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以提升组织即兴效能为出发点,构建了企业社会责任、员工满意度与组织即兴效能三者关系的理论模型;在此基础上,通过对三者各自维度的划分,借助结构方程统计分析方法,重点讨论了企业社会责任表现与员工满意度对组织即兴效能的影响机理。  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between employees' career growth and organizational commitment. Career growth was conceptualized by four factors: career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed and remuneration growth, while organizational commitment was conceptualized using Meyer and Allen's (1997) three component model. Survey data, collected from 961 employees in 10 cities in the People's Republic of China, showed that the four dimensions of career growth were positively related to affective commitment, and that three of the facets were positively related to continuance and normative commitment. Only three of eighteen two-way interactions among the career growth factors affected organizational commitment, suggesting that the career growth factors influence commitment in an additive rather than a multiplicative manner.Results focus on how career growth can be used to manage organizational commitment.  相似文献   

Organizations often communicate seemingly paradoxical strategic imperatives to their employees that reflect a focus on promotion (take risks) and prevention (be prudent), as outlined by regulatory focus theory. When consistently emphasized and reinforced in an organization, these strategic inclinations can emerge as divergent climates for promotion and prevention that cloud the organization's perceived identity and reduce collective organizational commitment among employees. With a coherent organizational identity acting as both a sensemaking tool and a means of potential self-enhancement for employees, we use social identity theory to hypothesize that similarly emphasized promotion and prevention climates are negatively related to employees’ collective organizational commitment and indirectly, negatively related to organizational productivity. We test our hypotheses in a sample of 107 manufacturing organizations, using polynomial regression with response surface analysis to examine how similarly emphasized promotion and prevention climates relate to collective commitment and organizational productivity. Our analyses reveal that as organization-level promotion and prevention climate scores became more similar, collective organizational commitment decreases. Furthermore, we find that similarly emphasized promotion and prevention climates are negatively related to organizational productivity via collective commitment. We reconcile these findings with the organizational paradox and ambidexterity literatures and implicate promising avenues for future research.  相似文献   

领导执行公正准则指领导展现与组织公正各维度的准则相一致的管理行为。解释该行为的主要理论为社会交换理论和公正道义模型。领导的道德特质、公正经历、地位以及领导与员工互动中知觉到的员工的交流风格、可信性、归属需要是影响领导执行公正准则的主要因素。未来研究应进一步探讨组织因素对领导执行公正准则的影响, 从模型互补的角度完善理论解释, 明确间接交换对领导执行公正准则的影响, 并开展领导执行公正准则的本土化研究。  相似文献   

野心家取向指员工以非绩效取向的方式追求职业生涯发展的倾向。具有野心家取向的个体其生涯目标与组织目标不一致,坚信仅仅依靠绩效很难得到提升,需要运用组织政治行为、印象管理以及欺骗操纵策略获得晋升与高的绩效评定等级。对雇主的信任、感知到的组织公正、对生涯发展机会的感知、个体的交换意识、大五人格特质、马基雅维利主义以及原发性的精神病态等均会影响员工采取野心家取向的生涯发展态度。该取向雇员的工作满意度、生活满意度、内在工作动机、工作卷入度及组织承诺都比较低,而离职意向却很高,这会给组织带来消极后果。未来需从野心家取向的研究方法、变量与生态效度等方面进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

Fairness in promotions is a core issue for organizations as it is directly related to some of the most important organizational outcomes. However, the majority of the existing research about this question has been focused on entry‐level selection, and there is a gap in knowledge in the context of promotions. This paper focuses on how workers’ perceptions of promotion systems affect organizational justice and job satisfaction. In the present study, 213 employees and supervisors from 31 different private sector organizations complete a survey regarding procedural justice (PJ), job satisfaction, transparency, promotion systems, and some demographic variables. The results show that participants who perceived organizational promotion methods as transparent reported a high level of perceived PJ, and that the methods they see as fairer are those based on assessment of performance. In addition, transparency is considered as an important antecedent of PJ. Moreover, the interaction between organizational rank and gender moderates the relationship between transparency and promotion systems with PJ. Finally, organizational justice is strongly related with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

情感对员工工作行为的影响是组织行为研究领域中长期被忽视的内容。通过回顾积极与消极情感对创造性绩效影响的理论与实证研究,梳理相关的中介变量与调节变量的作用机理,构建出以任务特征、主管支持等组织背景因素为调节变量,以认知因素与动机因素为中介变量,积极与消极情感共存,并与情感强度等性质变量交互作用,最终影响员工创造性绩效的假设模型,为未来的研究工作提供了思路和方向。  相似文献   

组织公正是员工对工作场所公正环境的心理感知, 研究层面有个体与群体之分。以往研究多集中在个体层面, 以致研究结果缺乏对群体现象的有效解释。进入新世纪学者们开始关注群体层面的公正氛围研究, 并在理论和实证方面取得了较大突破。通过回顾相关研究可以发现:(1)在理论机制上, 公正氛围的形成可以通过社会信息加工理论、吸引-选择-磨合模型、公正传染概念和公正启发理论来解释; (2)在研究视角上, 主要存在维度视角、整体视角、感知来源视角、氛围属性视角和第三方视角; (3)在研究主题上, 主要涉及领导、团队和组织三方面对公正氛围的影响, 以及公正氛围对个体、团队和组织三个层面的影响效果。未来研究可着重从多种领导行为对不同公正氛围影响的比较、其他领导因素对公正氛围的影响、不同公正氛围对结果变量影响的比较、新视角公正氛围测量方法的尝试, 以及文化因素对公正氛围的影响研究等方面入手。  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(2):73-81
Based on organizational support theory, job characteristics model, and self-determination theory, we examined the mechanisms that underlie the relations between organizational factors and ill-being. Specifically, the main purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the mediating role of the psychological needs for autonomy (i.e., the need for individuals to feel volitional and responsible for their own behavior), competence (i.e., the need for individuals to interact effectively with their environment), and relatedness (i.e., the need for individuals to feel connected and accepted by others), in the relationships of perceived organizational support (i.e., the degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being) and three motivational job characteristics (i.e., task identity, task significance, and work scheduling autonomy) to job anxiety and burnout. This is the first research, to the best of our knowledge, to test for the joint effects of perceived organizational support and motivational job characteristics on job anxiety and burnout through psychological need satisfaction. Four hundred and fifty-seven employees (216 men and 241 women) from different sectors (i.e., industry, trade, crafts) took part in the study. Fifty-seven participants worked in companies with less than 10 employees, 105 in companies with 11–49 employees, 138 in companies with 50–249 employees, 33 in companies with 250–499 employees, and 124 in companies with more than 500 employees. The hypothesized model was tested with structural equation modeling analyses. Results provided support for our hypotheses and revealed that all hypothesized paths were significant. Specifically, our results showed that perceived organizational support and job characteristics were positively related to psychological need satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction of these psychological needs was negatively associated with job anxiety and burnout. Therefore, feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness play a central role in the development or reduction of well- and ill-being at work. These results are consistent with previous research in the work context, which has shown that social factors (e.g., autonomy-supportive behaviors) have significant effects on workplace mental health through their influence on psychological need satisfaction. Practical and research implications as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

破坏性领导行为的危害不容忽视, 然而, 学术界对于这一领域的探究尚处起步阶段。本研究首先在中国组织情境下, 采用质化研究与量化研究相结合的方式, 探讨破坏性领导的结构维度, 开发破坏性领导的测量量表; 然后以"管理者及其下属配对"为研究对象, 采用追踪研究设计, 收集"管理者-员工"配对数据, 运用结构方程模型、多元回归分析以及多层线性模型技术进行统计分析, 探讨破坏性领导行为的诱因。具体包括三个研究:(1)中国组织情境下破坏性领导的结构与测量研究; (2)破坏性领导行为的诱因:基于个体特质与组织情境视角的跨层次的追踪研究; (3)破坏性领导行为的诱因:基于下属特征视角的追踪研究。研究结果有助于澄清中国组织情境下破坏性领导的内涵与维度结构, 识别与测量中国组织情境下的破坏性领导行为, 揭示个体特质对破坏性领导行为的影响效应, 探明诱发破坏性领导行为的组织情境因素和下属特征因素。  相似文献   

Russel J. Summers 《Sex roles》1991,25(7-8):379-392
Judgments concerning a complaint of sexual harassment focused on the perpetrator as a cause of the complaint. However, judgments of the role of the victim's characteristics as a cause of the complaint and responses to the perpetrator were influenced by the victim's feminist orientation, when there was competition between the victim and the perpetrator for a promotion, and when decision makers were male. The findings have practical implications in that they point out factors that may affect how organizational decision makers judge and respond to complaints of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

The two objectives of the research reported in this article were to investigate the relationship between organizational creativity and innovation and psychological well-being of employees, as well as the relationship between organizational factors and organizational creativity and innovation. Ninety-five employees working in a high-tech field of industry participated in the study. The relationships were tested in a LISREL model and the result showed a significant relationship between perceived organizational creativity and innovation and individual psychological well-being. Of the organizational factors included in the model, organizational climate and work resources were found to be significantly related to perceived creativity and innovation in the organization. Taken together, the results suggest that enhancing the conditions for creativity and innovation is beneficial for the individual in terms of better psychological well-being.  相似文献   

严瑜  曹照雪 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1906-1916
工作场所文明行为是一种在组织文化下, 基于社会和组织角色义务的, 传达礼貌和尊重的主动性行为, 是一种向内要求自我控制, 向外主张尊重传达的行为, 它对于个体自身性格的塑造、组织中人际关系的改善以及文明氛围的培养都具有积极意义。在员工-员工、领导-下属、员工-顾客等关系中, 工作场所文明行为发挥着增进同事情谊、促进合作、增强领导力、建立信任、提升绩效等作用。未来的研究应该进一步厘清工作场所文明行为与不文明行为的关系, 运用动态视角研究它们发生、发展和被感知的机制, 以及这两种行为能否相互转化等问题。  相似文献   

The article contained a production-related error. In Table 5, the four values in the rows for Study 1 Prosocial motives and Study 1 Constructive voice should have been shifted one column to the right, to the Direct and Total Performance evaluations columns. All versions of this article have been corrected.] Although employee voice behavior is expected to have important organizational benefits, research indicates that employees voicing their recommendations for organizational change may be evaluated either positively or negatively by observers. A review of the literature suggests that the perceived efficacy of voice behaviors may be a function of characteristics associated with the (a) source, (b) message, and (c) context of the voice event. In this study, we manipulated variables from each of these categories based on a model designed to predict when voice will positively or negatively impact raters' evaluations of an employee's performance. To test our model, we conducted 3 laboratory studies in which we manipulated 2 source factors (voicer expertise and trustworthiness), 2 message factors (recommending a solution and positively vs. negatively framing the message), and 2 context factors (timing of the voice event and organizational norms for speaking up vs. keeping quiet). We also examined the mediating effects of liking, prosocial motives, and perceptions that the voice behavior was constructive on the relationships between the source, message, and context factors and performance evaluations. Generally speaking, we found that at least one of the variables from each category had an effect on performance evaluations for the voicer and that most of these effects were indirect, operating through one or more of the mediators. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

王燕  龙立荣  周浩  祖伟 《心理学报》2007,39(2):335-342
以160名中学教师为被试,采用2×2的完全随机设计,以模拟故事(scenarios)的方法呈现刺激,研究了在职称评定中分配不公正的前提下,程序公正/不公正,互动公正/不公正对教师的退缩行为(消极怠工、拒绝帮助、离职、对校长的消极态度)的影响。结果表明,在分配不公正条件下:(1)程序公正、互动公正均影响教师的消极怠工程度;(2)程序公正、互动公正均影响教师的拒绝帮助行为程度,而且交互作用显著;(3)互动公正影响教师对上司的消极态度,程序公正无显著影响;(4)程序公正和互动公正对离职意愿影响均不显著  相似文献   

Recruiting is a critical staffing activity for organizations, but its impact on the job seeker is poorly understood. Much remains to be learned about individual differences in reactions to recruitment efforts. This paper discusses the results of a study of MBA candidates that examined (a) the relative importance of various job, organizational, diversity, and recruiter characteristics on assessments of organizational attractiveness, and (b) the extent to which these assessments differed when applicant race and gender are taken into account. Results confirmed that relative to organizational, diversity, and recruiter characteristics, job factors were reported as most important to organizational attraction. However, within the job, diversity, and recruiter characteristics categories interesting gender and/or race differences emerged. The implications of these differences for research and for practices are offered.  相似文献   

This study proposed and tested a theoretical model of the organizational identification process using a sample ( N = 198) of electric utility employees. Based upon a longitudinal design, results indicated that the antecedents of perceived role-related characteristics and construed external image were related to employees' identification with their organization, while perceived motivating job characteristics were not. Additionally, organizational identification was positively related to the employees' intention to remain within the organization. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

工作特征是指与工作相关的因素或属性, 它对工作者的身心健康有重要影响。通过对比研究发现, 虽然要求-控制模型(Demand-Control Model, 简称DC模型)将工作特征分为相对具体的工作要求、工作控制和社会支持, 工作要求-资源模型(Job Demands-Resources Model, 简称JD-R模型)则将工作特征划分为更为概括的工作要求和工作资源两个维度, 但是它们关注的结果变量都包含个体身心健康和组织工作绩效, 都强调了工作特征对工作者的影响。在今后的研究中, 应深入探讨不同职业中起关键作用的工作特征和不同资源与要求组合的作用, 进一步研究工作特征模型对不同特点个体和我国民众群体的适用性, 并尝试将研究成果应用于工作再设计的实践, 以促进工作者的职业健康。  相似文献   

中学组织气氛与教师工作满意度的相关分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
潘孝富  秦启文 《心理科学》2006,29(1):185-188
本研究在国内外相关研究的基础上,通过自编中学组织气氛量表调查分析中学组织气氛与其教师工作满意度的关系。结果表明学校组织气氛各因子与其教师工作满意度除人际关系因子外的各因子相关显著;回归分析进一步发现,学校组织气氛与教师工作满意度的工作性质、领导管理、薪水、进修晋升和物质条件等因子回归显著。  相似文献   

This study used structural equations modeling to examine the mediating role of procedural justice in the relationships between promotion decisions and organizational commitment and between promotion decisions and intent to leave the organization. 156 managers and executives in Italian subsidiaries of two large multinational organizations in the chemical industry were surveyed about their career history within the organization and their reactions to promotion decisions over an 8-year period. The results showed that promotion decisions influenced feelings of organizational commitment through perceptions of procedural justice in promotion decision-making processes. The theoretical and practical implications of the study’s findings are discussed.This research was supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MURST). A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2000 Academy of Management meetings in Toronto and published in the Best Paper Proceedings. We would like to thank Paula Caliguiri, Jason Shaw, M. Susan Taylor, and two anonymous Academy reviewers for their helpful suggestions on prior drafts of this article.  相似文献   

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