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初中生心理健康问题的检出率在诸多研究中存在很大分歧, 未能为心理健康政策制定和服务体系建设提供充分依据。为明确心理健康问题的整体检出率并澄清其影响因素, 对2010~2020年检索到的文献进行了元分析。结果发现, 初中生面临不同程度的心理健康问题, 其中焦虑、抑郁和自我伤害检出率排在前三位; 初中生心理健康问题随年代发展呈恶化趋势, 其中焦虑和自杀企图尤为明显; 初中生心理健康问题检出率饱受测量工具、检出标准和检出时间不统一的影响; 初中生心理健康问题检出率整体上随年级而增加, 其中焦虑尤为明显; 女生的心理健康问题检出率高于男生, 自杀尤为明显; 中西部地区的初中生比东北和东部地区更容易出现心理健康问题, 尤其是焦虑和自我伤害。未来应立足中国大地研制科学的测量工具和筛查标准并建立心理健康动态监测体系和学校心理健康服务体系。  相似文献   

不同的认知诊断模型(CDM)对反应数据中噪音的抗干扰能力不同,在评估CDM性能的模拟实验中,反应数据中所含噪音的大小是十分重要的实验条件。由于噪音的内隐性,为应用中选用相应的CDM带来困难。本文在认知模型已知条件下,欲使用MHCI和NHCI指标评估认知诊断测验的反应数据(0, 1评分)中噪音的大小。模拟实验表明,两指标与噪音存在明显的统计规律。尤其是以NHCI为主要自变量对噪音进行预测的回归方程中,回归模型解释率均接近90%;以此实现对噪音的有效预测,从而为选择CDM提供一个参考。  相似文献   

As language evolved in the history of civilization, a verbal form of communication became not only possible but prevalent. Inherent in the linguistic communication system is symbolization, the representation, by means of words, of what exists or occurs.The subject addressed in the present work involves the implications of the linguistic symbol system, first, for the subjective experiences of emotion and consciousness, and second, for the experience of subjectivity, that is, the experience of being somebody psychologically. Further considerations are those regarding solutions to the psychological consequences of verbal symbolization.In the process of sorting out issues and avenues of approach to the subjects mentioned, the thought occurred that I and myself and me were taking a journey into the field of language, in order to find out whatthe word might mean forus. This thought is reflected in the main title of this paper.Francina Middelman, M.D., is a retired (September 1984) psychiatrist. She received her medical education at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and her psychiatric training in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati. Her last position was that of medical director, Athens Mental Health Center, Athens, Ohio.  相似文献   

Aftereffects of reinforcement on variable-ratio schedules   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
On each of variable-ratio 10, 40, and 80 schedules of reinforcement, when rats' lever-pressing rates were stable, the concentration of a liquid reinforcer was varied within sessions. The duration of the postreinforcement pause was an increasing function of the reinforcer concentration, this effect being more marked the higher the schedule parameter. The running rate, calculated by excluding the postreinforcement pause, was unaffected by concentration. The duration of the postreinforcement pause increased with the schedule parameter, but the proportion of the interreinforcement interval taken up by the pause decreased. Consequently, the overall response rate was an increasing function of the schedule parameter; i.e., it was inversely related to reinforcement frequency, contrary to the law of effect. The running rate, however, decreased with the reinforcement frequency, in accord with the law of effect. When 50% of reinforcements were randomly omitted, the postomission pause was shorter than the postreinforcement pause, but the running rate of responses was not affected.  相似文献   

目前,学界探索中国人的应对大致有两种方式:客位研究与主位研究。客位研究分析中国文化在以下几个方面对国人应对行为和心理的影响,分别是应对的文化环境和自我特质、压力来源、应对方式、应对结果。研究结果得出有关应对的客观知识,揭示中国人的应对实践。但是由于客位研究注重理论的普适性,所以其研究成果与中国人应对实质并不十分契合。主位研究从传统文化中的儒家、道家、佛家哲学思想提取应对观,其成果更深入的分析了国人应对的实质。但是,主位研究下的应对观过于注重直观体验,并且当今中国人行为心理模式也发生了变化,这些因素势必导致主位研究的缺陷。两种研究方式各有利弊,未来的研究应把两种方式结合起来,取长补短。  相似文献   

Using Laplanche's basic conceptualisation of the role of the other in unconscious processes, the author proposes a reading of Sophocles' tragedy, Oedipus the King, according to basic principles of dream interpretation. This reading corroborates contemporary literary perspectives suggesting that Sophocles' tragedy may not only convey the myth but also provide a critical analysis of how myths work. Important textual inconsistencies and incoherence, which have been noted through the centuries, suggest the existence of another, repressed story. Moreover, the action of the play points to enigmatic parental messages of infanticide and the silencing of Oedipus's story, as well as their translation into primordial guilt, as the origins of the tragic denouement. Oedipus's self-condemnation of parricide follows these enigmatic codes and is unrelated to, and may even contradict, the evidence offered in the tragedy as to the identity of Laius's murderers. Moreover, Sophocles' text provides a complex intertwining of hermeneutic and deterministic perspectives. Through the use of the mythical deterministic content, the formal characteristics of Sophocles' text, mainly its complex time perspective and extensive use of double meaning, dramatise in the act of reading an acute awareness of interpretation. This reading underscores the fundamental role of the other in the constitution of unconscious processes.  相似文献   

不同语体阅读知觉广度的研究由来已久,研究重心多集中于拼音文字和表意文字,已有研究表明阅读知觉广度存在语言加工的特异性。藏语作为拼音文字,同时具有表意文字的特征,是阅读知觉广度研究尚未涉及的语言材料。因此,藏语阅读知觉广度的范围尚不清楚,藏语阅读知觉广度是否也表现出语言加工的特异性也有待证实。为了探测藏语阅读知觉广度的大小,使用Eye Link 1000 Plus型眼动记录仪,以35名在校藏族大学生为被试,采用经典的移动窗口范式,设计了7种窗口(5、9、13、17、21、25和整行)。结果发现,L2R2-L12R12在所有指标的观测值上均存在显著差异,L4R4-L12R12在总注视次数、总注视时间和向右眼跳幅度三个指标的观测值上存在显著差异,L6R6-L12R12在向右眼跳幅度指标的观测值上存在显著差异,L8R8-L12R12在所有指标的观测值上均不存在显著差异,达到了基准水平。结果支持藏族大学生藏语阅读知觉广度的右侧范围大约是注视点右侧4~8个字符的空间。阅读知觉广度存在语言加工的特异性。  相似文献   

曲可佳  张奇 《心理科学》2014,37(2):373-376
文章介绍了单内容样例与双内容样例的划分标准以及双内容样例在知识学习、技能和策略习得中应用研究的进展。作者从中获得启示,提出了根据学习域和示例域知识的熟悉程度组合不同学习难度的双内容样例并考察其学习效果、比较单内容与双内容样例学习效果的实验模式,并提出了双内容样例学习的三种认知加工模式。  相似文献   

Melancholy, to Ficino, is a state in which the mind, the realm of deep, abstract thinking, is cut off from the supply of the spirit. His concept of spirit corresponds to a kind of universal life-energy (libido, in Jungian terms). Individually, as the spirit of man, it appears as projected into the blood of the human body, collectively, as spirit of the world, into the spheres of the planets.
The spirit of man corresponds to the spirit of the world and can receive from it a great deal through the rays of the planets. To attract the 'spiritual' influence of a particular planet you may use animals, plants, food, scents, talismans. But music is what is recommended most strongly.
Ficino's intention is to temper the melancholic influence of Saturn. Consequently, his astrological songs are addressed to the compensating benign planets, the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. In modern terms it is an attempt, consciously, by active imagination, to re-establish the emotional relatedness with the archetypal realms of the planets from which Saturn has cut us off.
Ficino's ideas are related to Jung's rehabilitation of the feeling-function  相似文献   

智能时代已然来临。智能技术的发展正加速推动组织的智能化进程。越来越多的企业在生产和管理中采用智能技术以提高竞争力。在此背景下,人机协同工作日益普遍,人机协同决策成为新型组织决策方式。然而,当前智能组织中的人机协同决策还面临信任度低、可控性低、透明度低、协同度低等一系列问题,它们阻碍了决策质量、效率和体验的提升。本项目认为,人机兼容性,特别是人机内部兼容性,如认知兼容性、情感兼容性、价值兼容性等,或是影响人机协同决策绩效的根本原因。因此,本项目基于人机内部兼容性理论视角,综合采用决策心理学、认知科学、组织行为学等多学科理论与方法,通过一系列现场研究和模拟实验,力图揭示人机协同决策中存在的问题及其成因,探究人机协同决策中内部兼容性的影响因素和作用机制,进而提出若干人机协同决策优化方法。项目研究成果将有助于促进人机协同决策理论与人机兼容性理论的发展,提升人机协同决策绩效,推进组织决策的智能化进程。  相似文献   

艾娟 《心理科学进展》2016,24(9):1478-1484
影响群体道歉有效性的因素是多方面的。对侵犯群体而言, 有效的群体道歉需要在言语表达中包含承认错误、承担责任、表达懊悔、做出承诺等内容, 需要讲究群体道歉的行为策略, 同时还应该关注道歉的内部动机对语言表达与行为方式的影响。对受害群体来讲, 侵犯群体道歉的有效性在于道歉本身缓解了其愤怒情绪, 满足了其自尊和期望等心理需求, 同时还要受到他们对道歉真诚性知觉程度的影响。除此之外, 群体道歉还会受到群际关系质量、冲突程度、文化信念等外部因素的影响。在今后的研究中, 应该继续尝试整合群体道歉的过程机制, 丰富群体道歉有效性的考察指标, 发挥道歉在社会生活领域中的积极作用。  相似文献   

翟贤亮  葛鲁嘉 《心理科学》2017,40(1):238-243
传统管理学理论有着明显的"离身"倾向,使得"身体"成为组织管理的"暗箱"。具身理论为"具身"取向的管理学新发展提供了可能。组织(认知)神经学研究为具身管理学提供了神经生理依据,而具身领导、组织、决策等研究则标示着其兴起。在组织管理中,可以依据躯体信息、隐喻、情景行动等三方面线索探究具身性因素对组织管理的影响。具身管理学在理论假设与现实条件层面均存在一定的可能性,但短期内并不能取代"离身"取向的管理学而成为主流。  相似文献   

卢家楣 《心理科学》2012,35(3):522-529
为纪念中国心理学会诞辰90周年,应中国心理学会教育心理学分会邀请,特撰文反映卢家楣及其团队在情感教学心理学方面的研究概况。内容分以情感教学应用为导向的基础性研究和以情感教学理念为导向的应用性研究两部分。前者包括教学中的情感现象、教学中的情感作用、教学中的情绪调控、教学中的学习苦乐属性、教学中的情知基本矛盾等方面的相应研究;后者包括情感教学理念、情感教学现状、情感教学原则、情感教学策略、情感教学模式、情感教学目标和评价以及为基础教育服务等方面的相应研究。  相似文献   

The notion of minimal, basic, pre-reflective or core self is currently debated in the philosophy of mind, cognitive sciences and developmental psychology. However, it is not clear which experiential features such a self is believed to possess. Studying the schizophrenic experience may help exploring the following aspects of the minimal self: the notion of perspective and first person perspective, the 'mineness' of the phenomenal field, the questions of transparency, embodiment of point of view, and the issues of agency and ownership, considered as different and less fundamental than the feeling of mineness. Two clinical vignettes of patients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia will be presented: the first one, illustrating early illness stages, and the second case, of chronic schizophrenia, symptomatically marked by persistent hallucinations. Through their analysis, we will discuss the experiential dimensions of minimal self.  相似文献   

徐暾  马立骥 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1223-1228
以463名男性犯罪者为调查对象,在控制人口学变量后,探讨人格、成熟应付方式、社会支持与人身危险性的关系。结果表明:(1)年龄、文化程度、婚姻和犯罪次数是人身危险性的重要预测变量。(2)人格可以显著预测人身危险性。(3)社会支持调节人格与人身危险性之间的关系。(4)这种调节作用以成熟应付方式为中介变量,其中通过中介变量起作用的调节效应占总调节效应的29.4%。因此,人格对男性犯罪者人身危险性的影响是有中介的调节效应。  相似文献   

In this self-study of an M.A. program in community psychology, the authors focused on evaluation of training goals related to the values of collaboration, empowerment, and diversity. Employing quantitative and qualitative methods, the evaluator, a thesis student in the program, cooperated with a stakeholder committee and other student, staff, and faculty members of the program to construct the methods and interpret the findings. Although the converging sources of data showed that the program was meeting its process goals to some extent, several key issues in the culture of training, such as the status of women, the psychological sense of community, and a supportive learning environment, needed improvement. The authors interpret the findings in terms of the impact of the university system and patriarchal norms on training in community psychology. This study is based on the first author's M.A. thesis, which the second author supervised. Judit Alcalde works in health promotion with the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Community Health Department. She presented an earlier version of this work at the conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, Alberta, June 1991. We are grateful to the thesis committee members for their support and guidance, to our colleagues for their participation, to Paul Davock, and to the reviewers and editor for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

以母语为藏语,第二语言为汉语的熟练和非熟练藏汉双语者为被试,采用词汇判断任务,在无切换、预期切换和无预期切换三种条件下,考察藏汉两种语言之间的语码切换及其切换代价。结果表明:(1)在三种条件下,熟练和非熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词的反应时均显著短于对藏语词的反应时,汉语词的错误率也显著低于藏语词;(2)切换条件下的反应速度显著慢于无切换条件,切换条件下的错误率显著高于无切换条件,存在显著的切换代价;(3)熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词的反应时显著短于非熟练藏汉双语者,熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词反应的错误率也显著低于非熟练藏汉双语者。本研究表明,藏汉双语语码切换过程中存在切换代价,支持抑制说;熟练藏汉双语者语码切换代价更小。  相似文献   

通过近百年的发展,心理传记学作为心理学的一个分支学科逐渐被认可。然而,在科学社会学和科学哲学的视角下,作为分支学科的心理传记学当前还面临以下两大困境:研究对象的非匿名性和知情同意难以实施使得研究的伦理风险受到前所未有的挑战;该领域如何实现学科共同体间的代际传递……在总结国内外研究成果的基础上,本研究回顾解决该领域伦理困境的相应方案和分支学科研究成果如何获得学科共同体的社会承认的尝试性方案,并为推进该领域知识形成自己独特的分支学科范式提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

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