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从弗洛伊德首创心理咨询和治疗理论开始,心理咨询和治疗的理论与实践便取得了飞速发展。依据不同对象选择匹配的咨询理论和技术成为取得咨询疗效的重要前提。本案例是压力调查中的典型个案,笔者在咨询过程中探索运用现实疗法和内观疗法取得咨询疗效的互补模式。二者虽是两种不同的体系,通过在咨询不同阶段的应用,从咨询实践的角度表明两者有机结合能够取得较好的综合疗效,促进来访者完善自身人格。  相似文献   

社会情境中的控制感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭昫澄  郭永玉 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1860-1868
控制感是心理学研究中的重要概念。近年来, 研究者发现传统的控制感理论过分强调个体行为对环境的影响而忽略了环境中的限制因素(社会背景、历史文化、现实因素)对控制感的作用。次要控制理论、可协商命运观和控制感补偿理论分别从不同角度对社会情境中的个体控制感进行研究。次要控制理论主要强调在低控制情境下个体通过自身调节接受客观环境以获得次要控制; 可协商命运观则认为亚洲文化下的个体在承认不可改变的环境作用的前提下依然坚持自己有限的能动性以此获得控制感; 而控制感补偿理论则认为当个体处于低控制环境之中以致个体控制感受到威胁时, 个体会通过一系列方式针对控制感缺失进行补偿。本文在对三种理论分析的基础之上提出了对中国控制感本土化研究方向的思考。  相似文献   

人性观是对人的基本看法和哲学假设,人性观是心理咨询的理论和技术基础,任何一种咨询理念都是有其人性观假设的。当咨询师与来访初次接触时,他们的理论思想决定着他们寻找什么和看到什么。这基本上决定了咨询的中心和过程,并影响着咨询和治疗的策略和步骤的选择。  相似文献   

万明钢   《心理科学进展》1992,10(2):14-20
跨文化心理学家们试图弄清社会文化变量是如何影响人类行为的,为此,他们有时强调社会文化造成了人类行为的差异,有时又侧重文化塑造了共同的行为模式。无论采取哪种研究策略,测量都是运用广泛的研究方法。本文将综合介绍一些西方心理学家关于跨文化心理研究中的一些策略、测量方法、样本选择等问题的理论和观点。  相似文献   

行为观是当代天主教新自然法学派道德理论的一个重要基础。该学派特别强调自由选择在决定自我中的作用,强调人类行为是一种受理性控制的活动,认为行为的对象、行为的目的和行为的环境是判断人类行为道德性的三大因素,但同时又指出人的内在意愿在判断行为的道德属性时居于核心的地位。  相似文献   

性心理障碍泛指在两性性方面的心理和行为明显偏离正常,并以这类偏离为性兴奋、性满足的主要或唯一方式的一组心理障碍。ICD~10将性心理障碍分为三类:即性身分障碍,性偏好障碍以及性对象选择障碍。关于性心理学障碍的成因主要有,生物学因素、心理学因素以及社会因素。性心理障碍的治疗则有心理治疗(包括精神分析理论、行为主义理论以及心理疏导治疗法)、性治疗以及经验疗法。  相似文献   

心理咨询过程-效果研究现状及展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理咨询过程-效果研究考察咨询过程变量对咨询效果的影响。以人为中心流派、认知流派、行为流派、精神分析流派等都为该研究领域提供了理论基础。主要研究内容有咨询师的反应方式、会谈中的当事人行为、工作同盟、会谈中的重要内容等过程变量与效果的关系。该领域积累的成果还不多,这可能与过程-效果关系本身的复杂性有关,同时研究方法尚有许多欠缺,如考察复杂关系时使用的研究设计过于简单、测量工具不统一导致结果难以比较,有些测量工具不成熟信效度不高。未来的研究除了努力克服这些问题外,还应多考虑理论构建、内隐变量的调节和中介作用、当事人变量,在研究方法上应更为综合和多样化  相似文献   

家庭中心积极心理学以积极心理学为基础,以社会生态学理论和家庭中心服务为思想来源,采用以家庭、学校、咨询者三位一体的联合行为咨询的干预策略,以实现家庭中儿童的发展性需要为最终目标。本文主要介绍了家庭中心积极心理学的内涵、理论来源、基本原则、实施方法—联合行为咨询。  相似文献   

<正> 控制,是管理的基本手段,其对象包括对于人、事、物和行为的控制。儒家管理哲学所谈的主要是对于人的控制。它以“德治”为核心,既承认“齐之以礼”,即以礼义制度为规范的外在控制,更强调“道之以德”即以道德价值为导向的内在控制;上述主张,固然是适应古代社会管理实际需要,而对于现代社会的管理,也有一定的启发。  相似文献   

Leary的人际理论将人际互动行为划分为“情感”和“控制”两个维度, 互动双方在情感维度的一致性和控制维度的互补性统称为人际互补。为探究心理咨询过程中人际互补的发展趋势及其与工作同盟、咨询效果的关系, 采用电脑操纵杆方法, 编制《咨询会谈人际互补行为评分手册》, 对16个个案的48个心理咨询会谈录像进行评估。结果表明:有经验的咨询师在咨询前期的情感轴一致性高于中期和后期, 在咨询后期的控制轴互补性高于前期和中期, 新手咨询师的情感轴一致性和控制轴互补性均无阶段性差异; 咨询中期的情感轴一致性负向预测工作同盟和会谈深度; 情感轴一致性呈高-低-高发展趋势的个案咨询效果更好。结论: 心理咨询的人际互补三阶段模型得到一定程度的支持, 其作用机制有待进一步验证。  相似文献   

This article presents the integration of cinematherapy with William Glasser’s reality therapy/choice theory. This article also addresses the need to integrate reality therapy/choice theory and the therapeutic intervention known as “cinematherapy” to help students conceptualize the constructs of Glasser’s choice theory and to help novice cinema therapists address Glasser’s themes in their clients’ lives (i.e., fun, survival, power, freedom, love, and belonging). This integration will be helpful to not only students and clients, but also to the community of therapists who will intend to use cinematherapy as a therapeutic and creative intervention.  相似文献   

The author defines and critiques the ethical principle of autonomy. As a concept, autonomy is most aligned with paradigms of counseling that focus on the individual as a psychological entity with moral agency. It is less consistent with frameworks that focus on relationships philosophically and in practice. Autonomy is paradoxical, because it is a consensually defined principle imposed on counseling practice while denying counselors a choice in its application. The author suggests accordance as an alternative ethical principle. Accordance is consistent with relational paradigms of practice and the other relationship‐focused ethical principles in counseling. Accordance fully contextualizes individual responsibility and choice.  相似文献   

Is nature all there is? Or, is there more? If nature is the only reality, is it ultimate or sacred? Differing answers to these questions determine the different brands of naturalism on the religious shelf. What virtually all of today’s naturalists agree on is this: science provides the means for revealing reality, the sole reality which is material, physical, and cosmic. Naturalists also agree that supranaturalism should be rejected. What naturalists differ on whether nature is divine or not. This article sorts out the issues and differing positions taken on each issue. The author contends that a post-Newtonian worldview remains open to a concept of God wherein divine action in nature’s world influences creativity and transformation.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a re-emphasis by both educators and counselors of the concept of commitment. Can this concept bear scrutiny or is it only a popular slogan? It is argued that this concept can find meaning only in a moral absolute. The author points out that relativism is itself a moral absolute. If then we take this concept seriously we are faced with certain difficulties. If this concept is valid for education and counseling then we must either re-examine the issue of religion in the schools or be content with engendering a moral vacuum. It is maintained that the former is the only valid alternative and the author argues for the moral absolute of loving one's neighbor as himself rather than the more prevalent moral absolute of relativism.  相似文献   

The author explores the concept of reality‐testing as a means of assessing the relationship with reality that prevails in dream and in virtual reality. Based on a model developed by Jean Laplanche, she compares these activities in detail in order to determine their respective independence from the function of reality‐testing. By carefully examining the concept of hallucination in the writings of Freud and Daniel Dennett, the author seeks to pinpoint the specific modalities of interaction between perceptions, ideas, wishes and actions that converge in the ‘belief’ and in the ‘sense of reality’. The paper's main thesis consists of the distinction that it draws between immediacy‐testing and reality‐testing, with the further argument that this distinction not only dissipates the conceptual vagueness that generally surrounds the latter of the two concepts but also that it promotes a more precise analysis of the function of reality in dream and in virtual reality.  相似文献   

Confined by monocultural geographic features or encapsulated life experience, many counselor-training programs or trainees suffer from the lack of a multicultural environment, which could benefit students’ education. Recognizing the limitations in reality, the author introduces the use of movies to counterbalance the disadvantages, while maximizing students’ multicultural counseling competency. Aiming toward helping trainees vicariously reach the culmination of studies in counseling, this article addresses the use of cinemeducation in the context of cross-cultural counseling, via the application of qualitative research methodology. The theoretical underpinning of the movie project, the use of movies to augment students’ multicultural counseling opportunities outside classrooms, and students’ reactions are all discussed.  相似文献   

Personal growth has frequently been mentioned as one positive attribute clients might realize through counseling. On the other hand, textbooks on counseling theory have little to say on the topic of growth. If counselors are to be facilitators of client growth, it would seem essential that they become familiar with the concept of growth and ways to facilitate it. The author defines growth from a gestalt therapy point of view and provides techniques and examples of ways to facilitate client growth.  相似文献   

Choice blindness is the finding that participants both often fail to notice mismatches between their decisions and the outcome of their choice and, in addition, endorse the opposite of their chosen alternative. But do these preference reversals also carry over to future choices and ratings? To investigate this question, we gave participants the task of choosing which of a pair of faces they found most attractive. Unknown to them, we sometimes used a card trick to exchange one face for the other. Both decision theory and common sense strongly suggest that most people would easily notice such a radical change in the outcome of a choice. But that was not the case: no more than a third of the exchanges were detected by the participants. We also included a second round of choices using the same face pairs, and two stages of post‐choice attractiveness ratings of the faces. This way we were able to measure preference strength both as choice consistency and by looking at measures of rating differences between chosen and rejected options. We found that the initially rejected faces were chosen more frequently in the second choice, and the perceived attractiveness of these faces was increased even in uncoupled individual ratings at the end of the experiment. This result is discussed in relation to Chen and Risen's recent criticism of the Free Choice Paradigm, as it shows that choices can affect future preferences. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On Choice of Time Metric. What criteria ought to be satisfied by those observable processes which, accompanied by a function assigning values to intervals of that processes, serve as the standard for measurement of time? In how far do the criteria which can reasonably be established admit of an unambigous definition of time metric? That are the questions to which I have addressed myself in the paper. Peter Janich has aimed at solving the problem with careful avoidance of any reference to physical theory. Although this paper owes a great deal to his ‘Protophysik der Zeit’, reasons will be ad-vanced that it is in principle impossible to give a foundation of time metric without any reference to physical theory. It follows that taking results of physical theory into account is unavoidable as far as a definite decision concerning the choice of time metric is aspired. At first sight reference to law-like assertions on the duration of temporal intervals appears to be paradoxical for it means to take something which originally ought to be submitted to experimental test as the standard for measurement. Poincaré is fairly conscious of this problem, yet explicitly acknowledges that there is a mutual relationship between definition of time metric and physical theory. It will be shown that this kind of mutual relationship which even might be termed as circular does not void physical theory of empirical content. Thus in the final part I am concerned to free the position which recommends reference to physical theory from its paradoxical image in order to advance a conventionalist account as a sceptical, but nevertheless fully satisfying solution.  相似文献   

皮亚杰晚年的“新理论”及其思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
皮亚杰的经典认知发展理论堪称典范,但也并非尽如人意,以致20世纪60、70年代其理论经常遭受抨击。文章以对皮亚杰经典理论的批评和质疑为起点,重点介绍皮亚杰在生命的最后阶段所进行的理论建设,并试图对皮亚杰的新理论做出初步评价。作者认为,皮亚杰晚年的新理论建立在对应性、态射、范畴、转换等新的概念体系之上,并将发展视为从心理内态射到心理间态射,再到超态射的演变过程。由此,新理论强调了“水平”概念和“意义逻辑”,弱化了早期的“阶段”概念和“命题逻辑”。  相似文献   

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