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The present study examined tonic immobility (TI) in victims of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Female undergraduates (n=39) and female psychiatric inpatients (n=41) who experienced CSA completed a series of questionnaires assessing aspects of their victimization history, psychological functioning, and TI symptoms. Over fifty-two percent of all participants reported TI in response to CSA. Episodes of CSA involving attempted or completed penile/vaginal penetration were more likely to be associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing TI, and report of TI was associated with greater current psychological impairment. The implications of these findings are discussed, and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

A total of 41 articles examined the social and emotional outcomes of childhood sexual abuse. The outcomes examined included suicide and substance use, gang involvement, pregnancy, running away, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), risky sexual behavior, and behavioral problems. Results for each of these outcomes tended to vary by developmental period. However, problems of internalizing and externalizing behavior appeared to be specific to sexually abused children of all age groups. Some studies found differences in outcome according to gender, race, and age. Although findings related to abuse characteristics were found to vary from study to study, severity of the abuse, use of force, and victim's relationship to the perpetrator were found to be especially important. Other factors, such as family support and parental monitoring, were found to mitigate a negative outcome. Limitations are discussed along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This scoping literature review reports on the major themes to emerge from 23 retrospective studies on the trauma-causing dynamics experienced by women survivors of a historical childhood sexual abuse (CSA) trauma. We identified the studies from searching the following data bases for the period 1983–2016: EbscoHost (Academic Search Premiere, Africa-Wide Information, E-Journals, ERIC, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, SocINDEX), SAePublications, Science Direct, CrossRef (APA PsycNET), Google scholar (ResearchGate), PubMed Central, and Cochrane Reviews. For the selection criteria, we included empirical studies on self-reported trauma-causing dynamics experienced by women survivors, without restriction on method of study. Results from the thematic analysis of findings suggest the women survivors appear to be living with historical traumatic sexualisation, betrayal of trust, social stigmatisation, powerlessness, developmental arrest, and revictimisation. Historical traumas should be considered in counselling support interventions with women self-reporting CSA.  相似文献   



This study aimed to examine the relationship between maternal and contextual factors including maternal personality traits, the quality of mother–child relationship, the characteristics of sexual abuse and maternal outcomes: (1) maternal reactions including feelings of anger and responsibility, anger and perceptions of responsibility of the child, and (2) maternal support provided to the child following the disclosure of sexual abuse.


The sample included 190 mothers recruited from youth centers in Québec (Canada). Data were collected using self-assessment questionnaires and semi-structured interviews.


Regression analyses revealed that maternal neuroticism, the quality of the preexisting mother–child relationship, the relationship between the mother and the perpetrator, and the occurrence of physical violence, were significant predictors of outcomes including maternal support, mothers’ feelings of responsibility and/or anger towards the abuser and/or child.


These findings suggest that considering neurotic traits and addressing feelings of anger and responsibility among mothers might improve child outcomes following CSA.  相似文献   


The present study examined the relationship between feelings provoked by child sexual abuse (CSA) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom scores in a sample of 163 female survivors of CSA. Finkelhor and Browne's traumagenic dynamics model was applied. The interactive effects of provoked feelings with perpetrator age and the existence of abuse disclosure were also studied. Results showed an overall relationship between feelings provoked by CSA and PTSD symptom scores. Feelings of stigma, betrayal, and powerlessness as a result of CSA were associated with PTSD symptom score when the entire group of CSA victims was analyzed. The role of traumatic sexualization was relevant only when analyzed in interaction with the age of the perpetrator and disclosure. The relationship between traumatic sexualization and PTSD symptom scores was only significant when the abuse was committed by an adult perpetrator and when a disclosure was made during the time of abuse, or a short time after the abuse had occurred.  相似文献   

Standard written emotional disclosure (WED) about stress, which is private and unguided, yields small health benefits. The effect of providing individualized guidance to writers may enhance WED, but has not been tested. This trial of computer-based WED compared two novel therapist-guided forms of WED – advance guidance (before sessions) and real-time guidance (during sessions, through instant messaging) – to both standard WED and control writing; it also tested Big 5 personality traits as moderators of guided WED. Young adult participants (n = 163) with unresolved stressful experiences were randomized to conditions, had three, 30-min computer-based writing sessions, and were reassessed six weeks later. Contrary to hypotheses, real-time guidance WED had poorer outcomes than the other conditions on several measures, and advance guidance WED also showed some poorer outcomes. Moderator analyses revealed that participants with low baseline agreeableness, low extraversion, or high conscientiousness had relatively poor responses to guidance. We conclude that providing guidance for WED, especially in real-time, may interfere with emotional processing of unresolved stress, particularly for people whose personalities have poor fit with this interactive form of WED.  相似文献   

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