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Medthics is an online graphic novel series comprising of six issues (http://www.medthics.com). What is often viewed as pop culture escapism, this "comic book" series tackles the complex world of medicine and its moral/ethical intricacies. From topics about physician identity formation to humane patient care, Medthics brings to the forefront subject matter essential to clinical practice. The art of medicine is depicted through stylized characters as they live their lives through a fictional world inspired by true events.  相似文献   

How changes in the interobserver agreement and disagreement cells in the reliability matrix are reflected differently in eight commonly used reliability indices is shown graphically. Indices which take into account expected chance difference are compared to those indices which do not. Differences between indices which do and do not treat the agreement and the disagreement cells equally are also illustrated.  相似文献   

This study identifies four motivations adolescents report for viewing graphic horror films: gore watching, thrill watching, independent watching, and problem watching. On the basis of a uses and gratifications model of media effects, it is argued that viewing motivations are predictors of responses to graphic horror. This study also seeks to extend Zillmann's excitation-transfer model of media effects to predict under what conditions viewing-generated arousal is transferred to positive or negative affect. The dispositional characteristics of fearfulness, empathy, and sensation seeking are found to be related to different viewing motivations, providing a viewing-related personality profile for the four different types of adolescent viewers. The four viewing motivations are found to be related to viewers’cognitive and affective responses to horror films, as well as viewers’tendency to identify with either the killers or victims in these films. Directions for future research addressing the role of viewing motivations in the relationship between violent media, cognitive and affective responses, and subsequent behavioral aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

311 Greek children's drawings of classroom life were employed to investigate the diagnostic validity of this measure in identifying teachers' pedagogic style. The sample was divided into three age groups, 6-, 8-, and 10-yr. olds, who were asked to draw pictures of themselves and their teachers in their classroom. Drawings were scored using as criteria the four graphic indicators (ratings of size, detailing, centrality, and social distance) proposed by Aronsson and Anderson in 1996. Analysis showed three out of the four indicators discriminated teacher-centered vs student-centered pedagogic style. More specifically, in the teacher-centered setting children drew the teacher of dominant size, in a central position, and as remote, while in the student-centered setting the teacher was depicted closer to the student, in a less central position, and less emphasized relative to the student. The findings are discussed with respect to the absence of age-related effects and the possibility of using children's drawings of classroom life as a measure for tapping into children's representations of pedagogic style.  相似文献   

Science-wide complexity theory presents strange attractors as lawful outcomes of nonlinear functions. The time-event matrices used by Streufert and associates to depict human information processing in complex task environments have similar characteristics. The use and construction of these matrices is described. The technique may be useful across sciences to depict the consequences of complex phenomena.  相似文献   

One of Franz Rosenzweig's most significant ventures for Jewish renewal was the translation into German, which he initiated, of the Bible, prayerbook and religious poems. The aim of this essay is to explore the graphic design of the page that Rosenzweig selected for the printed edition of his translations. I will argue that the graphic design of the Siddur page is not just an aesthetic aspect of the translation but should be recognized as an educational and dialogic concern. Rosenzweig's preoccupation with page design is not limited to the Siddur, as the reader of The Star of Redemption will also notice his distinctive influence on the visual aspects of the text. It is expressed in the way he forms the six-pointed Star of David, the triangles which make up the star, and the way in which they appear in the book and are positioned on the page. And if the graphic depiction of the triangles is not enough, one only needs to visually experience what is described by Rosenzweig at the end of the book: the image of the star reveals the face of man.  相似文献   

College student attitudes toward United States involvement in three international conflict areas were measured at various times during the years 1965 through 1971. An examination of the mean attitude scores obtained toward United States involvement in the Arab-Israel, India-Pakistan, and Vietnam conflicts revealed some reluctance on the part of the students to have the United States involved in any of these areas of international conflict.

Younger students were most dovish concerning United States involvement in Vietnam and were less so on the issues of the India-Pakistan and the Arab-Israel conflicts, whereas older students were more dovish regarding the issues of United States involvement in the Arab-Israel and India-Pakistan conflicts and least dovish with respect to the Vietnam conflict. Attitudes toward the involvement of the United States in both the Vietnam and Arab-Israel conflicts became significantly more dovish over time.  相似文献   

Tachistoscopic presentation of stimuli on IBM PC-compatible computers is limited by a number of factors, including video retrace rates, screen scrolling, and the shape and density of picture elements. A method is presented for overcoming these difficulties through the use of enhanced graphic adapters or video graphic arrays. A C-language program demonstrates (1) synchronous scroll-free displays achieved by writing alternating images to “hidden” pages of video memory, (2) alternative techniques for erasing images, and (3) use of an empirically derived aspect ratio to produce symmetrical figures.  相似文献   

Several countries have introduced graphic warning images aimed at discouraging smoking. However, the images may be subject to an habituation effect. This study examined the effects of repeated exposure to an image of smoking-related mouth cancer in 24 smokers, 20 ex-smokers, and 39 individuals who had never smoked regularly. Participants viewed the warning image seven times over 7 to 14?days. Trend analysis showed that the smokers had high distress initially when viewing the image, followed by a significant lessening of image-related distress that leveled out over time. Nonetheless, viewing the image had a significant linearly increasing positive effect on their intention to quit smoking, with no sign that the effect of the image on intention was wearing out. The two groups of nonsmokers showed response patterns different from those of the smokers, including signs of habituation to the image. Other results showed a significant relationship between experiencing a high level of distress when viewing the image and having a negative attitude toward smoking. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of anti-smoking campaigns.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the effects of forewarning of explicit violence on the experience of suspense. Male and female undergraduate students were read one of two consent forms, which either alerted them to the violent and potentially offensive content of the film they were about to see or that assured them that the graphically violent material had been cut from the film. Participants then watched one of two suspenseful film clips. Results show that respondents who were told that the film clip contained graphic violence experienced significantly more distress than respondents who were told that graphic violent content had been cut. Gender differences also emerged, with females responding more strongly to the film clips than did the males. The mediating role of empathic sensitivity in the experience of suspense was considered in interpreting the observed gender differences.  相似文献   

陈琳  钟罗金  冷英  莫雷 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1661-1670
4个实验分别探讨了拼音自动加工和语义加工中汉字字形的激活情况。实验1和实验2采用启动范式考察拼音自动加工中汉字字形的激活情况。实验3和实验4考察拼音语义加工中汉字字形的激活情况。实验结果表明:在拼音自动加工过程中未出现字形的启动效应, 说明在拼音自动加工过程中可能未激活汉字字形信息; 在拼音语义加工过程中出现了字形的启动效应, 说明在拼音语义加工过程中激活了汉字字形信息。  相似文献   

基于单探测变化觉察和双任务范式,采用项目数量(3)×呈现时间(2)×文字线索(2)混合实验设计,对沉浸式虚拟学习环境图形加工特征和认知负荷进行探讨,以任务绩效法与主观测量法评定认知负荷。44名大学生的实验结果显示:(1)项目数量对虚拟空间图形识记主任务绩效和主观认知负荷有显著影响,项目数量越多,主任务正确率越低,反应时越长,主观评定认知负荷越高,同时加工刺激数量以4个为宜;(2)呈现时间对虚拟空间图形识记次任务绩效有显著影响,呈现时间越长,次任务正确率越高,呈现时间超过0.5s有利于次任务加工;(3)文字线索对虚拟图形识记认知负荷有显著影响,重复性文字线索会增加认知负荷。结果表明,在沉浸式虚拟环境中,图形加工的认知负荷特点与平面和三维图形基本一致,项目数量多、呈现时间短以及有重复性文字线索时,认知负荷更高;任务绩效和主观测量评定指标在反映认知负荷强度上不完全一致。  相似文献   

Humans commit information to graphic symbols for three basic reasons: as a memory aid, as a tool for thinking, and as a means of communication. Yet, despite the benefits of transmitting information graphically, we still know very little about the biases and constraints acting on the emergence of stable, powerful, and accurate graphic codes (such as writing). Using a reference game, where participants play as Messengers and Recipients, we experimentally manipulate the function of the task (communicative or non‐communicative) and investigate whether this shapes the emergence of stable, powerful, and accurate codes for both synchronous and asynchronous modes of information transfer. Only in the Dialogue condition, where Messenger and Recipient are two different persons communicating within the same time frame (i.e., synchronously), do we consistently observe the emergence of stable, powerful, and accurate graphic codes. Such codes are unnecessary for participants in Recall, where Messenger and Recipient are the same person transferring information within the same time frame, and they fail to emerge in Correspondence, where Messenger and Recipient are two different persons communicating across time frames (i.e., asynchronously). Lastly, in the Mnemonic condition, where Messenger and Recipient are the same person at different points in time, participants achieve high accuracy but with codes that are suboptimal in terms of power and stability. Our results suggest that the rarity and late arrival of stable, powerful, and accurate graphic codes in human history largely stems from strong constraints on information transfer. In particular, we suggest that these constraints limit a code's ability to reach an adequate tradeoff between information that needs to be explicitly encoded and information that needs to be inferred from context.  相似文献   

This essay considers the ways in which graphic caregiving memoirs complicate the idealizing tendencies of ethics of care philosophy. The medium’s “capacious” layering of words, images, temporalities, and perspectives produces “productive tensions. . . The words and images entwine, but never synthesize” (Chute 2010, 5). In graphic memoirs about care, this “capaciousness” allows for quick oscillation between the rewards and struggles of care work, representing ambiguous, even ambivalent attitudes toward care. Graphic memoirs effectively represent multiple perspectives without synthesis, part of a structural and thematic ambivalence that provides a provocative counterpart to the abstract idealism of ethics of care philosophy.  相似文献   

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