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Louis Rougier 《Erkenntnis》1976,8(1):193-217
Sans résumé  相似文献   

Summary The author claims that there is a basic difference between theTractatus and thePhilosophical Investigations; despite Bernstein's and O'Brien's claims to the contrary, there are, indeed, two Wittgensteins. Yet, to ascertain the difference between both we must look at Wittgenstein's conceptions of philosophy rather than at his views on logic and language. Wittgenstein's different, and even divergent, views on logic and language are grounded on his two views on philosophy and not the other way around. At the same time, Wittgenstein's views on philosophy are caused by his ways of conceiving the scope of philosophical activity in regard to language. Both in theTractatus and in thePhilosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein points out what is important in language for philosophy, but in each case he reaches very different conclusions. Now, when all is said, there remains one unifying factor in all of Wittgenstein's investigations: it is the question of the logic of language, which shifts positions from theTractatus to theInvestigations, so that what was earlier a hidden structure becomes later the grammar of its indefinitely complexe uses.  相似文献   


En este artículo se presenta una caracterización general de la naturaleza y medida de la ansiedad, a través de un enfoque factorial. Gracias a éste se consigue separar la ansiedad de dos cosas con las que se confunde constantemente: La reacción a la tensión y la inadaptación de la personalidad neurótica. Las medidas más precisas de la ansiedad que ahora son posibles aclaran también la relación entre la ansiedad y un factor tal como la inteligencia, y deben ayudar a contestar muchas preguntas similares sobre la relación entre la ansiedad y varias situaciones y actuaciones.  相似文献   

Sans résuméCet essai était déjà terminé pour l'essentiel lorsque la nouvelle de la disparition de Michel Foucault nous est parvenue. Que le lecteur veuille bien le considérer comme un modeste hommage à la mémoire du grand philosophe disparu praturément.  相似文献   


Dos artículos criticados sobre el tratamiento conductual de la anorexia nerviosa publicados por la Dra. Bruch (1976), en los que afirma que el peso ganado por ese procedimiento se pierde rápidamente y que esta ganancia de peso no se acompaña de otros cambios positivos, se compara con la revisión de varios artículos en los que se utilizó la terapia de conducta en este trastorno. Las críticas de Bruch no son apoyadas por los datos. Se observa la existencia de pruebas empíricas que apoyan la idea de que la terapia de conducta es el tratamiento de elección en la anorexia. A pesar de los grandes conocimientos de la autora en el área de los trastornos de comida y sus numerosas publicaciones, su crítica es muy pobre, especialmente en los que se refiere a datos controlados. En este estudio se intenta probar los supuestos planteados por la Dra. Bruch comparando sus críticas con los tratamientos conductuales de anorexia que se han publicado.  相似文献   

The present paper reports a set of experimental studies concerning the comprehension of French argumentative operators and connectives. The first part is a presentation of the theoretical framework, the methodological problems and some of the most general results. Experiments were carried out in the perspective of the linguistic theory of argumentation developed by Anscombre and Ducrot. According to this theory, a number of devices in language are mainly defined by their argumentation function, i.e. by the types of discursive sequences and conclusions they involve. Three categories of such devices were examined: (1) operators like “presque” (almost), “à peine” (hardly), “au moins” (at least), etc. which give an argumentative orientation to the statement; (2) co-orientation connectives, like “même” (even), which relate two statements oriented towards the same conclusion; (3) counter-orientation connectives, like the concessive ones (“mais” (but), “quand même” (even so), etc.), which relate two statements oriented towards opposite conclusions. The data shed light on issues such as: What is the nature of the relationship between the informative and argumentative functions of different operators? Is there a hierarchical relation between the argumentative processes of “co-orientation” and “counter-orientation”? What is the role of negation in the processing of argumentative sequences? The second part of the paper focuses specifically on the study of how 8 and 10 year-old children process “counter-oriented” statements. Five concessive connectives were studied: “mais”, “pourtant”, “quand même”, “même si”, “bien que”. The test was composed of two successive completion tasks: in one task the children had to choose the relevant context of complex sentences involving concessive connectives; in the other task they had to choose their relevant conclusion. Main results show a clear evolution in the performance of children between 8 and 10, suggesting that concessive strategies are not completely mastered at the age of 8. Differences among the concessive connectives studied were brought out: the item “quand même” obtained much better results than the other items with 8-year-old subjects; statements with “mais” seemed to be better processed in the conclusion task than in the context task, especially by 10-year-old subjects. These results are compared with other data obtained in some of the numerous studies on the production and comprehension of concessive connectives in various languages, and discussed from the point of view of argumentative theory.  相似文献   

This study deals with the way in which users represent water, how they perceive it, how they evaluate it (in terms of problem, in the space, and in the individuals–water relationship) and how they consume it according to the place where they live (Brittany vs. Paris Region; France), their attachment to this place and their level of personal involvement in relation to this resource. One hundred and ten semi-directive questionnaires, from both regions, were analyzed. The results show a social representation of the water based on two conceptions: the water is thought as vital natural resource or of consumption good. The study tends then to show the way in which these conceptions influence the evaluation of water quality and concerned practices.  相似文献   

Conclusions L'étude des faits, dont nous n'avons pu donner que quelques échantillons, ne laisse pas de doute sur la découverte tardive de la notion de hasard et la formation progressive du raisonnement probabiliste. On aurait pu s'attendre à trouver une intuition de la probabilité: la realité quotidienne offre le spectacle d'un mélange inextricable de faits et de séquences causales. Ce n'est qu'en théorie ou encore dans une certaine mesure en laboratoire que les faits et relations causales sont simplifiés et dissociés au point de nous permettre des déductions certaines. Dans la vie courante on est plus souvent réduit à deviner et à baser ses prévisions sur des fréquences empiriques que sur des lois et équations simples et rigoureuses. Et pourtant l'expérimentation psychologique prouve que l'attitude probabiliste, quoique suggérée et entretenue par les faits, n'est pas primitive; bien au contraire, elle ne se construit qu'à partir d'un certain niveau de raisonnement et en interdépendance étroite avec celui-ci. La notion de hasard est étrangère à toute mentalité primitive, aussi bien celle du jeune enfant que celle dite du primitif et de l'obsédé en état de régression pathologique, qui chargent volontiers les événements fortuits de significations subjectives et miraculeuses. La notion de hasard et le raisonnement probabiliste en général ne sont accessibles qu'à une mentalité objective et rationnelle, capable de discerner, grâce à des mécanismes opératoires, le domaine du déductible de celui du fortuit et à structurer ce dernier par la méthode combinatoire en un système de probabilités, dont la méthode génétique permet d'analyser le processus et l'évolution.  相似文献   


El trabajo analiza los datos que utilizan Ekman y Oster (1979) para defender la «universalidad» de seis expresiones faciales emocionales, y concluye que la evidencia arg¨ida por los neodarwinianos no sustenta sus tesis. La conclusión más aceptable es que la sonrisa correlaciona de forma innata con estados agradables, y que los estados emotivos desagradables tienen una forma de expresión que nunca se confunde con las expresiones de emociones positivas.  相似文献   

This article reviews research on the extent to which children can and do understand the biological basis for illness transmission. Recent studies demonstrate that even preschoolers can grasp the invisible nature of microbial contamination. However, they may not readily identify germs as organisms that reproduce and multiply and that require an incubation period to produce symptoms of illness. Moreover, the acceptance of purification techniques that reverse the effects of contamination is strongly influenced by culture. For example, Indian children, compared to their American counterparts, often judge that the contamination of liquids cannot be reversed even with boiling and cooling. Work in developing countries suggests that early experience with biological explanations for illness is important for adults’ understanding of illness transmission.  相似文献   

哲学的第一任务:对发生的重新激活   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果“对我们所处的这个危机处境的起源,有一种目的论的历史意识”,而这种意识又构成了“先验现象学的一个独立导言”①,换言之,如果它能用来引导(我们)返回先验主体性;那么对哲学观念的阐明,也许就能使我们最终涉及理论态度的实存的构成。  相似文献   

这是法国《智慧》杂志对德国法兰克福社会研究所主任霍耐特的一次访谈,话题涉及承认原则同自由主义的关系、承认作为现代规范和道德原则之可能、承认规范在法兰克福学派史中的方法论突破、承认道德的心理学要素、从承认原则看新自由主义的不足等几个方面。  相似文献   

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