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Previous studies of standardized ethnic group differences in the employment interview have shown differences to be relatively small. Unfortunately, many researchers conducting interview studies have not considered the issue of range restriction in research design. This omission is likely to lead to underestimates of standardized ethnic group differences (d) when the interview is considered as an initial screening device or used in combination with other initial screening devices. The authors found that 2 forms of a behavioral interview were associated with standardized ethnic group differences of .36 and .56 when corrected for range restriction. These differences are substantially larger than previously thought and demonstrate the importance of considering a variety of study design characteristics in obtaining the appropriate parameter estimates.  相似文献   

This investigation compared levels of psychological burnout and its antecedents and consequences among teachers, department heads, and principals from a single school board. The data showed that increased stress and burnout were associated with decreased administrative responsibilities. Possible explanations for these findings are provided.  相似文献   

Clinical and research psychologists continue to be regarded stereotypically even by 187 students currently anticipating careers in psychology and closely related fields. This article gives data for 10 issues on which clinicians and researchers are perceived to differ. Specifically, a 10-item questionnaire is described which allows such stereotypes to be further explored or explained.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data analysis focused on internal characteristics of a single time series has attracted increasing interest among psychologists. The systemic psychological perspective suggests, however, that many long-term phenomena are mutually interconnected, forming a dynamic system. Hence, only multivariate methods can handle such human dynamics appropriately. Unlike the majority of time series methodologies, the cointegration approach allows interdependencies of integrated (i.e., extremely unstable) processes to be modelled. This advantage results from the fact that cointegrated series are connected by stationary long-run equilibrium relationships. Vector error-correction models are frequently used representations of cointegrated systems. They capture both this equilibrium and compensation mechanisms in the case of short-term deviations due to developmental changes. Thus, the past disequilibrium serves as explanatory variable in the dynamic behaviour of current variables. Employing empirical data from cognitive psychology, psychosomatics, and marital interaction research, this paper describes how to apply cointegration methods to dynamic process systems and how to interpret the parameters under investigation from a psychological perspective.  相似文献   

An interactive activation and competition account (Burton, Bruce, & Johnston, 1990) of the semantic priming effect in person recognition studies relies on the fact that primes and targets (people) have semantic information in common. However, recent investigations into the type of relationship needed to mediate the semantic priming effect have suggested that the prime and target must be close associates (e.g., Barry, Johnston, & Scanlan, 1998; Young, Flude, Hellawell, & Ellis, 1994). A review of these and similar papers suggests the possibility of a small but non-reliable effect based purely on categorial relationships. Experiment 1 provided evidence that when participants were asked to make a name familiarity decision it was possible to boost this small categorial effect when multiple (four) primes were presented prior to the target name. Results from Experiment 2 indicated that the categorial effect was not due to the particular presentation times of the primes. This boosted categorial effect was shown to cross domains (names to faces) in Experiment 3 and persist in Experiment 4 when the task involved naming the target face. The similarity of the pattern of results produced by the associative priming effect and this boosted categorial effect suggests that the two may be due to the same underlying mechanism in semantic memory.  相似文献   

Depth perception in the Mongolian gerbil was investigated as a function of age and environment. Thirty-two gerbils were raised in either a cliff or flat environment, and half the gerbils in each condition were tested on the visual cliff from 21 to 57 days of age. All gerbils were tested at 60–61 days on a standard visual cliff, a barrier cliff which prevented movement along the centerboard, and a jumping platform. While the gerbils did not display a preference for the shallow side when tested at 21 days, those living in a cliff environment showed rapid acquisition of such a preference, whereas those living in a flat environment did not. By 60–61 days, however, all gerbils demonstrated a strong preference for the shallow side on both versions of the visual cliff, regardless of environment or pretesting experience.  相似文献   

The theory of evolution is poorly understood in the population at large, even by those with some science education. The recurrent misunderstandings can be partly attributed to failure to distinguish between processes which individual organisms undergo and those which populations undergo. They may be so pervasive because we usually explain evolutionary ideas with examples from non-human animals, and our everyday cognition about animals does not track individuals as distinct from the species to which they belong. By contrast, everyday cognition about other people tracks unique individuals as well as general properties of humans. In Study 1, I present experimental evidence that categorization by species occurs more strongly for non-human animals than for other people in 50 British university students. In Study 2, I show, in the same population, that framing evolutionary scenarios in terms of people produces fewer conceptual errors than when logically identical scenarios are framed terms of non-human animals. I conclude that public understanding of evolution might be improved if we began instruction by considering the organisms which are most familiar to us.  相似文献   

The Simon effect has most often been investigated with key-press responses and eye fixation. In the present study, we asked how the type of eye movement and the type of manual response affect response selection in a Simon task. We investigated three eye movement instructions (spontaneous, saccade, and fixation) while participants performed goal-directed (i.e., reaching) or symbolic (i.e., finger-lift) responses. Initially, no oculomotor constraints were imposed, and a Simon effect was present for both response types. Next, eye movements were constrained. Participants had to either make a saccade toward the stimulus or maintain gaze fixed in the screen centre. While a congruency effect was always observed in reaching responses, it disappeared in finger-lift responses. We suggest that the redirection of saccades from the stimulus to the correct response location in noncorresponding trials contributes to the Simon effect. Because of eye–hand coupling, this occurred in a mandatory manner with reaching responses but not with finger-lift responses. Thus, the Simon effect with key-presses disappears when participants do what they typically do—look at the stimulus.  相似文献   

Conclusion In contemporary work, the distinction between the proposition expressed by a sentence and its psychological significance is usually motivated by a familiar kind of counterfactual argument; and the discussion of these issues usually centers around the role of external factors in determining the meaning of our words. My primary goal in this paper has been to show that a similar, though not identical, distinction between two aspects of meaning can be developed entirely on the basis of considerations internal to language users — their cognitive limitations. To make this point, I have focused on symbols introduced through stipulative definitions. In a language containing such symbols, certain expressions and their definitional reductions will seem to differ in psychological significance for creatures with limited intellects, and so in any aspect of meaning that is supposed to correlate with psychological significance; but it seems also that there is some important aspect of meaning that they share.I have argued that a distinction in meaning like this — between sense and psychological significance — should be drawn even in the kind of languages of most concern to Frege, and that his failure to do so led to tensions in his thought. Of course, this observation only touches on the many issues involved in interpreting Frege's theory of definition more generally. I have not tried to describe here, for example, the ways in which the weak interpretation of fruitfulness might interact with the more robust interpretation mentioned earlier; I have only mentioned Frege's view on explicative definitions and the paradox of analysis, and failed even to mention either his treatment of contextual definition, or his peculiar objections to conditional definitions. I do want to emphasize, however, that the distinction drawn here is not simply a matter of Frege scholarship, but that it has some contemporary relevance as well. As we have seen, Frege's semantic goals often coincide with our own; and a number of contemporary writers are explicitly concerned, like Frege, to construct a semantic theory that is able to account for differences in meaning among logically equivalent expressions. Any such theorist should recognize a distinction like that drawn here between sense and psychological significance, and should avoid subjecting an account of one notion to constraints appropriate only for the other.  相似文献   

诗性智慧是生活境域中非主体化、非对象化的此在智慧,解释学是迄今诗性智慧在哲学中的最好阐发,它消解了思与诗之间长期紧张的二元对立,为至今仍困扰于科学主义与人本主义范式分裂的心理咨询提供了可资超越的借鉴。理解在时间的境域中氤氲着诗性智慧的光焰生生不息。  相似文献   

诗性智慧是生活境域中非主体化、非对象化的此在智慧,解释学是迄今诗性智慧在哲学中的最好阐发,它消解了思与诗之间长期紧张的二元对立,为至今仍困扰于科学主义与人本主义范式分裂的心理咨询提供了可资超越的借鉴.理解在时间的境域中氤氲着诗性智慧的光焰生生不息.  相似文献   

If the consistency test were used to select papers for inclusion in meta-analysis, the resulting estimates of true effect sizes would be no less biased. Increasing its detection rate at the risk of a higher false alarm rate biases the pooled effect size estimates more—not less—because papers reporting large effect sizes are less likely to be judged inconsistent.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that unconscious semantic processing is stimulus-dependent, and that pictures might have privileged access to semantic content. Those findings led to the hypothesis that unconscious semantic priming effect for pictorial stimuli would be stronger as compared to verbal stimuli. This effect was tested on pictures and words by manipulating the semantic similarity between the prime and target stimuli. Participants performed a masked priming categorization task for either words or pictures with three semantic similarity conditions: strongly similar, weakly similar, and non-similar. Significant differences in reaction times were only found between strongly similar and non-similar and between weakly similar and non-similar, for both pictures and words, with faster overall responses for pictures as compared to words. Nevertheless, pictures showed no superior priming effect over words. This could suggest the hypothesis that even though semantic processing is faster for pictures, this does not imply a stronger unconscious priming effect.  相似文献   

Cooperation among nonrelatives can be puzzling because cooperation often involves incurring costs to confer benefits on unrelated others. Punishment of noncooperators can sustain otherwise fragile cooperation, but the provision of punishment suffers from a "second-order" free-riding problem because nonpunishers can free ride on the benefits from costly punishment provided by others. One suggested solution to this problem is second-order punishment of nonpunishers; more generally, the threat or promise of higher order sanctions might maintain the lower order sanctions that enforce cooperation in collective action problems. Here the authors report on 3 experiments testing people's willingness to provide second-order sanctions by having participants play a cooperative game with opportunities to punish and reward each other. The authors found that people supported those who rewarded cooperators either by rewarding them or by punishing nonrewarders, but people did not support those who punished noncooperators--they did not reward punishers or punish nonpunishers. Furthermore, people did not approve of punishers more than they did nonpunishers, even when nonpunishers were clearly unwilling to use sanctions to support cooperation. The results suggest that people will much more readily support positive sanctions than they will support negative sanctions.  相似文献   

In quiet stance, it is understood that healthy individuals control their posture primarily by a peripheral mechanism for anteroposterior sway and by a proximal mechanism for medialateral sway. The authors proposed the hypothesis that patients suffering from disease-related deficiencies, at their feet and legs, may exaggeratedly adopt proximal control mechanisms at their hip in the anteroposterior and medialateral axes. They critically reviewed the literature to test the proximal control hypothesis against published findings. The selected articles analyzed postural control mechanisms in individuals with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and in healthy controls. The data selected were kinematic and electromyographic. In the anteroposterior axis, 4 authors had previously tested the proposed hypothesis, but the findings are contrasted. In the medialateral axis, one study failed to validate the tested hypothesis. Overall, the published studies did not conform with the proximal control hypothesis. However, these studies did not specifically or deeply test such a hypothesis. The lack of results is critical because individuals suffering from peripheral disease-related deficiencies may be unstable, in part, because of a change in postural control mechanisms. For improvement of their stability and appropriate interventions, scientific explorations of the proximal control hypothesis should be investigated. Two proposals are made to move forward.  相似文献   

Immediate post-training subcutaneous administration of lysine vasopressin (LVP, 0.003-1.00 microgram/kg) enhanced retention, whereas the vasopressin antagonist AAVP (0.01-0.30 microgram/kg) impaired it, in male Swiss mice tested 48 h after training in an inhibitory avoidance task. Both effects were dose-dependent. Neither LVP nor AAVP affected response latencies in mice not given the footshock on the training trial. The simultaneous administration of AAVP at a dose (0.01 microgram/kg) which had no effect on retention shifted the dose-response curve of LVP to the right. Nicotine (1.0-30.0 micrograms/kg, sc), a central nicotinic cholinergic agonist, also facilitated retention in a dose-related manner without affecting the retention performance of unshocked mice. The effect of nicotine was prevented by the central acting nicotinic cholinergic receptor antagonist mecamylamine (5 mg/kg, sc.). In contrast, neither hexamethonium (5 mg/kg, sc), a peripheral acting nicotinic receptor blocker, nor atropine (0.5 mg/kg, sc) or methylatropine (0.5 mg/kg, sc), two anticholinergic drugs which are known to act on muscarinic cholinergic receptors, prevented the effect of post-training nicotine. The effects of LVP and nicotine were time-dependent, suggesting that both treatments enhanced retention by influencing post-training processes involved in memory storage. Low doses of nicotine (1.50 microgram/kg, sc) or the central anticholinesterase physostigmine (35 micrograms/kg, sc) and LVP (0.003 microgram/kg, sc), which had no effect on retention when administered alone, produced a synergistic interaction when given together following training. The influence of LVP (0.03 microgram/kg, sc) on retention was prevented not only by AAVP (0.01 microgram/kg, sc) but also by mecamylamine (5 mg/kg, sc), whereas the effects of nicotine (10.0 micrograms/kg, sc) were prevented only by mecamylamine. These results suggest that the enhancement of retention induced by vasopressin is probably due to an activation of central nicotinic cholinergic mechanisms which are critical for memory formation.  相似文献   

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