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Gernsbacher (1984) found that number of word meanings (polysemy) did not influence lexical decision time when it was operationalized as number of dictionary definitions. This finding supports her contention that subjects do not store all possible dictionary meanings for words in memory. The present experiments extended Gernsbacher's research by determining whether more psychologically valid measures of polysemy affect lexical decision time. Three metrics were used to represent the meanings that subjects actually access from memory (accessible polysemy): (1) the first meanings subjects think of when asked to define stimulus words, (2) all the meanings subjects generate for words, and (3) the average number of meanings subjects generate. The results showed that the second and third metrics of polysemy influenced lexical decision time, whereas the first metric (representing mostly the access to dominant meanings for words) only approached significance.  相似文献   

The present human fear conditioning study examined whether the valence of an extinction cue has a differential effect on attenuating renewal that is induced by removal of the extinction context. Additionally, the study aimed to assess whether such attenuating effect is based on a modulatory or safety-signal role of the cue. In acquisition, extinction, and test stages of the experiment, human participants received pairings of human faces, presented against a particular background color, with the presence or absence of an aversive auditory stimulus. Experimental groups differed in the valence of a cue that was presented during extinction, in whether or not extinction took place against a different background color than present during acquisition and testing, and in whether the extinction cue was present or absent at test. The conditioned response consisted of auditory-stimulus expectancy ratings. It was hypothesized that a positively valued extinction cue yields faster extinction, stronger attenuation of renewal, and better transfer of its inhibitory power to non-extinguished stimuli than a negatively valued cue. All three hypotheses were confirmed, suggesting that the positive, but not the negative, cue had become a safety signal. The results were discussed in the framework of extinction-based exposure treatments.  相似文献   

Suddendorf T  Corballis MC 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2007,30(3):299-313; discussion 313-51
In a dynamic world, mechanisms allowing prediction of future situations can provide a selective advantage. We suggest that memory systems differ in the degree of flexibility they offer for anticipatory behavior and put forward a corresponding taxonomy of prospection. The adaptive advantage of any memory system can only lie in what it contributes for future survival. The most flexible is episodic memory, which we suggest is part of a more general faculty of mental time travel that allows us not only to go back in time, but also to foresee, plan, and shape virtually any specific future event. We review comparative studies and find that, in spite of increased research in the area, there is as yet no convincing evidence for mental time travel in nonhuman animals. We submit that mental time travel is not an encapsulated cognitive system, but instead comprises several subsidiary mechanisms. A theater metaphor serves as an analogy for the kind of mechanisms required for effective mental time travel. We propose that future research should consider these mechanisms in addition to direct evidence of future-directed action. We maintain that the emergence of mental time travel in evolution was a crucial step towards our current success.  相似文献   

Skilled abacus operators report visualizing a mental image of the abacus, and performing rapid mental calculation by manipulating the beads on their “mental abacus.” Eleven-year-old Chinese children at three levels of abacus expertise were observed performing both abacus and mental addition. Response times and errors were examined as a function of problem type and mode of computation. Chinese performance was compared with a group of American adults performing the same mental additions. Chinese were also given a task which required them to access intermediate states of mental abacus calculation. Results indicate that abacus training has both quantitative and qualitative effects on children's mental calculation skill, and that a “mental abacus” is used by experts.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effect of members’ cognitive styles on team processes that affect errors in execution tasks. In two laboratory studies, we investigated how a team’s composition (members’ cognitive styles related to object and spatial visualization) affects the team’s strategic focus and strategic consensus, and how those affect the team’s commission of errors. Study 1, conducted with 70 dyads performing a navigation and identification task, established that teams high in spatial visualization are more process-focused than teams high in object visualization. Process focus, which pertains to a team’s attention to the details of conducting a task, is associated with fewer errors. Study 2, conducted with 64 teams performing a building task, established that heterogeneity in cognitive style is negatively associated with the formation of a strategic consensus, which has a direct and mediating relationship with errors.  相似文献   

In previous studies on negative priming, the effect of prime–probe contextual similarity was not stable. On occasions, negative priming was greater when similar rather than different contexts were presented in a prime and a probe trial; however, at other times, negative priming was not affected by such manipulation. The current study demonstrates that the effect of contextual similarity can be optimised when cue variability is high. Cue variability was manipulated between-subject across Experiments 1a and 1b and as a within-subject variable in Experiment 2. Symbols were presented as contextual cues. The results indicated that when cue variability was high, the prime–probe contextual similarity effect was observed on negative priming; however, when cue variability was low, the contextual similarity effect and the negative priming effect were absent.  相似文献   

Mentally traveling to one's personal past and future connects the current self with self at different points in time. When making decisions in the present, individuals benefit from their past and potential future decisions with the help of mental time travel. This review documents the theoretical and empirical studies concerning mental time travel to past and future decisions and their influence on current decision-making processes. Particularly, certain characteristics of past and future decisions directly or indirectly influence present life decisions. Synthesizing the existing literature, we developed a theoretical model suggests that temporally close decisions tend to include different type of details and diverge from distant decisions in terms of personal meaningfulness. Further, past and future decisions that are elaborated and meaningful, have a great impact on present decisions. Future empirical work testing this model has the potential to generate findings that will inform intervention strategies towards improved decision-making.  相似文献   

The importance of performance expectancies for the prediction of regulation of behavior and actual performance has long been established. Building on theories from the field of social cognition, we suggest that the level of performance expectancies, as well as the certainty of the expectancy, have a joint influence on an individual’s beliefs and behavior. In two studies (one cross sectional using a sample of secondary school students and one longitudinal using a sample of university students) we found that expectancies more strongly predicted persistence, and subsequent performance, the more certain the expectancy was. This pattern was found even if prior performance was controlled, as in Study 2. The data give an indication that it may be useful to include certainty as an additional variable in expectancy models.  相似文献   

A decrement in the strength of the meaning of a word after rapid repetition of that word has been called “semantic satiation.” This study asked whether this “satiation” might be produced by presemantic acoustic adaptation. Category words were utilized to prime the meaning of target words. The adaptation or “satiation” procedure, 30 rapid repetitions of the primes, was compared with a control condition of 3 repetitions. Participants listened to a series of prime words, each repeated by either the same speaker or many speakers, and then made semantic decisions on target words. When all the repetitions of a prime word are produced by the same speaker, presemantic and semantic repetitions are confounded. When the repetitions are produced by different speakers, presemantic acoustic repetition is abolished. A semantic decrement was detected with single-speaker, but not with multiple-speaker, repetitions of prime words. This study concluded that the semantic “satiation” observed here was a decrement in the activation level of semantic representations induced by presemantic acoustic adaptation.  相似文献   

We show that counting downward while performing a task shortens the perceived duration of the task compared to counting upward. People perceive that less time has elapsed when they were counting downward versus upward while using a product (Studies 1 and 3) or watching geometrical shapes (Study 2). The counting direction effect is obtained using both prospective and retrospective time judgments (Study 3), but only when the count range begins with the number “1” (Study 2). Furthermore, the counting direction affects peoples' attitude toward the product, their likelihood of using it again, and their purchase intentions. We test several plausible accounts for the counting direction effect, including task difficulty, numerical anchoring, and arousal. We find preliminary evidence that downward counting feels shorter because it is more arousing than upward counting.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine how mentoring benefits mentors as well as how team cohesiveness affects mentoring relationships and resulting benefits. We followed 512 formal mentors in a Chinese manufacturing firm for six months and collected data in three phases and from three sources. The findings reveal that the amount of mentoring provided is positively related to mentors' in‐role job performance and social status. These relationships were fully mediated by mentors' personal learning and social interaction quality, respectively. Team cohesiveness, however, did not moderate these relationships. Our empirical findings have implications for understanding how mentors' careers can benefit from being a mentor.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of work and quantity cues on children’s time perception. Ninety-seven children in kindergarten...  相似文献   

Past research has shown the importance of considering close others' interests when pursuing goals, but no research has examined potential moderators of this effect. Two studies examined how attachment style moderates the association between reasons for studying and academic outcomes. In Study 1, 119 participants reported their attachment style, the reasons why they study, and their study habits. As predicted, the association between relational reasons and studying was positive for secure individuals and negative for avoidant individuals. In Study 2, 195 participants reported their attachment style and reasons for studying, as well as their GPA and academic well-being. As predicted, the association between relational reasons and GPA was positive for secure individuals, whereas the associations between personal reasons for studying and academic well-being were positive for avoidant individuals. These results indicate the importance of considering individual differences as moderators of the association between goal motives and outcomes.  相似文献   

The mental rotation of three-dimensional objects is consistently identified as the most salient cognitive sex difference in humans. The Shepard and Metzler task (1971) requires participants to rotate an object in their “mind's eye” and then compare the shape to a second object to identify if the two objects can be aligned in an identical orientation (warranting a “same” response) or represent mirror image shapes of one another (warranting a “different” response). The mental rotation task not only involves a rotational component but also nonrotational components such as comparison and decision making. Recent research has suggested that the sex difference in mental rotation resides in the nonrotational aspects of “different” decisions specifically. This experiment examined this proposal by varying the proportion of “different” decisions across conditions. Participants were ether exposed to the traditional format (50:50 same/different) or a bias towards (75:25) or away from (25:75) different responses. Contrary to previous research, the sex difference was found to reside in “same” responses that required a greater degree of rotation when assessing error rates in mental rotation. Sex differences in mental rotation error rates were particularly sensitive to the rotational aspect of same responses, not rotational aspects of different responses nor nonrotational aspects of both same and different responses. For reaction time, however, a sex difference emerged in the nonrotational aspects of the task. The bias described here affected these nonrotational aspects of the task, but not the rotational aspects, in line with prediction. A second study reran the experiment without making the bias explicit. Under this implicit bias, no sex differences were identified between conditions.  相似文献   

Researchers have noted parallels between decisions under uncertainty and over time. Three experiments evaluated the theory that uncertainty and time affect choice via a common underlying dimension, such that delaying an outcome is equivalent to making it uncertain. To test this account we asked whether adding uncertainty to outcomes would eliminate the immediacy effect bias. We also asked whether adding time delay to outcomes would eliminate the certainty effect bias. The answer to both questions was yes, provided the prospects were presented singly rather than jointly. In single evaluation uncertainly eliminated the immediacy effect and delay eliminated one form of the certainty effect, while in joint evaluation, these effects did not occur. These findings suggest that at least in some contexts decision makers may equate risk and delay. Other explanations are possible, however, demonstrating that the interaction between risk and delay is complex and not easily understood.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of situational constraint and type of causal explanation on the degree to which described behavior would be perceived as evidencing “mental illness” and the degree to which it would lead to social rejection.Results showed that both of these variables influenced the degree of attributed “mental illness”, the degree of attributed psychological disturbance, and the degree of social rejection. Behavior inappropriate to a situation was rated higher on all three of these variables. Behavior attributed to external pressures received lower ratings on these variables than that attributed to internal causes, to organic causes, or for which no apparent explanation was available.  相似文献   

This study examines framed messages as a novel approach to promote self-management of chronic pain. Primary care patients reporting chronic pain (pain rated?≥?4 on 0–10 NRS-I for ≥3 months) were randomly assigned to receive a gain- or loss-framed message promoting self-management of pain. Impact of the framed message on behavioural self-management (including communicating with providers, relaxation, activity pacing, pleasant activities and healthy lifestyle) was assessed. Post-message, individuals in the loss-frame condition reported significantly greater interest in and more knowledge gained from the information presented in the message (p?≤?0.03). Loss-frame participants were significantly more likely to express confidence that they would practice relaxation (p?≤?0.03). Pain readiness to change, pain self-efficacy and message frame independently influenced motivation to engage in relaxation as a self-management strategy. Across all behaviours assessed, there were no observed interactions between message frame and either pain self-efficacy or pain readiness to change (p?>?0.05). Framing may be useful to promote pain self-management; larger trials are needed to fully evaluate its potential and to further assess the applicability of framed communication to impact a broader range of chronic conditions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the analogue-propositional distinction and argues that, given an appropriate understanding of this issue, the question of whether a particular cognitive function is analogue or not is an empirical one. As an example of how the question can be empirically investigated, the proposed analogue operation for mental rotation of images is considered. It is argued that the view that images are rotated in a holistic analogue manner should predict that rotation rate is independent of such factors as the conceptual complexity of the stimulus or of the comparison task. Two experiments are described that investigated the effects of several stimulus and task variables on the apparent rate of “mental rotation” of images in a Shepard-type task. Instead of comparing a stimulus and misoriented probe figure to determine whether they are identical (except for orientation) or mirror images, as was the case in most of previous studies, the present experiments required subjects to judge whether the misoriented probe was a subfigure of the target stimulus. The results showed that the “rotation rate” (i.e., the slope of the RT vs. angle of misorientation function) was influenced by practice, stimulus attributes, and the nature of the comparison task. In particular, when the probe was a “good” subfigure of the reference stimulus, apparent rotation rate was greater. These results are interpreted as indicating that the linear RT vs. angle relation is not due to a holistic analogue rotation of images, as had been supposed, but arises from a more articulated and piecemeal process in which analysis of the stimulus figure interacts with the comparison task.  相似文献   

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