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The authors draw on sociometer theory to propose that self-esteem is attuned to traits that garner others' acceptance, and the traits that garner acceptance depend on one's social role. Attunement of self-esteem refers to the linkage, or connection, between self-esteem and specific traits, which may be observed most clearly in the association between self-esteem and specific self-evaluations. In most roles, appearance and popularity determine acceptance, so self-esteem is most attuned to those traits. At the same time, interdependent social roles emphasize the value of communal qualities, so occupants of those roles have self-esteem that is more attuned to communal qualities than is the general norm. To avoid the biases of people's personal theories, the authors assessed attunement of self-esteem to particular traits indirectly via the correlation between self-esteem and self-ratings, cognitive accessibility measures, and an experiment involving social decision making. As hypothesized, self-esteem was generally more attuned to appearances than to communal qualities, but interdependent social roles predicted heightened attunement of self-esteem to qualities like kindness and understanding.  相似文献   

职场排斥是组织情境中的负面行为,会对员工的心理状态、工作态度和工作行为,以及组织绩效造成严重的影响,近年来得到了学者和管理者的关注。研究主要从职场排斥的概念、测量工具、与其它概念的比较及实证研究四个方面,对国内外相关研究进行了梳理,并探讨中国文化的权变作用。未来研究应从中国的组织情境特点出发,继续完善职场排斥的概念和维度,扩展研究层次,深入分析影响机制,结合中国文化对职场排斥展开本土化研究,丰富研究视角。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of convenience samples in research on interpersonal aggression among adults. It was hypothesised that convenience sampled targets of aggression differs from targets in general with regards to both demographic characteristics and degree of aggression exposed to. A convenience sample comprising support-seeking targets of workplace bullying was compared with a representative sample of Norwegian targets of bullying. The results showed that the two samples differed significantly on all demographic variables investigated, except gender. A far higher percentage of the convenience sample had blown the whistle on illegal, immoral or illegitimate practice at their workplace, whereas they also reported significantly more frequent and more intense exposure to aggression. The findings confirm that convenience samples have low external validity when generalising to the general population. Such samples should therefore mainly be used to investigate tendencies in, and the phenomenology of, interpersonal aggression, in studies where generalisability is not the principal objective.  相似文献   

People often share opinions and information with their social ties, and word of mouth has an important impact on consumer behavior. But what drives interpersonal communication and why do people talk about certain things rather than others? This article argues that word of mouth is goal driven and serves five key functions (i.e., impression management, emotion regulation, information acquisition, social bonding, and persuasion). Importantly, I suggest these motivations are predominantly self- (rather than other) serving and drive what people talk about even without their awareness. Further, these drivers make predictions about the types of news and information people are most likely to discuss. This article reviews the five proposed functions and well as how contextual factors (i.e., audience and communication channel) may moderate which functions play a larger role. Taken together, the paper provides insight into the psychological factors that shape word of mouth and outlines additional questions that deserve further study.  相似文献   

The interpersonal circle as a heuristic model for interpersonal research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, I review major advances in the development of the interpersonal circle and its measurement, as delineated by Timothy Leafy (1957) and his colleagues. In my early work (Lorr & McNair, 1963, 1965), an interpersonal Behavior Inventory consisting of manifest behavioral statements was constructed. The 14 categories were found to fit a circular order in several samples. Studies using LaForge and Suczek's (1955) Interpersonal Check List, and Wiggins's (1979) Interpersonal Adjective Scales further established the value of Leary's conceptions and extended them. Several major theorists, researchers, and clinicians including Benjamin, Carson, Horowitz, Kiesler, and Wiggins have been inspired by Leary and, in many cases, have extended his ideas in ways not originally envisioned. Recent research (e.g., Hofstee, de Raad, & Goldberg, 1992; Millon, 1987) demonstrated the pertinence of the interpersonal conception of personality to the 5-factor model and personality disorders.  相似文献   

The concept of alexithymia refers to difficulties in experiencing, verbalizing and regulating emotions. The relationship between alexithymia and interpersonal style is investigated by means of lexical content analysis. It is hypothesized that alexithymia is related to less frequent and less varied use of communication words and references to others. Alexithymia was measured with the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Toronto Structured Interview for Alexithymia. The Clinical Diagnostic Interview was administered to 50 psychiatric inpatients, transcribed verbatim, and computer-analysed with the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count-dictionary. Results showed that alexithymia is related to a less complex vocabulary for communication words. Contradictory results for some subscales of the TAS-20 and the TSIA however compromise their construct validity.  相似文献   

A new ostracism paradigm—O-Cam—was designed to combine the best qualities of both social ostracism (i.e., face-to-face interaction between the target and sources of ostracism) and cyber ostracism (i.e., confederatefree, highly controlled designs) paradigms. O-Cam consists of a simulated Web conference during which participants are either ostracized or included by 2 other participants whose actions, unbeknownst to the participants, are actually pretaped. The findings of preliminary studies indicate that O-Cam provides a powerful ostracism experience that yields psychological and behavioral responses that are consistent with those in other ostracism paradigms (e.g., Cyberball; Williams, 2007). Moreover, unlike in many previous ostracism paradigms, O-Cam provides researchers with the flexibility to manipulate the physical appearance and the verbal/nonbehavior of the sources of ostracism without the need for confederates.  相似文献   

Ostracism—being excluded and ignored—thwarts satisfaction of four fundamental needs: belonging, self-esteem, control, and meaningful existence. The current study investigated whether training participants to focus their attention on the here-and-now (i.e., focused attention) reduces distress from an ostracism experience. Participants were first trained in either focused or unfocused attention, and then played Cyberball, an online ball-tossing game for which half the participants were included or ostracized. Participants reported their levels of need satisfaction during the game, and after a short delay. Whereas both training groups experienced the same degree of need-threat in the immediate measure, participants who were trained in focused attention showed more recovery for the delayed measure. We reason that focused attention would not reduce the distress during the ostracism experience, but it aided in recovery by preventing participants from reliving the ostracism experience after it concludes.  相似文献   

LABSIM is a general-purpose FORTRAN program that simulates the collection of data from laboratory experiments. Student-specified parameters are employed in a multiple-regression model that allows manipulation or control of up to 10 potential independent variables. Variables may be discrete (up to eight levels), continuous, or range (e.g., IQ). Raw scores may be generated for up to six groups, optionally accompanied by statistical analyses for simple between- or within-subjects designs or for factorial designs, including mixed factorial designs. Seventeen models (content areas) are currently available. As contrasted with other simulation programs, LABSIM models are exceptionally easy to design and implement; no computer expertise is required. Summary data automatically collected by LABSIM indicate a high success rate and extensive use of the program beyond course requirements. The current version of LABSIM is available in either batch or interactive form. A newer version that allows the simultaneous manipulation of up to three independent variables will be available soon.  相似文献   

This article reviews literature from the fields of psycholinguistics, communications, and social psychology that has examined the effects of speech accents (i.e., regional, national, and international variations in same-language use) on interpersonal attitudes, casual attributions, and subsequent behaviors. The authors link selected findings from this literature to the field of counseling to show that these findings can inform service delivery, particularly counseling conducted with ethnic minority and immigrant populations in the United States. Implications for practice and ideas for future research in this area are also discussed.  相似文献   

In a previous study uniform observational data were collected regarding family disputes managed by police officers; those data contradicted views commonly held by social scientists and by police about the roles of assaultiveness and alcohol use in these events. In the present study police officers employed systematic naturalistic observation during their interventions as third parties in disputes between nonfamily members as well as those between family members. Tentative conclusions about assaultiveness, based on the data of both studies, are that it: does not usually precede the arrival of police in such disputes; is associated with interpersonal closeness of the disputants; is associated with poverty rather than race; and is as likely in a middle-class small city as in a poor inner-city area. Tentative conclusions about the use of alcohol in police-managed interpersonal disputes are: that these disputes are not usually influenced by alcohol use; and that assaultiveness is not related to alcohol use in such disputes.  相似文献   

This study was designed to refine the Decision-Making Questionnaire (DMQ) developed in earlier research for ease of use. Previous work had indicated that the longer forms of the DMQ, whilst reasonably reliable and valid, were too lengthy to be easily incorporated into research and practice. Sixtythree individual workers from different organizations participated in this study by completing the 10-scenario DMQ, which takes about 45 minutes. A series of analyses indicated how this 10-scenario scale was most effectively reduced to a two-scenario scale, which takes less than 15 minutes to complete. The results are discussed in terms of their research value and practical utility. The Decision-Making Task and its scoring protocol are appended.  相似文献   

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