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燕良轼  曾练平 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1216-1221
理论心理学已成为一门国际性的学科。中国理论心理学在世界理论心理学的发展中具有重要地位。我国老一辈心理学家对这个学科的发展做出了较大贡献,中青年学者在这一领域取得了可喜的成果。但我国理论心理学的发展状况与社会对理论心理学的期待还很不相称,有许多值得反思的地方,集中到一点就是中国理论心理学研究的原创性水平不足,这阻碍了中国心理学的发展。研究者认为,要提高中国理论心理学的原创性水平,理论研究者至少要从以下几个方面下功夫:理论研究必须回归到人本身;理论创新最需要的是坚定的理论信念;提倡批判思维,鼓励建构思维;心理学不能走入理论与实证相互怨恨的歧途;鼓励多途径理论创新;理论心理学需要理论心理学家相互合作、共同攻关。  相似文献   

学校心理学在某些国家的发展与现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就学校心理学这一学科在某些国家的发展与现状作了简要介绍。其内容有:学校心理学的发展历史;学校心理学的专业教育;学校心理学服务的对象和内容;学校心理学服务机构的设置;学校心理学家的组织管理;学校心理学所面临的主要问题;学校心理学问题的解决。  相似文献   

<正>《心理学报》是中国心理学会和中国科学院心理研究所主办的全国性学术刊物,1956年创刊,主要发表我国心理学家最新、最高水平的心理学科技论文。《心理学报》是国家科  相似文献   

1997年10月在苏州第8届全国心理学代表大会期间,中国心理学会(CPS)决定组织百名中国心理学家参加第27届国际心理学大会(ICP2000)。ICP2000于今年7月23—28日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开期间,中国心理学会理事长陈永明教授以及荆其诚教授、张厚粲教授等158名中国心理学家(其中包括88名北京地区代表、43名香港地区代表和25名大陆其他地区代表)与会。在派出代表的90个国家中,我国代表出席人数名列第8位,为发展中国家之首。根据会议程序册,我国共有213名心理学家投送了248篇论文摘要。中国心理学家在会议期间共作了97项口语报告和76次展贴交流。张厚粲作特邀  相似文献   

《心理学报》,月刊,中国心理学会和中国科学院心理研究所主办,科学出版社出版,主要发表我国心理学家最新、最高水平的心理学科技论文。1956年创刊。作为反映我国心理学研究水平的主要窗口,《心理学报》不仅在中国心理学界享有较高的声誉,在国际上也有一定影响。  相似文献   

林仲贤   《心理科学进展》1993,11(1):59-61
第25届国际心理学大会于1992年7月19日至24日在比利时布鲁塞尔国际会议中心召开。有3343名心理学家与会。他们分别来自58个国家与地区。美国心理学家与会人数最多,共583人;其次是日本,360人;比利时284人;德国256人;加拿大234人;法国223人。总的来说,发达国家的与会人数最多。也有的国家只有1人参加会议的,如阿尔及利亚、厄瓜多尔、斐济、沙特阿拉伯、泰国等。我国与会人数共24人。此外,台湾地区有11人,香港地区有17人。这是近年来我国心理学者出席国外举行的国际会议人数最多的一次。  相似文献   

本文是国际心联主席韦恩·霍尔茨曼于1987年9月在中国心理学会第六届学术会议上的讲演。文中着重介绍了不同国家心理学的发展和情况;评述了心理学在发展中国家的作用,以及心理学家在心理卫生、健康保健队伍中的地位;论述了社区心理学的主要目标及一些国家实施的效果等.  相似文献   

<正>心理学是起源于西方的一门现代科学领域,在其传入中国后的近百年发展历程中,我国许多老一辈心理学家都曾指出我们必须把这门学科与中国文化相结合才能使它在我国国民生活中发挥应有的作用。如大陆已故心理学家潘菽先生提出的发展我国心理学的四条主要途径是  相似文献   

第二十九届国际心理学大会简讯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第29届国际心理学大会于2008年7月20Et至25日在德国柏林召开。本次大会由国际心理科学联合会(International Union of Psychological Science,IUPsyS,简称国际心联)主办,德国心理学家联盟(German Federation of Psychological Associations)承办。来自70多个国家的6500多名心理学工作者参加了此次会议,其中包括来自中国大陆及港、澳、台地区的代表300多名,是迄今为止中国心理学家赴国外参加国际心理学大会人数最多的一次。  相似文献   

管连荣   《心理科学进展》1983,1(1):63-68
1980年出版的《国际心理学家名录》收录有100个国家近10000名心理学家的简历、专业以及学位等情况,这说明当今世界上至少有100个国家有心理学工作者。由于各国文化背景以及社会、历史发展的不同,心理学在各国发展有快有慢,各国对心理学的研究及应用有其特殊性及差异性。本文试就心理学发展中的某些方面按国家加以比较。限于手中材料,这儿所比较的主要有下面几个方面:(1)心理学工作者人数;(2)心理学专业情况;(3)就业和职业分布情况;(4)妇女心理学工作者所占比例;(5)心理学工作者的法律承认问题;(6)心理学会会员最近十年的增长情况。  相似文献   

试析现代西方心理学的文化转向   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2001,34(3):79-84
西方心理学正在展现出对文化影响日渐增加的关注。这种文化转向既有科学哲学和历史的原因,也受到世界范围内心理学本土化运动的影响。文化转向的主要表现是:(1)对心理学自然科学模式的反思与诘难;(2)多元文化心理学的兴起;(3)跨文化心理学面临的批评及其转变;(4)认知心理学、发展心理学和健康心理学等分支领域对文化影响的关注。作者认为,文化的转向对于西方心理学的发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this essay is to indicate that psychology as a science or profession has not played a significant role in the historical evolution of industrialized countries. It is further argued that the problems of developing countries are basically political and economic and to psychologize them might be both unproductive and immoral. It is suggested that psychologists might do a better service by studying ways and means of changing the behavior of people who control the material resources of the world.  相似文献   

郭永积 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1222-1229
摘 要 为了促进中国本土化心理学体系建设和心理学学科的整体发展,从中国与发达国家心理学学科管理制度的比较中发现中国心理学学科归属所存在的问题,并在反思中探讨形成问题的原因。通过心理学在现有学科归属中的局限性,心理学成为独立学科门类的可能性,心理学成为独立学科门类后学科新体系的系统性,心理学成为独立学科门类的社会性四个方面的分析与讨论,研究了使心理学成为独立学科门类与学位类别的必要性与可行性。特别是从建设和谐社会的角度对心理学的学科归属、心理学的未来发展、现代社会发展及心理学与其它学科的广泛联系等需要的讨论中,指出中国心理学在专业设置方面隶属于理学和教育学的不足之处,认为这种隶属关系将会制约心理学的发展和学科成熟。提出应该在现有学位体系中增加心理学学科门类与学位类别,使心理学作为一个与理学和教育学并列的独立学科门类。通过改进学位体系让心理学在更大的学科背景中,建设中国本土心理学自身体系,使心理学研究方法更加多样化,为产生众多边缘学科和更好地发挥社会应用功能创造条件,也为今后心理学发展带来许多发展机遇,并在此基础上为展望心理学未来发展提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Systemic factors that influence the development of psychology in developing countries are explored. Such factors include socio-political considerations, influences from other countries, public perceptions of psychology, relationships with other disciplines, training of psychologists, economic constraints, and research orientations. Because of the scarcity of resources and the widespread desire to modernize, the perceived applied value of psychology in developing countries has a major impact on its development. Student preference for choosing psychology as a major, the allocation of funding to psychology departments, and the status of psychology in relation to other disciplines partly depend on the applied value of the discipline. Thus, to facilitate its development, psychology must be seen as useful, and applied research should be emphasized. However, applied research should be backed up by the necessary basic research. Indigenization is also necessary so that psychological research is effective in addressing local problems.  相似文献   

The state of psychology in China at the present time is discussed in the context of trends, continuities, and discontinuities in development of the discipline over the last 60 years. The work of psychologists was severely disrupted between 1966 and 1976 by the activities of the ‘gang of four’. Although there is in effect a lost generation of psychologists, teaching and research have been vigorously re-established in the colleges and universities. In the Institute of Psychology, which forms part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 90 psychologists are carrying out research primarily in developmental psychology, perception, physiological and pathological psychology, and psychological theories and systems. The Chinese Psychological. Society resumed activities in 1977, and Acta Psychologica Sinica reappeared in 1979 with a circulation of 10,000 copies. Psychology in China is international in its perspective, and Chinese psychologists have welcomed many recent opportunities to establish contacts with colleagues in other countries.  相似文献   

一种新的统计方法和研究思路——结构方程建模述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张建平 《心理学报》1993,26(1):94-102
结构方程建模(SEM)是一种新的统计方法和研究思路,近年来在心理学和社会科学领域的应用日益增多。本文在非数学化的基础上,结合心理学研究实例介绍了SEM的渊源、发展、基本概念、分析过程以及相应的计算机统计软件LI-SREL。本文认为SEM有四大优点:①引进潜变量使研究更为深入,②遵循一般线性模式进行验证型分析,使研究更有意义,③妥善处理多变量间的复杂关系,④模型具有参数不变性。SEM应该引起国内心理学界的重视。  相似文献   

Edward O. Wilson 《Zygon》1990,25(3):245-262
Abstract. The sciences may be conceptualized as a hierarchy ranked by level of organization (e.g., many-body physics ranks above particle physics). Each science serves as an antidiscipline for the science above it; that is, between each pair, tense but creative interplay is inevitable. Biology has advanced through such tension between its subdisciplines and now can serve as an antidiscipline for the social sciences—for anthropology, for example, by examining the connection between cultural and biological evolution; for psychology, by addressing the nature of learning and the structure of the unconscious; for economics, by examining economically irrational behavior and by comparing economic activity in humans and other species. Sociology, concerned mainly with advanced literate societies, is relatively remote from the genetic basis of human social behavior. However, moving between biological and social levels of organization generates richness and points to new and unexpected principles.  相似文献   

Although a number of political psychologists are active in Canada, there has been relatively little self-conscious development of the field. This article brings together contributions from political science and social psychology in Canada in an attempt to identify aspects of Canadian distinctiveness in the field of political psychology, notably the balance between mainstream and eclectic tendencies.  相似文献   

The paper surveys the last 30 years of Hungarian academic psychology. Around 1989–1990, the time of the great social changes Hungarian psychology was rather Westernized, but still a relatively small scientific field and applied profession. The opening and liberalization of politics made psychology in Hungary a booming profession and a rich research field. Education of psychologists was spreading, and becoming more Westernized in textbook usage and reading materials. Entrance numbers at two universities with 80 students were replaced by 2010 by 6 university programs and about 8000 incoming students. The training system is a Bologna type BA + MA + PhD system, The educational booming has its own problems. As all university subjects, psychology training is also underfinanced, with high teaching loads and a move by university management towards applied areas, neglecting basic research. The research activity is characterized by a fivefold increase of English language publications coming from Hungary over a 20 years period. University research was strengthened, and competitive grant systems were introduced, whth good success aretes by psychologists. Here again, managerial thinking questions many aspects of basic research and liberalized science management. These factors are peculiar to psychology, but they do have an impact on it. The paper gives some details about one chapter of academic psychology, cognitive psychology. Institutionally, support by the Soros foundation in the 90s for the university cognitive programs had as one consequence that three departments of cognition are active in Budapest today. Another aspect of insitutional development was the series of multidisciplinary conferences in Hungary (MAKOG), and Hungarian involvement in international graduate training programs in cognitive science. The most successful cognitive group, at Central European University (5 ERC grants, publications in leading journals) is recently chased out of Hungary by anti-Western and antiliberal legal moves. This would certainly have a detrimental effect on Hungarian cognitive psychology for quite a time.  相似文献   

A review of the development of Chinese psychology since early 1900 to the present time is given with particular emphasis for the period after 1949 when Chinese psychology was faced with the task of reestablishment. Progress as well as drawbacks are described. At present, China is in the process of modernizations in industry, agriculture, science and technology, and defense. The Four Modernizations have opened up new prospects for psychological research, particularly social psychology and applied psychology could contribute to China's national aspirations.  相似文献   

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