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异常心理的哲学四要素主要指异常心理的谱与类、质与度。根据现代心理哲学、哲学及谱系学的观点,提出了异常心理的谱、类、质与度的概念,认为偏离正态分布曲线左侧的是目前公认的个体异常心理,而偏离正态曲线右侧的异常心理的性质、类型、范围、程度等却是一个悬而未绝的重大理论问题。因此,在对异常心理的谱与类、质与度界定的基础上,提出了超常心理存在的可能性并进一步论述了超常心理的本质、范围和特征。  相似文献   

Entitlement is conceived as a kind of positive epistemic status, attaching to certain propositions, that involves no cognitive or intellectual accomplishment on the part of the beneficiary—a status that is in place by default. In this paper I will argue that the notion of entitlement—or something very like it—falls out of an idea that may at first blush seem rather disparate: that the evidential support relation can be understood as a kind of variably strict conditional (in the sense of Lewis 1973). Lewis provided a general recipe for deriving what he termed inner modalities from any variably strict conditional governed by a logic meeting certain constraints. On my proposal, entitlement need be nothing more exotic than the inner necessity associated with evidential support. Understanding entitlement in this way helps to answer some common concerns—in particular, the concern that entitlement could only be a pragmatic, and not genuinely epistemic, status.  相似文献   

Philosophical analysis is for Quine the replacement of a defective expression by another, sound expression, which performs the same work. In general, then, an analysis consists of two stages: (a) identifying the work that a defective expression performs, and (b) imbedding it in a safe domain. In this essay I argue that Quine's view does not truly reflect what we do in philosophy. The problem, I think, lies in both stages (a) and (b), but stems from Quine's assumption that we can control the work performed by language.  相似文献   

早孕期诊断是早期诊断的一部分。将新方法应用于早孕期诊断时,应考虑其成本效益问题。早孕期咨询应注意孕妇的年龄特征、个体化诊断和社会伦理学问题,正确诠释诊断结果,让孕妇及其配偶共同参与诊断。  相似文献   

早孕期诊断是早期诊断的一部分.将新方法应用于早孕期诊断时,应考虑其成本效益问题.早孕期咨询应注意孕妇的年龄特征、个体化诊断和社会伦理学问题,正确诠释诊断结果,让孕妇及其配偶共同参与诊断.  相似文献   

Robert K. Garcia 《Ratio》2015,28(1):51-64
Peter Unger has challenged philosophical objectivism, the thesis that traditional philosophical problems have definite objective answers. He argues from semantic relativity for philosophical relativity, the thesis that for certain philosophical problems, there is no objective answer. I clarify, formulate and challenge Unger's argument. According to Unger, philosophical relativism explains philosophical idling, the fact that philosophical debates appear endless, philosophical disagreements seem irresolvable, and very little substantial progress seems made towards satisfactory and definite answers to philosophical problems. I argue, however, that the reality of philosophical idling is doubtful and, ironically, undermined by philosophical relativism. I then raise problems for several steps in Unger's argument for philosophical relativity. I conclude by arguing that philosophical relativism can avoid self‐defeat only by an ad hoc limitation of its scope. 1  相似文献   

In recent years a new discussion on the nature of philosophical expertise has emerged: whether philosophers possess a special kind of expertise, what such expertise would entail, how to measure it, and related concerns. The aim of the present article is to clarify certain related points across these debates in the hope of paving a clearer path forward, by addressing the following. (1) The expertise defense, which seems central to many discussions on methodology and expertise, has been misconstrued at times. (2) Questions of expertise and methodology could be separated more clearly. (3) The study of expertise may be important in its own right; however, there may be good reasons to give priority to methodological concerns. (4) Finally, when viewed in light of methodological concerns, a new project emerges when engaging with recent contributions to the expertise debate. The present article attempts a brief outline of this project.  相似文献   

从价值论、会计成本论,角度来看,单病种收费都不符合基本理论。在很大意义上,这种制度是迎合了一种社会公众心态而设置的一种理想主义的收费改革方式。收费制度不是一种单纯的行政行为,而是一种基于医疗会计成本的制度体系,为克服某种收费制度的弊端,提出一种脱离会计成本和一般哲学意义的主观收费制度是唯心主义和形而上学的思辨方式。  相似文献   

从价值论、会计成本论,角度来看,单病种收费都不符合基本理论.在很大意义上,这种制度是迎合了一种社会公众心态而设置的一种理想主义的收费改革方式.收费制度不是一种单纯的行政行为,而是一种基于医疗会计成本的制度体系,为克服某种收费制度的弊端,提出一种脱离会计成本和一般哲学意义的主观收费制度是唯心主义和形而上学的思辨方式.  相似文献   

内隐学习本质特征的实验研究   总被引:44,自引:8,他引:36  
本实验以人工语法范式的常规模式和Reber语法的一个变式对内隐与外显学习进行了分离,采用的手段为记忆指导语与规则发现指导语。此外,我们还增添了字母集变量以了解内隐学习的抽象性,及时间变量(单元)以推测内隐学习的理解性。通过本实验,我们再次证明了内隐学习的自动性,初步验证了内隐学习的抽象性、间接测得了内隐学习的理解性。  相似文献   

在现代科学和哲学的理论深处,描述问题使作为其前提的规定全面凸显。而大数据基础上的创构,则使在先规定的研究居于优先地位。作为人类为认识对象所作的关于量和质、方式、方法和模式等的规范性设定,规定成了哲学研究至关重要的内容。在语言学和哲学中,"规定主义"和"描述主义"构成了一种强大的张力。语言学中的规定主义致思,反映了语言的生命就是语言的使用。在信息文明时代,语法的变异甚至成了网络语言的标志性特征。现代科学中的规定问题集中凸显在量子力学中,它表明关于自然的科学理论只是对它的描述,从而描述的规定基础问题典型地表现在当代自然科学前沿。而在当代哲学前沿,由于涉及对象的内容,约定论和预设理论研究事实上转向规定问题的哲学研究。由于所有理论基石都具有规定的性质,规定研究将涉及规则和规律的共同哲学基础。关于规定问题的哲学分析表明,随着人类认识的发展,特别是大数据开启的信息文明的到来,关于规定的反思日益凸显,规定论研究呼之欲出。规定论研究的内容主要有规定的形成、规定的性质、规定的发展和层次、规定的合理性和合理化等。  相似文献   

Moltmann  Friederike 《Mind》2004,113(449):1-41

In our times, philosophy has been suffering from a spiritual crisis that takes the forms of the crisis of culture, the crisis of meaning, and the crisis of way of life. As the soul of culture, philosophy should contribute valuable responses to the problems of our times. Thus understood, this paper intends to analyze the concept of crisis in a phenomenological approach. The concept of crisis is concerned with the philosophical themes of time and death, and the crises of our times are primarily the crises of life-meaning and the life-world. Drawing sources from Husserl and other phenomenologists, as well as experiences from Chinese culture, I argue that a philosophy of crisis should find its point of departure from the crisis of philosophy.  相似文献   

药物的气、味是中药药性理论的核心内容,由于中医学医药不分的特点,这些药性描述都已渗透进了与中医学理论相一致的自然哲学特点.从哲学视角剖析了药性理论发生根源及认识特点,有助于理性地对待中药药性理论,合理地进行中药药性理论现代化研究.  相似文献   

姚燕 《哲学动态》2004,(5):43-43
哲学分析可被追溯至芝诺的悖论、苏格拉底与柏拉图的辩证法以及亚里士多德"拯救现象"的方法.现代分析哲学运动始于弗雷格对关涉世界的语言的探究,用命题演算和谓词演算取代古典三段论.同时皮尔士在美国也为哲学分析奠立基础.从罗素、前期维特根斯坦到逻辑实证主义以及希尔伯特、哥德尔等,都将理想(人工)语言的分析置于哲学的中心地位,但它和还原论的"证实"原则都引起争议.  相似文献   

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