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The onset of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a rapid transition of mental health services from in-person to telehealth counselling. Despite the far-reaching impact of this transition, we know little about the impact of this transition on outcomes for clients working with counsellor trainees. The present study utilised longitudinal data collected from a counselling training centre at a major U.S. university to compare client ratings of depression, anxiety and working alliance across 1) in-person services delivered (i.e. pre-pandemic) and 2) telehealth services delivered after the pandemic began (i.e. intra-pandemic) among the same group of clients. Results support our hypothesis that changes in clients' self-reports would be generally equivalent across in-person and telehealth services. Depression and anxiety symptoms decreased, and working alliance tended to increase during both in-person and telehealth care; however, these trends were only statistically significant during telehealth services. Limitations related to sample size (N = 15 clients; up to 17 sessions per client) and low statistical power are discussed. Nonetheless, this study supports the growing body of literature supporting the efficacy of telehealth counselling services. We provide suggestions for future telehealth research and discuss implications for counsellor training.  相似文献   

Self-awareness has been considered to be a critical ingredient for effective counselling and psychotherapy. However, training models have failed to provide an integrated and explicit approach to self-awareness development. The authors therefore introduce and describe the integrated model of self-awareness development and discuss potential applications for counselling and psychotherapy training.  相似文献   

As sympathetic outsiders trying to understand and explain the field of philosophical counselling to other (perhaps not so sympathetic) outsiders, we find ourselves repeatedly asking and being asked two questions: “What is philosophical counselling?” and “What is its relationship to psychological counselling?” In seeking to develop satisfactory answers to these questions, we present a taxonomy of philosophical counselling. This fourfold taxonomy was developed by classifying the work of a range of recognised philosophical counsellors in terms of their declared ends. This taxonomy makes sense of the diversity of the field, while also recognising the underlying coherence. Moreover, the categories of the taxonomy align with existing forms of psychological counselling practice, and in this way the taxonomy enables us to pinpoint the relationship between psychological and philosophical counselling. We end with some consideration of what philosophical counsellors can learn from their colleagues in psychology, especially in relation to the role of empathy and the importance of empirical testing.  相似文献   

A key area of difficulty for those engaged in pastoral counselling often concerns the adequate integration of pastoral, psychological and spiritual concepts and resources. The roots of this tension can be identified within modernity between what can be known through objective observation and reason over what is known through subjective experience. Pastoral counselling, in general, represents an attempt to hold together both scientific and subjective accounts of human existence. Existing forms of Christian pastoral counselling will benefit, however, through a deeper use of spiritual resources drawing both on transpersonal psychology and the tradition of Christian mysticism.  相似文献   

A follow-up study (1990-1997) and in-depth interviews on school counselling practices and problems in Finland showed that in the last 10 years the work of the school counsellor has extended and become more diversified. This article analyses this change in school counselling in terms of the problems and core tasks of counselling and the new challenges faced by Finnish counsellors, such as dismantling the traditional gender divisions in working life and counselling for immigrants. In addition, the article examines how school counsellors have attempted to solve the problems related to their work, for example, by establishing counselling networks inside and outside the school.  相似文献   

Some of the difficulties, dilemmas and opportunities afforded by working within a time-limited counselling framework are explored. The author's range of work, and the relative importance of time-limited work in it, are briefly described. A brief outline of the change process is then given, which includes a discussion of the author's 'philosophy of the person'—i.e. our fundamental beliefs and assumptions about what we believe a 'person' to be (for example, a mechanistic, soul-less collection of matter, or an indissolubly whole organism with a 'soul' or 'spirit'). This discussion provides the backdrop for some reflections on the extent to which time-limited working is consistent with, and adaptable to, a humanistic-dynamic conception of the person, and on the nature of the 'therapeutic' change process.  相似文献   

The initial tasks of a systemic AIDS Counsellor in accepting a referral are described. These include: (a) describing the context of the problem; (b) obtaining a clear definition of the problem; (c) responding to changing views of the problem over time; and (d) identifying whom the problem affects. Failure to consider these issues can give rise to extraneous difficulties in counselling sessions,  相似文献   

Procedures for using coached clients to assess the degree of rapport between client and counsellor, as experienced by the client during counselling interviews, were developed. Twenty-three interviews conducted by counsellor trainees were assessed at one-minute intervals by two coached clients using a five-point rating system. In addition, the Working Alliance Inventory was used to assess rapport at the end of the interview. Data indicated that the in vivo rating procedure of client-experienced rapport possessed good reliability and validity.  相似文献   

This paper explores the process of ethical decision-making in counselling research and asks the question: after following ethical guidelines, reviewing ethical principles and consulting codes of practice, to what extent is our decision-making based on intuitive thinking? The paper begins by examining Kitchener's model of ethical justification and the ethical principles upon which it rests. Bond's approach to ethical problem-solving is also considered. The second part of the paper explores the sequential decision-making process suggested by Gellatt, upon which both the Kitchener and Bond models seem to rest, and compares this with Gellatt's later revision of his model. The process by which we arrive at an ethical decision is then explored in relation to these. The final part of the paper argues that we reach ethical decisions through intuition, informed by ethical principles, codes of practice and reference to the laws of society. In order to safeguard the well-being of our clients and/or research participants, we need to be aware of this and offer up our decision-making process to the scrutiny of peers and the public at large. Although much of the paper explores this process at a general level, research undertaken into children's perception of stress will be used as an example.  相似文献   

A developmental model of counselling, based on humanistic principals of psychological functioning, is proposed. A psycho-educational approach, in which counsellors are seen as helping clients develop skills rather than solve problems, is discussed. The counselling model involves three stages: exploration, intervention and empowering. The intervention stage includes techniques focused on affect, behaviour or cognition, as suggested by the ABC model of personal change described in the paper.  相似文献   

Traditional selection practice and research has exclusively focused on ''product'' and ''procedural'' characteristics of selection (e.g., reliability, validity of selection tools). This perspective is characterized by assumptions underlying the ''psychometric'' model on selection. Mainly triggered by environmental changes and present-day assessment practices, a new perspective on selection has emerged since the beginning of the 1990s, namely the negotiation perspective. The negotiation perspective pays attention to the social-emotional processes during selection. In this article, we explore the process side of personnel selection to a further extent. Based on relevant literature and research findings, we present a conceptual model of job applicants' expectations and appreciation of the selection encounter. The Social Process model on Selection (SPS model) contains eight process characteristics. We assume job applicants to value/have expectations of: (1) provision of general information on the job opening, (2) participation and control, (3) openness to assertiveness, (4) creation of transparency of testing, (5) provision of feedback, (6) guarantee of objectivity and standardization, (7) assurance of human treatment, and (8) respect for privacy and job relevance of information gathering. Directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Krueger JI  Funder DC 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2004,27(3):313-27; discussion 328-76
Mainstream social psychology focuses on how people characteristically violate norms of action through social misbehaviors such as conformity with false majority judgments, destructive obedience, and failures to help those in need. Likewise, they are seen to violate norms of reasoning through cognitive errors such as misuse of social information, self-enhancement, and an over-readiness to attribute dispositional characteristics. The causes of this negative research emphasis include the apparent informativeness of norm violation, the status of good behavior and judgment as unconfirmable null hypotheses, and the allure of counter-intuitive findings. The shortcomings of this orientation include frequently erroneous imputations of error, findings of mutually contradictory errors, incoherent interpretations of error, an inability to explain the sources of behavioral or cognitive achievement, and the inhibition of generalized theory. Possible remedies include increased attention to the complete range of behavior and judgmental accomplishment, analytic reforms emphasizing effect sizes and Bayesian inference, and a theoretical paradigm able to account for both the sources of accomplishment and of error. A more balanced social psychology would yield not only a more positive view of human nature, but also an improved understanding of the bases of good behavior and accurate judgment, coherent explanations of occasional lapses, and theoretically grounded suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence suggests that women have added the role of worker to their characteristic adult roles of wife and mother. The inclusion of a work cycle in the female life course is a significant alteration of traditional roles, and is likely to have a major impact on both individual lives and the social structure. However, little has been done to incorporate these changes into theoretical perspectives on occupational development. This paper examines the literature on women and work by reviewing, at the societal level, the trends in female labor force activity since 1900 and, at the individual level, theories of the development of occupational behavior. An integration of these two areas is then suggested through an evaluation of their relevance to the human development paradigm.  相似文献   

An important recent development within counselling and psychotherapy has been the emergence of narrative perspectives on theory and practice. The task of the counsellor is viewed as that of assisting the client to 're-author' parts of their life-story. The origins of this approach within psychology and social science are discussed, and the central elements of a narrative approach to counselling and psychotherapy are identified. A brief case-study illustrates some of these themes.  相似文献   

Training effective scientist-practitioners has long been an issue of concern in counselling psychology. In a recent paper, Friedlander (1992) developed a useful prototype to foster science-practice integration in a counselling seminar. Drawing on Friedlander's prototype, the question of “how to foster science-practice integration in assessment” is considered. Some assessment reading lists and class exercises designed to illustrate such integration are proposed. These teaching materials are presented: (a) in hopes that they might prove useful for some assessment instruction purposes; and (6) in hopes that they might stimulate further thinking about how to best foster science-practice integration in counselling psychology assessment courses.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores counsellors’ experiences and perceptions of how counselling supervision impacts upon their clients. Data collection combined open‐ended questionnaires (n = 13) and semi‐structured interviews (n = 6). The findings indicate that supervision impacts client work both helpfully and unhelpfully. Areas that emerged as having the most direct impact on client work were the counselling relationship dynamics and self‐awareness, professional development, emotional support, clients not discussed in supervision and the quality of the supervisory relationship. Congruence and confidence were the most direct link between supervision and client work.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores counsellors' experiences and perceptions of how counselling supervision impacts their clients. The literature review highlights little research in this area. Data collection combined open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Analysis was phenomenological incorporating participant validation. The findings indicate that supervision impacts client work both helpfully and unhelpfully. Areas that emerged as having the most direct impact on client work were: exploration of client-counsellor dynamics and raising counsellor self awareness, professional development, emotional support and the quality of the supervisory relationship. Benefits and dangers for clients not taken to supervision were highlighted. Congruence and confidence were the most direct link between supervision and client work.  相似文献   

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