form of one polynomial equation in one unknown. Newton's method is suggested for solving this equation. Practical applications of the procedure indicate that convergence within small tolerance limits is generally attained after few iterations.Part of this research was carried out at the National Institute for Personnel Research (South Africa). It was completed while the author was a Visiting Research Psychologist at Educational Testing Service.  相似文献   

Mental rotation of faces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of orientation upon face recognition was explored in two experiments, which used a procedure adapted from the mental rotation literature. In the first experiment, a linear increase in the RT of same-different judgments was found as the second of a pair of sequentially presented faces was rotated away from the vertical. Also, it was found that the effect of changing facial expression did not interact with orientation. In the second experiment, a linear relationship between RT and orientation was found in a task involving the recognition of famous faces. This recognition task was found to be more affected by inversion than was an expression classification task. These results are interpreted as evidence against the view that inverted faces are processed in a qualitatively different manner from upright faces, and are also inconsistent with the hypothesis that inversion makes faces difficult to recognize because facial expression cannot be extracted from an inverted face.  相似文献   

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