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We conducted a series of experiments to explore how the spatial configuration of objects influences the selection and the processing of these objects in a visual short-term memory task. We designed a new experiment in which participants had to memorize 4 targets presented among 4 distractors. Targets were cued during the presentation of distractor objects. Their locations varied according to 4 spatial configurations. From the first to the last configuration, the distance between targets’ locations was progressively increased. The results revealed a high capacity to select and memorize targets embedded among distractors even when targets were extremely distant from each other. This capacity is discussed in relation to the unitary conception of attention, models of split attention, and the competitive interaction model. Finally, we propose that the spatial dispersion of objects has different effects on attentional allocation and processing stages. Thus, when targets are extremely distant from each other, attentional allocation becomes more difficult while processing becomes easier. This finding implicates that these 2 aspects of attention need to be more clearly distinguished in future research.  相似文献   

Attended stimuli reach perceptual-level processes before unattended stimuli do, a finding that is referred to as visual prior entry. We asked whether a similar effect arises for salient objects (foreground figures) in a visual scene. If prior entry holds for figure—ground perception, targets will be perceived to appear earlier on figures than on grounds. Participants performed a temporal order judgment by reporting the order in which targets appeared. Participants perceived that targets appearing on foreground figures occurred earlier than did those appearing on backgrounds. These findings did not result from a response bias for targets appearing on figures. Most important, when figures and grounds were spatially separated and did not share an edge, no prior-entry effects were observed. Our results suggest that figural regions are available to perceptual-level processes sooner than are grounds.  相似文献   

Several kinds of visual causal impressions occur when people observe stimuli involving objects in motion. It is hypothesized that these impressions occur when the visual system avoids coincidences by matching the observable kinematic features of the stimulus to a template of a physical mechanism. This was tested by constructing a stimulus in which several spatially separated objects move in a coordinated manner. Variations on this stimulus were constructed such that some were inconsistent with a possible physical mechanism that could explain the motions of the objects and others were consistent with it. Mechanism‐inconsistent variations yielded significantly lower ratings of the causal impression and mechanism‐consistent variations did not, supporting the hypothesis. Misperceptions of features of the stimulus were also reported by a majority of participants, and the nature of these misperceptions is also consistent with the hypothesis that the stimulus is interpreted as a representation of a kind of physical mechanism.  相似文献   

In visual search, observers try to find known target objects among distractors in visual scenes where the location of the targets is uncertain. This review article discusses the attentional processes that are active during search and their neural basis. Four successive phases of visual search are described. During the initial preparatory phase, a representation of the current search goal is activated. Once visual input has arrived, information about the presence of target-matching features is accumulated in parallel across the visual field (guidance). This information is then used to allocate spatial attention to particular objects (selection), before representations of selected objects are activated in visual working memory (recognition). These four phases of attentional control in visual search are characterized both at the cognitive level and at the neural implementation level. It will become clear that search is a continuous process that unfolds in real time. Selective attention in visual search is described as the gradual emergence of spatially specific and temporally sustained biases for representations of task-relevant visual objects in cortical maps.  相似文献   

Within-dimension conjunction search for red-green targets amongst red-blue, and blue-green, nontargets is extremely inefficient (Wolfe et al, 1990 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16 879-892). We tested whether pairs of red-green conjunction targets can nevertheless be processed spatially in parallel. Participants made speeded detection responses whenever a red-green target was present. Across trials where a second identical target was present, the distribution of detection times was compatible with the assumption that targets were processed in parallel (Miller, 1982 Cognitive Psychology 14 247-279). We show that this was not an artifact of response-competition or feature-based processing. We suggest that within-dimension conjunctions can be processed spatially in parallel. Visual search for such items may be inefficient owing to within-dimension grouping between items.  相似文献   

Past research has identified visual objects as the units of information processing in visual short-term memory (VSTM) and has shown that two features from the same object can be remembered in VSTM as well (or almost as well) as one feature of that object and are much better remembered than the same two features from two spatially separated objects. It is not clear, however, what drives this object benefit in VSTM. Is it the shared spatial location (proximity), the connectedness among features of an object, or both? In six change detection experiments, both location/proximity and connectedness were found to be crucial in determining the magnitude of the object benefit in VSTM. Together, these results indicate that location/proximity and connectedness are essential elements in defining a coherent visual object representation in VSTM.  相似文献   

A pair of experiments investigated the architecture of visual processing, parallel versus serial, across high and low levels of spatial interference in a divided attention task. Subjects made speeded judgments that required them to attend to a pair of color-cued objects among gray filler items, with the spatial proximity between the attended items varied to manipulate the strength of interference between attended items. Systems factorial analysis (Townsend & Nozawa, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 39:321-359, 1995) was used to identify processing architecture. Experiment 1, using moderately dense displays, found evidence of parallel processing whether attended objects were in low or high proximity to one another. Experiment 2, using higher-density displays, found evidence of parallel selection when attended stimuli were widely separated but serial processing when they were in high proximity. Divided visual attention can operate in parallel under conditions of low or moderate spatial interference between selected items, but strong interference engenders serial processing.  相似文献   

为了考察中低功能自闭症儿童在动态条件下的多目标注意加工特点,研究采用多目标追踪实验范式,具体追踪任务采用多目标随机运动和碰撞反弹算法。实验设计为两因素混合设计,组间变量为年龄和性别匹配的中低功能自闭症和正常儿童组,组内变量为追踪目标数量(分别为1、2、3、4个目标),因变量为被试在多目标追踪任务中的追踪正确率和追踪容量。结果发现:(1)中低功能自闭症儿童在目标数量为1到目标数量为4时的正确率均明显低于正常儿童,且标准差变异较大,中低功能自闭症儿童的多目标的持续追踪能力和稳定性存在一定的缺陷;(2)当目标数量为1时,正常组儿童与中低功能自闭症儿童的追踪容量差异不显著;目标为2、3、4时,两组追踪容量差异均显著。不同目标数量情况下中低功能自闭症儿童平均的注意容量为0.83~1.24个(平均容量约为1个)明显低于正常儿童的0.95~3.72个(最大容量接近4个)。中低功能自闭症儿童在多目标追踪上表现为单焦点注意加工的特点,存在一定程度的注意转移缺陷。  相似文献   

Recent studies of visual short-term memory have suggested that the binding of features such as color and shape into remembered objects is relatively automatic. A series of seven experiments broadened this investigation by comparing the immediate retention of colored shapes with performance when color and shape were separated either spatially or temporally, with participants required actively to form the bound object. Attentional load was manipulated with a demanding concurrent task, and retention in working memory was then tested using a single recognition probe. Both spatial and temporal separation of features tended to impair performance, as did the concurrent task. There was, however, no evidence for greater attentional disruption of performance as a result of either spatial or temporal separation of features. Implications for the process of binding in visual working memory are discussed, and an interpretation is offered in terms of the episodic buffer component of working memory, which is assumed to be a passive store capable of holding bound objects, but not of performing the binding.  相似文献   

Current models of vision generally assume that the recognition of visual objects is achieved by encoding their component parts, as well as the spatial relations among parts. The current study examined how the processing of parts and their configurations may be affected in visual agnosia due to brain damage. Both a visual agnosic patient (AR) and healthy control subjects performed a visual search task in which they had to discriminate between targets and distractors that varied according to whether they shared their parts and/or their configuration. The results show that AR's visual search rates are disproportionally slow when targets and distractors share the same configuration than when they have different configurations. AR is also found to be disproportionately slow in discriminating targets and distractors that share identical parts when the targets and distractors share the same configuration. With differently configured targets and distractors, AR shows no part sharing effect. For controls, in contrast, the part and configuration sharing effects occur independently of one another. It is concluded that AR's object recognition deficit arises from difficulties in discriminating objects that share their configuration, and from an abnormal dependency of part information processing upon object configuration.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了身份交换对多身份追踪表现的影响。实验1和实验2分别考察了全部报告法和部分报告法下身份交换对多身份追踪表现的具体影响。结果均发现, 身份交换对身份−位置绑定干扰程度越大, 位置追踪和身份识别容量也均越低, 但位置容量始终高于身份容量, 并且这些特性在不同追踪负荷上相同。此外, 部分报告法比全部报告法更具有容量测量优势。实验3则进一步从听觉通道上控制了语音复述对当前任务的干扰, 所得结果仍支持实验1和实验2。这表明, 身份交换对多身份追踪的干扰机制是身份−位置绑定机制受到损害, 而非语音复述的作用。  相似文献   

A series of visual search experiments are reported examining pattern processing in a visual agnosic patient. We examined search for targets defined by: (I) the combination of their features relative to homogeneous distractors; (2) the combination of their features relative to heterogeneous distractors; and (3) a single feature difference relative to the distractors (their orientation). Normal subjects demonstrate evidence of spatially parallel search when combined-feature targets are detected against homogeneous distractors, and when targets are defined by a salient feature difference. There are non-linear effects of the number of distractors present, and absent responses can be as fast as present. In contrast, search times for combined-feature targets amongst heterogeneous distractors increase linearly with display size, with the slope for absent responses about twice that for present. The contrast between search for combined-feature targets amongst homogeneous and heterogeneous distractors can be attributed to the effects of grouping between distractors and between distractors and targets (Duncan & Humphreys, 1989, 1992; Humphreys & Muller, in press). Grouping between homogeneous distractors facilitates search. An agnosic patient, HJA, showed normal search functions for single-feature targets and for combined-feature targets amongst heterogeneous distractors. However, he was impaired at search for combined-feature targets amongst homogeneous distractors. This suggests that HJA is selectively impaired at grouping conjunctions of form features. The relations between HJA's agnosia and his problem in the parallel grouping of form conjunctions are discussed, as are the implications of the work for understanding normal vision.  相似文献   

Much of the current understanding about the capacity limits on the number of objects that can be simultaneously processed comes from studies of visual short-term memory, attention, and numerical cognition. Consistent reports suggest that, despite large variability in the perceptual tasks administered (e.g., object tracking, counting), a limit of three to four visual items can be independently processed in parallel. In the research reported here, we asked whether this limit also extends to the domain of action planning. Using a unique rapid visuomotor task and a novel analysis of reach trajectories, we demonstrated an upper limit to the number of targets that can be simultaneously encoded for action, a capacity limit that also turns out to be no more than three to four. Our findings suggest that conscious perceptual processing and nonconscious movement planning are constrained by a common underlying mechanism limited by the number of items that can be simultaneously represented.  相似文献   

A hallmark of both visual attention and working memory is their severe capacity limit: People can attentively track only about four objects in a multiple object tracking (MOT) task and can hold only up to four objects in visual working memory (VWM). It has been proposed that attention underlies the capacity limit of VWM. We tested this hypothesis by determining the effect of varying the load of a MOT task performed during the retention interval of a VWM task and comparing the resulting dual-task costs with those observed when a VWM task was performed concurrently with another VWM task or with a verbal working memory task. Instead of supporting the view that the capacity limit of VWM is solely attention based, the results indicate that VWM capacity is set by the interaction of visuospatial attentional, central amodal, and local task-specific sources of processing.  相似文献   

Same-object bias occurs when tasks associated with processing a single object are faster than tasks associated with two objects. Over five experiments we assessed whether same-object bias is mediated by the collinearity of the targets. Participants decided whether two targets, presented either within a single object or across two objects, were the same or different. Results showed that same-object bias only occurred when targets appeared on the same straight line within the same object. When targets appeared in the same object but were separated by an angle or corner, within-object facilitation was eliminated or greatly reduced. In a final experiment, response times to two targets that were collinear but on separate objects were responded to faster than were noncollinear targets on the same object. This suggests that collinearity between targets mediates the effect found in this paradigm, at least to a greater extent than colour grouping.  相似文献   

Selective visual attention and perceptual coherence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conscious perception of the visual world depends on neural activity at all levels of the visual system from the retina to regions of parietal and frontal cortex. Neurons in early visual areas have small spatial receptive fields (RFs) and code basic image features; neurons in later areas have large RFs and code abstract features such as behavioral relevance. This hierarchical organization presents challenges to perception: objects compete when they are presented in a single RF, and component object features are coded by anatomically distributed neuronal activity. Recent research has shown that selective attention coordinates the activity of neurons to resolve competition and link distributed object representations. We refer to this ensemble activity as a "coherence field", and propose that voluntary shifts of attention are initiated by a transient control signal that "nudges" the visual system from one coherent state to another.  相似文献   

Same-object bias occurs when tasks associated with processing a single object are faster than tasks associated with two objects. Over five experiments we assessed whether same-object bias is mediated by the collinearity of the targets. Participants decided whether two targets, presented either within a single object or across two objects, were the same or different. Results showed that same-object bias only occurred when targets appeared on the same straight line within the same object. When targets appeared in the same object but were separated by an angle or corner, within-object facilitation was eliminated or greatly reduced. In a final experiment, response times to two targets that were collinear but on separate objects were responded to faster than were noncollinear targets on the same object. This suggests that collinearity between targets mediates the effect found in this paradigm, at least to a greater extent than colour grouping.  相似文献   

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